We usually use various herbs as addition to meals we make, to improve the flavor and “mix things up”. Throughout the history, herbs have been also used for their medicinal properties. They are associated with a positive effect on relieving various diseases, including the most dangerous ones – tumors and cancers. Keep reading this article and find out why you should definitely include more herbs into your diet and stay cancer free by avoiding foods in your diet.

1. Garlic

Garlic contains sulfur compounds which may stimulate the immune system’s natural defenses against cancer. Moreover, garlic is associated with reduced tumor growth as well. Numerous studies have confirmed garlic’s beneficial effect on prevention of cancer. For example, The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition is a long-going multinational study that involves male and female participants from 10 different countries, and it inspects effects of nutrition on cancer. The study revealed that high intake of garlic was associated with reduced risk of intestinal cancer. Consumption of garlic is also linked with a colon, esophagus, pancreas, and based cancer prevention. Therefore, to reduce chances of developing tumor or cancer, include garlic into your meals. This herb is both delicious and healthy.


2. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is one of the most important plants when we’re talking about liver health and cancer prevention. Milk thistle and seeds from the plant eliminate toxins that might connect to the liver, including cancer. Also, milk thistle has anti-tumor properties as well. This plant is already used for various treatments in Europe, while in the United States it is only available in the form of dietary supplement.

3. Turmeric

Ground Turmeric

Turmeric is known for numerous health benefits. Consuming a teaspoon of turmeric a day will make you feel better and improve your overall health. Another great reason you should consume it is the prevention of cancers and tumors. This herb contains anti-inflammatory properties, and it boosts our immunity system. Also, several studies have linked turmeric with increased number of tumor-fighting cells. A number of laboratory studies on cancer cells revealed that turmeric can decrease the risk of getting cancer. Further, in patients with cancer, turmeric was able to kill cancer cells and prevent them from growing and spreading.

4. Bloodroot

Bloodroot’s benefits in destroying cancer were already recognized by scientists. It is used in Black Salve which is a medicine for treating cancer. Naturally, you can use bloodroot on its own, and several tests revealed it has tumor-fighting properties too. Just like with cayenne pepper, bloodroot is toxic for cancer cells and causes apoptosis.

5. Feverfew

Feverfew is known for battling a fever, hence the name, and relieving the pain associated with a migraine. A study conducted at a University in New York also revealed that feverfew can be beneficial for killing off leukemia cells. Cancer researcher Harikrishna Nakshatri and his team from Breast Cancer Research at Indiana University’s School of Medicine discovered that feverfew has the ability to prevent breast cancer from spreading and also to reduce lung cancer.

6. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is usually consumed by people who love spicy food and sometimes they aren’t even aware of all its healthy benefits. If you don’t have a habit of spicing up your meals with cayenne pepper you should, definitely do so to protect your body from cancer. Cayenne pepper is a strong antioxidant and clinical studies conducted in England, Japan, and the United States revealed that capsaicin (a compound found in cayenne and other hot peppers) causes of cancer cells to undergo apoptosis. Apoptosis is a type of cellular self-termination, or we can safely say – suicide. It means that cayenne pepper is, actually, toxic to cancer cells and with regular consumption cancer cells can’t form in your body. Spice up your food and stay healthy.

7. Wheatgrass

According to some studies, consumption of a tiny glass of wheatgrass once a day proved to be health-boosting for both cancer and non-cancer participants. Wheatgrass is especially useful for people who are suffering from various side effects that were caused by cancer treatments. It purifies the blood, increases oxygen levels, and strengthens your body to fight off cancer successfully. Wheatgrass contains at least 13 vitamins and other healthy nutrients. For example, it contains selenium which is known for anti-cancer properties.

8. Ruscus Aculeatus

You might know this herb by the name Butcher’s Broom. Active ingredients from this herb, ruscogenins, have tumor-shrinking and anti-estrogenic properties, which is why this herb is used in breast cancer treatment. Also, Butcher’s broom has the ability to increase the number of cancer-fighting cells in one’s body.

9. Sheep’s Sorrel

To most people, this herb is just a common weed, but it has numerous health benefits. Sheep’s sorrel is beneficial for people who are experiencing the side effect of cancer medications. It helps patients’ tissue rebuild and return to the condition they had before cancer’s occurrence. You have probably heard of the Essiac tea that became popular due to cancer-curing properties. Well, this tea contains sheep’s sorrel.

10. Astragalus


This herb comes from China where it is known for its numerous health benefits, including cancer-fighting properties that were confirmed by several studies. For example, scientists from the University of Texas have revealed that cancer patients who received Astragalus had twice the survival rate of patients who received placebo. This herb is versatile and works perfectly with other herbs to fight off cancer. A study from Italy discovered that Astragalus and ligustrum combined decreased mortality rate in breast cancer patients from 50% to 10%. Astragalus improves person’s immune system which helps it identify cancer cells in the body.

More Herbs and Spices that Prevent Cancer

Ginger – has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and it is associated with decreased risk of getting cancer.

Black pepper – inhibits the growth of cancerous stem cells of breast tumors without destroying healthy cells. Also, it is linked with numerous health and cancer-fighting properties. It adds flavor to your food and protection for your body.

Oregano – contains carvacrol which is a molecule that helps offset the spread of cancer cells by acting as a natural disinfectant.


Back in time, there were no doctors who prescribed adequate treatment for people who didn’t feel well. That’s why many cultures looked for salvation in herbs that surrounded them. Today, usage of herbs for medical purposes is usually overlooked and ignore. However, they contain numerous benefits for our overall health, and they also have the ability to prevent us from getting cancer or develop tumors. Therefore, to improve your overall health and protect your body from cancer make sure you make a little room for herbs in your life as well.

Source: www.dietoflife.com