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Coconut Oil That Doesn't Taste Like Coconut Oil?

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> >

> > I phoned them. Omega Nutrition just told me that the non-

> virgin CO is refined thru a heat process but that it's not bleached

> and that all coconut oils that are non-virgin are deodorized so that

> they don't smell like coconut.

Okay, this post was from over 2 years ago. I've been going back

through the posts to try to find a brand of coconut oil that doesn't

taste like coconut. I've hated coconut all my life (a very long time),

and I don't know how I can force myself to take even one more

tablespoon of the stuff.

If this statement is true - that all non-virgin coconut oils that

don't smell and taste of coconut are deoderized - then it looks like

my search is in vain.

So that would mean that the Omega Nutrition, Tropical Traditions, Tree

of Life, and Jarrow brands - the NON-virgin ones - are all deodorized.

And not to be used by us.

Because on this program, we're supposed to use coconut oil that is

unrefined, unbleached, and not deodorized. I guess it is not possible

to find a coconut oil that does not taste like coconut that is also

not deodorized.

On the Tropical Traditions website, I read that their expeller-pressed

coconut oil " goes through a steam deodorizing process " .

Also on the Tree of Life website, they say their expeller-pressed

organic coconut oil is " less refined than regular coconut oil " - which

means it has had SOME refining.

In both of these statements, it's saying expeller-pressed coconut oil

will not necessarily meet the requirements of this program.

So, it seems that just because a coconut oil is expeller-pressed does

not mean it is okay for us to use. I also found the following

statement on Bee's website:

" Expeller–pressed coconut oil has a neutral flavor (because it is

refined), yet it contains the same healthy fatty acids as virgin

coconut oil. "

I'm really disappointed.

Coconut oil is a cornerstone of this program.

The only solution I can think of is to try to bury the taste in a very

strongly seasoned food like chili or curry. Every day. And 6

tablespoons in one meal. I don't think that would work.

Is there no other option?


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> On the Tropical Traditions website, I read that their expeller-

pressed coconut oil " goes through a steam deodorizing process " .

+++That is okay when it is steam deodorized.

+++See this article for coconut oil which has less taste:


Also you can disguise coconut oil by having it in Bee's Egg Drink.


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