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[Fwd: Flare with Enbrel]

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Just saw this in the newsgroup and thought I'd post it here, too. Might

be interesting for the enbrel user's parents. This is from an adult,

with regular RA. I'll check and see if there are any responses and post

them in, below.


--- Flare with Enbrel

Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 21:16:33 -0800

Newsgroups: alt.support.arthritis

I have been taking Enbrel since May of this year. It immediately did

wonders, reducing swelling and pain. However, new deformities continue


show up in my fingers and something gross is happening with my left


Recently, my right hand has been swelling but I have had incredible


due to my husband's serious illness. I have been dealing with RA for 10

years. Has anyone else had this result with Enbrel?


***Many people also take Methx along with their Enbrel. Some

people also take other dmards with it. We can talk about your reactions

to stress which make your disease worse but you really need

to make sure that your RD is fully aware of whats going on and that

you are not happy with these latest complications and want to do

something about them.***


***I just experienced a flare with Enbrel, but it was the result of a


reduction in mtx (just 3 mg). Currently I am taking 30 mg mtx and tried

to reduce it to 27, however that small reduction caused a fairly

significant reaction. I wondered if others have experienced flares with

DMARD tapers. Overall I have had significant improvements with Enbrel,

however, this flare surprised the h--- out of me (I was walking around

like the bride of enstein). My resistance to DMARDS is extremely

high, and this is especially unusual since my RA is in the moderate

range. It surprised my RD as well. So... I will be staying at 30 mg.

At least I tolerate it well; blood work is good and no side effects. I

think I have a mutant form of RA (LOL). How did your DMARD tapers go?

Incidentally stress really sets off my RA...without a doubt. I notice

there were 2 posts about that recently (you might do a search of

Deja... there was a similar post about a week or so ago ***


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