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Decreased Appetite

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Bee, after reading many of the posts I see that decreased appetite is

a common symptom. My appetite has really really decreased. I also

remember reading that decreased appetite was a sign from the body that

it is going through extreme healing and it needs that energy for healing?

Should I be concerned about the loss of appetite? It is 7pm in the

evening and this am I had a steak and salad and I absolutely have no

appetite. Should I still take the cconut oil even if I dont eat?

Should I force myself to eat?

Of note, I have not had a natural bowel movement in a month. Also for

the last 10 years I depended on glycerin suppositories to have a bowel

movement. Therefore, I know my colon has forgotten how to work

properly. I just couldn't go.

So in between the constipation, fatigue, die off I am quite miserable.

I also work 12 hour shifts as a nurse. By the time I get home I am so

exhausted and I need a full day in bed to recuperate, I get up at 5am

and return home at 830pm. I don't know how I functioned all those

years with candida.


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