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Loes van der Weiden Hi thank you for your post! It has been ages since I

heard from you! Post more often.miss you. The increased hair growth and

painful breasts are from the prednisone. Mine was quite bad after transplant

but now not bad at all.but, I still grow hair faster then before. I also now

get it on my face.........NOT so pretty so I regularly use a cream to remove the

facial hair.I use it on my entire face. Not near my eyes!! The bonus is that

the hair on my head also grows faster.so I can have long hair, cut it short and

quickly grow it long again. ; - ) Depression.I started with depression before

Tx and still need to take an antidepressant.....I think our hormones get messed

up with liver disease..I know it isn't just " in our heads " but we truly are

depressed. So.whatever medication works, take it. Myself I take Lexapro.been

around a long time with no problems for anyone.is a safe drug.

SLEEP............ahhhhhhhhh, as you may see I am writing this at 11:45 PM. I

have had chronic insomnia since Tx...........so for me I think mine is caused

from my meds. I take immune suppressants too.mine arte Cellcept and

cyclosporin. (Although as of tomorrow I will go on no cellcept for the first

timer.if my labs continue good I will be able to stay off. I have been

decreasing by one pill the past 4 months.) I feel much better lowering my meds

but I so far still have insomnia. But, then my rheumy said that my fibro causes

that also. I take two pain meds (Tramadol and a Vicodin (hydrocodone) at bed

along with Flexeril ( for fibro induced insomnia), and Atarax to help me

sleep.and I often also take a Unisom. I sleep good after I finally fall

asleep.but do sleep until anywhere from 9:00 to 10:30 in the morning. I have

started using a TENS unit for pain. That helps me a LOT! I highly recommend

the units. The small charges of electricity confuses the pain signals and

greatly lessens my leg pain from neuropathy. My Medicare covers most of the

monthly fee. I rent to own the unit. My primary sent me to the physical

therapist to get it. I heard a lot of folks in the post Tx group talk about it

and am glad I got one myself. I have reduced my pain meds to only the two at

bedtime now. I used to take Tramadol 4 times a day, and Flexeril twice.

FLU SHOT, Pseudora Ruffin and all, yes, we need to get our flu shots! I just

had mine today and my arm this year isn't even sore!!! Last years shot made me

feel yucky for a couple days..but this year was like years past.no problems.

Please get your shot! The last thing we need is to add the flu to our other

ills............ I had the flu years ago and wasn't any fun! But, I did get

the Tamaflu ( pill after you get the flu) after I came down with it and it did

shorten the length of days being ill. Last year I still got the flu even with

the shot BUT it wasn't bad........just bad enough to send me to the docs. .then

back home and to bed. ; - ) And yes, everyone in your family should also

get one. Blessings all. Joanne


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