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new member with questions

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> Hello,

> My name is . I read through the articles, even printed


> out for future reference. :)

> I plan on starting the diet after the holidays. I have been


> pretty good for 1.5 years now, on Candex for 3 months, enzymes for

> 1.5 years, very sugar restricted and no wheat, little grains. But

> whenever I eat any sugar or dairy my ears instantly itch, my


> itch and TMI WARNING I get lots of discharge within the next 15-30

> minutes. Could this be from just the yeast or is there something

> else to worry about.

> Also, I'm going to have a bunch of tests done before my new

> deductible hits and was hoping you might have some recommendations

> for what I should get tested.

+++Hi . Welcome to our group. That's great you've decided to

do this program. You can't go wrong giving your body the nutrients

it needs so it can heal itself.

+++Your reactions to sugar and dairy are because they both feed

candida, so it is due to yeast overgrowth.

+++I do not recommend any laboratory tests, since they aren't

accurate and most are inconclusive for the presence of candida. The

only reliable test is Dr. Crook's Candida Questionnaire, and this

articles also explains about other tests:


The best in health, Bee

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