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Re: Selenium lowers antibodies

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Here's a list of Fibro symptoms from the Arthritis Foundation. Many people have

found it helpful to check them against their own symptoms.


1. PAIN- in the muscle: often described as aching, burning, throbbing,

gnawing, shooting, tingling. Almost always exacerbated by exercise and may

or may not be present at rest. Can be migratory and differing from day to


2. FATIGUE- From feeling tired to exhausted and requiring rest periods

during the day.

3. SLEEP DISTURBANCE- not being able to fall asleep and or able to stay

asleep. Unrefreshing sleep patterns " feels like I haven't slept. "

4. PARESTHESIA- numbness or tingling. ( non dermatomal)

5. DEPRESSION- most often reactive as with chronic pain condition.

6. ANXIETY- may include panic attacks.

7. PERSONALITY CHANGES- usually a worsening of a previous tendency.


9. SUBJECTIVE SWELLING OF EXTREMITIES- i.e. feels swollen but no-one can

find anything.

10. HEADACHES- tension and or migraine.

11. COGNITIVE FUNCTION PROBLEMS: calculation difficulties, memory

disturbances, spatial disorientation, difficulty with concentration, short

term memory loss.

12. FREQUENT UNUSUAL NIGHTMARES- or being unable to dream.

13. DYSTONIA- stiff muscles due to involuntary contracture. Difficulty in

moving tongue to speak.



16. LIGHT HEADEDNESS- " Fibro Fog " , spaced out, cloudy.



19. MILD BUTTERFLY RASH- (LUPUS TYPE) May be photo sensitive.

20. NEUROGENIC INFLAMMATION- rashes, may be severe itching. NI causes the

symptoms and signs of Dermatographia.


22. MUSCLE WEAKNESS- variable with no " objective " abnormality to formal


23. SCIATICA- like pain

24. PHOTOPHOBIA- Intolerance of bright lights.




28. TINNITUS- ringing in the ears.

29. OCCASIONAL EXAGGERATED NYSTAGMUS- involuntary rapid movementof the eye


30. CHANGES IN VISUAL ACUITY- impaired function of the smooth muscle used

for focus as well as skeletal muscles for tracking.




34. WEIGHT CHANGES- usually gained due to the lack of exercise through pain

and or tricyclic antidepressants


36. HEIGHTENED AWARENESS- of symptoms of HYPOGLYCEMIA 9 when blood sugar




39. HEARTBURN- secondary to I.B.S.






45. HEART MURMUR-Mitral Valve Prolapse appears to be more symptomatic in FM

than normal.

46. IMPOTENCE- reactive and occasionally.



49. MUSCLE SPASM- twitching.

50. NON-CARDIAC CHEST PAIN- which may simulate cardiac disorder.




54. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISORDER- usually due to abnormal muscle tone.

55. RAYNAUD'S- like symptoms.

56. CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME-possible related condition.

57. HAIR LOSS-secondary to psychological stress from FM.

58. VULVODYNIA- Vulvar discomfort or pain, burning, stinging and irritation.

59. PLANTAR ARCH-or heel pain. Exacerbated in FM.

This list of symptoms has been correlated by the Arthritis Foundation


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

> Is this the same thing  that Cytomel  does? I'm  taking one a day of the

> Selenium which is 200  mcg  which is  what all the studies I've read, had

>  their

>   subjects taking.

Not at all. Cytomel is  active T3 hormone. It is  an  alternative to taking

T4  (Synthroid).

The supplements that  give you  200 mcg per day  are on top of

multivitamins. You need to  make sure that  the  combination does not

exceed the 200 mcg  maximum.

BTW, I  am  extremely dubious about the claims that  selenium lowers 

antibodies. Please  cite a  reviewed   source.



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If someone said they had invented a better TV I would have sufficient

knowledge of electronics and software to know that it fits within the

bounds of possible/probable improvements; or not. But since I don't

watch TV I doubt I'd be all that interested. In any event: If someone

had just invented an HD TV for the first time it would be extremely

valuable/expensive. If someone offered to give me one I'd probably be

looking for the hook. It is not a good idea to reject everything new

out of hand, but rather to look at the available evidence then make your


If someone said they had invented a new type of TV and needed investors

and you had a bit of money would you invest? Or would you ask a few

questions first? If you found that the inventor claimed his TV operated

on principles that all of the available research said was quackery

would that affect your willingness to invest?

Few of us [only Chuck, AFAIK] are actual research scientists. We

therefore are not qualified to do the controlled studies that support

new ideas. We have to depend upon our education and intelligence to

determine which of the many views on any subject are well supported and

thus have a higher probability of being accurate. A vast number of

quack claims are so similar in so many aspects that it isn't even

necessary to know the subject of their claims to know that the

probability of their accuracy is exceedingly low.

I personally am highly offended by con artists who willfully sell quack

products to sick and desperate people. I try to provide another point

of view that will help those who are not well acquainted with the

practices of such scum to be able to see through the scam. If at the

end of the day you still want to avail yourself of the " assistance " of

purveyors of questionable products or practices you still have that

option. My opinion is not the only one, although I think you will find

most of what I write is well supported. Not that I can't [and I do]

make mistakes.




> Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...



> matchermaam <matchermaam>



> Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:30 pm (PST)




> If you had a tv from 1983 and someone said they could give you a tv

> with HD, would you also call it quackery anda rip off without trying it?


> <>Roni

> Immortality exists!

> It's called knowledge!


> Just because something isn't seen

> doesn't mean it's not there<>




> From: <res075oh@... <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>>

> Subject: Re: Selenium lowers antibodies

> hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>

> Date: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 10:30 AM


> If you examine the credible research for any support for hair analysis

> for medical diagnosis you will find there isn't any. If you research

> the matter a bit on Google you will find it's just another quack process

> designed to separate the gullible from their money. The New York Times

> published an article in 1983 which pointed out that hair analysis

> produces inconsistent results, uses fraudulent practices, has

> unscientific aspects and basically is a consumer ripoff that in some

> cases is dangerous [paraphrased]

> .


> The below is a report from the JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL

> ASSOCIATION on this subject:

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I hope the source made it clear that many if not all of these symptoms

can also be associated with a vast number of other conditions. I don't

have Fibro and I have a considerable number of them. Is there anyone

here who does not?



> Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...



> matchermaam <matchermaam>



> Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:47 pm (PST)




> Here's a list of Fibro symptoms from the Arthritis Foundation. Many

> people have found it helpful to check them against their own symptoms.

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As it was stated the source was the Arthritis foundation. The difference come in

because these symptoms are combined, exercise of any sort produces delayed pain,

memory problems are different from day to day as well as the other symptoms,

most of the symptoms are cylic and bi lateral, and the fatigue is always there. 


Believe me,, if you had it, you would know the difference from other

illnesses that might sound like they produced the same pain. For example, when I

got so sick from the new Armour, one of the things that was going on was a

feeling that everything in my body was dying. also, the pains I was getting were

new pains, and they were not bi lateral. After

a few months in PT, the director told me he agreed with me that my pains were

from the

thyroid problems, which were different from the Fibro problems I was exhibiting.

This guy had a masters in PT and was very good.


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

From: <res075oh@...>

Subject: Re: Selenium lowers antibodies


Date: Sunday, January 30, 2011, 10:14 AM

I hope the source made it clear that many if not all of these symptoms

can also be associated with a vast number of other conditions.  I don't

have Fibro and I have a considerable number of them.  Is there anyone

here who  does not?



>       Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...




>       matchermaam <matchermaam>



>         Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:47 pm (PST)




> Here's a list of Fibro symptoms from the Arthritis Foundation. Many

> people have found it helpful to check them against their own symptoms.


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You wrote:

> If you examine the credible research for any support for hair analysis

> for medical diagnosis you will find there isn't any....

You may be throwing out some of the baby with the bath water. Hair

analysis can be used for detecting illegal drug use and environmental

poisoning, such as lead or mercury. The controversial part is where it

is used for analyzing nutritional deficiencies and some alternative

medicine diagnoses. The difference is in the several orders of magnitude

difference in concentrations measured. Even with heavy metal poisoning,

hair is more of an initial screening to detect an issue. It still needs

to be backed up with blood testing, so they might as well start with a

blood draw.


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There are alternative methods and products other than allopathic. You yourself

have agreed that there are purveyors of quackery in there too, so if you want to

give a different viewpoint, I think that at least, since you are not a

scientist, and don't know everything, as I don't, to at least be respectful.


I have read plenty of posts of people on several groups that cannot recognize

when they are being conned, no matter what protocol it's coming from. I think

you know that I don't buy anything that has a " magical " formula. Something put

together, given an exotic name and sold with the idea that it is a cure all.

Anything that is touted as a cure all would be known by millions within a week,

or maybe even a month, but no more.


In my research, one of the herbs that the Cardiologist recommended turned out to

be the active ingredient to one of the cholesterol lowering drugs. When I saw

him again I told him what I found and he said yes it is. I told him since I

don't want to take cholesterol loweing drugs, I don't want to take the active

ingredient either.


It's difficult today to pick out the truth of what patients are being told by

practitioners, no matter where they come from. However, I do think that we have

to question and research everything, not just dismis out of hand something as

quackery when we haven't had any experience with it.


I don't know what other drugs you are on besides the thyroid, but if you

research them carefully, I think you will discover that many of them actually

cause the problem for which they were prescribed in the first place, interract

with other medications producing unknown compounds that could harm us too, or

produce very severe side effects and allergic reactions.


By the way, when I was talking about the TV, I was talking about if it was

offered to you in 1980, not now. Also, I know plenty of people that thought a

ray that could kill was just science fiction in the 1950's. I knew in my bones

that it was going to come into reality.


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>


> From: <res075oh@... <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>>

> Subject: Re: Selenium lowers antibodies

> hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>

> Date: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 10:30 AM


> If you examine the credible research for any support for hair analysis

> for medical diagnosis you will find there isn't any.  If you research

> the matter a bit on Google you will find it's just another quack process

> designed to separate the gullible from their money.  The New York Times

> published an article in 1983 which pointed out that hair analysis

> produces inconsistent results, uses fraudulent practices, has

> unscientific aspects and basically is a consumer ripoff that in some

> cases is dangerous [paraphrased]

> .


> The below is a report from the JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL

> ASSOCIATION on this subject:


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Considering that source perhaps I am. However, the second part of my

post did list the uses by mainstream medical practitioners. But AFAIK

none of them are used by main stream practitioners to diagnose any

illness; if that is incorrect I'd like to know what specific illnesses

are typically so diagnosed. I do know that some things [like the lead

and mercury] can show up in the hair. Even in the cases of suspected

problems with same what percentage of doctors would be likely to use

such tests?

In any event the typical questionable practice is to mail in a sample of

your hair and you get a result back. To me the probability of getting a

correct diagnose from such a practice is pretty close to zero.




> Posted by: " ChuckB " gumboyaya@...



> gumbo482001 <gumbo482001>



> Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:32 pm (PST)




> ,


> You wrote:

> > If you examine the credible research for any support for hair analysis

> > for medical diagnosis you will find there isn't any....


> You may be throwing out some of the baby with the bath water. Hair

> analysis can be used for detecting illegal drug use and environmental

> poisoning, such as lead or mercury. The controversial part is where it

> is used for analyzing nutritional deficiencies and some alternative

> medicine diagnoses. The difference is in the several orders of magnitude

> difference in concentrations measured. Even with heavy metal poisoning,

> hair is more of an initial screening to detect an issue. It still needs

> to be backed up with blood testing, so they might as well start with a

> blood draw.


> Chuck

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If I wrote anything you found disrespectful to you then I apologize; I

really don't want to offend. Perhaps the utter distaste I feel for con

artists who prey upon the sick and desperate comes through in ways that

I don't intend.




> Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...



> matchermaam <matchermaam>



> Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:41 pm (PST)




> There are alternative methods and products other than allopathic. You

> yourself have agreed that there are purveyors of quackery in there

> too, so if you want to give a different viewpoint, I think that at

> least, since you are not a scientist, and don't know everything, as I

> don't, to at least be respectful.

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I have had testing in facilities where I actually went in for the testing. I

also had glucose tolerance tests in facilities like that, as well as allopathic

labs. The results were the same.


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

> > If you examine the credible research for any support for hair analysis

> > for medical diagnosis you will find there isn't any....


> You may be throwing out some of the baby with the bath water. Hair

> analysis can be used for detecting illegal drug use and environmental

> poisoning, such as lead or mercury. The controversial part is where it

> is used for analyzing nutritional deficiencies and some alternative

> medicine diagnoses. The difference is in the several orders of magnitude

> difference in concentrations measured. Even with heavy metal poisoning,

> hair is more of an initial screening to detect an issue. It still needs

> to be backed up with blood testing, so they might as well start with a

> blood draw.


> Chuck


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I know you were not being disrespectful to me. I just wish you would revisit the

whole alternative medicne subject again. It is becoming more and more

mainstream. One of

the things I'd like to point out is that because of the toxicity of drugs, more

and more people have become very chemically sensitised, and the doctors are

having to find alterntives for them. I am one of them, and my cardiologists are

aware of this problem and are treating the people who are sensitive with the

herbs, vitamins and minerals themselves rather than the drugs into which they

are made. My internist is aware of this problem too, as well as my

Rheumatologist. All of these people have advanced degrees and were educated in

good schools and interned and did residencies in good hospitals.


Things are changing , and need to be examined and reevaluated again. I

don't go to  alternative practitioners, but rather to respected allopathic

doctors that are aware and open minded.




Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

From: <res075oh@...>

Subject: Re: Selenium lowers antibodies


Date: Monday, January 31, 2011, 7:34 AM

If I wrote anything you found disrespectful to you then I apologize; I

really don't want to offend.  Perhaps the utter distaste I feel for con

artists who prey upon the sick and desperate comes through in ways that

I don't intend.




>       Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...




>       matchermaam <matchermaam>



>         Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:41 pm (PST)




> There are alternative methods and products other than allopathic. You

> yourself have agreed that there are purveyors of quackery in there

> too, so if you want to give a different viewpoint, I think that at

> least, since you are not a scientist, and don't know everything, as I

> don't, to at least be respectful.


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If any of them suggest sending a hair sample to one of the sites whose

main purpose is selling nutritional supplements then I'd suggest heading

for the hills! [ggg]



> Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...



> matchermaam <matchermaam>



> Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:31 pm (PST)




> [...]


> Things are changing , and need to be examined and reevaluated

> again. I don't go to alternative practitioners, but rather

> to respected allopathic doctors that are aware and open minded.




> <>Roni

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I would never do that. I do think common sense has to reign when ordering

anything on line.


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

From: <res075oh@...>

Subject: Re: Selenium lowers antibodies


Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 4:01 PM

If any of them suggest  sending a hair sample to one of the sites whose

main purpose is selling nutritional supplements then I'd suggest heading

for the hills! [ggg]



>       Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...




>       matchermaam <matchermaam>



>         Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:31 pm (PST)




> [...]


> Things are changing , and need to be examined and reevaluated

> again. I don't go to  alternative practitioners, but rather

> to respected allopathic doctors that are aware and open minded.




> <>Roni


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