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Welcome . I'm new here too. I "lurk" mostly. You will like this listserv. Everyone here is very friendly, and helpful.

-----Original Message-----From: a8kidlets [mailto:a8kidlets@...]Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 2:15 PM Subject: I'm new hereHi,I'm , living in Rochester, mama to 8 kids(3 are mostly out of the nest), and I got the name of this group from (we discovered on another group that she grew up on the street I now live on). I started making soap last year, and got soooooooo addicted. I haven't tried selling any, still in the giving it away stage, though my best friend does buy a batch at a time and pays me for that. I look forward to getting to know everyone here, and maybe meeting.Our Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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Hi !

Welcome to our group! I'm Colleen, co-moderator. Our

listmom Terri's pc is down right now, but she may be

able to pop in using her dad or sister's pc to welcome


I live in Baldwinsville and have 2 kids (will be 7 & 3

in March). I can't even imagine having 8 kids! How

old are they? I am a registered childcare provider

and have been soaping for about 2 years now. I mainly

do mp, bath salts, lotion bars, etc. I have dabbled

in cphp too.

Feel free to post about anything. We are a very

relaxed, friendly, and family style group. Any and

all topics are okay, as long as they are appropriate

(please don't slam other soapers).

Have fun!


Country Meadow Creations


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Welcome to our little group. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. I live in a

small town just east of Utica called Ilion. I only make & sell M & P soaps,

bath salts, bombs, and lotion bars currently. Now I'm going to try to add

milk baths. Speaking of which I have another question to you girls that sell

these. What do you suggest packaging them in? Would you do a ziplock bag

and put that in a decorative cello bag? Do you guys include a wooden scoop

with yours, too? I haven't done any hunting online to see how other soapers

sell theirs.


I'm new here

Hi,I'm , living in Rochester, mama to 8 kids(3 are mostly out of the nest), and I got the name of this group from (we discovered on another group that she grew up on the street I now live on). I started making soap last year, and got soooooooo addicted. I haven't tried selling any, still in the giving it away stage, though my best friend does buy a batch at a time and pays me for that. I look forward to getting to know everyone here, and maybe meeting.Our Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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, I did some milk baths years ago and I just packaged them like my regular bath salts. In a poly or cello bag, inside a tin tie bag with a wooden scoop tied with raffia on to it.

I've seen you can get those mini milk jugs someplace. That would be kinda cute too


-----Original Message-----From: Joe Murray [mailto:jmurray2@...]Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 11:49 PM Subject: Re: I'm new here


Welcome to our little group. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. I live in a

small town just east of Utica called Ilion. I only make & sell M & P soaps,

bath salts, bombs, and lotion bars currently. Now I'm going to try to add

milk baths. Speaking of which I have another question to you girls that sell

these. What do you suggest packaging them in? Would you do a ziplock bag

and put that in a decorative cello bag? Do you guys include a wooden scoop

with yours, too? I haven't done any hunting online to see how other soapers

sell theirs.


I'm new here

Hi,I'm , living in Rochester, mama to 8 kids(3 are mostly out of the nest), and I got the name of this group from (we discovered on another group that she grew up on the street I now live on). I started making soap last year, and got soooooooo addicted. I haven't tried selling any, still in the giving it away stage, though my best friend does buy a batch at a time and pays me for that. I look forward to getting to know everyone here, and maybe meeting.Our Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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>I live in Baldwinsville and have 2 kids (will be 7 & 3

>in March). I can't even imagine having 8 kids! How

>old are they?

Where is Baldwinsville? I am a transplant to NY state, and really don't know

the area as well as I should( I should study maps like my 19yo).

My kids are: Mike 23, Joni 22, 19, Emmy 17, Rob 15(about to be 16),

13(lucky if she sees 14...lol), 6.5, Molly 3.5(orrrr

Mollyannblinn as she is called most days).


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, where did you move here from? I was transplanted 20 years ago when I

married my hubby (from Idaho). 20 year anniversary comming up in 2 weeks.

Hard to believe its been that long!


Re: I'm new here


>I live in Baldwinsville and have 2 kids (will be 7 & 3

>in March). I can't even imagine having 8 kids! How

>old are they?

Where is Baldwinsville? I am a transplant to NY state, and really don't know

the area as well as I should( I should study maps like my 19yo).

My kids are: Mike 23, Joni 22, 19, Emmy 17, Rob 15(about to be 16),

13(lucky if she sees 14...lol), 6.5, Molly 3.5(orrrr

Mollyannblinn as she is called most days).


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Our Message Board


Check out these great Molds!!


Member Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!


All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be

forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post

author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are

personal opinions only.

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, I'm so glad you have joined our family (as nne calls us)! She is

right. I don't know why, but, although I love 1 or 2 of the other soap lists

that I am on, these folks ARE family--even though I have only actually met a few


them in person.

I am SOOO looking forward to summertime and our gathering!

Oh, and don't be shy, give me a call if you want----I'm in the book!

-- Ehrhardt

Body & Soap

***coming soon***


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Dawn,

Welcome! You will find a lot of help on this list, but it does take an effort

to get up to speed. At least it does me, to keep up. Fortunately I have

learned to skip over the solutions to problems I don't have!

You have already learned quite a lot about this darn disorder, and no fun in

the process, either from, what you write!

I hope you do get your recovery quickly. Determination and focus will help.

Meanwhile I also hope you find something at least most days that pleases you.


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Hi, and welcome.

I think you are going in the right direction, but I don't believe the few

things you have mentioned are going to be enough. You need to make sure

your glutathione is up, easiest way is by taking undenatured whey protein.

Daily B12 shots might help you. You need to find out if you have

hypercoagulation, and any viruses and/or bacterias to treat. You have to

get your gut working well, maybe you have leaky gut, or candida, or other

gut issues.

You will find information on all of this in the archives. You are correct

in that nobody else will cure you. They will tell you that there is no

" treatment " for CFIDS. But there are many things being done, and we on this

list are always trying them. Not any one thing works for anyone. But

bottom line is I think you wiill not find substantial improvement just with

the things you have mentioned. But it is a great step taking control of

your own treatment!



I'm new here

> Hello All,


> My name is Dawn and I have had CFIDS now for nearly 3 1/2 years. I

> know, this is not nearly as long as some. But too me, still seems an

> eternity. I used to be so active. Always on the go. Half way to my

> private pilots license, about to start kick boxing training. When

> wham! My life has literally, in my mind, stood still. On hold,

> pause, whatever!


> I became sick in Jan 1999. And due to an unbelievably incapable

> doctor lost out on my private insurance disability. For he was not

> willing to back me up. And thanks to him, ended up without an income

> for an entire year. That was most definitely tough!


> It was not until Jan of 2000 that I started working with Dr.

> Papernik. And now after little over 2 years with him. I've had

> enough!! Don't get me wrong, he is a very good doctor!!, well

> informed, part of the committee fighting for CFS knowledge etc.. and

> very caring and supportive. But his way of treating this illness all

> along has been trying one medication after another. All of which

> usually do not agree with me. And with some improvement back in

> fall. I inevitably pushed myself too far, all through the holidays

> and into a major crash come early March.


> At that time I was literally bedridden. I would force myself to at

> least get up and shower and dress. And if I was lucky I'd have a few

> hours to sit up for awhile, otherwise all time was spent in bed,

> watching TV. Seeing commercials about Bali exercise gyms, with women

> dancing to songs that I would just love to get up and dance to. My

> mind thinking of all these things I would just LOVE to do and my body

> unwilling to cooperate. I got fed up. and basically said ENOUGH IS



> I decided to take my health into my own hands. And have since

> been doing as much research on the internet as I can. Hence my coming

> across this group. Also since then. I have put myself on CoQ10,

> which I started at 30 mg. Always starting low, for I never know how

> things will react with me. They always seem to do just the opposite

> of what their supposed to do :o) I noticed a slight difference at

> the 30, and after a week increased to 60 mg. Major differece!

> However, I do think it may have me a little tooo hyper. Aggravating

> the anxiety side of this illness, which is always a fine line.

> Between the anxiety and the exhaustion.


> I continue to take the CoQ10. Also during my relapse, the IBS

> started acting up extremely bad. Giving me attacks nearly once or

> twice a week that literally left me dehydrated and wiped out. I have

> since started taking Peppermint Oil Capsules at 50 mg each. I take

> one with breakfast and only another later if I need it. So far, I

> have also gotten my IBS under control. Another success. So much for

> the Bentyl and Donnatal the doctor prescribed, which did nothing for

> it and only made me feel drugged out anyway.


> At any rate, I am now currently still on the 3 medications that the

> doctor had me on. Effexor at 187.5 mg. a day, Xanax which I take .5

> 3 - 4 times a day, and Levoxyl for thyroid at 50 mcg. Along with

> what I have now added in the more natural ways.


> I told my doctor today that my goal is to eventually be off ALL

> medications. The first one we will tackle is the thyroid. Xanax is

> my biggee though. I intend to add next, Gingko for more energy and

> mental concentration ability. And Valerian root/Lemon balm to

> hopefully help me relax when I need it and sleep at night. As well

> as improving and trying to make my diet more nutritional. Of which I

> found a site on WebMD. That has a section where you can create your

> own nutritional calendar for free. If you enter everything you eat,

> it will tell you the nutritional value of it as well as the caloric

> intake.


> In as much of a summary as I could possibly put it. That is my

> story. My goal for now, is to try and get my body as naturally

> stabilized as I can. And to hopefully, by this time next year, go

> back to working. I'm looking forward to participating in and getting

> to know you all.


> Dawn



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Thank you Doris, for the information. Yet what I mentioned is

only just the beginning of my journey. I have a list of other things

to try, the undenatured whey was one on there. But I only intend to

try one thing at a time. As I keep a daily detailed journal of what

effects each has, etc...

Take care,


> Hi, and welcome.

> I think you are going in the right direction, but I don't believe

the few

> things you have mentioned are going to be enough. You need to make


> your glutathione is up, easiest way is by taking undenatured whey


> Daily B12 shots might help you. You need to find out if you have

> hypercoagulation, and any viruses and/or bacterias to treat. You

have to

> get your gut working well, maybe you have leaky gut, or candida, or


> gut issues.


> You will find information on all of this in the archives. You are


> in that nobody else will cure you. They will tell you that there

is no

> " treatment " for CFIDS. But there are many things being done, and

we on this

> list are always trying them. Not any one thing works for anyone.


> bottom line is I think you wiill not find substantial improvement

just with

> the things you have mentioned. But it is a great step taking

control of

> your own treatment!


> Thanks,

> Doris

> I'm new here



> > Hello All,

> >

> > My name is Dawn and I have had CFIDS now for nearly 3 1/2

years. I

> > know, this is not nearly as long as some. But too me, still

seems an

> > eternity. I used to be so active. Always on the go. Half way

to my

> > private pilots license, about to start kick boxing training. When

> > wham! My life has literally, in my mind, stood still. On hold,

> > pause, whatever!

> >

> > I became sick in Jan 1999. And due to an unbelievably


> > doctor lost out on my private insurance disability. For he was


> > willing to back me up. And thanks to him, ended up without an


> > for an entire year. That was most definitely tough!

> >

> > It was not until Jan of 2000 that I started working with Dr.

> > Papernik. And now after little over 2 years with him. I've had

> > enough!! Don't get me wrong, he is a very good doctor!!, well

> > informed, part of the committee fighting for CFS knowledge etc..


> > very caring and supportive. But his way of treating this illness


> > along has been trying one medication after another. All of which

> > usually do not agree with me. And with some improvement back in

> > fall. I inevitably pushed myself too far, all through the


> > and into a major crash come early March.

> >

> > At that time I was literally bedridden. I would force myself

to at

> > least get up and shower and dress. And if I was lucky I'd have a


> > hours to sit up for awhile, otherwise all time was spent in bed,

> > watching TV. Seeing commercials about Bali exercise gyms, with


> > dancing to songs that I would just love to get up and dance to.


> > mind thinking of all these things I would just LOVE to do and my


> > unwilling to cooperate. I got fed up. and basically said



> >

> > I decided to take my health into my own hands. And have since

> > been doing as much research on the internet as I can. Hence my


> > across this group. Also since then. I have put myself on CoQ10,

> > which I started at 30 mg. Always starting low, for I never know


> > things will react with me. They always seem to do just the


> > of what their supposed to do :o) I noticed a slight difference


> > the 30, and after a week increased to 60 mg. Major differece!

> > However, I do think it may have me a little tooo hyper.


> > the anxiety side of this illness, which is always a fine line.

> > Between the anxiety and the exhaustion.

> >

> > I continue to take the CoQ10. Also during my relapse, the IBS

> > started acting up extremely bad. Giving me attacks nearly once or

> > twice a week that literally left me dehydrated and wiped out. I


> > since started taking Peppermint Oil Capsules at 50 mg each. I


> > one with breakfast and only another later if I need it. So far, I

> > have also gotten my IBS under control. Another success. So much


> > the Bentyl and Donnatal the doctor prescribed, which did nothing


> > it and only made me feel drugged out anyway.

> >

> > At any rate, I am now currently still on the 3 medications that


> > doctor had me on. Effexor at 187.5 mg. a day, Xanax which I

take .5

> > 3 - 4 times a day, and Levoxyl for thyroid at 50 mcg. Along with

> > what I have now added in the more natural ways.

> >

> > I told my doctor today that my goal is to eventually be off ALL

> > medications. The first one we will tackle is the thyroid. Xanax


> > my biggee though. I intend to add next, Gingko for more energy


> > mental concentration ability. And Valerian root/Lemon balm to

> > hopefully help me relax when I need it and sleep at night. As


> > as improving and trying to make my diet more nutritional. Of

which I

> > found a site on WebMD. That has a section where you can create


> > own nutritional calendar for free. If you enter everything you


> > it will tell you the nutritional value of it as well as the


> > intake.

> >

> > In as much of a summary as I could possibly put it. That is my

> > story. My goal for now, is to try and get my body as naturally

> > stabilized as I can. And to hopefully, by this time next year, go

> > back to working. I'm looking forward to participating in and


> > to know you all.

> >

> > Dawn


> >

> >

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Hello Adrienne,

I have learned a lot. And I am quite focused and determined. My

goal is to be able to be back to work by this time next year. Just a

goal of course :o) And joining this group, was just another step

in my journey to learn as much as I can :o)

Best to you as well,


> Dear Dawn,

> Welcome! You will find a lot of help on this list, but it does take

an effort

> to get up to speed. At least it does me, to keep up. Fortunately I


> learned to skip over the solutions to problems I don't have!

> You have already learned quite a lot about this darn disorder, and

no fun in

> the process, either from, what you write!


> I hope you do get your recovery quickly. Determination and focus

will help.

> Meanwhile I also hope you find something at least most days that

pleases you.

> Adrienne

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Hi, Dawn!

L-Tyrosine helps thyroxine work better. If you're trying to

get off of Levoxyl, you might try taking L-Tyrosine and

cutting back your Levoxyl dosage very slowly to see what

happens. I am on Armour Thyroid, and I know right away if

my dosage is too low - my fibromyalgia symptoms flare up!

Good luck with your experimenting.


el (andrea@...) Nevada City, CA, USA

" ...wake now! Discover that you are the song

that the morning brings... "

" One is taught by experience to put a premium

on those few people who can appreciate you

for what you are. " - Gail Godwin

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Hi ,

Thanks for the tip. One of the reasons I would like to get off the

Levoxyl, is that in the beginning. When I was put on this, it was

due to only a borderline underactivity. So I'm wondering at this

point if I even need it at all. Tapering off of the levoxyl will be

first on my list with the doctor. As we keep tabs on my thryoid

levels. If it shows that I do need it, I will keep L-tyrosine in


Take care,


> Hi, Dawn!


> L-Tyrosine helps thyroxine work better. If you're trying to

> get off of Levoxyl, you might try taking L-Tyrosine and

> cutting back your Levoxyl dosage very slowly to see what

> happens. I am on Armour Thyroid, and I know right away if

> my dosage is too low - my fibromyalgia symptoms flare up!

> Good luck with your experimenting.


> --


> el (andrea@o...) Nevada City, CA, USA

> " ...wake now! Discover that you are the song

> that the morning brings... "


> " One is taught by experience to put a premium

> on those few people who can appreciate you

> for what you are. " - Gail Godwin

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the group and Theresia! I have a 6.5 year old with autism

and a 3.5 year old NT daughter as well, we live in Oregon. Welcome again!


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hello and welcome, this is a great group i`m sure any questions and problems

you have one of the parents will be able to help, hope your daughter settles

into her new class, take care from rosie mother to josie 4yr old with autism.

pookeybearsmom89 <josette86898@...> wrote: Hi Everyone, I have a 12 yr.

old daughter with Autism. She's

somewhat verbal, can tell me what she wants most of the time, answer

some questions, but cannot participate in a conversation. She goes

to a school for special needs children & does pretty well there,

she's great on the computer,she has one of her own too, but doesn't

fool with it much lately. She will be starting a new class this

year, so I hope she does ok, the class she's leaving she was in for

6 years, & had the same teachers for the last 4, so this is a big

step for her.We are live Ohio. I hope to get to know all of you soon

& become an active part of this group.

Take care,

~ & Theresia~

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Deanna, Thanks! Nice to meet you. You sound like you have your

hands full! Hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,

> Welcome to the group and Theresia! I have a 6.5 year old

with autism

> and a 3.5 year old NT daughter as well, we live in Oregon.

Welcome again!

> Deanna




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Thank You ! Hope to talk to you again!

> Welcome,

> I also have a 12 year old daughter with autism who will be

starting the 7th

> grade this year. I live in St. Louis Missouri

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Thank You Rosie, Nice to meet you. I have read a few of the posts &

have already learned some things.

Take care,

& Theresia Hi Everyone, I have

a 12 yr. old daughter with Autism. She's

> somewhat verbal, can tell me what she wants most of the time,


> some questions, but cannot participate in a conversation. She goes

> to a school for special needs children & does pretty well there,

> she's great on the computer,she has one of her own too, but


> fool with it much lately. She will be starting a new class this

> year, so I hope she does ok, the class she's leaving she was in


> 6 years, & had the same teachers for the last 4, so this is a big

> step for her.We are live Ohio. I hope to get to know all of you


> & become an active part of this group.

> Take care,

> ~ & Theresia~




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Guest guest

Hi and Theresia

Welcome to the group. My name is Tracey and I live in Ontario, Canada.

My youngest daughter Skylar is 9 1/2 and was diagnosed autistic at the

age of 3. This is a great grouup of people full of support and ideas.

Sounds like your daughter is in for a big change this year. I hope that

all goes well for her. Change can be a scarey thing for our girls

sometimes and for us as well.

Glad to have you with us!


pookeybearsmom89 wrote:

> Hi Everyone, I have a 12 yr. old daughter with Autism. She's

> somewhat verbal, can tell me what she wants most of the time, answer

> some questions, but cannot participate in a conversation. She goes

> to a school for special needs children & does pretty well there,

> she's great on the computer,she has one of her own too, but doesn't

> fool with it much lately. She will be starting a new class this

> year, so I hope she does ok, the class she's leaving she was in for

> 6 years, & had the same teachers for the last 4, so this is a big

> step for her.We are live Ohio. I hope to get to know all of you soon

> & become an active part of this group.

> Take care,

> ~ & Theresia~




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Hi Tracey, I'm anxious about Theresia switching classes, we ran into

her teacher & the teachers-aid both this summer & they both said

they hated to see Theresia switch classes too, they've gotten

attatched to her, as well as Theresia has them. The super at the

school has made some accomodations for her & at the end of the year

they let her spend some time in the class with the other kids. Some

of the kids that are in that class Theresia likes, so maybe all will

go well. Thank you for Welcoming me here. This looks to be a great

support group & I think it will be a big help to me! Theresia wasn't

diagnosed until she was 5, because the drs. kept thinking she had

hearing trouble & was just hyper, & I had no idea what Autism was at

the time. I am still in the process of getting an application sent

in for her to see an Autism expert at Cincy Chidrens hosp.

Thanks again!

Take care,

& Theresia


> > Hi Everyone, I have a 12 yr. old daughter with Autism. She's

> > somewhat verbal, can tell me what she wants most of the time,


> > some questions, but cannot participate in a conversation. She


> > to a school for special needs children & does pretty well there,

> > she's great on the computer,she has one of her own too, but


> > fool with it much lately. She will be starting a new class this

> > year, so I hope she does ok, the class she's leaving she was in


> > 6 years, & had the same teachers for the last 4, so this is a big

> > step for her.We are live Ohio. I hope to get to know all of you


> > & become an active part of this group.

> > Take care,

> > ~ & Theresia~

> >

> >

> >

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Welcome aboard and Theresia. Maybe I need to move to OHIO LOL

I have 3 children two autistic. My youngest a boy and my oldest a girl.

We moved to Colorado where there was no services oct 2000 and been

fighting ever since. We sure didnt do our homework! I am getting my RV

cleaned out so we can live in Raton NM to utilitze there schools.


-- I'm new here

Hi Everyone, I have a 12 yr. old daughter with Autism. She's

somewhat verbal, can tell me what she wants most of the time, answer

some questions, but cannot participate in a conversation. She goes

to a school for special needs children & does pretty well there,

she's great on the computer,she has one of her own too, but doesn't

fool with it much lately. She will be starting a new class this

year, so I hope she does ok, the class she's leaving she was in for

6 years, & had the same teachers for the last 4, so this is a big

step for her.We are live Ohio. I hope to get to know all of you soon

& become an active part of this group.

Take care,

~ & Theresia~

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Charlene, Where are you going to their schools at? I know from what

I've heard from a few other parents they've also had a hard time

with the school system where they're at too. I didn't realize how

lucky we are with our school! Hope things get better for you!

Take care,

> Welcome aboard and Theresia. Maybe I need to move


> I have 3 children two autistic. My youngest a boy and my

oldest a girl.

> We moved to Colorado where there was no services oct 2000 and


> fighting ever since. We sure didnt do our homework! I am

getting my RV

> cleaned out so we can live in Raton NM to utilitze there


> charlene


> -- I'm new here


> Hi Everyone, I have a 12 yr. old daughter with Autism. She's

> somewhat verbal, can tell me what she wants most of the time,


> some questions, but cannot participate in a conversation. She goes

> to a school for special needs children & does pretty well there,

> she's great on the computer,she has one of her own too, but


> fool with it much lately. She will be starting a new class this

> year, so I hope she does ok, the class she's leaving she was in


> 6 years, & had the same teachers for the last 4, so this is a big

> step for her.We are live Ohio. I hope to get to know all of you


> & become an active part of this group.

> Take care,

> ~ & Theresia~




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Thanks . In Anchorage Alaska 1996 my daughter attended there

handicapped preschool program and it was good. Then Pemberton NJ my two

older ones attended there schools and the special education was excelent.

When my husband retired we moved to Colorado. He hated NJ and I didnt want

PA. My inlaws are from PA and we didnt get along. Plus some things about

PA I didnt like. We automatically assumed special education was the same

nationally and wow we got both juglar veins slashed (figure of speech). I

have found out that even though NM is a poor state it has alot more to offer

then Colorado for our son. So its Raton here we go for now. I feel I owe

it to my children as its not there fault we made a bad move. My daughter

is doing OK. She talks just gets made fun of alot. Maybe they will help

her too I dont know. I just wanted my son to be in a preschool program and

he wouldnt get that here at all. Yes hold on to your school system!


-- Re: I'm new here

Charlene, Where are you going to their schools at? I know from what

I've heard from a few other parents they've also had a hard time

with the school system where they're at too. I didn't realize how

lucky we are with our school! Hope things get better for you!

Take care,

> Welcome aboard and Theresia. Maybe I need to move


> I have 3 children two autistic. My youngest a boy and my

oldest a girl.

> We moved to Colorado where there was no services oct 2000 and


> fighting ever since. We sure didnt do our homework! I am

getting my RV

> cleaned out so we can live in Raton NM to utilitze there


> charlene


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Chalene, I thought the special educational system was pretty much

the same every where too, so don't beat your self up, I would

probably done the same thing. Sounds like the in-laws I have now &

in my first marriage,lol maybe sometime we can compare notes! I have

a half brother that lives in Alaska, he said it's really nice there.

I know where your coming from on your daughter getting made fun of,

I had a neighbor when Theresia was about 9, & her kid was constantly

making fun & taunting her...I put a stop to & it's just as rough on

them at school to have that happen. When she was getting ready to

leave preschool I got to talk to the kindergarten teachers at the

local school & a special needs class at another school, but I chose

the spec. school she's at now because that's one thing that stuck

out in my mind was her getting made fun of by other kids being in a

public school. I hope you are able to find a school as wonderful for

your kids as I have for mine, I'll keep my fingers & toes crossed

for you!

Take care,

> > Welcome aboard and Theresia. Maybe I need to move


> > I have 3 children two autistic. My youngest a boy and my

> oldest a girl.

> > We moved to Colorado where there was no services oct 2000 and

> been

> > fighting ever since. We sure didnt do our homework! I am

> getting my RV

> > cleaned out so we can live in Raton NM to utilitze there

> schools.

> > charlene

> >



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