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coconut oil suppliers in UK

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> Hi

> could anyone tell me of a good coconut oil supplier in the UK i think


> have already posted abut this but cannot find the answer anywhere.

+++Hi Dudley. If you do an internet search using " coconut oil+UK "

you'll get some good sources - here's one I found, but ensure you buy

the Virgin unrefined one they sell:



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  • 5 months later...
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Hi Sue.

I think it is often a case of trial and error. although it is not labelled as

VCO I like the taste of the oil from Holland & Barrett. I also have some Biona

that I got from a Health shop and that is quite pleasant, however I have just

had to return some Coconoil I bought off Ebay as it was disgusting. Soapy.

That is apparently an indication of a certain amount of rancidity. Yuk. If I

was making soap with it then fine but for eating a definite no-no.

It might just have been a bad batch but it has put me off that brand. There are

people selling Coconut oil on Ebay in lump form. Although you have to check

with them it is often 'food-grade' but under EU legislation they are not able to

sell it as such.

I might try a few small amounts first to see if I can find one I like as it is

usually cheaper overall and in bulk that way.

It is annoying because at one time coconut oil was cheap as chips, but everyone

has jumped on the 'Organic' bandwagon now - just like the 'organic' movement in

general (at one time EVERYTHING was organic, cheeky beggars) and are charging a

fortune for it. Remove what they shouldn't be adding to it in the first place

then charge and arm and a leg for it. How kind.



> Hello folks.. just joined. (UK)

> Been using an American company for the past 5 years plus... (are we allowed to

mention names?).... daily on my face as a moisturiser, and generally externally

for whatever, burns etc. This particular brand was economical relatively

speaking.. and had a good smell, and taste.


> I've recently decided to start taking c.o. internally regularly and obviously

need to up my intake from a mere spreading across the face...

> Coupled with a price hike in the US.. this now makes my Amercan c.o. pretty


> I tried 2 different UK suppliers... one was ok for external application but

not pleasant for eating. The other was so disgusting I could hardly bear to put

it on my face never mind eat it.

> Both these UK brands smell like they've been fermented.

> Can anyone recommend a UK supplier that tastes like coconut and is not RBD.. I

read somewhere that most suppliers in UK are RBD... or maybe this is old news

now and we have picked up a bit.

> No replies from company reps, please!

> Thanks a bunch.

> Sue


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