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Autoimmune Liver Disease Support Group Listbot Debby, I am so

sorry about your grand-daughter. I have a little with Diabetic grand-daughter

..aka Type 1 Diabetes. It is not genetic..so can pop up anywhere. The PUMP is

great.see if she is old enough to wear a pump. But, they probably want to

stabilizer her first. There is a great support group for parents of kids

with diabetis..actually I believe there are two. It is very scarey.expecially

if they start to throw Key tones. Then it is a mad rush to the

hospital......very scarey. But, it sounds as if they are doing things

right..good diet means so much!! and not kissing the blood sugar tests and

shots. The new meters can be used other places besides the poor fingers.hope

they got one of those. Congrats on your new

project! If you take good oics why not take a few pics of your pics and put

them on EBay to sell there also? Sell using Pay Pal, so you don't get stuck.

Myself.I am painting.and mostly doing pen and inks.... I would love to be able

to sell some down the road too. Will see..........

Couple weeks ago I thought I had pimples for the first time in my life.... I had

these pimpley looking things on my forehead and one on my cheek. Was talking to

my dentist and showed him and he said no.that I had fever blisters...aka

Herpes Simplex. I went YIKES! How did I get that! He said no not that kind

of Herpes.....this one is common. It seems that my system was extra stressed

because of my tooth infection. I had a fever with it and was quite ill. (root

canal being done next Tuesday). Whe our immune function is compromised (and

ours is anyway) this can break out. My dentist said I alread carried it.that

everyone by the time they are an adult is a carrier. I said I remembered my mom

had cold sores. Here is the link that tells all about them.

Blessings, Joanne



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