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Selenium and Iodine and Hashimotos

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I like using Google Books to look stuff up and came across this info when

looking up Selenium. They talk about the study I had mentioned before which

isn't a big one, but had good results when it came to inflammation and

antibodies. Well, I hadn't read before about an Iodine connection. I have

Hashimoto's and tried Kelp tablets. I mentioned on this list how my throat

swelled up with it. This article says how Iodine can actually hurt those with

Hashimotos...so finally this might be what happened to me. I started Selenium

4 days ago and my neck isn't showing any swollen feelings. I do still have

my fibromyalgia pains which I was hoping would be better too...but maybe

with time.

_http://books.google.com/books?id=AV_7ltX0WEAC & pg=PA145 & dq=selenium+antibodi

es & hl=en & ei=-cVCTYa1O4H7lwfj0MTmDw & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=7 & ve

d=0CFwQ6AEwBg#v=onepage & q=selenium%20antibodies & f=false_

(http://books.google.com/books?id=AV_7ltX0WEAC & pg=PA145 & dq=selenium+antibodies & h\

l=en & ei=-cVCTYa

1O4H7lwfj0MTmDw & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=7 & ved=0CFwQ6AEwBg#v=one

page & q=selenium%20antibodies & f=false)

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I have Fibro too, and have found that magnesium has helped with the pains. I

take 500 - 1000 mgs daily, depending on what my evacuation system can handle.


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It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

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From: tyblossom@... <tyblossom@...>

Subject: Selenium and Iodine and Hashimotos


Date: Friday, January 28, 2011, 5:47 AM

I like using Google Books to look stuff up and came across this info when 

looking up Selenium. They talk about the study I had mentioned before which 

isn't a big one, but had good results when it came to inflammation and 

antibodies. Well, I hadn't read before about an Iodine connection. I have 

Hashimoto's and tried Kelp tablets. I mentioned on this list how my throat 

swelled up with it. This article says how Iodine can actually hurt those with 

Hashimotos...so finally this might be what happened to me. I started Selenium

4  days ago and my neck isn't showing any swollen feelings. I do still have

my  fibromyalgia pains which I was hoping would be better too...but maybe

with time.

_http://books.google.com/books?id=AV_7ltX0WEAC & pg=PA145 & dq=selenium+antibodi

es & hl=en & ei=-cVCTYa1O4H7lwfj0MTmDw & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=7 & ve

d=0CFwQ6AEwBg#v=onepage & q=selenium%20antibodies & f=false_

(http://books.google.com/books?id=AV_7ltX0WEAC & pg=PA145 & dq=selenium+antibodies & h\

l=en & ei=-cVCTYa

1O4H7lwfj0MTmDw & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=7 & ved=0CFwQ6AEwBg#v=one

page & q=selenium%20antibodies & f=false)

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You wrote:

> ...Well, I hadn't read before about an Iodine connection. I have

> Hashimoto's and tried Kelp tablets....

That connection is rather well documented. When Mortons very first

started supplementing table salt with iodine in goiter regions, they

found that while the goiter incidence went down, Hashimoto's went up.

This has been a consistent occurrence as efforts to relieve iodine

deficiency have spread. Later studies showed that iodine supplements at

the level of kelp extract could aggravate Hashi's.

Nevertheless, we have had many iodine supporters on this list saying

that this only happens at very low doses, that when you take massive

amounts of iodine, it will cure Hashimoto's. There were no good

citations, though, only doctors' opinions to support this.


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