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A Couple Questions

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In a message dated 3/1/00 11:44:53 AM Eastern Standard Time,

andreac123@... writes:

<< i have a couple questions, 1) Is there a difference between Glycerine


I found in the cake decorating section at s) and Glycerin (which I

found in the beauty isle at CVS)? >>


There are 2 kinds of glycerin, animal-derived and vegetable-derived. Either

can be used in toiletries, although vegetable is preferred, I believe. Just

check the bottles, because they could be either animal or vegetable. Other

than that, I don't think there is any difference.


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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Ann,

Finished soap is around pH10 and you can't get it any lower, that's

just the nature of soap. When it's just out of the mold it's usually

about 10.5 but it carries on dropping for the next few days.

The main thing that happens during the rest of the curing is that the

excess water evaporates.

The only accurate way of testing is with a properly calibrated pH

meter. Test papers are not very accurate and usually give a low

reading with soap.

> What should the PH level be of a good soap? How and when do you

test for PH

> levels? What do you test with?


> In the aging (curing) process, does the soap proceed to greater


> so that there is less alkali left in the soap?


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  • 1 year later...

Hello again,

I did not say that I did not eat during the day. I eat. As to

depression, I have been scanned for it. I am not clinically depressed.

I get frustrated at times because of my health. That is understandable.

People, when hearing about the pain and poverty I live in, that do not

know me, have suggested that. It is a stereotype sometimes. But, I

have been tested by the best in the field. I have times I get

frustrated and down about my life, when it is difficult, but that is not

what you are talking about.

What we can ascertain, in an email, is not the whole truth about a

person. I am telling you what has been told to me, by people in the

field. I have a good support system and a strong spiritual base that is

a source of strength to me. I have been given a goal to reach for, for

my future, I keep fighting to get more healthy, so that I can attain it.

I have been invited to speak to youth in Idaho. I must get better


My question, was not about not eating during the day (I eat), but, about

no satiation response at night.

But, I appreciate your response.

As to the question about protein bars. When I am very sick, I would

not mix up a drink, even though I should. I am doing smoothies this

week. They feel replenishing to me.

For those that feel like it, please pray and or think good thoughts for

me this week. I am starting a cleanse this week. I have gotten

permission from my naturopath.

Thanks everyone,


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I like Pure Protein Bars (Worldwide Nutrition). I don't know why but this

brand satisfies me more than any of the others I've tried. For instance,

the Atkins brand *definitely* makes me more hungry. The Vitamin Shoppe

carries Pure Protein. If you decide you like them, I get mine in bulk...

one place is DPS Nutition.com.


[Thanks Trish. Good to hear from you! -gts]

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From: Free-Dove@...

Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 13:33:39 -0800 (PST)

I wonder if any of you have an answer for me. I have little interest in

food until evening. I wonder if it has to do with my CFIDS? I have ZERO

satiation response in the evening. I wonder, if subconsciously, I am

trying to stay awake. Do you have any insight for me as to how to

combat this problem?

There may be some blood sugar issues going on. What do you eat and when?

When you say you have zero satiation response in the evening, do you mean

that you can eat and eat and never feel full? How do you feel a couple

hours later?

How much and what type of fluid do you drink each day? Is it possible part

of your eating issues are because you are dehydrated?

Question #2. Last week, I was in so much pain, I was reduced to tears

many times and was bedridden a lot of the time. I am not saying that for

sympathy, truly. I am saying that to say there were times, when I went

hungry, because I felt too lousy to cook. I know that protein bars are

no substitute for a meal. But, they would be very helpful, during these

times. You people are a wealth of knowledge. Would please let me know

which bars are the best for health and not too expensive? It would be

great, if I could find one, for these times.

I like the BioChem bars because they are the only ones sweetened with

stevia instead of artificial sweetener or caloric sweeteners. Note that

only 5 flavors (1 kind) of BioChem bars use stevia--the rest use artificial

sweetner or sugar. Read the labels carefully. Also, they are the only

ones I've found that don't have chocolate (2 of the 5 flavors don't). I

don't have anything against chocolate, it just gives me migraines.

Protein bars are not a substitute for real food, no, but they are a good

way to keep enough protein and some extra calories in your system. But I

do suggest you have other ways to get food into you. You don't want to be

eating several bars a day, day after day. On a good day you can cook a

meal with several servings and then put single servings into containers

(glass--think pyrex--is best) and then into the freezer. When you can't

cook, take one and pop it in the oven or microwave. Other easy food

includes hardboiled eggs and prewashed salad in a bag.

If you want it, I would be glad to give you advice about other issues you

raise here, like reducing pain levels and increasing functionality, but I

think that's off topic for this list. I run a list for people with

CFS/MCS/FMS which you are welcome to join (immuneweb.org). If the

listowner prefers the conversation to take place here, I can do that; I

don't want to " steal " posts from someone else's list.


[Feel free to discuss those subjects here if you like. In fact the subject of

pain management reminds me of something: D-Phenylalanine, a component of

DL-Phenylalanine, has been shown to increase natural levels of endorphins, and

as such can be helpful for chronic pain management. Coincidently, this is the

same DL-Phenylalanine that we've been discussing here in relation to

selegiline/deprenyl. -gts]

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Do you have the breakdown on the bars? Grams of Carbs? Sugar? Thank you...


trish <zedora@...> wrote:

> I like Pure Protein Bars (Worldwide Nutrition). I don't know why but

> this brand satisfies me more than any of the others I've tried. For

> instance, the Atkins brand *definitely* makes me more hungry. The

> Vitamin Shoppe carries Pure Protein. If you decide you like them, I get

> mine in bulk... one place is DPS Nutition.com.

> Trish

[Thanks Trish. Good to hear from you! -gts]

[Did you receive *this* message, Melinda? Just checking, because you mentioned

something in private mail about not receiving your mail from this group. You

can answer in private also. -gts]

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Breakdown of Pure Protein Bars (Worldwide Nutrition)

Calories 270, Fat 6g, Total Carbs 31, Net Impact Carbs 5, Sugars 3g, protein

30g, Sodium 160, Potassium 70mg, and claims 45-50% RDA of most


Claims to have a low glycemic response & references

www.glycemictechnologies.com. (although I didn't see that this site was

especially helpful)

I have theorized that my blood sugar reaction is a primary reason that I

like this product. Also wondered if type of protein plays a part. I don't

especially eat low carb, or try the Zone method. However, my satiety

levels are more even & longer when I'm careful about amounts, sources &

ratios of carbs to protein, fat.

Re: A couple questions

> Do you have the breakdown on the bars? Grams of Carbs? Sugar? Thank you...


> Melinda


> trish <zedora@...> wrote:

> > I like Pure Protein Bars (Worldwide Nutrition). I don't know why but

> > this brand satisfies me more than any of the others I've tried. For

> > instance, the Atkins brand *definitely* makes me more hungry. The

> > Vitamin Shoppe carries Pure Protein. If you decide you like them, I get

> > mine in bulk... one place is DPS Nutition.com.

> > Trish


> [Thanks Trish. Good to hear from you! -gts]


> [Did you receive *this* message, Melinda? Just checking, because you


> something in private mail about not receiving your mail from this group.


> can answer in private also. -gts]









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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

> Hello all..Hope life is treating you all good..WooHoo pat

> congrads....Betsy sorry to hear about your mom..my step dad had

> pancreatic cancer and they did something called a whiffle(sp?)

> surgery and removed the pancreas he was then diabetic(of course )


> had to take enzymes..but he did good...medicine is amazing these


> OK on to my stupid questions..First off the bones in my inner


> hurt I've been riding the bike alot so that may be it but shoot I

> never even knew I had bones there(joke) do you all think that our

> bones get sore because they arn't padded like they use to be..or

am I

> way out in left feild?

> ok next question I will spare you all the gory details but I have


> infection thats been draining alot and I finially rode my bike to


> dr. because I was feeling sick to my stomach so thought I needed

> antibiotics(Yes I did have a temp) anyway she gave me augmentin


> it's liquid..She told me my body would absorb the liquid better.


> knows all about the ds surgery,,,thanks to me...lol anyway have


> of you herd that oral antibiotics are better for us? oh by the way

> the infection isn't DS related..ok ok it's actually under my boob

> where I sweat alot and boy is it painful.....oh and guess what?


> not one to kiss and tell but I met a really sweet guy who thinks


> cute..lol and the best part is ...he's a mechanic lol thats just


> I need with my crappy car...anyway take care all.....

> julie in woodlake

...Yeah!!! a mechanic!!! Of course he thinks your cute...we

all do!

The oral antibiotic....When I was having a constant sinus infection

my PCP and I discussed that is was just possible I couldn't get rid

of it because I wasn't fully absorbing...so he put me on a course of

liquid cipro. He said that he has found liquid works alot better

for his RNY patients....so it was worth a try. Well, absorbtion was

not my problem...completely blocked sinus cavities and they couldn't

drain. The Doctor only tried the liquid once...then right back to

regular capsules after sinus surgery. Taking regular antibiotics has

worked ok for me...but taking liquid won't hurt, and it just might

give you a little more absorbtion. Shrugging shoulders...but who

really knows.


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I am really happy for you, . Sorry about the infection. I am

allergic so when you said you were on Augmentin I had a flash back to when I

found out I was allergic to penicillin. My gums, tongue, and lips all

swelled up.

Glad you met someone nice.



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> Hello all..Hope life is treating you all good..WooHoo pat

> congrads....Betsy sorry to hear about your mom..my step dad had

> pancreatic cancer and they did something called a whiffle(sp?)

> surgery and removed the pancreas he was then diabetic(of course ) and

> had to take enzymes..but he did good...medicine is amazing these days

> OK on to my stupid questions..First off the bones in my inner thigh

> hurt I've been riding the bike alot so that may be it but shoot I

> never even knew I had bones there(joke) do you all think that our

> bones get sore because they arn't padded like they use to be..or am I

> way out in left feild?

> ok next question I will spare you all the gory details but I have an

> infection thats been draining alot and I finially rode my bike to the

> dr. because I was feeling sick to my stomach so thought I needed

> antibiotics(Yes I did have a temp) anyway she gave me augmentin but

> it's liquid..She told me my body would absorb the liquid better.(she

> knows all about the ds surgery,,,thanks to me...lol anyway have any

> of you herd that oral antibiotics are better for us? oh by the way

> the infection isn't DS related..ok ok it's actually under my boob

> where I sweat alot and boy is it painful.....oh and guess what? I'm

> not one to kiss and tell but I met a really sweet guy who thinks I'm

> cute..lol and the best part is ...he's a mechanic lol thats just what

> I need with my crappy car...anyway take care all.....

> julie in woodlake

Yes, , God does work in mysterious and wonderful ways! Wouldn't that be

something... to have a new friend to date AND have your car back on the road!


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In a message dated 5/15/2003 6:45:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

silentfox00@... writes:

> do you all think that our

> bones get sore because they arn't padded like they use to be..

Hi !

I think you have been reading my mind. I hurt from the pressure on different

points of my body (hips, mostly)! I have had to really watch my body

mechanics, and I had to add egg crates to our bed in order for me to sleep

without a lot of pain. I think our bodies don't know WHAT we are supposed to

be feeling! You are not alone in this!

(Congratulations on the cute, interested guy -- have fun, girl, you deserve


Hugs and blessings, Ann

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> of you herd that oral antibiotics are better for us? oh by the way

> the infection isn't DS related..ok ok it's actually under my boob

> where I sweat alot and boy is it painful.....oh and guess what?

::Just be sure to keep going to the dr. for this , so it is

documented and then the insurance will pay for your lift...


> not one to kiss and tell but I met a really sweet guy who thinks

I'm cute..lol

::Smart guy, he can see what the rest of us have always known...

and the best part is ...he's a mechanic lol thats just what

> I need with my crappy car...

::God is so good, and He does provide for our needs...

So glad things are getting better

Sharon in Onyx

anyway take care all.....

> julie in woodlake

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  • 9 months later...

'm not a doctor but sounds to me like you should have your thyroid

checked. If you haven't had it checked in the last year or so, I'd

ask for a thyroid test.

Thyroid deficiency can cause loss of hair and coldness, and is

extremely common in women of your age group.


> I don't post often but do read all the messages.


> I am on 10mg Singular, Advair 250/50 and combivent when needed. I

am wondering if this is causing my hair loss or is it just my age of

56 and also I have noticed this winter that I feel cold all the time,

I used to be the one who seek the cooler room in the house but now

seem to be wrapping up in a quilt most of the time.

> Judy Young


> Gaelic Pride Westies




> check out


> My EBay Auctions

> And


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let us know how it comes out ...

I suspect thyroid problems could be related to the Samters, as they

are in the endocrine system as well.

I have a non-toxic goiter (enlarged thyroid) that's been there for

years, since the onset of the Samters, actually. It sometimes tests

abnormal but then when they follow up it looks okay. I think it's

probably borderline abnormal and I'd benefit from treatment with

thyroid hormones, but who knows.


> Thank you Lori, I am having the test done this afternoon.

> Judy Young


> Gaelic Pride Westies




> check out


> My EBay Auctions

> And


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  • 2 years later...


ARe you taking Diflucan because you tested positive for borrelia? I

also am taking Diflucan and ran a fever, very rare for me in 11 years,

indeed probably the first time since 1995 when I first got sick. I

take this as a very good sign.

My doctor used Schadt's original protocol with 25 days of Diflucan at

200 mg a day. Yesterday I started penicillin VK. I don't plan to go to

a lot of trouble trying to get a look at my blood at this point. I am

just glad I got some signs of what might be a Herx. Eleven years of

trying to knock out borrelia and probably babesia, in my case, is

getting old.

I try to focus on the more fun things in life every day and just pray

this treatment works. I'm not saying that is what you should do - just


a CArnes

> Dear Collective Wisdom, I've got two questions today:


> During my first 2 months on Diflucan, I was running a low fever most

> of the time. If I understand what I've read, this is a not-uncommon

> response. Can anyone shed light on what causes this effect?


> And... If I took a blood sample from myself, and had a laboratory

> microscope, would I actually see anything useful? Yeast organisms,

> Borrellia spirochetes, " deformed " red cells? What might I be looking

> for? (I've used microscopes in the past, but it's been a couple



> Thanks in advance,


> Marcia on

> Lafayette, Colorado


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See my replies below...


> Marcia,

> Are you taking Diflucan because you tested positive for borrelia?

> I also am taking Diflucan and ran a fever [...]

*** I tested positive for Borrelia, several bands on a Western Blot

test done by Quest Diagnostics. My doctor is following up with an

IgeneX blood test for Lyme (I've had the blood drawn, haven't gotten

the results back yet). But I also tested positive for Candida

(IGM=1.35H, >=1.00 is considered positive by this lab). Plus have some

clinical signs of yeast overgrowth as well. So the Diflucan was

prescribed initially to knock back the Candida.

*** I understand from people, including yourself now, that running a

fever is a *good* sign. What I'm trying to understand is what the

mechanism behind this is.

> I don't plan to go to

> a lot of trouble trying to get a look at my blood at this point. I am

> just glad I got some signs of what might be a Herx. Eleven years of

> trying to knock out borrelia and probably babesia, in my case, is

> getting old.

*** Trying to fight this for over ten years certainly *would* get old!

> I try to focus on the more fun things in life every day and just pray

> this treatment works. I'm not saying that is what you should do -

just me.


> a CArnes

*** I do try to enjoy life when I can. I went to a local production of

The Nutcracker before Christmas with a good friend. I enjoy getting

together with my 23-yr old son about once a week to have supper and

watch a video. I love looking at the beautiful scenery around me.

*** But I'm also intensely curious, and my mom was the teaching

coordinator at a hospital lab for a number of years, so it was a

natural thought to me to wonder what I'd see if I looked at my own

blood or other tissue samples. Of course, that only helps if I have

some idea of what I'm looking at, other than the standard red blood

cells and white blood cells.

*** Basically I'm just trying to learn as much as I can, in those

parts of the day when I can think.

Marcia on

Lafayette, Colorado

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  • 4 months later...
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In a message dated 5/4/2007 5:25:19 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, achalasiagoaway@... writes:

Thanks ahead. Mac

Hi, Mac! This is being written by another 'Mac' (McIntyre!). You've asked good quesitons. I am curious to know as well -- here is the list of symptoms for the canine version -- I wonder if all of them or only some of them would be symptoms for Achalasia? Gastritis



'Water gorging'

Loss of appetite

Nasal discharge

Rapid weight loss

Difficulty sleeping

Slow or halted growth

Regurgitation of water

Regurgitation of solids

Difficulty in swallowing

Sudden change in voice

Chronic hyper salivation

Sour or foul smelling breath

Passive expelling of mucous

Tires easily - muscle weakness

Intolerance of certain dietary fats

Passive expelling of digestive fluid

Puffing of the cheeks on expiration

Dry, unproductive retching and/or coughing

Gurgling sounds (foreign matter in lungs -- AP)

Touch sensitivity -- chest cavity and/or abdomen

Appearance of nausea in presence of food aromas

May detect a faint 'clicking' sound upon movement

Best regards to one and all,

Peg (Mums to E, canine megaesophagus)See what's free at AOL.com.

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For me...

1. I had the gurgling sounds.

2. Hypothyroidism.

3. No.

....had surgery last week am all better now!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

A couple questions

Have had problems to some degree swallowing for years after a super

bad bout of vomiting. Have had 2 barium swallows, an esophagram,

upper endoscopy with dilatation in Feb. which helped and will have a

manometry on Monday. My questions are.

1. Has anyone had any symptom like what I call " throat noises " like a

gurgle type sound?

2. Anyone else with achalasia have asthma or underactive thyroid?

3. Has anyone been tested for any other disorder that may be related

to the achalasia, i.e. neuro disorder?

Thanks ahead. Mac

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Yes, I have had 'throat noises' - they are spasms occurring in your esophagua. They are ANNOYING. i was also tested by a neurologist since this is a neuromuscular disease. All things checked out fine....although the Vagus nerve which innervates the esophagus isn't getting the messages, which affect the peristalsis (movement in the esophagus). Never had asthma or underactive thyroid.

Hope you get everything worked out. Good luck.


A couple questions

Have had problems to some degree swallowing for years after a superbad bout of vomiting. Have had 2 barium swallows, an esophagram,upper endoscopy with dilatation in Feb. which helped and will have amanometry on Monday. My questions are. 1. Has anyone had any symptom like what I call "throat noises" like agurgle type sound? 2. Anyone else with achalasia have asthma or underactive thyroid? 3. Has anyone been tested for any other disorder that may be relatedto the achalasia, i.e. neuro disorder? Thanks ahead. Mac

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Hi, As to your questions: 1. I do have the gurgling sounds as well, yet they didn't start untill about 2 or 3 years ago, whereas I have achalasia for about 15 years now, first myotomy 11 y. ago, second one last January and upcoming (final) one January next year probably 2. No asthma 3. No Hope to have been of help! IsabellaGecmac <gnmc@...> wrote: Have had problems to some degree swallowing for years after a superbad bout of vomiting. Have had 2 barium swallows, an esophagram,upper endoscopy with dilatation in Feb. which helped and will have amanometry on Monday. My questions are. 1. Has anyone had any symptom like what I call "throat noises" like agurgle type sound? 2. Anyone else with achalasia have asthma or underactive thyroid? 3. Has anyone been tested for any other disorder that may be relatedto the achalasia, i.e. neuro disorder? Thanks ahead. Mac

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check out

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1. Sometimes I do have the throat noises.

2. I have asthma. Which started acting up pretty much the same time

the achalasia did, 1-2 years ago.

3. I did have a pinched nerve several years ago that caused chest and

back pain.


> Have had problems to some degree swallowing for years after a super

> bad bout of vomiting. Have had 2 barium swallows, an esophagram,

> upper endoscopy with dilatation in Feb. which helped and will have a

> manometry on Monday. My questions are.

> 1. Has anyone had any symptom like what I call " throat noises " like a

> gurgle type sound?

> 2. Anyone else with achalasia have asthma or underactive thyroid?

> 3. Has anyone been tested for any other disorder that may be related

> to the achalasia, i.e. neuro disorder?

> Thanks ahead. Mac


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At my manometry yesterday the tech said it looked like I was having

spasms. It makes sense with the gurgles. I have them less since

having a dilatation a couple months ago. My main symptom is just how

slow food goes down. Can still eat just about anything I want, but go

slow, eat less. Have certain foods that are more bothersome, bananas,

cottage cheese, pop (its like the fiz confuses my esophagus!)and a few

others. My granddaughter use to ask, Nana is that your stomach

growling! Thanks for answering. Mac


> Hi.

> Yes, I have had 'throat noises' - they are spasms occurring in your

esophagua. They are ANNOYING. i was also tested by a neurologist

since this is a neuromuscular disease. All things checked out

fine....although the Vagus nerve which innervates the esophagus isn't

getting the messages, which affect the peristalsis (movement in the

esophagus). Never had asthma or underactive thyroid.

> Hope you get everything worked out. Good luck.

> Tammy



> A couple questions


> Have had problems to some degree swallowing for years after a super

> bad bout of vomiting. Have had 2 barium swallows, an esophagram,

> upper endoscopy with dilatation in Feb. which helped and will have a

> manometry on Monday. My questions are.

> 1. Has anyone had any symptom like what I call " throat noises " like a

> gurgle type sound?

> 2. Anyone else with achalasia have asthma or underactive thyroid?

> 3. Has anyone been tested for any other disorder that may be related

> to the achalasia, i.e. neuro disorder?

> Thanks ahead. Mac










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  • 1 year later...

Hi Bee,

Since I'm on this diet to deal mostly with skin issues, (cea and

Keratosis Pilaris), I was wondering if it would be advisable to take

my fish oil and vitamin A supplements in higher doses since these are

supposed to be very beneficial for the skin. If so, how much is OK to


Also, I've recently come down with a bad cold. I don't know if it is

my body detoxing or not. All I know is that I spent hours outside on a

very cold and wet day and came home with the chills and a sore throat.

My nose has been running profusely, and I've started to notice blood

in my mucous. Last time this happened, I was diagnosed with a sinus

infection and had to be put on antibiotics. I don't want to have that

happen again, so are there any natural remedies I can do to stop it

before it gets worse?

That's all for now. Thanks so much Bee!


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I can't speak for Bee, but can testify that saline nose spray will help with

sinus infections as will steam.  The sooner you start these, the better..

good luck- sinus infections can get pretty nasty.  The good thing with these

home remedies is that they won't hurt to try!


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