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to the med student and ohters who commented on Statin drugs

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So I am guessing that the drug companies bought off ABC to put a spin on the

numbers when they said:  The results, published in the New England Journal of

Medicine, revealed that among those taking Crestor, the rate of heart attacks

fell by 54 percent, the rate of strokes went down by 48 percent and cases of

death were reduced by 20 percent, compared with those getting a placebo.


Because that seems a lot different than 1.2% less heart attacks.  Thanks, Bob

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The drug companies don't have to pay off the media. They are both

owned by the Rockefellers. We live in a bubble, few really know what

is going on. Heart attacks are caused by left ventricular acidosis

and/or scurvey due to a lack of vitamin C, L-Lycine & L-Proline, all

of which are required to make callogen. Plaques build up as a safety

patch to prevent henorrhage. Statin drugs have nothing to do with

heart disease and it is printed right on the side of the box that

Lipitor comes in.


> So I am guessing that the drug companies bought off ABC to put a

spin on the numbers when they said:  The results, published in the

New England Journal of Medicine, revealed that among those taking

Crestor, the rate of heart attacks fell by 54 percent, the rate of

strokes went down by 48 percent and cases of death were reduced by 20

percent, compared with those getting a placebo.


> Because that seems a lot different than 1.2% less heart attacks. 

Thanks, Bob






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ABC and all the other media outlets report the results that

AstraZeneca gives them....AstraZeneca's worked the numbers so that it

showed that " he rate of heart attacks fell by 54 percent, the rate of

strokes went down by 48 percent and cases of death were reduced by 20

percent, compared with those getting a placebo. "

As I said before it is very easy to make any study show what you want

it to

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I also just wanted to add...that most of the positive affect of statins comes

from their ability

to decrease the inflammtory cascade that contributes to

arthosclerosis........can we not think

of several other ways to decrease inflammation in the body that don't have the

side effects of


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How do you work the numbers???  I work with marketing numbers and I know that

you can say this station is number one by looking at people 12+, or this other

station is number one by looking at people 35-54; but you can not change the

numbers without going to jail and most people are at drug companies are just

getting a salery and not going to rick going to jail to change the numbers?   I

am confused by your post below, again how did they change the numbers and how do

you, yourself know that in fact they only had less than 2% less heart attacks

intead of 54%, did you get some inside info from company?

From: Petrolino <lkpetrolino@...>

Subject: [ ] Re:to the med student and ohters who commented on

Statin drugs

Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 3:57 AM

ABC and all the other media outlets report the results that

AstraZeneca gives them....AstraZeneca 's worked the numbers so that it

showed that " he rate of heart attacks fell by 54 percent, the rate of

strokes went down by 48 percent and cases of death were reduced by 20

percent, compared with those getting a placebo. "

As I said before it is very easy to make any study show what you want

it to

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Bob, Yes indeed numbers can be worked to say or do anything you

want them to do. It is called Statistics 101. There is an old saying:

there are lies, damn lies and statistics. I have been in the health

care field for about 20 years and I can tell you this Statin/

Cholesterol myth has got to be the biggest hoax perpetuatd on the

world in modern history.

Drug companies work the numbers by only counting certain side effects

or leaving certain side effects out. They ignore internal memos i.e.

Vioxx scandal. We all think that we have the FDA to protect us-

wrong. The pharmaceutical companies provide revenue to the FDA. SO

that in itself should be a contraindication.

I can tell you some horror stories about medicine that will make your

hair stand up.

I dont even have time to write it but when you get a chance

Google Merck and Red Yeast Rice and read up on that scandal.

Google how prescription drugs kill more Americans than illegal drugs.

Google how doctors are paid to prescribe dangerous drugs.

Google how drug companies hire ghost writers to promote their drugs

Google how some chemo drugs actually make tumors grow

This is not secret information..

I have not always felt this way.. I was brainwashed for the first 19

years of my career until I was almost killed by a medication that is

prescribed to almost 14 million patients.

I now tell people please do your research.. dont take these medicines

blindly. Try the healthy route.I feel the best that I have in 6 years


I was discharged out of the hospital on 6 pills that had me bedridden

at the age of 41 years 4 months ago. While bedridden, all I had was

my laptop so I read and read and read. I pieced together a modified

version of Bee's program before I found Bee's program. I found out

that the drug I was taking depletes the body of Zinc and destroys the

immune system which in turn causes overgrowth of yeast. I took that

pill for 5 years. Now I realize I had all of the side effects, but my

Doc brushed them off. I was told that my fatigue was post partum, I

was told I had acid reflux cause the fat in my stomach was pushing up

the acid. I was told I had menstrual problems cause I was 41, I was

told I had a disclocated shoulder and knee pain cause of the weight

and on and on.

I am off all of those dangerous drugs now. I took myself off. Today I

am running 2 miles 3x/week. I have no more shoulder/knee pain.

I have perfect menses at 40 and my skin problems have cleared up.

GERD has completley disapeared. If you had seen me 4 months ago you

would know this is a miracle. I could only go from my bed to the


I am so passionate about this. People are sick and dying and don't

know why. Their quality of life is very poor and it is related to

these medications.

Another example, we put patients on ADA diets if they are a diabetic.

If anyone ever looks at an ADA diet it consists of nothing but

carbohydrates. No wonder these diabetes are losing limbs and kidneys.

We send patients daily to the morgue that are on statins and have had

stents. I am seeing a trend in certain patients. Can you beleive that

90% of them have low magnesium? Is this coincidental? I dont know.

I get invited weekly to expensive meals by drug companies reps- all

paid for- to hear their lectures about their drugs

Now the big pharma has put out that Vitamin C and Vitamin E has no

effect on the cardiovascular system? Ha? Every major newspaper in the

country is carrying this hogwash.

It is quite scary out here.

Sorry for ramblimg but this is a very emotional subject for me.


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Phyl wrote: >> (...)I pieced together a modified

version of Bee's program before I found Bee's program.

Hi Phyl,

So good to read your story, so happy for you that you found your way to

health again!

I'm very interested to read what your (modified) version of this

program is. Which food is different and are you taking supplements?

Thank you,

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