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Re: spasmodic colon

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> I've been on the program for about a week now w/supplements. My diet

> has been

> ~ 36 ou elect. drink,

> 2x per day green lemonade juice (Romain, kale, apple, lemon, ginger)

> evco taken before I drink it,

> 2x per day home made veg. soup and chicken w/raw sauerkraut &

> digestive enzyme,

> 2x per day 2 egg smoothie 1/8 tsp evco, 1 tbs butter)


> My total EVCO is only 1/2 tsp. (1/8 tsp taken 4x per day)

> I have experienced *heavy* die off per one very itchy bum and a lot

of digestive distress - there is quite a bit of gurgling and growling

> going on down there. I had wet digestion before and now it's soaked

> since most of what i'm consuming is liquid.


> As well, I believe the die off has sparked off a very bad case of

> spasmodic colon - I have to use the bathroom ~ 4x w/in 45 min- 1 hr.

> It's pretty hellish. :(


> I looked up spasmodic colon here on the list and at Bee's site and


> unable to find any information. Is it listed somewhere and I'm just

> not finding it? Any suggestions, and I believe stress management is

> one of them, as to how to naturally relieve this would be much

> appreciated. :)

+++Hi . If you have had previous episodes with diarrhea or a

spasmodic colon it will be one of the symptoms that " intensifies "

when you first start on the program, which is part of the healing

process. The body creates such symptoms to get rid of toxins,

including candida toxins.

To understand more about die-off symptoms and how some symptoms

intensify see this article:


The best in health, Bee

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> 2x per day green lemonade juice (Romain, kale, apple, lemon, ginger)

> evco taken before I drink it,


That green drink could be causing you distress. It has sugar, and is not very


because of the raw juices.

Bee doesn't recommend digestive enzymes either. Rather, try using the HCl... it

will increase

your stomach acid which helps you digest everything better and absorb it better.


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Hi ,

Yeah.. I am taking Natural Factors Betaine HCL w/the juice. Sorry, I

think of it as digestive enzymes, since they do same thing basically.

I also take EVCO before I drink it to slow down the rate in which the

sugar is released. Raw juice is just so nutrient dense and I like the

taste of it so much.. it's like my body is craving it. I cut the lemon

down and it's helping.

The sugar in the fruit.. yeah.. there is that. I'm considering it a

" transitional " food for now, the second week.

Thanks for your suggestions!



> > 2x per day green lemonade juice (Romain, kale, apple, lemon, ginger)

> > evco taken before I drink it,


> ****:


> That green drink could be causing you distress. It has sugar, and

is not very digestible

> because of the raw juices.

> Bee doesn't recommend digestive enzymes either. Rather, try using

the HCl... it will increase

> your stomach acid which helps you digest everything better and

absorb it better.


> Marissa


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> Hi ,


> Yeah.. I am taking Natural Factors Betaine HCL w/the juice. Sorry, I

> think of it as digestive enzymes, since they do same thing


> I also take EVCO before I drink it to slow down the rate in which

the sugar is released. Raw juice is just so nutrient dense and I like

the taste of it so much.. it's like my body is craving it. I cut the

lemon down and it's helping.

+++Hi . Raw juices are not nutrient-dense. In order to

obtain the nutrients in plant foods they must be cooked in order to

breakdown the cellulose walls so nutrients are available - see these





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I've reviewed some of the success stories and one of them had

mentioned that dry skin brushing had aleviated her digestive


The lymphatic system is a part of our immune system. Dry skin

brushing helps clear out the lymphatic system.

It seams as though the lymphatic system and the digestive system are

intimatly linked. I do not know how they are linked. When I was

killing of Candida with the diet and anti-fungals, I think that my

lymphatic system became overloaded. This in turn amplified my

digestive problems.

I bought a brush (boar's hair) 2 days ago and used it before every

shower. I am already benefitting from it. It may be to early to tell

but I am suprised at the results. I did not think it would work, but

it clearly is based on the lymph mucoid I have seen.

Excercising (treadmill) helps clear the lymphatic system also.

Also cut back on the anti fingals and focus on nutrition and



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Hello Vern,

Thanks for your suggestions. I have done dry skin brushing before

showering. It exfoliates my skin to some extent but whether or not it

improves my lymphatic or digestive system? I don't know. I was

thinking maybe the brush I use isn't stiff enough so I ordered a new

one. I'll start back up again when it gets here.

I have been exercising regularly.. walking, qi gong and sometimes

rebounding when it's cold out. The only antifungal I'm taking is the

EVCO at a very low dose. I think the egg yolk is also a natural


Great tips! Thanks again!


> ,


> I've reviewed some of the success stories and one of them had

> mentioned that dry skin brushing had aleviated her digestive

> problems.


> The lymphatic system is a part of our immune system. Dry skin

> brushing helps clear out the lymphatic system.


> It seams as though the lymphatic system and the digestive system are

> intimatly linked. I do not know how they are linked. When I was

> killing of Candida with the diet and anti-fungals, I think that my

> lymphatic system became overloaded. This in turn amplified my

> digestive problems.


> I bought a brush (boar's hair) 2 days ago and used it before every

> shower. I am already benefitting from it. It may be to early to tell

> but I am suprised at the results. I did not think it would work, but

> it clearly is based on the lymph mucoid I have seen.


> Excercising (treadmill) helps clear the lymphatic system also.


> Also cut back on the anti fingals and focus on nutrition and

> supplements.


> Vern


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> Hello Vern,


> Thanks for your suggestions. I have done dry skin brushing before

> showering. It exfoliates my skin to some extent but whether or not


> improves my lymphatic or digestive system? I don't know. I was

> thinking maybe the brush I use isn't stiff enough so I ordered a new

> one. I'll start back up again when it gets here.


> I have been exercising regularly.. walking, qi gong and sometimes

> rebounding when it's cold out. The only antifungal I'm taking is the

> EVCO at a very low dose. I think the egg yolk is also a natural

> antifungal.


> Great tips! Thanks again!



My overall body has been feeling better since I started dry brushing.

I know it works based on the lymph mucoid discharge. Unfotunately it

has not helped my digestional inflamation as much as I originally

thought. My symptoms sway so much, I have a hard time telling what is

helping and what isn't. However they are slowly slowly getting better.

My thesis this week is that the inflamation/spasms are triggered by

the toxins being released by my liver and gall bladder. These toxins

are just too much for my digestive tract to take. Proteins and fats

trigger the release of these toxins. If I cut back on the proteins

and fats, then the inflamation should subside. I am going to eat

mainly just vegatbles per Bee's food list, take chlorophyll, and

continue dry brushing for several days. I've also started probiotics.

If and when the inflamation/spasms subside then I will gradually add

in proteins and some olive oil and see how I respond. I am stopping

all antifungals also.

Bee any thoughts would be appreciated. I would like to detox quicker

but my detox symptoms are worse than those from the candida.


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> ,


> My overall body has been feeling better since I started dry


> I know it works based on the lymph mucoid discharge. Unfotunately


> has not helped my digestional inflamation as much as I originally

> thought. My symptoms sway so much, I have a hard time telling what


> helping and what isn't. However they are slowly slowly getting



> My thesis this week is that the inflamation/spasms are triggered by

> the toxins being released by my liver and gall bladder. These


> are just too much for my digestive tract to take. Proteins and fats

> trigger the release of these toxins. If I cut back on the proteins

> and fats, then the inflamation should subside. I am going to eat

> mainly just vegatbles per Bee's food list, take chlorophyll, and

> continue dry brushing for several days. I've also started


> If and when the inflamation/spasms subside then I will gradually


> in proteins and some olive oil and see how I respond. I am stopping

> all antifungals also.


> Bee any thoughts would be appreciated. I would like to detox


> but my detox symptoms are worse than those from the candida.

+++Hi Vern. Your detoxifying symptoms are the same thing as candida

die-off symptoms and healing reactions, which all fall under the

heading of " Herxheimer Reactions " - see this article which explains

it: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/heal2.php

I don't believe your symptoms are caused by the liver and gall

bladder getting rid of toxins. I think there are 2 main reasons your

digestive system is still as problem:

1. When candida is killed off it released more toxins, mainly in your

digestive tract.

2. During natural healing your body " retraces " all previous symptoms,

diseases, injuries, etc. according to Hering's Law of Cure.

Therefore, I think it is a mistake for you to eliminate protein

and " good " fats, which are exactly what your body needs in order to

heal/detoxify. However, since " good " fats are antifungal, and also

the most powerful antioxidants (along with other nutrients of

course), they help your body detoxify, cleanse the body, ensure your

liver, kidneys, heart and other organs become stronger, strengthen

the intestinal lining, reconstruct all cells in the body, and even

chelate out heavy metals, they are most important! Of course no

nutrients work alone; proteins are also needed, along with the

supplements recommended, i.e. omega 3, vitamins A, D & E, cal/mag, B

vitamins, vitamin C, minerals, etc.

If you changed over to this program too fast, particularly if you

increased your fats too quickly since they are highly antifungal,

your body will be detoxifying more, releasing more toxins, etc. so

that's why you need to go onto it gradually, according to " Curing

Candida, How to Get Started " ;


I only recommend " good " fats like butter and unrefined coconut oil as

the major antifungals when you start on the program. So you are

right to eliminate any others you are taking. You need to be able to

take 6 tbls. of coconut oil before you add any other antifungal, and

probiotics are the last step of the program for reasons explained

in " How to Successfully Overcome Candida. " I suggest you carefully

review that article to ensure you are doing the steps correctly.

Here's all of the Candida/Yeast articles:


In order to minimize your healing symptoms lower your " good " fats to

a level where your symptoms aren't so severe, and only gradually

increase them.


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Hi Vern,

I'm glad the dry brushing is helping. What is lymph muciod discharge?

All my mucus looks the same and from what I can tell comes out via my

mouth or nose when I brush my teeth or blow my nose.

Yeah.. it sounds like there are a lot of 'ifs' in your thesis. For

myself, I'm realizing that I just keep looking or wishing or hoping

that there is an " easy " answer like: only have this and this and this

for weeks on end and I'll heal faster. I suppose it shouldn't come as

that big of a surprise. I mean my gosh, I've lived with it all for so

long, I don't want to retrace this or that OR only eat this or that..

I just want to eat whatever I want, be healed and feel good ASAP.

But you know what, it just doesn't seem to be working that way. The

more I resist the change and keep hoping a quick fix will present

itself.. the more time I only seem to waste. AND yet I can't give up..

I refuse to live with this for the rest of my life. It's a complete


At any rate.. my latest " idea " (which was actually one of my first

ideas - HA) is to do a gradual graduation. There are approx 3

categories to this, as I see it. 1. Food/Liquids 2. Supplementation

(supplements, antifungals, probiotics) and 3. Exercise/Relaxation. SO

every 5 days I am going to begin doing one step from each of those

categories every day. For example I started with 1. drinking 1 cup of

mineral water 2. take 1/8 tsp of EVCO 3. meditate for approx. 20 min.

IF I do other things.. like qi gong for instance (which I am) then

great it won't be part of the " new healthy habits to form " list.. and

IF I don't do one of the tasks all 5 days, it stays on the list until

I do. I have fairly long lists for each category.. supplements being

the longest since my body really isn't used to taking them. EVCO

graduation may move over to the food category.. Anyway, I think you

get the general idea?

These changes *have* to SLOWLY become habits in order for them to work

long term.. that really is what it's coming down to for me.. I

think/hope. lol There's just no quick fix or quick start to it.


> >

> >

> > ,

> >

> > My overall body has been feeling better since I started dry

> brushing.

> > I know it works based on the lymph mucoid discharge. Unfotunately

> it

> > has not helped my digestional inflamation as much as I originally

> > thought. My symptoms sway so much, I have a hard time telling what

> is

> > helping and what isn't. However they are slowly slowly getting

> better.

> >

> > My thesis this week is that the inflamation/spasms are triggered by

> > the toxins being released by my liver and gall bladder. These

> toxins

> > are just too much for my digestive tract to take. Proteins and fats

> > trigger the release of these toxins. If I cut back on the proteins

> > and fats, then the inflamation should subside. I am going to eat

> > mainly just vegatbles per Bee's food list, take chlorophyll, and

> > continue dry brushing for several days. I've also started

> probiotics.

> > If and when the inflamation/spasms subside then I will gradually

> add

> > in proteins and some olive oil and see how I respond. I am stopping

> > all antifungals also.

> >

> > Bee any thoughts would be appreciated. I would like to detox

> quicker

> > but my detox symptoms are worse than those from the candida.



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Thanks. Yes, I had gone on the diet cold turkey, about 6 or 7 months

ago. Looking back I wish I would have been a little smarter about it.

I've also went on anti-fungals much too rapidly. I'm lucky I was able

to keep my job during all of this.

I could not tell how my body was responding when I first started.

Things were too messed up. I also know now that the environment I was

living in was toxic. Now, I am finally able to see how my body is

responding to changes. I am suprised at how sensitive it can be.

I read an old posting on vitamin K2 that you had written. I believe

your posting was that bowel issues can be triggered by one's

intestines trying to hold on to the food so that the bacteria can

produce vitamin K2. I've recently found some vitamin K2 and started

taking it a couple of days agoe. It's too early to tell how I'm

responding, but I thought I would remention it for anyone else who

wants to try it.

Vitamin K2 is different than K1.


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> I've been on the program for about a week now w/supplements.

Welcome to the group and the program. Nature heals very slowly. I've been on


program for 16 months and that's not even half of how long I'll need before I

have healed.

I know it's difficult to be patient but there is no use in trying to resist the

way of nature.

> I have experienced *heavy* die off per one very itchy bum and a lot of

> digestive distress

I also have had a lot of this and it's still an issue for me, however, I am now

able to digest

much better - something my increased body weight proves - and the sever


colon I lived with for 6 years have totally disappeared. I used to be bent over

in pain twice

a day for 6 years from the spasmodic colon alone. The doctors all thought it

was due to

my severe endometriosis but this program has proven them all wrong. It was most


the candida that caused the spasms in me. They went away after about a week on


program. It may also have been something slightly allergic to some of the foods

I ate. But

I would say in your case that there is a good chance it's purely candida die

off. In the

beginning of this program often times things " bloom up " and become worse before



Hang in there!

Btw itchy bum is a common symptom of parasites. Coconut oil kills off parasites

also so

that should be a temporary problem.

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Dear ,

Would you please trim your messages? The instructions were emailed

to you when you joined the group, and they are also posted every 2

weeks in the Group's Messages (do a message search to find them).

Thanks so much, Bee


> Hi Vern,


> I'm glad the dry brushing is helping. What is lymph muciod


> All my mucus looks the same and from what I can tell comes out via


> mouth or nose when I brush my teeth or blow my nose.


> Yeah.. it sounds like there are a lot of 'ifs' in your thesis. For

> myself, I'm realizing that I just keep looking or wishing or hoping

> that there is an " easy " answer like: only have this and this and


> for weeks on end and I'll heal faster. I suppose it shouldn't come


> that big of a surprise. I mean my gosh, I've lived with it all for


> long, I don't want to retrace this or that OR only eat this or


> I just want to eat whatever I want, be healed and feel good ASAP.


> But you know what, it just doesn't seem to be working that way. The

> more I resist the change and keep hoping a quick fix will present

> itself.. the more time I only seem to waste. AND yet I can't give


> I refuse to live with this for the rest of my life. It's a complete

> contradiction.


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Hi ,

Thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds like you've been on the

program for quite a while and I imagine have figured out how to make

it work for you - that's great!

I swear.. the spasmodic colon condition is pretty much one of the

worst imaginable types of torture there is.. especially when you have

flaming hemorrhoids. EEK!!!!!!

At any rate.. I'm glad you mentioned the parasite tip. You know, all

" this " didn't start affecting me until after I took a bus trip home

for the holidays way back in 2000. I read the article abt parasites on

Bee's site and at this point wouldn't be at all surprised if a

parasitic infection (ala Giardia) has left me compromise THEN I think

it's possible that I have since been re exposed to it..

I'm sure some amount of candida overgrowth is also present and since

the natural healing treatments are the same, effectively working the

program could help in numerous ways.

Thanks again!

> I also have had a lot of this and it's still an issue for me,

however, I am now able to digest

> much better - something my increased body weight proves - and the

sever spasmodic

> colon I lived with for 6 years have totally disappeared. I used to

be bent over in pain twice

> a day for 6 years from the spasmodic colon alone. The doctors all

thought it was due to

> my severe endometriosis but this program has proven them all wrong.

It was most likely

> the candida that caused the spasms in me. They went away after

about a week on the

> program. It may also have been something slightly allergic to some

of the foods I ate. But

> I would say in your case that there is a good chance it's purely

candida die off. In the

> beginning of this program often times things " bloom up " and become

worse before they

> heal.


> Hang in there!


> Btw itchy bum is a common symptom of parasites. Coconut oil kills

off parasites also so

> that should be a temporary problem.


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> Dear ,

> Would you please trim your messages? The instructions were emailed

> to you when you joined the group, and they are also posted every 2

> weeks in the Group's Messages (do a message search to find them).


> Thanks so much, Bee

Oh.. I'm sorry. I thought I was trimming my messages to include only

the previous information I felt was pertinent to my reply. I will be

more diligent about this in the future.

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Hi Vern,

I also bought some Vitamin K but have never got round to taking it so

I will be interested to hear if you feel it helps you at all. Keep

us posted!



> I read an old posting on vitamin K2 that you had written. I believe

> your posting was that bowel issues can be triggered by one's

> intestines trying to hold on to the food so that the bacteria can

> produce vitamin K2. I've recently found some vitamin K2 and started

> taking it a couple of days agoe. It's too early to tell how I'm

> responding, but I thought I would remention it for anyone else who

> wants to try it.


> Vitamin K2 is different than K1.


> Vern


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> >

> > Dear ,

> > Would you please trim your messages? The instructions were


> > to you when you joined the group, and they are also posted every


> > weeks in the Group's Messages (do a message search to find them).

> >

> > Thanks so much, Bee



> Oh.. I'm sorry. I thought I was trimming my messages to include only

> the previous information I felt was pertinent to my reply. I will be

> more diligent about this in the future.

+++Hi . You would only keep parts of the previous message

that are relevant to your comments or reply.


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I went off anti-fungals last week to see if it would help with my

digestive problems. I don't know if it helped with my digestion or not,

but my candida symptoms came roaring back.

It was hell, but a great learning lesson.

I'm back on coconut oil and my candida symptoms are melting away. I'm

going to start sipping on Pau'D Arco tea throughout the day in addition.

Now I just have do deal with the die-off symptoms.


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