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Hi ,

I, too, am a homebirther. My son was born in our home just over 5 years

ago. He's completely unvax and was breastfed for 3 years. I'm currenly 20 weeks

pregnant with #2 and I'm looking forward to another homebirth.

I researched vaccine all through my pregnancy and originally was going to delay

vaxxing until age 1, then age 2. I continued researching and when those times

came I realized I didn't want to vax at all.



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I think there are lots of homebirthing moms here - I also can be added to that

group, my son was a c-section, but 4 years later his sister was born at home,

she will be 6 years old soon, and he just turned 10. Both are un-vaxed.


From: velecky@...

Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 16:04:25 +0000

Subject: Re: I'm new here

Hi ,

I, too, am a homebirther. My son was born in our home just over 5 years

ago. He's completely unvax and was breastfed for 3 years. I'm currenly 20 weeks

pregnant with #2 and I'm looking forward to another homebirth.

I researched vaccine all through my pregnancy and originally was going to delay

vaxxing until age 1, then age 2. I continued researching and when those times

came I realized I didn't want to vax at all.




HotmailĀ® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Fumiko. welcome to the forum! > Subject: I'm new here> > My name is Fumiko and I have joined the TPA's forum recently.> I'm looking forward to learn more about thyroid related issues> from this forum.> > I have got Hashimoto's thyroiditis for 20 years or longer and> struggled my life due to lack of understanding I still take> adrenals support from Nutri products and also take Armour > 4 1/2 grains. I'm better than I was, but not completely well > yet. Improvement has been slow for me, but I don't mind if> I can regain my strenth and wel-being again. > > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> >

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Hello Fumiko - I am glad that you found our Internet Support

Forum and hope we can do whatever is necessary to give you the help and support

you need. Glad also that you found our wonderful Dr Peatfield who will put you

on the road to recovery and yes, it could take some time to get you up and

running with normal health again, but there is a very big light at the end of

the tunnel.

The endoprat who stopped your thyroid hormone because your TSH

was below range is an absolute idiot - get rid of him and find one who knows

what he is talking about. Once you are taking ALL the thyroid hormones your

body requires such as T4 and T3, then your pituitary gland recognises this, so

there is no need for your TSH to tell your thyroid hormone to start putting out

more thyroid hormones. I get so angry when I hear that supposed to be specialists

in hormone related diseases do not even know this. I would not go back to him.

I should imagine by now that the thyroid antibodies that caused

your Hashimoto's has now been completely destroyed. Did you do the 24 hour

salivary adrenal profile to find out where your cortisol and DHEA lie at four

specific times during the day, or was it Dr Peatfield who diagnosed this from

your symptoms and more likely, the signs? Do you keep a temperature chart and

take this three times daily. What dose of Nutri do you take daily, and is

the Nutri Adrenal - or the Nutri Adrenal Extra? When was the last time you

increased the dose you are now on.

You need to find out the results for the following blood tests,

because if any of these are low in the reference range, your thyroid hormone

will not be getting properly absorbed into your cells. These are ferritin

(stored iron), vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, zinc, copper and

folate. How often during the day do you take Armour Thyroid or do you

take it all in one dose?

You will find lots of information in the FILES section and the LINKS

- and if you want to know what some of us actually look like, go and look in

the Rogues Gallery that you will find in the PHOTO'S section *grin*.

Luv - Sheila

I went to see Dr Peatfield for the first time in Aug 2008. He is

absolutely wonderful who listens and understands. My adrenals

function was very low which took long time recover. I still take

adrenals support from Nutri products and also take Armour

4 1/2 grains. I'm better than I was, but not completely well

yet. Improvement has been slow for me, but I don't mind if

I can regain my strength and we-being again.

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Hi Shiela.

Thank you very much for your message and adivce.

It's great to find the TPA's website and the forum.

Dr Peatfield diagnosed me having low adrenals function by signs

and symptoms. I take both Nutri Adrenal Extra and Nutri

Adrenal. I was taking 6 tablets each for a while, because taking

few tablets simply didn't work, but now reduced to 3 tablets each.

I increased Armour to 4 1/2 grains about a month ago, but not

helping as much as I would like to. Dr Peatfield adviced me to

get T3 25 mcg and reduce Armour to 4, because he thinks I'm not

getting enough T3 and that's why I'm still having some symptoms including

tiredness, brain forg, carpal tunnel syndrome and

aching knees.

I'm concerned about availability of Armour. Do you know

what's happening now?



> Hello Fumiko - I am glad that you found our Internet Support Forum and hope

> we can do whatever is necessary to give you the help and support you need.

> Glad also that you found our wonderful Dr Peatfield who will put you on the

> road to recovery and yes, it could take some time to get you up and running

> with normal health again, but there is a very big light at the end of the

> tunnel.


[Edit Abbrev Mod]

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Hi Fumiko

You can now obtain Armour Thyroid from www.internationalpharmacy.com

as Afshin has a new stock of 1 grain and 4 and 5 grains. I have no idea when

the other size grains will be available. I am also not becoming too involved

with what is or is not happening between the manufacturers of natural thyroid

extract and the FDA because, at the moment, I am hearing too many conflicting

stories. I am waiting for the true facts, and as soon as these are to hand, I

will let our forum members know. I see no point in causing panic when there

might be no reason for this, but if we find that whatever is going on out there

is going to affect us in any way, we will then take it from there.

How have you been since you started adding in

25mcgs T4 to your Armour?

Luv - Sheila

I increased Armour to 4 1/2 grains about a month ago, but not

helping as much as I would like to. Dr Peatfield adviced me to

get T3 25 mcg and reduce Armour to 4, because he thinks I'm not

getting enough T3 and that's why I'm still having some symptoms including

tiredness, brain forg, carpal tunnel syndrome and

aching knees.

I'm concerned about availability of Armour. Do you know

what's happening now?


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  • 1 month later...

I am also new I have posted a couple of times but never reallygiven any info

about myself . My name is chuck and I had my surgery done in July of this year

at the university of florida.I have followed the advice of my doctors with the

exercise and the diet they recommend but since Saturday I have not wanted to do

anything and now I am just depressed. I don't want to go near a scale for fear

that I have gained wieght. Guess what I am wanting to know is this common and

how can I get back into a groove were I want to exercise ?

Sent from my iPod

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//since Saturday I have not wanted to do anything and now I am just depressed. I

don't want to go near a scale for fear that I have gained wieght. Guess what I

am wanting to know is this common and how can I get back into a groove were I

want to exercise//I go through that all the time and the best thing to do is to

JUST DO IT! Just start working out again. I recommend that you borrow a copy of

THE BECK DIET SOLUTION from the libary. It is a book that talks about exactly

what you are going through. This book has been a lifesaver for me. If you read

this book you will know how to deal with this type of negative self talk. I

heard about this book through another lap band online support group. Just start

exercising and get this book. You will be fine.

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Hi, Chuck - good to hear from you and get to know you more. Please don't be so

hard on yourself. the band journey can be hard, and there are many ups and downs

- in weight and also in mood ! We never lose at a steady or predictable rate.

In addition to diet and exercise, here is lots more we need to do. One of the

most important thing, and this takes time, is to work on overcoming our previous

mind-set as " failures " , " CAN'T DO ANYTGHING RIGHT " " this is hopeless " etc. after

years of diet 'failures " most of us go int banding feeling very bad about

ourselves, then the second we stop losing or regain a bit, we're back to feeling

very bad about ourselves.

I urge people to start with a good therapist to work on these issues of

self-esteem and inner strength. when we feel strong and confident, we can get

thru the inevitable times of stalls and even a bit of regain.

These are not specifically weight-loss issues, but self-image issues, so any

good therapist can help with this. you may need to interview a few to find

someone who you feel you can trust and work with. don't give up if the first

doesn't seem right. Many insurances cover outpatient therapy, so be sure to ask

your ins.

We are NOT mentally ill, or " crazy " but we all do have food and self-esteem

issues that we need to work on. THis is part of the whole lifestyle change we

talk about so often.

you also may have a bit of depression that might benefit from medication - this

is something to talk to your family doc about. Depression and obesity are

closely related, although the connection is not clear.

you also might consider using the Bandster Success Guided Imagery CD's at

www.BandsterMe.com. Guided imagery was a huge part of my own success at changing

my thought patterns to those of optimism, success, patience with the long band

journey, and self-esteem issues.

Don't be afraid to get on the scale. Think about the loss you HAVE had, evenif

there is a bit of re-gain. and then know that you will continue to lose, as long

as you do your best to follow the diet and exercise needs.

Do you need a bit more fill to keep losing and dim your hunger? Check the

several fill documents in the files here, or ask us more about this. keeping up

with fills is one of the most important ings. usually, we need to go for fills

monthly, unil we are at a good level.Until you ARE at a good level, the band

doesn't really help much - and we don't see or feel it's benefit.

Chuck, we all fall back into old habits sometimes, so you're FAR from alone.

We're all in this together!

Please keep in close touch with us.

Also, if your band surgeon has a support or education group, please attend.

you'll learn lots from other bandsters who can help in person, too.

Sandy r


> I am also new I have posted a couple of times but never reallygiven any info

about myself . My name is chuck and I had my surgery done in July of this year

at the university of florida.I have followed the advice of my doctors with the

exercise and the diet they recommend but since Saturday I have not wanted to do

anything and now I am just depressed. I don't want to go near a scale for fear

that I have gained wieght. Guess what I am wanting to know is this common and

how can I get back into a groove were I want to exercise ?


> Sent from my iPod


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I would walk over to my scale and get on immediately, because then I would know

what I was dealing with.ƂĀ  Maybe you are not in as bad a predicament as you

thought you were, and you are depressed over nothing?ƂĀ  If you have gained

weight you know your starting point and can start fresh from that point, no more

wondering, and no more beating yourself up, what's done is done.ƂĀ  You can't go

back and change it, but you can change what you do from now on.ƂĀ  I am no longer

a strong proponent of weighing every day like I was when I was first losing.ƂĀ 

It kept me on track, but it also kept me a little too focused on the numbers and

not enough focused on what I needed to be healthy and have energy to live my

life.ƂĀ  You only fail if you quit trying.


PS my surgery was in January 2007 and I have lost 125lbs and kept it off for 2

years, not without some ups and downs.ƂĀ 

From: Bddozer21@... <bddozer21@...>

Subject: Re: I'm new Here

" " < >

Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 11:39 AM


I am also new I have posted a couple of times but never reallygiven any

info about myself . My name is chuck and I had my surgery done in July of this

year at the university of florida.I have followed the advice of my doctors with

the exercise and the diet they recommend but since Saturday I have not wanted to

do anything and now I am just depressed. I don't want to go near a scale for

fear that I have gained wieght. Guess what I am wanting to know is this common

and how can I get back into a groove were I want to exercise ?

Sent from my iPod

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We are all different enough in personality, emotions, etc, that I

don't think there is one right answer for all of us. For ten years

BEFORE the band, and for the 6.5 years since, I've weighed almost

every day. Get up, get naked if not already, go pee, weigh. It has

been graphed for years. So I know what is happening, and can usually

understand/explain it. Not EXCUSE it, but understand and hopefully

learn. And I know I will.

But, just as the news story today about some of the people on Biggest

Loser who've nearly died, and the winner of first year who has gained

all his weight back (imagine a quarter million bucks will buy a LOT of

find food), we are all required to keep doing what we need to do. It

is for the rest of our life.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 7:37:27 PM, you wrote:

> I would walk over to my scale and get on immediately, because then

> I would know what I was dealing with.ƂĀ  Maybe you are not in as bad a

> predicament as you thought you were, and you are depressed over

> nothing?ƂĀ  If you have gained weight you know your starting point and

> can start fresh from that point, no more wondering, and no more

> beating yourself up, what's done is done.ƂĀ  You can't go back and

> change it, but you can change what you do from now on.ƂĀ 


" It's OK to be a little broken, everybody's broken in this life " Jon Bon Jovi

Dan Lester, Boise, Idaho, USA www.riverofdata.com/lapband

Banded 4/27/03, Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana

Started at 355, at goal in the 210-220 range for almost 4 years

Ultimate goal of 195 Tummytuck in Boise and SmartLipo in Tijuana

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a lil update .me not exercising was not as bad as i had feared .Even though i

did overeat over the holidays i seem to of still lost wieght . Don;t know how

but i am down 10 pounds . I kind of have started execising again .I have started

back walking again and started trying out an elliptical machine (although not

long).Thanx you to the people who responded with some good advice.


> I am also new I have posted a couple of times but never reallygiven any info

about myself . My name is chuck and I had my surgery done in July of this year

at the university of florida.I have followed the advice of my doctors with the

exercise and the diet they recommend but since Saturday I have not wanted to do

anything and now I am just depressed. I don't want to go near a scale for fear

that I have gained wieght. Guess what I am wanting to know is this common and

how can I get back into a groove were I want to exercise ?


> Sent from my iPod


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Kim - I am so glad you joined our group and I look forward to getting

to know you as well. That neck and back problem is something that

affects many of us. We do understand! Anytime you want info/help about

anything at all let us know. That community treadmill sounds good and as

you say getting some exercise helps your neck and back problem.

I take it, it is cold right now where you live. Keep warm, and hopefully

you get plenty of rest. Where I live in Hervey Bay Australia it is warm

with a slightly cooler change due to recent heavy rain. And light rain

yesterday. So it looks like milder temperatures over Christmas which is


Welcome again and a peaceful, happy holiday season to you and your loved





> Hi everyone,


> I'm new here and also suffer from fibromyalgia, some days are good and

some not so good. One of my mental health meds helps the fibro and it's

Neurontin aka generic Gabapentin. 600mg three times a day, used to take

900mg three times a day and didn't feel the fibro quite as bad, but it's

coming on more often. My neck and back bother me the most. I know

getting some exercise helps it, so I take the stairs most of the time

where I live, and should start using the community room's treadmill.


> I'm married 3rd time, have 3 kids from 1st marriage in Shreveport,

Louisiana, 2 sons 27 and 20 and a daughter who will turn 16 in mid

March. I have 1 daughter 10 from 2nd marriage who currently lives in

Menasha, Wisconsin and I live in Oconto, WI. Come next March I will

have lived here 10 years. Moved up here in 2000. Makes it easy to

count how long I've been up here. I hate the cold but do like NE

Wisconsin Summers.


> I know I'll enjoy being here, I enjoyed that spiritual post and just

wish peace and health to all of you. I look forward to getting to know

you all.


> Kim


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Welcome this is a great group and we are all here for each other. I am 52 and I have fibro, migraines, ulcertive colitis,restless leg, tmd/tmj,bruxism,severe depression, anxiety,sleep disorder. Well anyway welcome love to talk/email to anyone.Sent from my iPodOn Dec 21, 2009, at 2:11 PM, "Ms. Kim Nixon" <kimlovestulips@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,


I'm new here and also suffer from fibromyalgia, some days are good and some not so good.Ā  One of my mental health meds helps the fibro and it's Neurontin aka generic Gabapentin.Ā  600mg three times a day, used to take 900mg three times a day and didn't feel the fibro quite as bad, but it's coming on more often.Ā  My neck and back bother me the most.Ā  I know getting some exercise helps it, so I take the stairs most of the time where I live, and should start using the community room's treadmill.


I'm married 3rd time, have 3 kids from 1st marriage in Shreveport, Louisiana, 2 sons 27 and 20 and a daughter who will turn 16 in mid March. I have 1 daughter 10 from 2nd marriage who currently lives in Menasha, Wisconsin and I live in Oconto, WI.Ā  Come next March I will have lived here 10 years.Ā  Moved up here in 2000.Ā  Makes it easy to count how long I've been up here.Ā  I hate the cold but do like NE Wisconsin Summers.


I know I'll enjoy being here, I enjoyed that spiritual post and just wish peace and health to all of you.Ā  I look forward to getting to know you all.



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I sent you a message but do you crochet there is a wonderful group called fibromyalgia- crochet and we have so much fun there too.Sent from my iPodOn Dec 21, 2009, at 2:11 PM, "Ms. Kim Nixon" <kimlovestulips@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,


I'm new here and also suffer from fibromyalgia, some days are good and some not so good.Ā  One of my mental health meds helps the fibro and it's Neurontin aka generic Gabapentin.Ā  600mg three times a day, used to take 900mg three times a day and didn't feel the fibro quite as bad, but it's coming on more often.Ā  My neck and back bother me the most.Ā  I know getting some exercise helps it, so I take the stairs most of the time where I live, and should start using the community room's treadmill.


I'm married 3rd time, have 3 kids from 1st marriage in Shreveport, Louisiana, 2 sons 27 and 20 and a daughter who will turn 16 in mid March. I have 1 daughter 10 from 2nd marriage who currently lives in Menasha, Wisconsin and I live in Oconto, WI.Ā  Come next March I will have lived here 10 years.Ā  Moved up here in 2000.Ā  Makes it easy to count how long I've been up here.Ā  I hate the cold but do like NE Wisconsin Summers.


I know I'll enjoy being here, I enjoyed that spiritual post and just wish peace and health to all of you.Ā  I look forward to getting to know you all.



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I love to crochet especially angels. Take care and I hope that you and your family are healthy, happy and having a great day,Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Wireless NetworkFrom: "davidbrecker@..." <davidbrecker@...>Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 14:36:24 -0800 (PST) < >Subject: Re: I'm New Here I sent you a message but do you crochet there is a wonderful group called fibromyalgia- crochet and we have so much fun there too.Sent from my iPodOn Dec 21, 2009, at 2:11 PM, "Ms. Kim Nixon" <kimlovestulips > wrote:Hi everyone,Ā I'm new here and also suffer from fibromyalgia, some days are good and some not so good.Ā  One of my mental health meds helps the fibro and it's Neurontin aka generic Gabapentin.Ā  600mg three times a day, used to take 900mg three times a day and didn't feel the fibro quite as bad, but it's coming on more often.Ā  My neck and back bother me the most.Ā  I know getting some exercise helps it, so I take the stairs most of the time where I live, and should start using the community room's treadmill.Ā I'm married 3rd time, have 3 kids from 1st marriage in Shreveport, Louisiana, 2 sons 27 and 20 and a daughter who will turn 16 in mid March. I have 1 daughter 10 from 2nd marriage who currently lives in Menasha, Wisconsin and I live in Oconto, WI.Ā  Come next March I will have lived here 10 years.Ā  Moved up here in 2000.Ā  Makes it easy to count how long I've been up here.Ā  I hate the cold but do like NE Wisconsin Summers.Ā I know I'll enjoy being here, I enjoyed that spiritual post and just wish peace and health to all of you.Ā  I look forward to getting to know you all.Ā Kim

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Merry Christmas and Welcome. My name is Urbanczyk. I am the owner of this group. I have fibro/CFS/MFS.

I am so glad you have joined us. You will find that everyone is so very supportive. Quick with a laugh and kind word. Plenty of help when you need it as well. We are so glad you are here.

Many hugs,


From: Ms. Kim Nixon <kimlovestulips@...>Subject: I'm New Here Date: Monday, December 21, 2009, 2:11 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm new here and also suffer from fibromyalgia, some days are good and some not so good. One of my mental health meds helps the fibro and it's Neurontin aka generic Gabapentin. 600mg three times a day, used to take 900mg three times a day and didn't feel the fibro quite as bad, but it's coming on more often. My neck and back bother me the most. I know getting some exercise helps it, so I take the stairs most of the time where I live, and should start using the community room's treadmill.

I'm married 3rd time, have 3 kids from 1st marriage in Shreveport, Louisiana, 2 sons 27 and 20 and a daughter who will turn 16 in mid March. I have 1 daughter 10 from 2nd marriage who currently lives in Menasha, Wisconsin and I live in Oconto, WI. Come next March I will have lived here 10 years. Moved up here in 2000. Makes it easy to count how long I've been up here. I hate the cold but do like NE Wisconsin Summers.

I know I'll enjoy being here, I enjoyed that spiritual post and just wish peace and health to all of you. I look forward to getting to know you all.


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  • 11 months later...

Hi Everyone,

6 months ago I was diagnosed with " borderline hypothyroidism " ...although after

educating myself a bit, I believe I was more than borderline - only a TSH test

was done (which I've come to find is somewhat the norm unless otherwise

requested).Ā  I'm estrogen dominant, began missing periods and lost my voice for

a few days several months ago... I should also mention I'm VERY COLD all the

time.Ā  It got to the point that I couldn'tĀ exercise anymore because the joint

painĀ was so intense and I was soooo tired....and I'm only 37 years old.Ā  I

should note that I've worked out at the gym regularly for the past 10 years and

weighed 130 before all this happened.Ā 

Since then, I've been determined to beat this without medication.Ā  I stopped

drinking caffeine and my Friday margaritas are a thing of the past.Ā  This change

alone took care of my severe joint pain and my periods came back so I started

working out again to an extreme - an hour a day, every day.Ā  I now take a good

multivitamin, plenty of B vitamins, supplement with whey protein shakes and take

pharmeceutical grade fish oil.

I've come a long way in a short time.Ā  Most mornings my temp is around 98.4Ā°,

but I still feel like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle.Ā  My thyroid is still

swollen and tender and my periods are very light and during that time (a few

days during my period), my morning temp is only 96.5Ā°. Unfortunately, despite

changing my diet and increasing my exercise, I still weigh 140 and cant lose the

10 pounds I gained.Ā  This is very frustrating for me.Ā  I don't feel the " calorie

burn " that I used to... days when I would feel overwhelmingly warm just because

my metabolism was working in overdrive.Ā 

IsĀ anyoneĀ else taking a holistic approach to this and if so, what's working for

you?Ā  IĀ realize forĀ some medication is absolutely required, but I don't

feelĀ it's right for me...at least not until I know I've exhausted all natural

approaches.Ā Ā Last nightĀ I realizedĀ that the protein powder I was taking also

hasĀ soy in it so I'm buying new powder today since I know soyĀ increases

estrogen.Ā  I also think I may have a sensitivity in general to it.Ā  Any other

ideas or things I can try?Ā  I greatly appreciate anyone's input.Ā  Ā 

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I think that may be true for some, but not all. I can actually pinpoint when my

joints starting aching and when my period stopped. I couldn't run on a

treadmill for even 1/4 of a mile, when I was used to running 2-3 miles a month

or two prior. This all happened so suddenly for me. Today, I am completely

pain free and after being told that I was in menopause (at 37) and would never

have a period again, I have. This tells me that my body is repairing itself -

which, I believe, is exactly what it's designed to do with proper diet and




> From: And <valerieandgary@...>

> Subject: I'm new here

> hypothyroidism

> Date: Sunday, December 12, 2010, 7:35 AM



> Hi Everyone,


> 6 months ago I was diagnosed with " borderline hypothyroidism " ...although after

> educating myself a bit, I believe I was more than borderline - only a TSH test

> was done (which I've come to find is somewhat the norm unless otherwise

> requested).Ā  I'm estrogen dominant, began missing periods and lost my voice


> a few days several months ago... I should also mention I'm VERY COLD all the

> time.Ā  It got to the point that I couldn'tĀ exercise anymore because the joint

> painĀ was so intense and I was soooo tired....and I'm only 37 years old.Ā  I

> should note that I've worked out at the gym regularly for the past 10 years


> weighed 130 before all this happened.Ā 



> Since then, I've been determined to beat this without medication.Ā  I stopped

> drinking caffeine and my Friday margaritas are a thing of the past.Ā  This


> alone took care of my severe joint pain and my periods came back so I started

> working out again to an extreme - an hour a day, every day.Ā  I now take a good

> multivitamin, plenty of B vitamins, supplement with whey protein shakes and


> pharmeceutical grade fish oil.



> I've come a long way in a short time.Ā  Most mornings my temp is around 98.4Ā°,

> but I still feel like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle.Ā  My thyroid is still

> swollen and tender and my periods are very light and during that time (a few

> days during my period), my morning temp is only 96.5Ā°. Unfortunately, despite

> changing my diet and increasing my exercise, I still weigh 140 and cant lose


> 10 pounds I gained.Ā  This is very frustrating for me.Ā  I don't feel the

" calorie

> burn " that I used to... days when I would feel overwhelmingly warm just


> my metabolism was working in overdrive.Ā 


> IsĀ anyoneĀ else taking a holistic approach to this and if so, what's working


> you?Ā  IĀ realize forĀ some medication is absolutely required, but I don't

> feelĀ it's right for me...at least not until I know I've exhausted all natural

> approaches.Ā Ā Last nightĀ I realizedĀ that the protein powder I was taking also

> hasĀ soy in it so I'm buying new powder today since I know soyĀ increases

> estrogen.Ā  I also think I may have a sensitivity in general to it.Ā  Any other

> ideas or things I can try?Ā  I greatly appreciate anyone's input.Ā  Ā 



> Ā  Ā  Ā 



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You may also be recovering from taking too much soy. The damage may only

be temporary, although it has been known to bring on permanent hypoT.

Or, you may be experiencing a Hashimoto's cycle. The autoimmune activity

is often in pulsed events.


You wrote:

> I think that may be true for some, but not all. I can actually pinpoint

> when my joints starting aching and when my period stopped. I couldn't

> run on a treadmill for even 1/4 of a mile, when I was used to running

> 2-3 miles a month or two prior. This all happened so suddenly for me.

> Today, I am completely pain free and after being told that I was in

> menopause (at 37) and would never have a period again, I have. This

> tells me that my body is repairing itself - which, I believe, is exactly

> what it's designed to do with proper diet and nutrition.

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The fact is that your body has to have T3 [which you make from T4] in

order to live. If you don't get it or make it you will die. If you

don't make enough you need to supplement what you do make to remain

healthy. Only if your T4 production is borderline can you typically do

much of anything that will really make a difference [if even then].

There are no supplements or exercises or " natural " treatments for

hypothyroidism that are effective other than some form of T4/T3, and all

sources of T4/T3 are bioidentical.




> Posted by: " And " valerieandgary@...

> <mailto:valerieandgary@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20I%27m%20new%20here>

> valerieandgary <valerieandgary>



> Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:45 pm (PST)




> Hi Everyone,


> 6 months ago I was diagnosed with " borderline hypothyroidism "

> ...although after

> educating myself a bit, I believe I was more than borderline - only a

> TSH test

> was done (which I've come to find is somewhat the norm unless otherwise

> requested). I'm estrogen dominant, began missing periods and lost my

> voice for

> a few days several months ago... I should also mention I'm VERY COLD

> all the

> time. It got to the point that I couldn't exercise anymore because

> the joint

> pain was so intense and I was soooo tired....and I'm only 37 years

> old. I

> should note that I've worked out at the gym regularly for the past 10

> years and

> weighed 130 before all this happened.


> Since then, I've been determined to beat this without medication. I

> stopped

> drinking caffeine and my Friday margaritas are a thing of the past.

> This change

> alone took care of my severe joint pain and my periods came back so I

> started

> working out again to an extreme - an hour a day, every day. I now

> take a good

> multivitamin, plenty of B vitamins, supplement with whey protein

> shakes and take

> pharmeceutical grade fish oil.


> I've come a long way in a short time. Most mornings my temp is around

> 98.4Ā°,

> but I still feel like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle. My thyroid

> is still

> swollen and tender and my periods are very light and during that time

> (a few

> days during my period), my morning temp is only 96.5Ā°. Unfortunately,

> despite

> changing my diet and increasing my exercise, I still weigh 140 and

> cant lose the

> 10 pounds I gained. This is very frustrating for me. I don't feel

> the " calorie

> burn " that I used to... days when I would feel overwhelmingly warm

> just because

> my metabolism was working in overdrive.


> Is anyone else taking a holistic approach to this and if so, what's

> working for

> you? I realize for some medication is absolutely required, but I don't

> feel it's right for me...at least not until I know I've exhausted all

> natural

> approaches. Last night I realized that the protein powder I was

> taking also

> has soy in it so I'm buying new powder today since I know soy increases

> estrogen. I also think I may have a sensitivity in general to it.

> Any other

> ideas or things I can try? I greatly appreciate anyone's input.

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Please listen to Roni. While we cannot rule out spontaneous remission

with hypothyroidism it apparently is extremely rare. There is NOTHING

you can take or do that has any credible record at all for " healing " an

ailing thyroid gland.

Further: There is some evidence [all anecdotal AFAIK] that those who

have major problems with treatment may have been untreated or

under-treated for an extended period of time. Some of them go through

pure hell, and you certainly don't want that.





> Posted by: " " valerieandgary@...

> <mailto:valerieandgary@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20I%27m%20new%20here>

> valerieandgary <valerieandgary>



> Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:54 pm (PST)




> I think that may be true for some, but not all. I can actually

> pinpoint when my joints starting aching and when my period stopped. I

> couldn't run on a treadmill for even 1/4 of a mile, when I was used to

> running 2-3 miles a month or two prior. This all happened so suddenly

> for me. Today, I am completely pain free and after being told that I

> was in menopause (at 37) and would never have a period again, I have.

> This tells me that my body is repairing itself - which, I believe, is

> exactly what it's designed to do with proper diet and nutrition.



> >

> > If you are hypothyroid, you need thyroid hormone. It's as simple as

> that. It's not a drug it's something your body makes and needs and for

> whatever reason is not getting enough.

> >

> > All the holistic things you are doing are very good and will help

> your health and immune

> > system a great deal. However, if your body needs thyroid hormone, it

> needs it and that

> > is really the bottom line.

> >

> > Of course, I would ask for the proper testing Free T3, Free T4 and

> TSH for starters. Lots

> > of people that initially were diagnosed as borderline were actually

> found to be hypothyroid.

> > The Free tests will show how much of the hormone is actually going

> into your cells and not just running around in your blood.

> >

> > <>Roni

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