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Intro and questions (snacking, butter intolerance, enemas and more)

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I have been reading and reading on Bee's website since 2 months and I

have been lurking and going through the files here since a month. I am

ready to start, got all the supplements on hands and I am well on my

way (6 weeks into the GAPS intro) and ready for the jump to Bee's program.

First, let me introduce myself. I am a stay at home mom of 3 little

girls (41/2 yo twins and a 3 yo). I work from home with my DH (we are

translators, English into French), we are homeschooling with the

Waldorf method and we have my 87 yo grandma that lives with us, here,

in beautiful Québec, Canada in an old house in the countryside.

I have been sick since birth (30 years). Hypoglycemia and otitis as a

baby, sinus infections (2 sinus surgeries), anxiety attacks since

teenagehood, migraines, bad case of salmonella at 18 while traveling

and then major depression that was incurable with meds for over a

year, until the blood tests reveal severe hypothyroidism. So, today, I

am on Synthroid and antidepressant (for an anxiety disorder) and I am

well-controlled (but still sick, obviously!). I suffer from severe

migraines about once a week. I also lose a lot of hair.

I have some questions:

1)Will I need to be on the diet for 30 months before reducing my meds?

How do I know when it is time to start decreasing them? Which one do I

start decreasing first?

2)I have been off dairies for 5 weeks on GAPS. I just reintroduced

butter 2 days ago (in Bee's egg drink) and feel congested in the

morning. I believe I am sensitive to dairies (casein). Should I stay

away from butter for a while? I really crave butter now that I

reintroduced it... I also crave the crackers I made with soaked

blanched raw almonds, egg whites and celtic sea salt. Is it ok to eat

as many as I want or is it better to stay away from them? Does craving

a food like that means that it is feeding the candida bugs?

3)I have a really hard time not snacking. I become weak and shaky if I

do not eat every 3 hours (I run around with 3 toddlers all day). I eat

plenty of good fats and protein at every meal and I eat a decent size

meal. I really cannot force myself to eat more at every meal. I had

the elecrolytes drink today and yesterday between meals and it didn't

satisfy my hunger. Would Bee's egg drink be ok between meals? Any

other suggestion? Or should I really try not to eat between meals?

4)I am doing a probiotic enema (water and lactobifidus) every 2 days

pretty much since 6 weeks (as per GAPS recommendation) since I still

have a hard time eating raw veggies (they give me bloating and

intestinal pain) and I am quite constipated. I would like to try the

coffee enema, but I really do not want to feel jittery afterwards. I

am someone who cannot even handle a sip of coffee without shaking

afterwards. Do you still recommend that I do it or is it not for me at

this point?

Ok, I think I'll stop here!

Thank you so much Bee for all the amazing work you put into this. It

is so very helpful for so many of us!

Do you have success stories of people that went through a similar path

than me?

Thanks again,

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