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The Optimal Diet, excerise, string beans and other questions

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Hello all

I am sorry again to bombard you all with so many emails and

questions! I am sorry if I am getting frustrating and tedious. I

promise that I have almost run out of questions! lol

Again thank you everyone for any help regarding any of my questions!!

Q1.) Bee if I am feeling really run down or fatigued at a particular

time is it ok to eat more food then is allowed according to " The

Optimal Diet " formula? Ie by drinking one more serve of egg drink or

eating one more can of tuna? Will it matter if I go over the daily

recommended amount of proteins and fats according to " The Optimal

Diet " regularly? I am not really worried that doing this in terms of

putting on weight anything of the like but I just want to have enough

enegry to get me through my extremely busy day. I also feel like I

need this extra eeenergy because I like to jog 2.5 to 3 kilometers a

day. Do you think that this is to much excerise? If so how much is

the optimal daily amount? My head fog really lifts when/after I

excersie but I don't want to be doing so much that it depletes my

body of the nutrients it needs to heal.

Q2.) And how exactly is it that excerise actually help? Is it because

it increases the oxygen content of the body which kills of the yeast

organsims since they are anerobic respirators?

Q3.) I have been wanting to ask you another question for a while as

well but have avoided it because I am afraid of what the answer will

be. I use to be a very accomplished runner (400 m and 800m)and I use

to train at an elevated level. Bee please tell me will I be able to

go back to running and training at an intense and elevated level? I

do not intend to proceed with this until at least until the 19 months

that it will take for cure myself of Candida, and that too I will

start of very slowly. So is this possible? I am afraid because I know

that to do this I will probably have to go back to eating a lot of

grains and cardohydrates to fuel myself and I am not sure if this is

allowed even after we have overcome Candida. Will be be able to go

back to eating foods like pasta and white rice ever again? Not in

significant quantities but to a small extent?

I am asking this because I am Indian and food is an integral part of

Indidan culture and so everytime I go to India it is almost

unavodiable that I eat things like rice, potato, dairy products and

other yeast aggrevating foods. This is why I have not visited India

for a while even though my family has!

Q4.)Is it safe to eat green yellow or string beans?

Q5.) And forgive me, I know that this might sound a bit ignorant but

what exactly does a serving size constitue to? Like on Bee's website

it is stated that we shouldn't eat more than (I think 2) serves og

non-gluten grains (only when we have proceeded far in the program)

during a day. How much exactly does this mean in terms of grams (for

solids) and liters (for liquids)? Also does the serving size for

different foods vary in terms of grams or liters?

Q6.) Also Bee do you recommend colonic hydrotherapy? Many people say

that they are better than enemas because a lot of water is used. What

do you think and suggest?


With king regards and love,


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