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Re: I'm a mess

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My heart aches for you Penny. I also had three miscarriages and three

live births then lost one at 16 months of age. Your poor heart feels like

it will never be the same again doesn't it. Talking is just what you need

to do. Set down and write your heart out in a letter and send it to the

members of your family that you want to talk to, and here also if you want,

we're good listener's. It will do you a world of good. Your family, some

will probably think you are going nuts, but that's ok. If you do not talk

about your loss you will carry it around till you do burst. Grieving is a

very big part of the process. Family members that have not ever

experienced such a thing will not know what to say so they will not say

anything. Then you have the ones that as soon as you mention the Baby

lost, will change the subject so fast you won't know what happened. But

stand tall, let those well deserved tears flow and talk. I'm here if you

need to talk. I don't usually get on till late night.

Hugs Helen

Hello everyone,


> Just wanted to write a little note because I feel like I have nowhere

else to turn.

> I cannot sleep at night because I keep having this dream that I hear a

baby crying and I am searching and searching all the while I am a crying

mess. When I do find the baby it is dead. I have this dream every time I

fall to sleep.

> I talked to Anne until about 5 am this morning :o) We would be terrors

if we lived close together. LOL

> Anyways I thought I was tired enough to sleep but I was only able to get

about 2 hours of sleep the whole night. My husband works 2 jobs and I only

get to see him for about 1/2 hour a day. I have noone to physically talk

to .

> Why does everyone treat this miscarriage as another ordinary thing that

happens? It WAS A BABY. Sorry for yelling, but that is what I want to

yell at my family.

> My mom is trying but I think she is not bringing it up because she

doesn't want to cause me any more pain. But I want her to talk about it,

but I don't know how to tell her that. I have thought about writing her a

letter but I am not sure what to say. Any ideas?

> I cannot seem to stop crying and I feel so hopeless. My boss gave me an

attitude at work today because I called off. I told her about the

miscarriage and she said so you still can't come in. I hung up the phone

and just cried and cried.

> I just wish someone could help me because I don't know how to deal with

this and it keeps getting harder and harder.

> I am sorry to be a bummer. Hope I didn't misspell anything as it is hard

to type when tears are running down your face :o(


> Love you all,


> Penny

> mommy to 2 dear little angels

> Peart

> Hannah Marie Peart



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Hi Penny

*gentle cuddle*

Sweetie - I cannot really say I understand or anything cause I - from my knowledge - have never been through any of what you are going through. But I did want to say that I care, and wanted to remind you that sleep deprivation will make you seem like you are loosing your mind. As will hormones. If your body is having so many problems with conception etc then I can only assume that your hormones are screwy - and I know from my body that hormones make you mentally ... well ... basically they make you totally fucked up. Combine that with sleep deprivation and stress and you must be feeling like someone who has been run over by a fleet of trucks and questioning your very existence.

Hon, its vital you sleep. Its how your body heals. So please talk to your doctor about getting something to help you sleep. Once you get into the sleep deprivation cycle its really hard to break out of. I know hon - I had to go on anti-depressants to help me, mainly cause they made me sleep. I was placed on Sinequan which is an antihistamine based antidepressant which doesn't really work as an anti-depressant but will certainly knock you out so you sleep. As will amitriptyline. Your body needs its natural cycles back - and sleep is the way it needs to start. So please sweetie - talk to someone about getting some help with sleeping. You will feel trashed for about a week once you start on the meds but you will soon adjust and will feel better for resting. You cant keep going on like this babe or you will tear your hair out!!

Wish I had something inspirationally wondrous to say - but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Lots of love and gentle hugs,


*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Believe that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.Believe that you may be that light for someone else.- Kobi Yamada*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Aisha ElderwynICQ: #55461955 MSN: Aisha <---- most reliable emergency contact.AIM: aishaelderwynIRC: DALnet # (angel`isha)email: aisha@... website: http://www.elderwyn.com/aishaBeing Sick: Mailing List: aishaelderwyn

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Hi Penny

Heaps of gentle hugs are flying across the world to you. Please write as much and as often as you need. I understand how it churns you up and having no-one to talk to makes it harder. When I lost my baby we were travelling around Australia, so was in a caravan knowing no-one, my family the other side of the world and my hubby sick and just managing to get thru his own dramas.

You need to talk, to cry to scream to do whatever comes naturally. People who haven't been thru it will say some really stupid things, most of the time they don't mean to but they really hurt.

I got the , at least you are ok (at the time I didn't give a shit about me), you are young, you can have more, it happens for a reason, at least it was now not later, etc etc etc, I could go on and on but I will just get madder.

Some of the worst comments I got came from someone who knew from a teenager that she wouldn't be able to have kids and she was the harshest!!!!!!!

There is support out there from people who have been through it. Don't be afraid to write and vent all you need.

I think writing a letter to your mum, if you don't feel able to bring it up face to face is a great idea. Just be honest and tell her how you feel and that you are hurting etc.

I told my mum that I didn't want it to be a taboo subject, she ended up planting a holly bush in memory in her garden.

It is ok to cry and cry and cry, there is no quick fix and you just got to keep hanging in there. It helped me to write a journal for a while and I actually wrote a couple of letters to my baby too which helped too.

Please know that you are not alone and we are all here for you babes.

Take it easy

Lots of love


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Hi Penny,

Im sorry that you are feeling so sad. :( It stinks that your boss is such an uncarring jerk. Sometimes its harder to talk to family too. It all sounds so scarry for you, is there noway you can talk to your husband, you sound like you need him most right now?


I'm a mess

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to write a little note because I feel like I have nowhere else to turn.

I cannot sleep at night because I keep having this dream that I hear a baby crying and I am searching and searching all the while I am a crying mess. When I do find the baby it is dead. I have this dream every time I fall to sleep.

I talked to Anne until about 5 am this morning :o) We would be terrors if we lived close together. LOL

Anyways I thought I was tired enough to sleep but I was only able to get about 2 hours of sleep the whole night. My husband works 2 jobs and I only get to see him for about 1/2 hour a day. I have noone to physically talk to .

Why does everyone treat this miscarriage as another ordinary thing that happens? It WAS A BABY. Sorry for yelling, but that is what I want to yell at my family.

My mom is trying but I think she is not bringing it up because she doesn't want to cause me any more pain. But I want her to talk about it, but I don't know how to tell her that. I have thought about writing her a letter but I am not sure what to say. Any ideas?

I cannot seem to stop crying and I feel so hopeless. My boss gave me an attitude at work today because I called off. I told her about the miscarriage and she said so you still can't come in. I hung up the phone and just cried and cried.

I just wish someone could help me because I don't know how to deal with this and it keeps getting harder and harder.

I am sorry to be a bummer. Hope I didn't misspell anything as it is hard to type when tears are running down your face :o(

Love you all,


mommy to 2 dear little angels


Hannah Marie PeartThe Being Sick CommunitySharing our resources:-Add a website URL you think may help another, or even add a link to your own webpage. Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet.http://www.elderwyn.com/members/chat.htmlEgroups JAVA based chatroom for your use anytime:-chat/ (Anyone on web-tv will not be able to access java and it is very slow compared to IRC.)Memorial Page:-http://www.elderwyn.com/members/inlovingmemory.htmlMembers Lounge:-Medical resources, counselling via email, information on the daily chat times, free psychic readings and the cartoon of the day. http://www.elderwyn.com/members Members Profiles, pictures, and birthdays:-Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-messages/Promoting This Community:- Would you like people to be able to join from your webpage?promote/Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit mygroupsTo subscribe or unsubscribesubscribe/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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Hi Penny :-)

I know what you mean about the dreams, this is normal when you are

grieving. This is going to take some time.

When I lost my babies, I found that I also needed to talk and talk.

The worst thing that you could do is bottle it up, that is why I

ended up anorexic. Firstly I wanted to get rid of my pregnancy fat,

as I had been five months pregnant, I was in maternity clothes. So I

started dieting. I ended up virtually emaciated, for two years, just

internalising all that pain.

You need to talk, and get it all out, you need someone that will

listen and understand. I know that I am harping on it, however as

this is such a hard thing for the people in your life, to understand,

it is really a good idea to seek professional counselling. Please

think about asking at the hospital or your Dr. This is a lot to cope

with, especially as you are feeling so alone with it.

I think that writing a letter to your mother is a good idea. However,

sometimes, your family and friends can be so emotionally involved

with you,that they find it impossible to just let you talk, they feel

that they have to offer solutions, and as they feel helpless, they

often say inappropriate things, because they feel that they must say

something. That is where some of the unsympathetic comments are

coming from, I am sure. I have found that most people feel that when

presented with a " problem " they think that they are expected to offer

a solution. When what is needed is just a shoulder to cry on, and

someone to say " I am here for you and I care " There is nothing anyone

can say that will make you feel better about this, but prople will

feel helpless unless they offer something, and it is usually


Often people will say things like " Don't worry, it wasn't really a

baby yet " or " You can always try again " This always made me feel

like screaming, " I wanted THIS baby, This baby is gone! This baby

won't ever be born now "

You have lost someone very precious, a child that now will not ever

be born. Of course you are hurting. Your body is confused, because

one minute it was pumping out pregnancy hormones, and the next it all

stops. This is making you feel even worse, and explains a lot of the

physical symptoms that you have. You really need to look after

yourself physically while your hormones stabilise. Mentally, you need

to find someone who will listen to you for hours, if necessary. That

person may have to be a professional. Sometimes, much as our family

and friends love us, dealing with loss is something that in this

culture, we don't do very well. Espcially the loss of a child. people

don't know what to say, they can't take the pain away, so in thier

helplessness, they just want you to quietly grieve alone. Then they

don't have to feel guilt about being ineffectual. Of course, to

grieve alone is the worst thing for you.

Keep talking, there are many here, who understand. Really be aware

that your body is in crisis, as well as your mind. I know it is hard,

but try to look after your health. You are physically fragile at the

moment, not just mentally fragile. Sleep is really important, even if

you have to be medicated to sleep.

*hugs* I know it is hard, it was the hardest thing that I have ever

had to go through. I am as strong as I am today because I felt

afterwards that if I could get through that, then I could cope with

anything. I did get through it, though. It may not feel like it at

the moment, cause it is hurting so bad, however you should know, that

it won't always hurt this bad. No one ever told me that, after my

first miscarriage. I felt then, that I was going to go through the

rest of my life, feeling this horrible raw pain.

This will take some time, please look after yourself, physically,

that will enable you to cope somewhat better. Please think about the

counselling, it would've helped me, a lot

Thinking of you

> Hello everyone,


> Just wanted to write a little note because I feel like I have

nowhere else to turn.

> I cannot sleep at night because I keep having this dream that I

hear a baby crying and I am searching and searching all the while I

am a crying mess. When I do find the baby it is dead. I have this

dream every time I fall to sleep.

> I talked to Anne until about 5 am this morning :o) We would be

terrors if we lived close together. LOL

> Anyways I thought I was tired enough to sleep but I was only able

to get about 2 hours of sleep the whole night. My husband works 2

jobs and I only get to see him for about 1/2 hour a day. I have

noone to physically talk to .

> Why does everyone treat this miscarriage as another ordinary thing

that happens? It WAS A BABY. Sorry for yelling, but that is what I

want to yell at my family.

> My mom is trying but I think she is not bringing it up because she

doesn't want to cause me any more pain. But I want her to talk about

it, but I don't know how to tell her that. I have thought about

writing her a letter but I am not sure what to say. Any ideas?

> I cannot seem to stop crying and I feel so hopeless. My boss gave

me an attitude at work today because I called off. I told her about

the miscarriage and she said so you still can't come in. I hung up

the phone and just cried and cried.

> I just wish someone could help me because I don't know how to deal

with this and it keeps getting harder and harder.

> I am sorry to be a bummer. Hope I didn't misspell anything as it

is hard to type when tears are running down your face :o(


> Love you all,


> Penny

> mommy to 2 dear little angels

> Peart

> Hannah Marie Peart

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I've noticed this too. I think that people just don't know what to

say, so they don't say anything at all. When my Matty passed away,

everyone, including my family, just stopped talking about him. Like he

never even existed. They all act like " " is a bad word.

I know it's terribly hard to deal with this kind of a loss hon. If you

need to talk, call me anytime. (812) 373- 0804.

PEEJAY25 wrote:

> Hello everyone, Just wanted to write a little note because I feel like

> I have nowhere else to turn.I cannot sleep at night because I keep

> having this dream that I hear a baby crying and I am searching and

> searching all the while I am a crying mess. When I do find the baby

> it is dead. I have this dream every time I fall to sleep.I talked to

> Anne until about 5 am this morning :o) We would be terrors if we

> lived close together. LOLAnyways I thought I was tired enough to sleep

> but I was only able to get about 2 hours of sleep the whole night. My

> husband works 2 jobs and I only get to see him for about 1/2 hour a

> day. I have noone to physically talk to .Why does everyone treat this

> miscarriage as another ordinary thing that happens? It WAS A BABY.

> Sorry for yelling, but that is what I want to yell at my family.My mom

> is trying but I think she is not bringing it up because she doesn't

> want to cause me any more pain. But I want her to talk about it, but

> I don't know how to tell her that. I have thought about writing her a

> letter but I am not sure what to say. Any ideas?I cannot seem to stop

> crying and I feel so hopeless. My boss gave me an attitude at work

> today because I called off. I told her about the miscarriage and she

> said so you still can't come in. I hung up the phone and just cried

> and cried.I just wish someone could help me because I don't know how

> to deal with this and it keeps getting harder and harder.I am sorry to

> be a bummer. Hope I didn't misspell anything as it is hard to type

> when tears are running down your face :o( Love you all, Pennymommy to

> 2 dear little angels PeartHannah Marie Peart



> The Being Sick Community


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> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> “Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to

> what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on

> to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to

> your life, even if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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Im sorry that you are feeling so sad. :( It stinks that your boss is such an uncarring jerk. Sometimes its harder to talk to family too. It all sounds so scarry for you, is there noway you can talk to your husband, you sound like you need him most right now?

Thank you so much Melinda. Yeah they had a fit when yesterday the Dr. put me off work until Tuesday. LOL I though it was just a tad bit funny considering the way they had treated me.

I am able to talk to my husband. He will listen all he can. It's just that he works 15 hours a day and the rest he is sleeping. This weekend I shoul get a good cahnce to talk to him and try to get him to open up though ---I hope.

Thanks again



I'm a mess

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to write a little note because I feel like I have nowhere else to turn.

I cannot sleep at night because I keep having this dream that I hear a baby crying and I am searching and searching all the while I am a crying mess. When I do find the baby it is dead. I have this dream every time I fall to sleep.

I talked to Anne until about 5 am this morning :o) We would be terrors if we lived close together. LOL

Anyways I thought I was tired enough to sleep but I was only able to get about 2 hours of sleep the whole night. My husband works 2 jobs and I only get to see him for about 1/2 hour a day. I have noone to physically talk to .

Why does everyone treat this miscarriage as another ordinary thing that happens? It WAS A BABY. Sorry for yelling, but that is what I want to yell at my family.

My mom is trying but I think she is not bringing it up because she doesn't want to cause me any more pain. But I want her to talk about it, but I don't know how to tell her that. I have thought about writing her a letter but I am not sure what to say. Any ideas?

I cannot seem to stop crying and I feel so hopeless. My boss gave me an attitude at work today because I called off. I told her about the miscarriage and she said so you still can't come in. I hung up the phone and just cried and cried.

I just wish someone could help me because I don't know how to deal with this and it keeps getting harder and harder.

I am sorry to be a bummer. Hope I didn't misspell anything as it is hard to type when tears are running down your face :o(

Love you all,


mommy to 2 dear little angels


Hannah Marie PeartThe Being Sick CommunitySharing our resources:-Add a website URL you think may help another, or even add a link to your own webpage. Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet.http://www.elderwyn.com/members/chat.htmlEgroups JAVA based chatroom for your use anytime:-chat/ (Anyone on web-tv will not be able to access java and it is very slow compared to IRC.)Memorial Page:-http://www.elderwyn.com/members/inlovingmemory.htmlMembers Lounge:-Medical resources, counselling via email, information on the daily chat times, free psychic readings and the cartoon of the day. http://www.elderwyn.com/members Members Profiles, pictures, and birthdays:-Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-messages/Promoting This Community:- Would you like people to be able to join from your webpage?promote/Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit mygroupsTo subscribe or unsubscribesubscribe/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer The Being Sick CommunitySharing our resources:-Add a website URL you think may help another, or even add a link to your own webpage. Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet.http://www.elderwyn.com/members/chat.htmlEgroups JAVA based chatroom for your use anytime:-chat/ (Anyone on web-tv will not be able to access java and it is very slow compared to IRC.)Memorial Page:-http://www.elderwyn.com/members/inlovingmemory.htmlMembers Lounge:-Medical resources, counselling via email, information on the daily chat times, free psychic readings and the cartoon of the day. http://www.elderwyn.com/members Members Profiles, pictures, and birthdays:-Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-messages/Promoting This Community:- Would you like people to be able to join from your webpage?promote/Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit mygroupsTo subscribe or unsubscribesubscribe/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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  • 8 years later...


> I went to see the surgeon yesterday about having my gallbladder


> and he said yes, let's take it out. But he said my gallstones


> explain my burping, sour stomach, and pain around my belly button

> (which I already knew) so there's no guarantee I'll feel better


> the surgery. Plus with my Crohn's, the surgery becomes more

> dangerous, with a lengthy hospital stay. So I'm putting it off.


> doctor had tested me for h. pylori, and lipase and amilase (or

> something) and that was all fine. So apparently this means I DO


> enough stomach acid? Do I not need the hydrochloric acid

> supplements? I just feel so yucky all the time now - I don't know

> what's going on. I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure it's not

> candida being killed off, as I've been terrible about my eating

> habits lately. Along with the stomach problems I've been getting

> migraines lately, which I hadn't had in years. The surgeon told me

> to go see my gastro about the stomach issues, but I know he'll just

> pump me full of more meds (as it is, I'm not taking the Crohn's


> he told me to take). On top of this, I'm STILL deficient in


> D. I was hoping that might explain some of this but from what I

> looked up, it doesn't.


> My kingdom for a doctor who actually CARES!

+++Hi . I hear you i.e. " My kingdom for a doctor who actually

CARES! " Amen! My brother, who is 61 years old, cured his Crohn's

this year, after being on my program for over 2 years!! He'd had it

for over 20 years so his cure follows Hering's Law of Cure, taking 1

month for every year.

Here's an important article that explains the gallbladder,

gallstones, and treatments:


Candida produces the same symptoms when it is overgrowing as when it

is being killed off, so you can only know that you are having " true "

die-off symptoms if you follow the program faithfully. Otherwise you

can assume candida is overgrowing.

Vitamin D requires " good " fats like I recommend, along with other

nutrients in order for it to work in the body. This whole program

works together since no nutrients work in isolation of others. I

believe your vitamin D will level out eventually as you progress on

this program, but ensure you are taking the recommended amounts

of " good " fats, protein, minerals, omega 3, vitamin A, vitamin D

vitamin E, and the other supplements.

The best to you, Bee

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> I went to see the surgeon yesterday about having my gallbladder out,

> and he said yes, let's take it out. But he said my gallstones don't

> explain my burping, sour stomach, and pain around my belly button

> (which I already knew) so there's no guarantee I'll feel better after

> the surgery. Plus with my Crohn's, the surgery becomes more

> dangerous, with a lengthy hospital stay. So I'm putting it off.

*** Just my opinion, but I would give Bee's diet (especially the diet part ---

and good fats)

a real chance to work for you (say 3 months of really cutting out the carbs and


while increasing the good fats) before committing to irreversible/not

necessarily helpful



> doctor had tested me for h. pylori, and lipase and amilase (or

> something) and that was all fine. So apparently this means I DO have

> enough stomach acid? Do I not need the hydrochloric acid

> supplements?

You can tell if you need HCl by taking it. If you get warmth in your tummy

after one

tablet, you have enough acid. But I'll bet you don't. More on this is in " How

to take HCl "


I just feel so yucky all the time now - I don't know

> what's going on. I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure it's not

> candida being killed off, as I've been terrible about my eating

> habits lately.

Why don't you give it a real try? The egg drink smoothie has been a lifesaver

for me.

Besides the good fats (butter and coconut oil), it really satisfies me--- and my


tooth (the spices/stevia/oils all make it very satisfying. Plus it's soooo easy

to make. I

drink two a day, I use half the water to make it creamier). Also be sure to

take the cod

liver oil.... and you've increased your good fats alot in one fell swoop.

Along with the stomach problems I've been getting

> migraines lately, which I hadn't had in years. The surgeon told me

> to go see my gastro about the stomach issues, but I know he'll just

> pump me full of more meds (as it is, I'm not taking the Crohn's meds

> he told me to take). On top of this, I'm STILL deficient in vitamin

> D. I was hoping that might explain some of this but from what I

> looked up, it doesn't.

+++And they'll keep pumping you full of meds and cutting parts of you out...

that's the

way they've been taught to respond to your illness. You must decide whether you

want to

get better by truly healing yourself, or whether you want to let them wreak

havoc on your

body and try to gag your body's screaming symptoms that are crying out for help.


can't be any worse than what you are already living with. Plus, it will get

better over time.

You can always do the 9-day to help clear out a big load of toxins. I swear by

the coffee

enema and dry-skin brushing. Bee's brother cured his Crohn's and you can too.

All the best!!!



> My kingdom for a doctor who actually CARES!




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Thanks, guys. My problem is that I am having SUCH a hard time sticking

to the diet. There are times when I do it very well, then I fall off

the wagon. (I never seem to be able to do it perfectly though.) Right

now I'm doing horribly. What happens is that I go along for a month or

so doing really well (and feeling quite a bit better) then I feel

starving, and just looking at veggies, eggs or meat makes me nauseous.

I just can't stomach them anymore. Then I cheat and it's a horrible

cycle. :(

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Thanks, ! I'm so glad to know I'm not alone! I feel like a

complete failure at this. I've been trying to do this for YEARS

now. If I had stuck with it those millions of times before, I could

be well by now! My biggest problem is that I hate most foods. I

just can't tolerate them. I can't stand most veggies. I literally

gag. I grew up eating sandwiches, meat, lots of dairy, lots of

bread, and junk food. That's soooooo hard to break out of,

especially when you can't even eat a veggie without gagging. :( I

only like green beans, corn (no good here, unfortunately), broccoli,

and I can tolerate salad or raw spinach. That's it. I do take some

supplements, but I haven't been doing any of the other things you

mentioned. I figured there was no point since I wasn't eating

right. I think the support team is a wonderful idea!


> I hear you on this !


> I'm struggling too. The other day when I was asking about the 9 day

> program Bee put the question to me " how bad does one have to be


> they commit to getting healthy? "


> I'd really rather not find out, if you know what I mean?


> I've had a Crohn's diagnosis since 2005 and was able to make some

> significantly positive changes in 05-06 but just tanked in 07-08. I

> figure whatever emotional " issue " got me into the mess I'm in is


> around.. maybe that's just an excuse too. I don't know.


> At any rate, I'm making healing my full time job. Thankfully, I'm

in a

> situation where I can finally focus on it full time. In 05-06 I was

> obsessed with making those initial changes and that's what I'm going

> to do now as well. A lot of " normal " people don't realize just how

> much work it is.. and there are so many steps to this program that


> have to break them down into really small pieces and cater them to

> what works for you. It's all trial and error, and error and..


> Which is what I'm doing, have been doing.. I have made some progress

> like I know how to make the Egg Smoothie really well and how much


> I can best tolerate with it. I've experimented with a few 'legal'

> recipes I like and have plans/ideas on how to keep them fresh.


> Illustrated has tons of 'proven' recipes that I'm going to play with

> by changing some of the ingredients when needed.) I've also played

> around with the Electrolyte Drink enough that I know how to make it


> relatively seamless, convenient and tasty process.


> While very important, food is only one aspect. There's also breath

> awareness, relaxation, exercise, detox hygiene and supplementation.

> Have you looked into these other aspects? How much have you broken

> down the steps?


> Well, I could go on and on... but, I just wanted to let you know I

> know how hard it is and wish you the best in figuring it out. If


> like to form a support team, I'm up for it. Maybe we can find


> to mentor us? I'm thinking about putting an email out to see if


> would be interested.


> Take Care!


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Hey ..

I'm sorry you feel bad about this.. you shouldn't. I mean at least you

still want to heal, right? You haven't given up and you have made some

progress.. you're familiar with the diet enough to know a few things

that work and what doesn't, no?

Have you taken stock of what you've gained in all those " failures " ?

That may be a good place to regroup and figure out where to go from


I'm not a fan of veggies either. Like you, I also grew up on 'crap

food'. Even now I crave PB & J! And when it comes to eating veggies I do

what mom's do to get their kids to eat them.. I cut them into little

pieces and mix them with other things I like so that I rarely even

taste them. I've also learned that lemon goes a long way in masking

any remaining flavors of those veggies.

Maybe we can do the support thing via this group? It seems that maybe

in opening it up on list others reading along may benefit and perhaps

chime in too.

Please let me know what you think.

> >

> > I hear you on this !

> >

> > I'm struggling too. The other day when I was asking about the 9 day

> > program Bee put the question to me " how bad does one have to be

> before

> > they commit to getting healthy? "

> >

> > I'd really rather not find out, if you know what I mean?

> >

> > I've had a Crohn's diagnosis since 2005 and was able to make some

> > significantly positive changes in 05-06 but just tanked in 07-08. I

> > figure whatever emotional " issue " got me into the mess I'm in is

> still

> > around.. maybe that's just an excuse too. I don't know.

> >

> > At any rate, I'm making healing my full time job. Thankfully, I'm

> in a

> > situation where I can finally focus on it full time. In 05-06 I was

> > obsessed with making those initial changes and that's what I'm going

> > to do now as well. A lot of " normal " people don't realize just how

> > much work it is.. and there are so many steps to this program that

> you

> > have to break them down into really small pieces and cater them to

> > what works for you. It's all trial and error, and error and..

> >

> > Which is what I'm doing, have been doing.. I have made some progress

> > like I know how to make the Egg Smoothie really well and how much

> fat

> > I can best tolerate with it. I've experimented with a few 'legal'

> > recipes I like and have plans/ideas on how to keep them fresh.

> (Cooks

> > Illustrated has tons of 'proven' recipes that I'm going to play with

> > by changing some of the ingredients when needed.) I've also played

> > around with the Electrolyte Drink enough that I know how to make it

> a

> > relatively seamless, convenient and tasty process.

> >

> > While very important, food is only one aspect. There's also breath

> > awareness, relaxation, exercise, detox hygiene and supplementation.

> > Have you looked into these other aspects? How much have you broken

> > down the steps?

> >

> > Well, I could go on and on... but, I just wanted to let you know I

> > know how hard it is and wish you the best in figuring it out. If

> you'd

> > like to form a support team, I'm up for it. Maybe we can find

> someone

> > to mentor us? I'm thinking about putting an email out to see if

> anyone

> > would be interested.

> >

> > Take Care!

> >


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> Thanks, guys. My problem is that I am having SUCH a hard time sticking

> to the diet. There are times when I do it very well, then I fall off

> the wagon. (I never seem to be able to do it perfectly though.) Right

> now I'm doing horribly. What happens is that I go along for a month or

> so doing really well (and feeling quite a bit better) then I feel

> starving, and just looking at veggies, eggs or meat makes me nauseous.

+++ If you feel " starving " you are probably not eating enough good fat. Try


concentrating on that as you make another attempt at the diet and see how you

feel. The fat

will heal, satisfy and detoxify you... You can look up the fat to protein to

carb ratios, it's a lot

more than many people think. (Avocados, good butter, coconut oil, fats from

meats, cod liver

oil, skin on fish, etc.... eat some of these everyday, at least a couple times)

Best of luck!


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, can you share some of your hiding veggies tricks? I need

all the ideas I can get!

Yup, I'm all for the support thing!


> Hey ..


> I'm sorry you feel bad about this.. you shouldn't. I mean at least


> still want to heal, right? You haven't given up and you have made


> progress.. you're familiar with the diet enough to know a few things

> that work and what doesn't, no?


> Have you taken stock of what you've gained in all those " failures " ?

> That may be a good place to regroup and figure out where to go from

> there.


> I'm not a fan of veggies either. Like you, I also grew up on 'crap

> food'. Even now I crave PB & J! And when it comes to eating veggies I


> what mom's do to get their kids to eat them.. I cut them into little

> pieces and mix them with other things I like so that I rarely even

> taste them. I've also learned that lemon goes a long way in masking

> any remaining flavors of those veggies.


> Maybe we can do the support thing via this group? It seems that


> in opening it up on list others reading along may benefit and


> chime in too.


> Please let me know what you think.



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Thanks, Marissa. I think I'm getting enough fats, as I eat the skin

from chicken and fish and lots of butter, but I could be wrong. I

admit I don't use oil much, as I'm used to just cooking without

anything in the pan. I'll have to change that. ly, I don't

even know WHAT to do with oil. I do have some EVOO but don't know

what to do with it. I've never had avocados, so I'll have to try it.

> >

> > Thanks, guys. My problem is that I am having SUCH a hard time


> > to the diet. There are times when I do it very well, then I fall


> > the wagon. (I never seem to be able to do it perfectly though.)


> > now I'm doing horribly. What happens is that I go along for a

month or

> > so doing really well (and feeling quite a bit better) then I feel

> > starving, and just looking at veggies, eggs or meat makes me



> +++ If you feel " starving " you are probably not eating enough good

fat. Try really

> concentrating on that as you make another attempt at the diet and

see how you feel. The fat

> will heal, satisfy and detoxify you... You can look up the fat to

protein to carb ratios, it's a lot

> more than many people think. (Avocados, good butter, coconut oil,

fats from meats, cod liver

> oil, skin on fish, etc.... eat some of these everyday, at least a

couple times)


> Best of luck!

> Marissa


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> Thanks, Marissa. I think I'm getting enough fats, as I eat the


> from chicken and fish and lots of butter, but I could be wrong. I

> admit I don't use oil much, as I'm used to just cooking without

> anything in the pan. I'll have to change that. ly, I don't

> even know WHAT to do with oil. I do have some EVOO but don't know

> what to do with it. I've never had avocados, so I'll have to try


+++Hi . Remember to not cook with olive oil. The best oil to

cook with is coconut. But lard is cheaper if you can get it.

EVOO should only be used cold, in salad dressing or mayonnaise.

There's some great recipes on my website.

I put 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a frying pan set on low heat

(it is between 1 & 2 on my stove dial). I let it heat up and add

whatever meat I'm eating, i.e. chicken, fish, shrimp, fish, bison,

etc., and spoon the leftover CO over the meat along with lots of

butter. Yum!


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> Thanks, Marissa. I think I'm getting enough fats, as I eat the skin

> from chicken and fish and lots of butter, but I could be wrong. I

> admit I don't use oil much, as I'm used to just cooking without

> anything in the pan. I'll have to change that. ly, I don't

> even know WHAT to do with oil. I do have some EVOO but don't know

> what to do with it. I've never had avocados, so I'll have to try it.



That doesn't sound like so much fat to me (I mean in comparison to the way I eat

fat.) I

use lard/butter/ghee/duck fat to saute/pan sear any meat I pan cook. That's how

I use

oil/fat in the pan, and whatever you have left can the pan can be poured over

the meat.

You could use the EVOO to make a salad dressing for a side salad, or if I make a

soup with

the bone broths (like say a minestrone soup without the pasta--) I add a little


the bowl of soup I'm eating.

I also use butter and bone broths (with the fat in them) to saute veggies. I

usually have

two egg drinks a day for a total of 6T VCO and 3-T of butter. I add bone broths


butter to sauces that top meat with... and I love guacamole. That's an avocado

dip... there

are tons of recipes for it online. I top meats with butter sauce. So I would

say I have at

least one Tablespoon of fat (usually more) with every meal I eat.

What do you think?


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Wow, I guess that IS a lot more fat than I eat! Thanks for the


> >

> > Thanks, Marissa. I think I'm getting enough fats, as I eat the


> > from chicken and fish and lots of butter, but I could be wrong.


> > admit I don't use oil much, as I'm used to just cooking without

> > anything in the pan. I'll have to change that. ly, I don't

> > even know WHAT to do with oil. I do have some EVOO but don't


> > what to do with it. I've never had avocados, so I'll have to try


> >

> >


> That doesn't sound like so much fat to me (I mean in comparison to

the way I eat fat.) I

> use lard/butter/ghee/duck fat to saute/pan sear any meat I pan

cook. That's how I use

> oil/fat in the pan, and whatever you have left can the pan can be

poured over the meat.

> You could use the EVOO to make a salad dressing for a side salad,

or if I make a soup with

> the bone broths (like say a minestrone soup without the pasta--) I

add a little EVOO to

> the bowl of soup I'm eating.

> I also use butter and bone broths (with the fat in them) to saute

veggies. I usually have

> two egg drinks a day for a total of 6T VCO and 3-T of butter. I

add bone broths and

> butter to sauces that top meat with... and I love guacamole.

That's an avocado dip... there

> are tons of recipes for it online. I top meats with butter sauce.

So I would say I have at

> least one Tablespoon of fat (usually more) with every meal I eat.

> What do you think?

> Marissa


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