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Re: Candida - chiropractic/spine connection?

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Hi ,

I recently tried out a new chiropractor who told me [through applied

kinesiology] that all of my spinal problems were coming from

dysbiosis of the intestines (candida!). He said that the problems

occur at each 'junction' of the spine, so between the sacrum and 5th

lumbar vertebra, between the lumbar and thoracic spine, between the

thoracic and cervical, and the 1st cervical vertebra and skull,

causing weakness. This weakness is presumbly at the level of the


I don't know where he learned this information. I wish I had asked

him more about the connection, but his personally kinda rubbed me the

wrong way so I have stopped going to him. He was arrogant [which

really turns me off] and he said that he could cure candida in a

month, which also really bugged me, too!

Anyway, I had an instable tailbone and constant pain since I was

about 4 months into my pregnancy almost 4 years ago. It got really

bad after my son was born to the point where I could not sit without

a lot of pain. It felt like I was sitting on a seat-less bicycle

[you know, with the post up my back side - ouch!]. I tried lots of

treatments - including internal massage for those tight pelvic floor

muscles. The internal massage helped somewhat, but didn't get rid of

it completely. As a total surprise to me, after only a few months on

Bee's program it went away!

If, according to Hering's Law, I had this for just under 4 years, it

makes sense that it went away in a little less than four months

time. You said had the problem for 15 years and I know you've been

on this diet for a long time, but maybe you just haven't got there

yet, so hang on.

I still have tightness in my hip joints [the ball and socket joints]

and it worsens when I cheat on the diet. I haven't been totally

faithful to the diet this past week and it is worsening.

Another thing I've sort of been experimenting with is when I do have

a cheat, I consciously " go Zen " and listen closely to my body. And

amazingly, I can feel the toxins gradually build up to the point of

pain. This usually happens in the muscles between my shoulder


This is completely fascinating to me since I am trained massage

therapist [no longer practicing] and had studied why pain occurs in

the body. Nowhere did I read about the experiences I have had. Yes,

I knew that toxins could cause muscle tension, but I had never

experienced it in such a direct and specific manner. The pain I had

started within minutes of eating a wheat cracker. It has totally

changed my perception about the causes and treatment of muscle pain.

Fascinating stuff!

Good luck,


> Hi Bee and everyone,



> Do you know if there is any kind of known connection between spinal

and ligament problems and candida.


I wonder if you Bee can think of a candida connection to all this and

if a lot of other people on this list have similar

spinal/chiropractic issues.




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> Hi ,


> I recently tried out a new chiropractor who told me [through applied

> kinesiology] that all of my spinal problems were coming from

> dysbiosis of the intestines (candida!).

That's fascinating! Thanks for emailing me, it's interesting to hear that I'm

not the only

candida sufferer who also struggles with these chiropractic issues.

> He said that the problems occur at each 'junction' of the spine, This

weakness is

>presumbly at the level of the ligaments.

Wow, this is cool info to know about. It gives me some hope that I'll possibly


eventually. I know it's very hard to find a good chiro. I've been struggling to

find one who

understands my super special needs. I had a really good one in LA but I just

moved up

here to SF. I am also in the process of finding someone who can fix tailbones

and that is

proving to be a close to impossible task.

> I could not sit without

> a lot of pain.

Oh, that sounds terrible. I've been reading that we should have a 120 degree

flexibility of

the tailbone.

> internal massage for those tight pelvic floor

> muscles. The internal massage helped somewhat, but didn't get rid of

> it completely.

Yes, internal massage of my pelvic floor muscles took away about 85% of my

chronic pain,

but I still can't get rid of the 15% that is remaining. It's very stubborn and

I think it may

be related to the tailbone. Also, I can get the internal massage in the evening

and then

the next morning my pelvic floor is totally tensed up again....it's amazing to

me how

quickly I can get tense.

> As a total surprise to me, after only a few months on

> Bee's program it went away!

That's so fantastic! It give me tons of hope! Thank you, just what I needed to


> You said had the problem for 15 years and I know you've been

> on this diet for a long time, but maybe you just haven't got there

> yet, so hang on.

Thanks I will do my best. I'm coming up on month 16 now so perhaps I'll see a

change in

this any day now.

> Another thing I've sort of been experimenting with is when I do have

> a cheat, I consciously " go Zen " and listen closely to my body. And

> amazingly, I can feel the toxins gradually build up to the point of

> pain.

> This is completely fascinating to me

Absolutely! That sounds totally super interesting. It's incredible how little

we know still

today about the body's mysteries.

Thanks again!

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Hello ,

I hope you can find a chiropractor in your area soon. It does seem

to help.

The person who did the internal massages for me was a

physiotherapist. She did a PhD in chronic tailbone pain in women, so

her knowledge and technique was very good. She did trigger point

therapy, which for me was really helpful. When she would hit a

point, it would radiate pain into my tailbone just as it would when I

would sit down. In other words, when she would hit a point, it would

send sharp pain up my tailbone and it would feel like I was sitting

on a pole! It was then that I knew that the tailbone pain must be

more related to the muscles, rather than simply the instability of

the tailbone itself.

She also recommended these breating techniques to help with the

tightness. I can explain them to you, if you want.

Unfortunately for you, this lady is in Perth, in Western Australia,

because she was very helpful to me, even though I only saw her

twice. I don't live there anymore and I often think of writing her

to tell her that my pain is completely gone after doing Bee's

program, but I'm afraid I'll sound like a complete nutcase! LOL!

I also had bladder problems - irritation, pain and frequency issues -

and these have also gone away, too. Do you get that as well?

I really do believe, having gone through it myself, that your pain

will eventually go away. For me, it gradually decreased until I

couldn't remember the last time I had pain. I'm still careful about

how long I sit as well as *how* I sit, and hard chairs still scare

me! But I think it's just the mental memory I have of it, because it

certainly doesn't bother me, even though I can sometimes feel my

tailbone move around.

Take care,



> That's fascinating! Thanks for emailing me, it's interesting to

hear that I'm not the only candida sufferer who also struggles with

these chiropractic issues.

> <snip>

> Wow, this is cool info to know about. It gives me some hope that

I'll possibly stabilize eventually. I know it's very hard to find a

good chiro. I've been struggling to find one who understands my

super special needs. I had a really good one in LA but I just moved

up here to SF. I am also in the process of finding someone who can

fix tailbones and that is proving to be a close to impossible task.

> <snip>

> Yes, internal massage of my pelvic floor muscles took away about

85% of my chronic pain, but I still can't get rid of the 15% that is

remaining. It's very stubborn and I think it may be related to the

tailbone. Also, I can get the internal massage in the evening and

then the next morning my pelvic floor is totally tensed up

again....it's amazing to me how quickly I can get tense.

> <snip>

> Absolutely! That sounds totally super interesting. It's

incredible how little we know still today about the body's mysteries.

> Thanks again!



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> Hello ,


> I hope you can find a chiropractor in your area soon. It does seem

> to help.

Yes, the two times I did find good chiropractors, after treatment I felt this

whole body

relaxation and everything feelt aligned and fantastic....for 2 hours until it's

back again.

But for sure it does help some even if it's only for a short time. When I go

regularly my

period cramps are a little more manageable.

> The person who did the internal massages for me was a

> physiotherapist. She did a PhD in chronic tailbone pain in women, so

> her knowledge and technique was very good.

Oh, that's amazing. I also went to a good one, she treated me 3 times per week

for two

years and it totally gave me my life back. I had intense chronic pelvic pain

before that.

But I never had pain in the tailbone. It's just that I have read about the


between pelvic pain and an impaired tailbone. I have been told that my tailbone

has a 15

degree mobility. But I have read that healthy is between 90-120 degrees. So,


I'd have some work remaining there...

> She also recommended these breating techniques to help with the

> tightness. I can explain them to you, if you want.

I would love to know this technique. Anything I can do to help release my tense


muscles. All the pelvic muscles are somehow connected to the tailbone so if the


are tense the tailbone will be effected no matter what.

> I often think of writing her

> to tell her that my pain is completely gone after doing Bee's

> program, but I'm afraid I'll sound like a complete nutcase! LOL!

Yes, I know things like this often doesn't go over well with doctors. They are

usually sure

their treatment is right and everything else is wrong...

> I also had bladder problems - irritation, pain and frequency issues -

> and these have also gone away, too. Do you get that as well?

Yes, I used to get up 8 times per night to pee. For many years. This went away


immediately when I started Bee's program. I still sometimes get up but never

more than

once a night.

> I really do believe, having gone through it myself, that your pain

> will eventually go away. For me, it gradually decreased until I

> couldn't remember the last time I had pain.

That'a amazing to hear. You don't know how great and hopeful that makes me


I've been depressed lately about this because I found a specialist in tailbones

who wants

to work with me, but his treatment costs $5000!!! That's outrageous and I'd

have to take a

bank loan for that......it's so depressing when doctors tell you they can help

you with your

pain - if you are rich....

Thank you again for giving me some REAL hope!

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You are very welcome. I'm glad I could give you some hope. Chronic

pain is awful and can cause a lot of problems, especially with the

feeling of hopelessness and depression.

Wow! $5000 for treatment! That's outrageous! Treatment but only

for the wealthy really bugs me. But then again, makes me wonder why

it's priced so high. Does it really work or does he need the high

price to market himself? In the end, I really do think that your

body will heal itself just by doing Bee's program.

After having one steroid shot in my tailbone [which made the pain

worse] I was told I was going to have to go to a pain clinic and be

on pain meds for the rest of my life. Ummm...addicted to pain meds?

No thanks! I never did end up taking any pain meds, because I don't

like the idea of them.

I used to get up at least 4 times per night to pee, too. Sometimes

during the day, I could as often as 10 times and *blush* sometimes I

didn't make it. Now, I have no problem whatsoever! I go maybe 3 or

4 times during the day and maybe once at night. It's shocking the


The breathing technique that you can is quite easy and it's very

subtle. So, I'm going to assume that you know how to do deep

breathing where you let your belly out when you breathe. For this

one, you do the same thing. Start with doing deep belly breaths - do

two or three. Next time, you breathe out through your pelvic floor

muscles, allowing them to relax.

When she taught me this technique, she had me lie on my side and have

one hand resting on my *er* bum cheek(!). And as you relax, imagine

you can feel your muscles back there relax and you should be able to

feel some movement/relaxation of the muscles. As you get more used

to the feeling of those muscles relaxing, you may not need to lie on

your side anymore. You can be on your back if you want.

I hope that make sense! It's a lot easier to show you than to

explain it in writing. If you don't get it, maybe I can try to

explain it in a different way. You can also try to do self internal

massage. It's a bit of a reach, but can be done! I can tell you

about those, too, if you want.

Let me know!



I would love to know this technique. Anything I can do to help

release my tense pelvic muscles. All the pelvic muscles are somehow

connected to the tailbone so if the muscles are tense the tailbone

will be effected no matter what.

> Yes, I used to get up 8 times per night to pee. For many years.

This went away almost immediately when I started Bee's program. I

still sometimes get up but never more than once a night.


> I've been depressed lately about this because I found a specialist

in tailbones who wants to work with me, but his treatment costs

$5000!!! That's outrageous and I'd have to take a bank loan for

that......it's so depressing when doctors tell you they can help you

with your pain - if you are rich....


> Thank you again for giving me some REAL hope!



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> Chronic

> pain is awful and can cause a lot of problems, especially with the

> feeling of hopelessness and depression.

Hi again ,

I'm so grateful for your emails! They make me feel so happy!

Most of the time I keep feeling hopeful about my life and health, but then

sometimes I just

loose it and get super depressed. But I'm back on the hope now again


> Wow! $5000 for treatment! That's outrageous! Treatment but only

> for the wealthy really bugs me.

Yes, me too. I find it deeply unethical.

> Does it really work or does he need the high

> price to market himself? In the end, I really do think that your

> body will heal itself just by doing Bee's program.

Yes, I always wonder about these super expensive programs that are marketed

everywhere...I really am so impressed with Bee's program and it makes me feel


hopeful and lucky that I found this. And so grateful to Bee for doing this for

all of us

without charging. It's unbelievably amazing of her.

> After having one steroid shot in my tailbone [which made the pain

> worse]

Oh, I had a friend of mine go through that too...It's terrible. At least you

didn't have your

tailbone removed surgically!!! I learned that this is quite common for people

with tailbone

problems. It' always the same, the medical doctors go for the extreme.....

> I was told I was going to have to go to a pain clinic and be

> on pain meds for the rest of my life. Ummm...addicted to pain meds?

> No thanks! I never did end up taking any pain meds, because I don't

> like the idea of them.

Yepp, I was right there too. Chronic pain day and night and all the doctors

could say was

that I'd have to accept it and here's some more morphine. I was so angry, I

quit all pain

meds. It's been aobut 7 years now for me without any pain medication. But I am

still in a

lot of pain with my periods and I have high anxiety each month cause I know the

pain is

so bad, it's like giving birth every month without any medication. It's a hell

really but a

better hell than being on morphine/

> I go maybe 3 or

> 4 times during the day and maybe once at night. It's shocking the

> difference!

Wow, I know, the difference is actually so drastic. It's funny how little

things like this

changes on this program and sometimes I forget to count it as an improvement,


though it's such a strong change.

> And as you relax, imagine

> you can feel your muscles back there relax

Thanks so much for the breathing technique. I'll definitely incorporate that

into my life.

> You can also try to do self internal

> massage. It's a bit of a reach, but can be done! I can tell you

> about those, too, if you want.

Oh, you do that too??! I went for internal massage of my pelvic floor muscles 3

times per

week for two years. It saved my life. It took away 85% of my chronic pelvic

pain. I still do

this on myself at least once a week. What a life saver!!! I can't believe all

gyno's don't

teach this to all women who suffer from pelvic pain. It took me years to find


treatment and it made it so much easier to not take any pain medication.

Last but not least:

I finally found an AMAZING chiropractor. She does applied kinesiology -which I

LOVE- and

she was able to begin the work of correcting my tailbone. It was apparently

sitting stuck

to the right causing all sorts of problems. Then she told me my chiropractic

problems will

most likely dissapear when my candida is cured!!!!!!!

How cool is that?! She said that candida weakens the muscles and then the


tense up to compensate. That's when the bones get all misplaced. So, I feel so


relieved and hopeful now!!!

It took me 8 hours to travel to see her though so I'm going to read a lot of

books on the

train to see her each month.

Hugs and thanks so much again for keeping my hope up during this last trying


It means the world!

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Hi !

That's fantastic that you found a good chiropractor. It's a long way

to go each month. I definitely applaud your committment.

And it's really good to hear that your pain will go away when the

candida is finally healed. That was the feeling I got from talking

with the chiropractor here when he said that all my back pain was

coming from intestinal dysbiosis. I interpreted what he said to mean

that the candida was causing my back pain and it would go away when

the candida was healed. So good to have confirmation about that! I

have really poor posture that seems to be getting worse and I can't

seem to stand up straight. I think poor posture makes people look

old (not to mention sick) so I'm looking forward to the day when my

posture improves. I hope that there aren't so many boney changes

that will prevent it.

I'm glad my emails are making you feel happy. I've been in the

depressed stage lately. I guess it just goes up and down, huh?

I'm glad I didn't have my tailbone removed either! I don't believe in

surgery for the most part anyway. I had done a lot of reading and

everything I read said it's the worst thing to do, so I was glad to

hear that the orthopedic doctor I saw thought the same thing. I

don't believe in doctors much in the first place, so I suppose it

didn't really matter to me what she thought, but you never know in a

moment of weakness what you might be tempted to do when the pain gets

really bad. I spent a couple of years where I could only stand or

lie down. It's a miracle that I don't have that pain anymore!

I think people would think we are nuts with all the crazy things we

do to heal ourselves. It's just not part of mainstream thinking, is

it? You're right - the internal massage *should* be taught to all

women. I'm pretty sure, though, that the gynos don't even know about

it themselves because it hasn't been 'researched' in a clinical

setting. This issue is really bothering me lately. I wish that they

didn't rely only on 'scientific research' because the stuff that

really should be researched isn't because no one wants to pay for it.

I get very frustrated with this. The information that's out there is

biased and/or completely wrong just so that some one can make money

on it.

Anyway...so glad to hear about all your improvements. I'm planning

on doing the 9 day program after Christmas when I have some days off

school to focus on it. If you have any tips and hints about it, I'm

all ears!

Take care,



> Last but not least:

> I finally found an AMAZING chiropractor. She does applied

kinesiology -which I LOVE- and she was able to begin the work of

correcting my tailbone. It was apparently sitting stuck to the right

causing all sorts of problems. Then she told me my chiropractic

problems will most likely dissapear when my candida is cured!!!!!!!




> It took me 8 hours to travel to see her though so I'm going to read

a lot of books on the train to see her each month.

> Hugs and thanks so much again for keeping my hope up during this

last trying week!

> It means the world!



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> Hi !


> That's fantastic that you found a good chiropractor. It's a long way

> to go each month. I definitely applaud your committment.

Thank you! And I'm actually frying from the US to Sweden in January to see


chiropractor there. He seems to be super excellent and a friend of mine in

Sweden has

been treated by him. I'm Swedish so I'll get to see my friends and family too.

I'm always

nervous about traveling with my health and the diet but I hope it will be all

worth it after

the treatment.

> I think poor posture makes people look

> old (not to mention sick) so I'm looking forward to the day when my

> posture improves. I hope that there aren't so many boney changes

> that will prevent it.

Yes, I know what you mean. I sit a lot too. I just got a yoga ball to sit on

to help with my

posture. My chiro said that it's always good to treat the body by aligning the

bones and

opening the energy channels, even if the candida diet eventually will cure the

issues. I

also think that it's possible the candida may be cured faster since it may

strengthen my

immune system to do the chiropractic stuff. And hopefully reduce suffering from


> I'm glad my emails are making you feel happy. I've been in the

> depressed stage lately. I guess it just goes up and down, huh?

Yes, I try to think of it that way too. Just observing my body and how it gets

better and

worse and better. Trusting that it knows what it's doing. lol.

> I'm glad I didn't have my tailbone removed either! I don't believe in

> surgery for the most part anyway.

Yes, totally. I'm so glad I still have my uterus. That's usually one they like

to remove at

any sign of trouble.

> I'm pretty sure, though, that the gynos don't even know about

> it themselves

Yes, absolutely. Most of them are either clueless or skeptical. I had to find

out about it

from other sources, no gyno ever told me about it.

> I'm planning on doing the 9 day program after Christmas when I have some days


> school to focus on it. If you have any tips and hints about it, I'm

> all ears!

Oh great. I can warmly recommend it. One thing to think about for me at least

was to

plan on doing nothing for a few days. Just resting. Not leaving the house at

all. That

would be my best advice. Plus the enemas, as difficult as they are seemed to be

a life

saver for me. They would directly relieve headaches and nausea fits. Other

than that I can

say that the meals were just as yummy as non blended once. So, it's not bad

from that

perspective either. Lots of pork lard and broth helped too. And epsom salt

bats. Also, I

use cinnamon pills to deal with the nausea. They are very powerful. Pure

cinnamon. It's

your friend. lol.

Good luck!

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