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Hello. My name is Ginger and I have been a member for a few months.

My son has JRA. One morning he woke up and was limping so bad,

he had to lean against the wall for support. He was around 26 months.

We went to the dr and were sent to a specialist after about 1 month. We

did not have any other symptoms, no rash, fever. He just woke up one

morning and could not walk.

He was put on naproxen and that seemed to do the trick for the pain. We later

tried plaquenil for the swelling and it worked great. He knee is the only

joint affected so far.

Around the age of 4 we noticed blood in his urine. They took us off

the naproxen and did an ultra sound of the kidneys. One is smaller

than the other. The urine cleared up and we stayed off the naproxen

for around 1 1/2 years.

is now almost 8. He has had 3 flare ups, all within a 2 year period. He

was put back on the naproxen along with the plaquenil. They flare ups were so

bad, he could not walk. We had to carry him to the bathroom. He recovered in

just a few days. Another thing about is that he is autistic. He has a

very high tolerance for pain, if he complains that he is in pain, it is pretty


Sorry this is so long. enjoys school, playing soccer and running

around like most " normal " children. You would not know he had JRA just

by watching him. Sometimes he favors his knee and when he is standing

still he will not place his full weight on his right leg. is

the height and weight of boys 9 yrs old. We do not have sleeping problems

or eating problems.

Sometimes he does complain of his wrists hurting, but the dr has said that

they are ok. I am praying that they stay that way.

Well thanks for letting me go on and on and on! I do have 2 other children,

age 12 and age 5.



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