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red eyes

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My husband always kids me " I didn't know that there was such and eye

color as " Blood-Shot " which is how mine generally appear since last

spring when I first became ill with AIH. Elda, Please let us all know

if you find out any insight into the " RED EYES " .


> Hi:

> Thank you to all of you that gave me some insight about red eyes.

> Apparently is not unusual to have this problem. I have been checked

> for allergies, dry eye, scleritis and episcleritis, and they all come

> normal. I guess I am going to go to a hematologist or neurologist


> some other disorder. Not knowing, makes the problem worst. Right now

> my eyes look like two ripe tomatoes. Well I would let you know the

> outcome. Thanks for your info. and stay well.

> Sincerely

> Elda

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  • 3 years later...

How do you know if you have pink eye (conjuctivitis) or if it is from

yeast, whether it be die off or whatever? My eyes have been red and

sore off and on since the beginning of October. I have been on the diet

since July. I have herbal eye drops which are not really helping.



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> How do you know if you have pink eye (conjuctivitis) or if it is from

> yeast, whether it be die off or whatever? My eyes have been red and

> sore off and on since the beginning of October. I have been on the


> since July. I have herbal eye drops which are not really helping.

+++Hi Rhonda. If you have ever had similar symptoms or treatments for

your eyes (like medical eye drops, etc.) before your body

will " retrace " them in order to heal your eyes properly. First the

body detoxifies the area, which causes inflammation, redness, soreness,

etc. and then it rebuilds.

Or, it can be die-off symptoms since the eyes are one area the body

uses to get rid of toxins. My body detoxified through my eyes for 3

months when I did my candida program over 20 years ago. I remember it

well, since they were very inflammed, red, and oozed all kinds of gunk.

Also, if you go " off the diet " your eyes may react. A man who was in

my Candida Support Group in 1986-88 cheated by eating doughnuts. His

wife and everyone else knew when he cheated because his eyes got

flaming red, like 2 neon lights. LOl!

There are no quick fixes, so just allow time for your body to do its

job of healing. Such symptoms won't hurt you nor damage your eyes.


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Black or green tea bags are a great soother for red eyes. Another herb

that is wonderful for soothing red and irritated eyes is fennel seed.

Just make a tea (pour a cup of boiling water over 1 Tablespoon fennel

seed) and let it steep for about 10-15 minutes. Then add 1/4 to 1/2 t

sea salt to the brew. Use this to wash the eyes. You can use one of

those little eye cups or you can just splash it on the eyes or you can

soak a (sterile) gauze pad and place it over the eye. Note that the salt

is added to make the tea have a salinity similar to the body, so that it

doesn't burn when you put it on the eyes.

If your eyes are actually infected (pink eye or conjunctivitis), you

might want to use something that is a little more antibacterial, like

goldenseal powder in the tea. Make sure to filter it through a coffee

filter so that none of the powder grains are left in the final tea. I

would start with the fennel and move on to the goldenseal if the fennel

did not work.

In either case, make a fresh batch of tea at least every day (you might

only use part of it at once) and apply the tea at least 4 or 5 times per

day to attain healing.

Enjoy! - the FL herbalist



Hawthorne, Florida


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I have had red eyes for a couple of years. I have read that candida shows up in

red itchy eyes. I have chronic candida. I am beginning to think that it is

something other than just healing my gut that will help. I have been on the

diet for about 2 years. I have still got the itchy red eyes. Here is an

article that I have read that makes me think it could be something other than

just candida. You will have to cut and paste in your browser.


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> Rhonda,


> I have had red eyes for a couple of years. I have read that

candida shows up in red itchy eyes. I have chronic candida. I am

beginning to think that it is something other than just healing my

gut that will help. I have been on the diet for about 2 years. I

have still got the itchy red eyes. Here is an article that I have

read that makes me think it could be something other than just

candida. You will have to cut and paste in your browser.

+++Hi . Copper is only required in " trace amounts " by the

body, and this diet and ocean sea salt provide plenty.

+++Balancing any mineral or nutrient is done with the entire diet and

all supplements, particularly good fats, omega 3, vitamins A, D & E,

vitamin C, B vitamins, cal/mag, etc. - no nutrients work in isolation

of many others.

+++For example: One member of our group was on the program 6 months,

and had blood tests done. She was surprised to discover that her

iron levels went from 4 to 64 without taking any iron or eating more

liver, etc. That proves that all nutrients work together in

rebalancing any nutrients.

+++If you go off the diet it will also create red itchy eyes because

more toxins are being produced by candida.

+++Also during natural healing your body retraces all previous

symptoms, diseases, injuries, etc. per Hering's Law of Cures, so if

you've had eye problems in the past it takes time for the body to

heal them.


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Thanks for your response. I have not gone off of the diet at all. I never had

problems with my eyes until I was in this candida overgrowth situation. My

vitiligo gives me a hesitation that there has to be something to do with copper.

It seems that it could be biounavailable. My gut symptoms did not subside until

I started taking Slippery Elm. It has helped my gut. I know you said it helped

the liver, but it has helped my gut too. Otherwise, I have all of the symptoms

that I have had since the beginning. I must take a large amount of probiotic or

I have diarrhea all of the time. I take 260 billion mg times four scoops a day.

I tried to go down to 2 @ 260 billion a day and got mouth sores. This is a tough


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> Bee,


> Thanks for your response. I have not gone off of the diet at all.

I never had problems with my eyes until I was in this candida

overgrowth situation. My vitiligo gives me a hesitation that there

has to be something to do with copper. It seems that it could be

biounavailable. My gut symptoms did not subside until I started

taking Slippery Elm. It has helped my gut. I know you said it

helped the liver, but it has helped my gut too. Otherwise, I have

all of the symptoms that I have had since the beginning. I must take

a large amount of probiotic or I have diarrhea all of the time. I

take 260 billion mg times four scoops a day. I tried to go down to 2

@ 260 billion a day and got mouth sores. This is a tough one.

+++Hi . If there is a problem with copper this program will

help your body balance it out naturally.

In my opinion you are suppressing symptoms by taking that many

probiotics, so that's why you get mouth sores when you lower the

dose. Mouth sores means that toxins are coming out through the skin,

so it isn't a bad thing, and they shouldn't be suppressed. Diarrhea

is also a way for the body to get rid of toxins, so it also isn't a

bad thing to happen - it means toxins are being eliminated. But when

you suppress such natural healing responses your body will not be

healing properly.

If you've ever had mouth sores and diarrhea in the past your body

needs to " retrace " such symptoms in order to heal properly, which is

according to Hering's Law of Cure. In the meantime such symptoms

shouldn't be suppressed.

For example: My brother had Crohn's Disease (severe diarrhea) for

over 20 years, and his diarrhea didn't stop while he was on my

program until 20 months later - that is because it takes 1 month of

natural healing for every year you've been unhealthy. Even with

having diarrhea for another 20 months his body was still healing.


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> Thank you.  Do you know if purhaps, being allergic to shellfish would

cause red burning eyes.  I have had this problem ongoing for about

three months.  It seems to get worse when I eat shellfish.  Its just

been really difficult to pinpoint.  I guess it could be die off

symptoms.  Die off symptoms just don't make a lot of sense to me. 

Anyway, thanks for your answer.

++Hi Rhonda. Your reaction to shellfish could be because they are

usually treated with nitrates and sulphites, and also some may be

farmed-fish which are very polluted.


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