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I take Ativan .5 mgs. If I miss it with my pills at night {celexa,topomax,and homeopathic things}I am up all!!!!! night. I know they say you build a tolerance to Ativan but I have been on it for almost two years and it is working fine. {and I have tried many things}Sue>> Just want to hear from anybody about what you take to get sleep. I> have tried a LOT of things, most of which haven't worked or no longer> works. Does ANYBODY have any answers that help?>

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I take xanaa .05 at 9:00 pm or so and Ambien an hour before going to bed . I had been on several others but none of them worked. I sill don't get much sleep but it's better then it was. I also stopped being on the computer at night. I felt that did hinder me not being able to sit and relax .


New York

From: tnevvy <purplewink@...>Subject: Insomniadominie Date: Monday, July 21, 2008, 1:12 AM

Just want to hear from anybody about what you take to get sleep. Ihave tried a LOT of things, most of which haven't worked or no longerworks. Does ANYBODY have any answers that help?

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Everything I have been takeing has not worked.

I took Trazadone up until a few weeks ago.

I cannot sleep ,stay aslpeep or fall asleep in any pattern at all.

I have always been aware of jmy " slepp hygiene " and it still does not help.

Maybe I should try rocking myself to sleep with a rock =+)

>From: " tnevvy " <purplewink@...>



>Subject: Insomnia

>Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 05:12:36 -0000


>Just want to hear from anybody about what you take to get sleep. I

>have tried a LOT of things, most of which haven't worked or no longer

>works. Does ANYBODY have any answers that help?


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It's frustrating, I know, I've been fighting the sleep battle for many

years. And unfortunately, just like pretty much every other thing in

fibromyalgia, what works for someone might not work for someone else,


What helps me is meditation and guided imagery. (I already take so

much medication that I really would rather not have to take another

pill to get back to sleep). There are some really good CDs out there

that can help get you started. My favorites are from Dr. Jon Cabot-

Zinn and Weil. Or, you can just do it on your own. I try to

imagine myself in my favorite surroundings and take note of everything

in the environment -- the sounds I hear, the smells, what it feels

like, what I see -- and I find this very relaxing. Usually, I put

myself at the ocean and imagine the waves going in and out and I find

this very soothing. But you can do whatever " happy place " you desire.

Usually this relaxes me enough to get back to sleep. It might take a

little bit of training to really trust that it can work, but it's

worth it. And when you get it down, you can also use it during the day

if you are really stressed or really tired.

Hope this helps, and believe me, I know how crappy it is when you

can't sleep.


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I have been taking Melatonin too and Unisom. I thought the Unisom was giving me nightmares, but now considering maybe it is the Melatonin. Have awakened after two hours of sleep in a panick. Dreamed one night I was being pursued by an invisible preditor and then dreamed my wallet was stollen another night.

Deb Halvorson


I used to take Flexeril. That stopped working after a couple months. Then I tried Melatonin. Gave me nightmares. My doc gave me 5 mg. Elavil. That only worked for about 6 months. Right now nothing works. I hope you will find something that works for you. Hugs,Amity------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------

Posted by: "tnevvy" purplewink@rocketma il.com tnevvy

Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:12 pm (PDT) Just want to hear from anybody about what you take to get sleep. Ihave tried a LOT of things, most of which haven't worked or no longerworks. Does ANYBODY have any answers that help?

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I find this relaxing as well, but still don't get a deep sleep from it.

Deb Halvorson


Hello,It's frustrating, I know, I've been fighting the sleep battle for many years. And unfortunately, just like pretty much every other thing in fibromyalgia, what works for someone might not work for someone else, etc.What helps me is meditation and guided imagery. (I already take so much medication that I really would rather not have to take another pill to get back to sleep). There are some really good CDs out there that can help get you started. My favorites are from Dr. Jon Cabot- Zinn and Weil. Or, you can just do it on your own. I try to imagine myself in my favorite surroundings and take note of everything in the environment -- the sounds I hear, the smells, what it feels like, what I see -- and I find this very relaxing. Usually, I put myself at the ocean and imagine the waves going in and out and I find this very soothing. But you can do whatever "happy place" you

desire. Usually this relaxes me enough to get back to sleep. It might take a little bit of training to really trust that it can work, but it's worth it. And when you get it down, you can also use it during the day if you are really stressed or really tired.Hope this helps, and believe me, I know how crappy it is when you can't sleep.Laurie

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Oh, I also am very strict about my sleep hygiene. I read that if you

" train " your body to go to bed at the same time every night, and do

certain rituals before bed, that it will get accustomed to learning

that all of this means it's time to go to sleep. At around nine

o'clock, I do a little bit of self massage with a mixture of lavender

essential oil and grape seed oil (which I get at the local health food

store) and mix them in a little glass bottle and warm gently in the

microwave. I put a bit in my hair, on the back of my neck, massage

into my forearms (which are always so sore by the end of the day) and

rub some into my belly. I watch TV around then (I'm so brain-dead in

the evenings that about all I want to do is flop) and make sure that

it's nothing too exciting like a crime drama. Usually it's some kind

of comedy or reality show. At around 930, I take my hormones

(progesterone and estrogen), a couple of calcium/magnesium capsules

with a very small snack like a few walnuts. By 10 o'clock, I'm ready

to start while my husband calls " shutdown sequence. " I take 2 mg of

Ativan (most people take less, and I wish I could, but for now this

does works best for me), 2 mg of melatonin, and a probiotic capsule. I

put on my pajamas, insert ear plugs, apply a bit more lavender oil

(someone once told me that if you put a dab at the base of your spine

it prevents restless legs), then read for a half an hour (usually

something with beautiful language and very long sentences --

definitely not a page turner) and by then I am usually ready to sack


That's what works for me. And I also take 20 mg of Pamelor in the

morning (I can't take Elavil and if I take Pamelor at night it makes

me too hyper)

Hope you find something that works for you.


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>I do the same thing we eat before 7 P.M.

then afterward I sit down with a cup of chamomile tea caffeine free

and watch some TV. Like you no crime dramas.

Then at 9;30-10P.M. Take my liptor 40 mg, my gabapentin 2 300 mg

capsules and my 50 mg elavil

I also take a warm bath , then rub some lavender lotion my legs and

have my husband put some powder on my back.I am ion bed reading

after the 10 P.M. weather.

I read health books or some books by Dr.Oz and Don Colbert. then hit

the bed and lights out between 11-11:30 up by 8 am. they say like

Lauri already said, even dominie too that if you keep a routine you

can go to sleep better.I need an eye mask.I have tried ear plugs but

they make the noise amplify too. white noise machine keeps me awake,

so we keep window Ac on and ceiling fan too. Heidi

> Oh, I also am very strict about my sleep hygiene. I read that if


> " train " your body to go to bed at the same time every night, and


> certain rituals before bed, that it will get accustomed to


> that all of this means it's time to go to sleep. At around nine

> o'clock, I do a little bit of self massage with a mixture of


> essential oil and grape seed oil (which I get at the local health


> store) and mix them in a little glass bottle and warm gently in


> microwave. I put a bit in my hair, on the back of my neck, massage

> into my forearms (which are always so sore by the end of the day)


> rub some into my belly. I watch TV around then (I'm so brain-dead


> the evenings that about all I want to do is flop) and make sure


> it's nothing too exciting like a crime drama. Usually it's some


> of comedy or reality show. At around 930, I take my hormones

> (progesterone and estrogen), a couple of calcium/magnesium


> with a very small snack like a few walnuts. By 10 o'clock, I'm


> to start while my husband calls " shutdown sequence. " I take 2 mg


> Ativan (most people take less, and I wish I could, but for now


> does works best for me), 2 mg of melatonin, and a probiotic

capsule. I

> put on my pajamas, insert ear plugs, apply a bit more lavender oil

> (someone once told me that if you put a dab at the base of your


> it prevents restless legs), then read for a half an hour (usually

> something with beautiful language and very long sentences --

> definitely not a page turner) and by then I am usually ready to


> out.


> That's what works for me. And I also take 20 mg of Pamelor in the

> morning (I can't take Elavil and if I take Pamelor at night it


> me too hyper)


> Hope you find something that works for you.


> Laurie


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  • 1 month later...


> Just want to hear from anybody about what you take to get sleep. I

> have tried a LOT of things, most of which haven't worked or no


> works. Does ANYBODY have any answers that help?

Hi there,

I take gentle yoga classes and they help me.

I also use homeopathy: Arsenicum Album and Arnica Montana. However,

responses to homeopathy are very individual, so I am not sure that

these remedies will be the right ones for you.

I like this company and its website (I have no commercial link to it

whatsoever) http://www.homeopathyworks.com/jshop/ You can look under

remedy search, combinations or Pflueger.

Dr Vithoulkas' website is also great because it gives you free access

to repertories (materia medica) by different authors and you can see

if you match the remedy profile


All the best,


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Maybe this will help....

A list of everything I've tried for sleep since 1982 is at


If people don't think insomnia is a bad problem, I read recently

that some " pop stars " who died of drug overdoses were taking a LOT

of sleep meds.

Wish I could sleep normally, but that has not been the case since I

was 16 (40 years ago). I am now correctly medicated for my sleep

disorder and also " supplemented " for sleep. Thank God I rarely have

a bad night anymore, after years of miserable suffering - trying to

go to work on 2 hours of sleep and function like a normal person.

I wish all insomniacs relief from this torture. Keep trying. Get a

compassionate and smart doc who will work with you on meds.

Hopefully he/she can hit it on the nose the first time and you won't

have to go through a lot of scary trial and error with all kinds of

meds. Mainly, I have to sedate my nervous system to sleep. Try just

a little of what the doc recommends to see how it affects your own

unique system. Some of the worse things I've tried for sleep were

highly recommended by other insomniacs. We are all different.

Those " normal " people who say just drink a warm glass of milk and

try to wind down a few hours before bedtime don't know what we deal

with. I could go for days without sleep - feeling totally

miserable, maybe a tad sleepy, mostly very wretched, but my body

does not sleep.

There is such a thing as fatal familial insomnia (google it), but I

think most of us fibromites don't have this, but we do need help for

sleep because our brain has shorted out in this area and we don't

have the right chemicals anymore. Just my opinion. I'm not a doc,

just a lot of personal experience with " rotisserizing " and " bed

dread. "



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> >

> > Just want to hear from anybody about what you take to get sleep.


> > have tried a LOT of things, most of which haven't worked or no

> longer

> > works. Does ANYBODY have any answers that help?


> Hi there,


> I take gentle yoga classes and they help me.


> I also use homeopathy: Arsenicum Album and Arnica Montana. However,

> responses to homeopathy are very individual, so I am not sure that

> these remedies will be the right ones for you.


> I like this company and its website (I have no commercial link to


> whatsoever) http://www.homeopathyworks.com/jshop/ You can look


> remedy search, combinations or Pflueger.


> Dr Vithoulkas' website is also great because it gives you free


> to repertories (materia medica) by different authors and you can


> if you match the remedy profile

> http://www.vithoulkas.com/


> All the best,


> M.

>Hello: I am sure others have offered this and some don't like using

controlled substances, but the only thing that helps me sleep that

doesn't cause a whole lot of other issues and side effects for me is

Lorazepam. It is a benzodiazepine and I take a half mg before

sleep. I don't like the idea of taking something daily that can be

addicting, but I have tried so many other things without success that

have also led to nasty side effects.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dr. Bourne's protocols are avail;able for every one in North America in USD from this web site:

http://bourneaccessories.com/index.php?cPath=2 & osCsid=b88e15f8485e5842eddd87382afefaf4

link CD's and education

From: cyndygail <cyndygail@...>Subject: Insomniaqxci-scio-epfx-english Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 10:45 AM

I have several clients who have insomnia. I need to work on them as a group and am searching for some sort of protocol for insomnia. Any ideas?

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  • 2 months later...

I started taking mine all in the morning and now I am sleeping very well.

deb3857wick wrote:


> I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after

> taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this

> same experience? Thanks\Deb



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I take mine with breakfast too. I don't do well if I take it after lunch.

Sleep issues can be related to adrenals too. You may be stressing them with the iodine late day. Things that help adrenals:


Vit C

Biotics research Cytozyme AD

Metagenics Serenegan

Epsom Salt Baths

Dead Sea Salt Baths

Re: Insomnia

I started taking mine all in the morning and now I am sleeping very well.deb3857wick wrote:>> I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after> taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this> same experience? Thanks\Deb>>

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If I take iodoral/iodine in morning I don't get insomnia.If I take in afternoon, eve., I  do.AliOn Dec 16, 2008, at 5:45 AM, Piwowarski wrote:I started taking mine all in the morning and now I am sleeping very well.deb3857wick wrote:>> I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after> taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this> same experience? Thanks\Deb>> 

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what's the dose? enough iodine helps me to sleep.


I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this same experience? Thanks\Deb

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i am suffering from uterine fibroids. have been bleeding no stop for about five months.

have been on birth control without the water pills now i am on provera.

the doctor is scheduling me for a surgery.

i am anaemic. i need help.

From: Gracia <circe@...>Subject: Re: Insomniaiodine Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 11:13 AM

what's the dose? enough iodine helps me to sleep.


I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this same experience? Thanks\Deb

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I wouldn't do surgery. I would also get off that Provera. That stuff is toxic and messing up your hormones even more. You need to take high doses of iodine to help those fibroids (Dr. Flechas talks of how iodine is found in the uterus just 30 minutes after ingestion) and get on some adrenal support to help your body produce your sex hormones naturally. Also you should have your thyroid levels checked - TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 as low thyroid taxes the adrenals. Given you have uterine fibroids my bed would be that you are hypothyroid as well. You need iodine to make thyroid hormones - and it also combats fibroids. If you are anemic then you need to take some iron supplements. Take B6 along with the iron to help your body absorb it.

When things do not function well it is better to find out why than to rip it out - I know of where I speak. They ripped out my thyroid and I am VERY sorry. They took my mom's uterus and she is sorry. It's not the answer.

Where do you live? Maybe we have a good Dr in your area to recommend.

Re: Insomniaiodine Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 11:13 AM

what's the dose? enough iodine helps me to sleep.


I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this same experience? Thanks\Deb

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i leave in georgia , but taking treatment in kansas city missouri. how do i get the lugol's iodine ? all i can find is provdone. some body said "paint your uterus with iodine" how do i paint?

From: Gracia <circefairpoint (DOT) net>Subject: Re: Insomniaiodinegroups (DOT) comDate: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 11:13 AM

what's the dose? enough iodine helps me to sleep.


I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this same experience? Thanks\Deb

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Any specific type of iron or B6?AliOn Dec 16, 2008, at 12:41 PM, ladybugsandbees wrote:I wouldn't do surgery.  I would also get off that Provera.  That stuff is toxic and messing up your hormones even more.  You need to take high doses of iodine to help those fibroids (Dr. Flechas talks of how iodine is found in the uterus just 30 minutes after ingestion) and get on some adrenal support to help your body produce your sex hormones naturally.  Also you should have your thyroid levels checked - TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 as low thyroid taxes the adrenals.  Given you have uterine fibroids my bed would be that you are hypothyroid as well.  You need iodine to make thyroid hormones - and it also combats fibroids.  If you are anemic then you need to take some iron supplements.  Take B6 along with the iron to help your body absorb it.  When things do not function well it is better to find out why than to rip it out - I know of where I speak.  They ripped out my thyroid and I am VERY sorry.  They took my mom's uterus and she is sorry.  It's not the answer.  Where do you live?  Maybe we have a good Dr in your area to recommend.    Re: Insomniaiodine Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 11:13 AM what's the dose?  enough iodine helps me to sleep.GraciaI started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this same experience? Thanks\DebNo virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.18/1849 - Release Date: 12/15/2008 9:01 AM

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I take Fe-Zyme by Biotics Research or Floradix Iron + Herb. For the B's I take Pure Encapsulations.

Re: Insomniaiodine Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 11:13 AM

what's the dose? enough iodine helps me to sleep.


I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this same experience? Thanks\Deb

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Oh please stop the surgery for a bit. Not only take s advice. But you need to cut gluten from your diet. Anaemia could be a BIG sign of Celiac disease. How are your b-12 levels.


i am suffering from uterine fibroids. have been bleeding no stop for about five months.

have been on birth control without the water pills now i am on provera.

the doctor is scheduling me for a surgery.

i am anaemic. i need help.

Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: Gracia <circefairpoint (DOT) net>Subject: Re: Insomniaiodinegroups (DOT) comDate: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 11:13 AM

what's the dose? enough iodine helps me to sleep.


I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this same experience? Thanks\Deb

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for the fibroids you must find a doctor that works with bio

identical hormones.you can start with dim and cal-D-glucarate

and after that natural progesterone cream.you must check that the

progesterone is not converted to estrogene.estrogene are feeding the



> From: Gracia <circe@...>

> Subject: Re: Insomnia

> iodine

> Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 11:13 AM










> what's the dose?  enough iodine helps me to sleep.

> Gracia



> I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after

> taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this

> same experience? Thanks\Deb







> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.18/1849 - Release Date:

12/15/2008 9:01 AM


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Which B do you take from Pure Encapsulations? I see they list these:

B12 Folic

B-Complex Plus

Biotin 8 mg


On Dec 16, 2008, at 2:30 PM, ladybugsandbees wrote:

> I take Fe-Zyme by Biotics Research or Floradix Iron + Herb.  For the

> B's I take Pure Encapsulations.





>> Re: Insomnia

>>>>> iodine

>>>>> Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 11:13 AM



>>>>>> what's the dose?  enough iodine helps me to sleep.

>>>>>> Gracia

>>>>>> I started Lugols 2 days ago. Unable to sleep at night even after 

>>>>>> taking mega doses of mg and Melatonin. Has anyone else had this 

>>>>>> same experience? Thanks\Deb



>>>>>> No virus found in this incoming message.

>>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com 

>>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.18/1849 - Release Date:

>>>>>> 12/15/2008 9:01 AM







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