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MRSA Infection

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Your MIL should have gowned/masked when entering the room. Where is the

MRSA being cultured from? Lungs? Wound? Your MIL should change her

clothes and take a shower before being in contact with ANYONE (PID or

otherwise) if she didn't gown/mask. If she did then she should still

shower/change before being around your son.

Ursula Holleman

mom to (12 yrs old) and Macey (10 yr. old with CVID, Diabetes

Insipidus, colonic inertia)


Immune Deficiency Foundation - Peer Contact for GA


IDF Patient/Family Handbook



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without mask if it were in the lungs then it could be a threat to your MIL.

If in a wound then it could be a threat if your MIL touched anything in the

room or the wound itself.

I hope she feels better soon.

Ursula Holleman

mom to (12 yrs old) and Macey (10 yr. old with CVID, Diabetes

Insipidus, colonic inertia)


Immune Deficiency Foundation - Peer Contact for GA


IDF Patient/Family Handbook



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Just so you can defend yourself. Not that you need to it is your son and

your choices, whether he is an everyday healthy child or a sock child, you

do not want to take a risk. Below is information I found on MRSA for you.

What is methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)?

Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus is a bacterial infection

resistant to antibiotic methicillin. Staphylococcus aureus, sometimes

referred to simply as " staph, " or " staph A " is a common bacterium found on

the skin of healthy people. If staph gets into the body it can cause a minor

infection such as boils or pimples or serious infections such as pneumonia

or blood infections.

One antibiotic commonly used to treat staph infections is methicillin. While

methicillin is very effective in treating most staph infections, some staph

bacteria have developed a resistance to methicillin and can no longer be

killed by this antibiotic. The resistant bacteria are called

methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus or MRSA.

Who is susceptible to MRSA infection?

MRSA usually infects hospital patients who are elderly or very ill. You may

be at more risk if you have had frequent, long-term, or intensive use of

antibiotics. Intravenous drug users and persons with long-term illnesses or

who are immuno-suppressed are also at increased risk.

The infection can develop in an open wound such as a bedsore or when there

is a tube such as a urinary catheter that enters the body. MRSA rarely

infects healthy people.

MRSA can be present in the nose, on the skin, or in the blood or

urine. MRSA can spread among other patients who are usually very ill with

weakened immune systems that cannot fight off the infection.MRSA is usually

spread through physical contact--not through the air. It is usually spread

in hospitals on people's hands. Healthcare workers hands may become

contaminated by contact with patients, or surfaces in the workplace, and

medical devices that are contaminated with body fluids containing MRSA.

The prevention of MRSA infections is based upon standard infection

control precautions including:

Hand Washing Wash hands immediately after gloves are removed, between

patient contacts and between tasks and procedures.

Gloving Wear gloves when touching blood, body fluids and contaminated

items. Remove gloves between patient contacts and wash hands immediately.

Masking Wear a mask and face shield during procedures that are

likely to generate splashes or droplets of blood and body fluids.

Gowning Wear a gown during procedures that are likely to generate

splashes or droplets of blood and body fluids.

Patient Care Equipment Appropriate cleaning, disinfection and

sterilization of patient care equipment are important in limiting the

transmission of organisms.

Handling of Laundry Handle, transport, and process used linen soiled

with blood or body fluids in a manner that prevents skin exposure,

contamination of clothing and transfer of microorganisms to other patients.

I think she felt like I was over-reacting....my attitude is " Better safe

than sorry " . I would rather error on the side of caution. Also, this is my

husbands sister...I told him he can't go see her. Any input would be


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My mother in law says it is in her lungs, but may have started from a

pacemaker being implanted about a month or so ago....not sure of her


Is there a difference if it is in the lungs or a wound?????


Re: MRSA infection

> Your MIL should have gowned/masked when entering the room. Where is the

> MRSA being cultured from? Lungs? Wound? Your MIL should change her

> clothes and take a shower before being in contact with ANYONE (PID or

> otherwise) if she didn't gown/mask. If she did then she should still

> shower/change before being around your son.


> Ursula Holleman

> mom to (12 yrs old) and Macey (10 yr. old with CVID, Diabetes

> Insipidus, colonic inertia)

> http://members.cox.net/maceyh


> Immune Deficiency Foundation - Peer Contact for GA

> http://www.primaryimmune.org


> IDF Patient/Family Handbook

> http://www.primaryimmune.org/pubs/book_pats/book_pats.htm


> /





> This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

> Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

> sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional

> advice.


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Thanks so much for the prompt info....it is greatly appreciated!


Re: MRSA infection

> without mask if it were in the lungs then it could be a threat to your

> MIL.

> If in a wound then it could be a threat if your MIL touched anything in

> the

> room or the wound itself.


> I hope she feels better soon.


> Ursula Holleman

> mom to (12 yrs old) and Macey (10 yr. old with CVID, Diabetes

> Insipidus, colonic inertia)

> http://members.cox.net/maceyh


> Immune Deficiency Foundation - Peer Contact for GA

> http://www.primaryimmune.org


> IDF Patient/Family Handbook

> http://www.primaryimmune.org/pubs/book_pats/book_pats.htm


> /





> This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

> Primary Immune Deficiency. Opinions or medical advice stated here are the

> sole responsibility of the poster and should not be taken as professional

> advice.


> To unsubscribe -unsubscribegroups (DOT)

> To search group archives go to:

> /messages


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Oh, boy, what lousy timing with this thread! Scaring me!

Spoke to a ped today about 's boil recurring and she put her on

Augmentin, said are you sure it's a boil and not an abcess? Said it was either


or Mer_____ something I didn't recognize, she said it twice. Just ten minutes

ago the thought of it was bugging me so I came down to look up bacteria that

sounded like " merced " or " mersa " , maybe it was short for something and then it

hit me, " mersa " = MRSA. You get a nice cold tingle down the spine.

Ped said the abx should help it come to a head and open up, if they don't

work within a week she'll have to go to a dermatologist and have it opened up


cleaned out... if it recurs she'll have to go to I.D. and get it cultured. I

mentioned has been on Augmentin alot in the past year, but she still

wanted to go with it due to the broad coverage.

Well, hopefully it's just a crummy boil with garden-variety staph... I'm

going to try not to get too paranoid over it. Blech.

(mom to , age 6, dairy intolerant-related GERD -- currently has

polysaccharide antibody def, previously had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other

defs... and also to Kate, age 2-1/2, more dairy intolerant but very healthy!)

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Oh, boy, what lousy timing with this thread! Scaring me!

Spoke to a ped today about 's boil recurring and she put her on

Augmentin, said are you sure it's a boil and not an abcess? Said it was either


or Mer_____ something I didn't recognize, she said it twice. Just ten minutes

ago the thought of it was bugging me so I came down to look up bacteria that

sounded like " merced " or " mersa " , maybe it was short for something and then it

hit me, " mersa " = MRSA. You get a nice cold tingle down the spine.

Ped said the abx should help it come to a head and open up, if they don't

work within a week she'll have to go to a dermatologist and have it opened up


cleaned out... if it recurs she'll have to go to I.D. and get it cultured. I

mentioned has been on Augmentin alot in the past year, but she still

wanted to go with it due to the broad coverage.

Well, hopefully it's just a crummy boil with garden-variety staph... I'm

going to try not to get too paranoid over it. Blech.

(mom to , age 6, dairy intolerant-related GERD -- currently has

polysaccharide antibody def, previously had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other

defs... and also to Kate, age 2-1/2, more dairy intolerant but very healthy!)

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Hi Kim! You did ABSOLUTELY the right thing! As the mom of a child who's had

10 MRSA infections in the past year, spent over 5 weeks in the hospital with

them and had to have a sentral line at home for 2 months because of it I can

tell you from experience. MRSA can be carried in the nose (respiratorily),

in the groin and in the axilla (armpits). It can also be wound based. You

should be gowned masked and gloved with all MRSA patients. There are 2 types

of MRSA, community acquired and hospital acquired. Community aquired is

generally sucseptible to Bactrim where hospital based is not. My son had the

community based MRSA, but the Bactrim alone did not work on him so he had

to have vancomycin for it till he developed anaphalaxis to it. He now has to

have gentamysin for it. It is NOT something you want to deal with in your

child. I have watched my son run high fevers, be generally miserable, have

cellulitis infected MRSA abcesses cut open numerous times and have a cut

down done. It is not fun and totally not worth the risk. Just my two cents

from having been there.

-- MRSA infection

Clear DayFor those of you nurses out there...my mother-in-law went to visit

her daughter in the hospital. She has a MRSA infection that has taken over

and her organs are starting to fail...she is not expected to make it. She

came over my house directly from being with her in the hospital...and I

asked her to leave. I felt it was too dangerous an infection to take a

chance on her being here with who has CVID. Did I over-react? Isn't

it spread through poor handwashing??? Can it not be carried? Is simple

handwashing enough?

Also, with MRSA infection, would visitors be required to gown and mask???

I wasn't sure how contagious it was...but I know there was a big story this

past month on the local news about MRSA becoming a problem in the general

population, affecting healthy people. They were urging all people to take

extra care with any open wounds, no matter how small by using antibiotic

ointment and keeping them clean and covered.

I think she felt like I was over-reacting....my attitude is " Better safe

than sorry " . I would rather error on the side of caution. Also, this is my

husbands sister...I told him he can't go see her. Any input would be



Kim, Mom to - 8, CVID

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In a message dated 5/31/2005 10:21:07 PM Central Standard Time,

knmb2@... writes:

> I was not comfortable with that and

> said, " I'm sorry, I have a problem with this - please leave, I can't take

> any chances " , and she did.




Wow, you are very strong and brave. I admire your courage in sticking to your

guns. I'm not shy, no wallflower, nothing like that. But sometimes I feel

like a big chicken when I don't stand up and say something to that rude parent

that brought a really sick kid to a play place, etc. Good for you for following

your instincts! A surprised or mildly put-off family member can be recovered

from... a deadly infection might not! My sympathy, also, about your


(mom to , age 6, dairy intolerant-related GERD -- currently has

polysaccharide antibody def, previously had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other

defs... and also to Kate, age 2-1/2, more dairy intolerant but very healthy!)

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In a message dated 5/31/2005 10:21:07 PM Central Standard Time,

knmb2@... writes:

> I was not comfortable with that and

> said, " I'm sorry, I have a problem with this - please leave, I can't take

> any chances " , and she did.




Wow, you are very strong and brave. I admire your courage in sticking to your

guns. I'm not shy, no wallflower, nothing like that. But sometimes I feel

like a big chicken when I don't stand up and say something to that rude parent

that brought a really sick kid to a play place, etc. Good for you for following

your instincts! A surprised or mildly put-off family member can be recovered

from... a deadly infection might not! My sympathy, also, about your


(mom to , age 6, dairy intolerant-related GERD -- currently has

polysaccharide antibody def, previously had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other

defs... and also to Kate, age 2-1/2, more dairy intolerant but very healthy!)

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Wow! I feel for you...I am so glad I followed my gut. I usually do and my

gut is usually right! But, every once in a while, someone makes you

question your decision. When you deal with these types of situations, you

sometimes can't help but wonder, " am I over-reacting? "

Well, it looks like I did not over-react this time. It was uncomfortable to

ask her to leave, because when I first said, " You can't be here " , she said,

" Don't worry, I washed my hands " . I was not comfortable with that and

said, " I'm sorry, I have a problem with this - please leave, I can't take

any chances " , and she did.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your experience. I know now I did right!

Kim, mom to 8 - CVID

MRSA infection


> Clear DayFor those of you nurses out there...my mother-in-law went to

> visit

> her daughter in the hospital. She has a MRSA infection that has taken

> over

> and her organs are starting to fail...she is not expected to make it. She

> came over my house directly from being with her in the hospital...and I

> asked her to leave. I felt it was too dangerous an infection to take a

> chance on her being here with who has CVID. Did I over-react?

> Isn't

> it spread through poor handwashing??? Can it not be carried? Is simple

> handwashing enough?


> Also, with MRSA infection, would visitors be required to gown and mask???

> I wasn't sure how contagious it was...but I know there was a big story

> this

> past month on the local news about MRSA becoming a problem in the general

> population, affecting healthy people. They were urging all people to take

> extra care with any open wounds, no matter how small by using antibiotic

> ointment and keeping them clean and covered.


> I think she felt like I was over-reacting....my attitude is " Better safe

> than sorry " . I would rather error on the side of caution. Also, this is

> my

> husbands sister...I told him he can't go see her. Any input would be

> appreciated.


> Thanks,

> Kim, Mom to - 8, CVID







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Wow! I feel for you...I am so glad I followed my gut. I usually do and my

gut is usually right! But, every once in a while, someone makes you

question your decision. When you deal with these types of situations, you

sometimes can't help but wonder, " am I over-reacting? "

Well, it looks like I did not over-react this time. It was uncomfortable to

ask her to leave, because when I first said, " You can't be here " , she said,

" Don't worry, I washed my hands " . I was not comfortable with that and

said, " I'm sorry, I have a problem with this - please leave, I can't take

any chances " , and she did.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your experience. I know now I did right!

Kim, mom to 8 - CVID

MRSA infection


> Clear DayFor those of you nurses out there...my mother-in-law went to

> visit

> her daughter in the hospital. She has a MRSA infection that has taken

> over

> and her organs are starting to fail...she is not expected to make it. She

> came over my house directly from being with her in the hospital...and I

> asked her to leave. I felt it was too dangerous an infection to take a

> chance on her being here with who has CVID. Did I over-react?

> Isn't

> it spread through poor handwashing??? Can it not be carried? Is simple

> handwashing enough?


> Also, with MRSA infection, would visitors be required to gown and mask???

> I wasn't sure how contagious it was...but I know there was a big story

> this

> past month on the local news about MRSA becoming a problem in the general

> population, affecting healthy people. They were urging all people to take

> extra care with any open wounds, no matter how small by using antibiotic

> ointment and keeping them clean and covered.


> I think she felt like I was over-reacting....my attitude is " Better safe

> than sorry " . I would rather error on the side of caution. Also, this is

> my

> husbands sister...I told him he can't go see her. Any input would be

> appreciated.


> Thanks,

> Kim, Mom to - 8, CVID







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  • 1 year later...

Wow sorry to hear about the MRSA, that can be a bugger. I just have regular staph in my sinuses. Sepsis is bad news. You must feel like crap. Have they found anything to treat it with? You are in my prayers they can find some antibiotic combo that will help. I don't know how to moderate but I am willing to learn. If it doesn't take a lot of time. I have pain rehab every day next week for 2-4 hrs a day.

let me know.

love, and prayers,

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, sorry to hear about your diagnosis..

I suffer from golden staph in my blood and I come up with boils all over my body.. Currently I have one on my breast, my bottom and my leg..

No wonder nothing helped you...

Antibiotics do nothing for me so I rarely have any..

I developed a serious infection in my toe about 8 months ago and that took 4 months to clear up..

My immune system is shot...

I hope you get some relief soon



-- MRSA infection

Just got back from the doctor. My GP had me see a wound specialist who lanced my infections on my abdomen and was able to culture some pus. It is MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. No wonder I'd been on so many antibiotics and nothing was helping. It has gone to my bloodstream and lymph system, so I also have several other small infections (ears, bladder, kidneys). So I'll probably be down this weekend. If another moderator could help Helen out moderating, that'd be great!

Thanks guys, hope you are well,

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Yeah, I'm not feeling well, that's for sure. They are trying rifampin now with the cipro, but it seems to be resistent to cipro as well.

Thank you for the offer, but it can be quite a time investment. Of course, we have several moderators and we all get what we can get to, but we are all ill as well, so sometimes a few will be down, and sometimes others will be okay. It's hit and miss, but we get to everything when we can.


-------------- Original message -------------- From: " M" <brenda.morey@...>

Wow sorry to hear about the MRSA, that can be a bugger. I just have regular staph in my sinuses. Sepsis is bad news. You must feel like crap. Have they found anything to treat it with? You are in my prayers they can find some antibiotic combo that will help. I don't know how to moderate but I am willing to learn. If it doesn't take a lot of time. I have pain rehab every day next week for 2-4 hrs a day.

let me know.

love, and prayers,

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I can only imagine what it would be like to have this all of the time. I have to pack these infections with gauze daily, and it is so painful. The doctor said that I have holes in my abdomen from the bacteria. It isn't easy for me to tell how far to pack the gauze in, since I can't see into the holes. I hope that the rifampin helps, because we are running out of options.


--------- MRSA infection

Just got back from the doctor. My GP had me see a wound specialist who lanced my infections on my abdomen and was able to culture some pus. It is MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. No wonder I'd been on so many antibiotics and nothing was helping. It has gone to my bloodstream and lymph system, so I also have several other small infections (ears, bladder, kidneys). So I'll probably be down this weekend. If another moderator could help Helen out moderating, that'd be great!

Thanks guys, hope you are well,

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Yours sound a lot more serious than mine have ever been.

In 2000 I had them under my breasts and my whole chest was taped up, when I took the bandages off the smell was absolutely putrid.

Luckily I have never had really deep ones like you, what I have to do is lance it and cover it with these 'drawing bandages' that sort of suck out the infection, then I change them daily...

The annoying part is they happen in my well Womens Parts not inside but on the outside and that can be painful having to sit... And embarrassing having the doctor look at you... LOL

I really hope that you get to feeling better soon...




Heidi Jaye AKA Lady Magenta Aalotar

"People are strange, when your'e a stranger"


-- Re: MRSA infection

Heidi,I can only imagine what it would be like to have this all of the time. I have to pack these infections with gauze daily, and it is so painful. The doctor said that I have holes in my abdomen from the bacteria. It isn't easy for me to tell how far to pack the gauze in, since I can't see into the holes. I hope that the rifampin helps, because we are running out of options.Hugs,-------------- Original message -------------- From: "Heidi Jaye" <heidijaye2@...> , sorry to hear about your diagnosis..I suffer from golden staph in my blood and I come up with boils all over my body.. Currently I have one on my breast, my bottom and my leg.. No wonder nothing helped you...Antibiotics do nothing for me so I rarely have any..I developed a serious infection in my toe about 8 months ago and that took 4 months to clear up..My immune system is shot...I hope you get some relief soonHugsHeidi-------Original Message-------From: heatherlkum@...Date: 29/10/2006 8:47:18 AM Subject: MRSA infectionJust got back from the doctor. My GP had me see a wound specialist who lanced my infections on my abdomen and was able to culture some pus. It is MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. No wonder I'd been on so many antibiotics and nothing was helping. It has gone to my bloodstream and lymph system, so I also have several other small infections (ears, bladder, kidneys). So I'll probably be down this weekend. If another moderator could help Helen out moderating, that'd be great! Thanks guys, hope you are well,

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For a diabetic, any wound can potentially be serious. I've never had doctors make such a fuss though. It must be awful to have infections in those parts. I did find out before this that I have hidradinitis, which can be like what you are describing, but thankfully I've never had it that badly. My Mother has, unfortunately. She has to get shots in the lesions. It sounds horrible, I hope mine never gets that bad.

I just changed the packing, it was horrible. I hope this clears up soon, because I don't want to do this much longer. It is just so disgusting...packing endless gauze into a hole in my abdomen that just doesn't seem to end, and the smell is horrible. The doctor won't let me use any numbing medicine for it, and it is excruciating. I'm sure you probably experience the same feeling with yours. I know I'm whining now, but I'm just so tired and feel awful.


--------- Re: MRSA infection

Heidi,I can only imagine what it would be like to have this all of the time. I have to pack these infections with gauze daily, and it is so painful. The doctor said that I have holes in my abdomen from the bacteria. It isn't easy for me to tell how far to pack the gauze in, since I can't see into the holes. I hope that the rifampin helps, because we are running out of options.Hugs,-------------- Original message -------------- From: "Heidi Jaye" <heidijaye2netspace (DOT) net.au> , sorry to hear about your diagnosis..I suffer from golden staph in my blood and I come up with boils all over my body.. Currently I have one on my breast, my bottom and my leg.. No wonder nothing helped you...Antibiotics do nothing for me so I rarely have any..I developed a serious infection in my toe about 8 months ago and th

at took 4 months to clear up..My immune system is shot...I hope you get some relief soonHugsHeidi-------Original Message-------From: heatherlkumcomcast (DOT) netDate: 29/10/2006 8:47:18 AM Subject: MRSA infectionJust got back from the doctor. My GP had me see a wound specialist who lanced my infections on my abdomen and was able to culture some pus. It is MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. No wonder I'd been on so many antibiotics and nothing was helping. It has gone to my bloodstream and lymph system, so I also have several other small infections (ears, bladder, kidneys). So I'll probably be down this weekend. If another moderator could help Helen out moderating, that'd be great! Thanks guys, hope you are well,

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Dear ,

Praying for you,

I have never had anything like what you have, my staph infection is hidden nicely in my sinuses. I sure hope it gets better soon. As for me helping moderate you are probably right, with this pain rehab starting I will probably be doing good to keep up with the email. I wish I could help tho.

love and God bless,

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Thank you for the prayers, I appreciate them very much. I really do appreciate your offer of help, but the best help a member can offer is just to welcome people when I can't. New people who join the list are probably feeling frustrated and alone, so a hearty welcome is always a good thing.

If you have a hard time keeping up with the mail, you can either go daily digest or no mail to read at the site. If you go no mail, I suggest writing down (or emailing yourself) the message number you stopped at so you can pick up where you left off.


-------------- Original message -------------- From: " M" <brenda.morey@...>

Dear ,

Praying for you,

I have never had anything like what you have, my staph infection is hidden nicely in my sinuses. I sure hope it gets better soon. As for me helping moderate you are probably right, with this pain rehab starting I will probably be doing good to keep up with the email. I wish I could help tho.

love and God bless,

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That is true about diabetics and wounds...

I used to be hypoglaecemic/low blood sugar but for the last 3 years my tests have been normal, the doctor said that sometimes happens, you sort of 'grow out of it'.

I have never heard of hindradinitis I will look it up on the internet later...

Ouch you poor sweetie.. I can imagine the pain with changing the gauze..

I find mine are the most painful just a couple of days before they burst..

One burst in the toilet and I told to have a look and it was green and yellow and red and disgusting..

I have a little boil on my leg at the moment, lanced it for me and put on a dressing, it is not really sore actually, it is so small..

I have a loofah I use in the shower, and I am not supposed to have a bath because I should not be soaking in the water.. I use Sapoderm Anti bacterial soap and I microwave the loofah after each wash.. It is annoying, but better than reinfecting myself...




-- Re: MRSA infection

Heidi,For a diabetic, any wound can potentially be serious. I've never had doctors make such a fuss though. It must be awful to have infections in those parts. I did find out before this that I have hidradinitis, which can be like what you are describing, but thankfully I've never had it that badly. My Mother has, unfortunately. She has to get shots in the lesions. It sounds horrible, I hope mine never gets that bad. I just changed the packing, it was horrible. I hope this clears up soon, because I don't want to do this much longer. It is just so disgusting...packing endless gauze into a hole in my abdomen that just doesn't seem to end, and the smell is horrible. The doctor won't let me use any numbing medicine for it, and it is excruciating. I'm sure you probably experience the same feeling with yours. I know I'm whining now, but I'm just so tired and feel awful. Hugs,-------------- Original message -------------- From: "Heidi Jaye" <heidijaye2@...> Yours sound a lot more serious than mine have ever been.In 2000 I had them under my breasts and my whole chest was taped up, when I took the bandages off the smell was absolutely putrid.Luckily I have never had really deep ones like you, what I have to do is lance it and cover it with these 'drawing bandages' that sort of suck out the infection, then I change them daily...The annoying part is they happen in my well Womens Parts not inside but on the outside and that can be painful having to sit... And embarrassing having the doctor look at you... LOLI really hope that you get to feeling better soon...HugsHeidi____________________________________________Heidi Jaye AKA Lady Magenta Aalotar"People are strange, when your'e a stranger"______________________________________________-------Original Message-------From: heatherlkum@...Date: 29/10/2006 6:54:14 PM Subject: Re: MRSA infectionHeidi,I can only imagine what it would be like to have this all of the time. I have to pack these infections with gauze daily, and it is so painful. The doctor said that I have holes in my abdomen from the bacteria. It isn't easy for me to tell how far to pack the gauze in, since I can't see into the holes. I hope that the rifampin helps, because we are running out of options.Hugs,-------------- Original message -------------- From: "Heidi Jaye" <heidijaye2@...> , sorry to hear about your diagnosis..I suffer from golden staph in my blood and I come up with boils all over my body.. Currently I have one on my breast, my bottom and my leg.. No wonder nothing helped you...Antibiotics do nothing for me so I rarely have any..I developed a serious infection in my toe about 8 months ago and that took 4 months to clear up..My immune system is shot...I hope you get some relief soonHugsHeidi-------Original Message-------From: heatherlkum@...Date: 29/10/2006 8:47:18 AM Subject: MRSA infectionJust got back from the doctor. My GP had me see a wound specialist who lanced my infections on my abdomen and was able to culture some pus. It is MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. No wonder I'd been on so many antibiotics and nothing was helping. It has gone to my bloodstream and lymph system, so I also have several other small infections (ears, bladder, kidneys). So I'll probably be down this weekend. If another moderator could help Helen out moderating, that'd be great! Thanks guys, hope you are well,

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Thanks I think I have time to keep up with the mail.

much love,

Re: MRSA infection


Thank you for the prayers, I appreciate them very much. I really do appreciate your offer of help, but the best help a member can offer is just to welcome people when I can't. New people who join the list are probably feeling frustrated and alone, so a hearty welcome is always a good thing.

If you have a hard time keeping up with the mail, you can either go daily digest or no mail to read at the site. If you go no mail, I suggest writing down (or emailing yourself) the message number you stopped at so you can pick up where you left off.


-------------- Original message -------------- From: " M" <brenda.morey@...>

Dear ,

Praying for you,

I have never had anything like what you have, my staph infection is hidden nicely in my sinuses. I sure hope it gets better soon. As for me helping moderate you are probably right, with this pain rehab starting I will probably be doing good to keep up with the email. I wish I could help tho.

love and God bless,

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  • 11 months later...

Hi , have you been megadosing with vitamin C. It is worth trying if you

haven't. I am sure I have read that it can be used to treat this. Will see if

I can find the info.


MRSA Infection

Hi all:

I think my daughter is infected with the MRSA virus. My sister had it and

passed it on to my neice which now I think is growing in my daughters nose. She

has been sick for 5 weeks and just does not look good. I have been doing

everything to boost her immune system and we treated what I thought was the

flu/cold/ear infection naturally. I am going to the doctor tomorrow for a lab

confirmation but really need advice on what I can do to boost her system as I

guess what I have been doing is not enough. I'd also like to know if anyone out

there has had this infection and how they helped their body recover from it. I

have researched it and it looks like a bad strain that could be dangerous.

TIA as always.........

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At 07:14 PM 10/16/2007 -0700, you wrote:

>Hi all:


> I think my daughter is infected with the MRSA virus. My sister had it

and passed it on to my neice which now I think is growing in my daughters

nose. She has been sick for 5 weeks and just does not look good. I have

been doing everything to boost her immune system and we treated what I

thought was the flu/cold/ear infection naturally. I am going to the doctor

tomorrow for a lab confirmation but really need advice on what I can do to

boost her system as I guess what I have been doing is not enough. I'd also

like to know if anyone out there has had this infection and how they helped

their body recover from it. I have researched it and it looks like a bad

strain that could be dangerous.


> TIA as always.........





I'm sorry to hear about your daughter.

I would HIGHLY recommend seeing a quality homeopathy AND high doses of

Vitamin C. Ideal would be IV vitamin C, if it is indeed MRSA, but hard to

find someone to do that.

Start with high oral doses. I will resend the info on that.

Get Sodium Asorbate form as that is best when we don't know if your

daughter is acidic or alkaline

Good for both types.

Remind me where you live?

Also suggest for your sister and niece.

In my opinion, only homeopathy and/or HIGH Vitamin C will help this, if

indeed MRSA

but it may not be

I don't think just because exposed will get - depends on susceptibility

She may just be ill otherwise



Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

earthmysteriestours@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or


Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm

NEXT CLASSES start by email October 17 & 18

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On the autism lists, they treat with probiotics in particular " s. boulardii "

MRSA Infection

Hi all:

I think my daughter is infected with the MRSA virus. My sister had it and

passed it on to my neice which now I think is growing in my daughters nose. She

has been sick for 5 weeks and just does not look good. I have been doing

everything to boost her immune system and we treated what I thought was the

flu/cold/ear infection naturally. I am going to the doctor tomorrow for a lab

confirmation but really need advice on what I can do to boost her system as I

guess what I have been doing is not enough. I'd also like to know if anyone out

there has had this infection and how they helped their body recover from it. I

have researched it and it looks like a bad strain that could be dangerous.

TIA as always.........

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