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Re: Doing well on the diet!

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> Hi Bee,


> I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing really well so far. I

> am on the strict diet and have worked my way up to 4 tblsp of

coconut oil and pau d' arco 2 times a day without severe die off

symptoms. I was wondering if you thought I should still continue up

to the 5.5 tblsp you recommended. If you will recall, I had posted

before about getting too thin and wondering if I need to take 6 tblsp

of CO a day. If you think I should could to increase, I will do so.

+++Hi . That's wonderful you are doing really well so far.

Even though good fats help a person lose weight, they won't make you

lose weight if you don't have any weight to lose, instead they help

heal and stabilize body weight. So, yes you can increase CO to 5.5-6

tbls. per day.

> I also wanted to say that I am feeling really good on this diet.

> When I started I was so fatigued and hungry all the time but I have


> lot more energy now and not feeling as hungry. I was also pretty

> irritable and that's gotten better too. In addition to that, my

> insomnia has cleared up. Now when I go to sleep at night I fall

> asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Also, if I wake up in


> middle of the night, I can go right back to sleep.

+++That's fabulous ! Very well done! I know it took hard work,

and I commend you for sticking with it.

> My skin looks great too. I don't have any blemishes and the two

dry red patches I had on both sides of my nose, have cleared up. I

think it was dermatitis or something but it's gone now.

+++That must make you feel good too. Us gals like our skin to look

good. Please know that any and all skin eruptions are toxins coming

out through the skin. If you've had this in the past your body

will " retrace " such episodes, according to Hering's Law of Cure.

> After I had my second child, my skin was itching really bad every

> day. It was almost painful because it felt like bee stings. Well

> that's gone too, in fact, that cleared up right away once I started

> the diet.

+++Triple hooray for you!! You are certainly getting the great

benefits of this program.

> So far, I haven't gotten sick yet either (knock on wood). Last

year, I was sick more times than I had ever been in my whole life. I

used to hardly ever get sick but something changed after I had my

> baby. And on that note, I have her on the diet too, as well as

> homeopathics, and her eczema is clearing up and she doesn't have a

> runny nose anymore.

+++Wow . You are just chock full of fabulous news today, and

I'm so happy to hear it! Congratulations to you, Mom, for your

daughter's improvements! Nothing means more to us Mom, eh?

> I just had some labs done for my thyroid but I haven't gotten the

> results back yet. I'm expecting that will have improved too. I'm

> eager to see if my antibody count has gone down. I know you don't

> believe in the antibody theory but I'm still curious to know what


> results are since they have always been pretty high.

> Anyway, I just wanted to share my progress with you and thank you


> sharing your knowledge with all of us. I've read several books on

> nutrition and alternative medicine, been to several naturopaths and

> homeopaths, and saw a top thyroid/anti-aging specialist in L.A. but

> none of them have been able to help me as rapidly and the extent of

> this diet.

+++I am so honored to have helped you . It means so very much

to me.

> I feel really excited when I think about more positive things to


> as my health continues to improve. And you know what? I love the

> recipes on this diet. I've always loved vegetables before but now


> appreciate them even more. I'm not even craving fruits or


> like I used to before. The curry chicken recipe is the best I've

> ever had. That alone was worth joining the group and going on the

> diet! LOL!

> Thank you so much, Bee, for all your wisdom and support! I'm so

> thankful to have found you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

+++I so thrilled you are enjoying the foods and recipes! Our taste

buds do change. , would you please approve of me posting this

message in the Success Stories? Also, let me know when you started

on my program.

+++You sure made my day !!!

Luv & Hugs, Bee

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> +++Wow . You are just chock full of fabulous news today, and

> I'm so happy to hear it! Congratulations to you, Mom, for your

> daughter's improvements! Nothing means more to us Mom, eh?

You're right about that! My daughter is one of my primary

motivations for staying on the diet. I'll be so glad to have her

candida nipped in the bud. I only wish I had known about the diet

when my son was a baby.

> +++I so thrilled you are enjoying the foods and recipes! Our taste

> buds do change. , would you please approve of me posting this

> message in the Success Stories? Also, let me know when you started

> on my program.

Sure, that would be fine. I know I'm not cured yet but it's nice to

see some benefits already. I was on the complete " strict " portion of

the diet by the beginning of November.


> +++You sure made my day !!!

You've made my year, Bee! I'm so happy to have found something that

actually is helping. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge

with all of us. It must make you feel wonderful knowing that you've

helped so many people.

And btw, Bee. I'm sorry it took me so long to respond to this. It's

been a busy Thanksgiving weekend! :) I look forward to reporting

future successes for the group. Have a terrific week!


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> You've made my year, Bee! I'm so happy to have found something that

> actually is helping. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge

> with all of us. It must make you feel wonderful knowing that you've

> helped so many people.

> And btw, Bee. I'm sorry it took me so long to respond to this. It's

> been a busy Thanksgiving weekend! :) I look forward to reporting

> future successes for the group. Have a terrific week!

+++Hi . Thanks for allowing me to post your message as a Success

Story. I'm glad I've made your year !!! That's so wonderful! We

can't go wrong following Nature's Laws regarding health.

Luv & Hugs, Bee

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