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Afraid I'm Going To Waste Away on the Diet

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Hi everyone! My name is and I just joined the group a couple of weeks

ago, after learning about it from someone on my thyroid group. I've been

battling Hashimoto's for years and that person said she didn't experience

complete relief of her symptoms until she went on the diet. So I thought I

would give it a try.I'm pretty sure I have candida based on the questionnaire.

I don't think it's extensive but you never know since I have Hashi's. I scored

in the low 200s. I also did a BioMeridian test and it showed I had three

strains of candida, including parasites and heavy metals. I'm not sure if it's

accurate but I have no reason to assume otherwise since I've had extensive

mercury fillings.

I've been a believer in the Weston Price way of eating for years but to be

honest, I've never noticed much of a difference, probably due to my candida and

thyroid problems not allowing me to absorb the nutrients I should have. So I'm

gonna give it a shot as I've suffered from severe insomnia for years along with

some other minor ailments and would like to lick this problem once and for all.

I have two small children and need all the energy I can get.

So far I've cut out dairy and sugar and I'm working on glutens. My only

concerns about the diet, at least for me, is that I am afraid I am going to lose

too much weight. I currently weight 106 lbs and I am 5'7. I lost three pounds

just from avoiding dairy and sugar. I fear that once I cut out all carbs I will

simply waste away. I already have trouble finding pants that fit and I am a

size zero. And I am nursing a very hungry toddler which makes me hungry ALL THE

TIME! I'm trying to eat as much as I can but it's so hard. When I get hungry

is when I start thinking about things like fruit. I am recovering from a major

fruit addiction. After a few days on the diet, it hasn't been too bad and my

sugar cravings have pretty much disappeared, except when I'm hungry.

So Bee, I was wondering if it's absolutely necessary to cut off all

carbohydrates for someone like me who is nursing and already thin to begin with.

I've already read a lot of the files and I know it's crucial but everybody is

different. So I was wondering if I could just cut out glutens and leave in

brown rice or quinoa. I have a feeling you'll say no but I just don't know what

else to do. I really want to bring my body back to health but I don't want to

waste away at the same time. I'm eating as much fat as I can but it's hard.

I'd appreciate your thoughts and thanks so much for your help!

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