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OT: Corticosteroid Injection & Naproxen for treatment of tennis elbow

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Pragmatic randomised controlled trial of local corticosteroid injection

and naproxen for treatment of lateral epicondylitis of elbow in primary


BMJ 1999;319:964-968 ( 9 October )


Elaine M Hay, senior lecturer in community rheumatology a, M

Paterson, research nurse b, Martyn , statistician b, Gillian

Hosie, general practitioner c, Croft, professor of epidemiology


a Staffordshire Rheumatology Centre, The Haywood, Burslem, Stoke on

Trent ST6 7AG, b Primary Care Sciences Research Centre, Keele University

School of Postgraduate Medicine, Hartshill, Stoke on Trent ST4 7QB, c

1980 Great Western Road, Glasgow G13 2SW

Correspondence to: E M Hay Pra19@...


Objective: To compare the clinical effectiveness of local corticosteroid

injection, standard non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and simple

analgesics for the early treatment of lateral epicondylitis in primary


Design: Multicentre pragmatic randomised controlled trial.

Setting: 23 general practices in North Staffordshire and South Cheshire.

Participants: 164 patients aged 18-70 years presenting with a new

episode of lateral epicondylitis.

Interventions: Local injection of 20 mg methylprednisolone plus

lignocaine, naproxen 500 mg twice daily for two weeks, or placebo

tablets. All participants received a standard advice sheet and

co-codamol as required.

Main outcome measures: Participants' global assessment of improvement

(five point scale) at four weeks. Pain, function, and " main complaint "

measured on 10 point Likert scales at 4 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months.

Results: Over 2 years, 53 subjects were randomised to injection, 53 to

naproxen, and 58 to placebo. Prognostic variables were similar between

groups at baseline. At 4 weeks, 48 patients (92%) in the injection group

were completely better or improved compared with 30 (57%) in the

naproxen group (P<0.001) and 28 (50%) in the placebo group (P<0.001). At

12 months, 43 patients (84%) in the injection group had pain scores 3

compared with 45 (85%) in the naproxen group and 44 (82%) in the placebo

group (P>0.05).

Conclusions: Early local corticosteroid injection is effective for

lateral epicondylitis. Outcome at one year was good in all groups, and

effective early treatment does not seem to influence this.

Key messages

Most lateral epicondylitis is managed by general practitioners, but

optimum treatment is unclear. This large pragmatic randomised trial

showed that corticosteroid injection was significantly better than

non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or placebo tablets at four weeks

A two week course of a standard non-steroidal anti-inflammatory was no

better than placebo

A few patients who respond well initially to injection relapse by six


Long term outcome was good, irrespective of initial treatment allocation


Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) is a painful condition that affects

about 4 adults per 1000 annually.1 Most cases are managed in primary

care, and more than 40 possible treatments have been proposed,2

reflecting a lack of consensus about optimal management. General

practitioners commonly use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to

treat tennis elbow, but there are no trials comparing them with

painkillers and one study found no clinically important benefit over

placebo.3 Two reviews of corticosteroid injections concluded that there

was insufficient evidence to support their use in treating tennis elbow,

but the methodological quality of most trials was poor. 4 5 Only two

primary care studies were identified, both with methodological

shortcomings, including small sample sizes. One, in an occupational

health centre, showed no difference between injection, indomethacin, and

a wrist brace over 12 months.6 The second, conducted in an army clinic,

found no difference between ultrasound, transcutaneous nerve

stimulation, and local injection five days after intervention.7

We conducted a large pragmatic randomised trial comparing three

conventional treatments for lateral epicondylitis in primary care. The

aims of the study were to determine whether local corticosteroid

injection, a two week course of naproxen, or simple analgesia provides

the best short term treatment for new episodes and which of these

treatments provides best long term relief of symptoms.


Study design

The study was a multicentre, pragmatic randomised trial in primary care.

We recruited consecutive patients aged 18-70 years who consulted their

general practitioner with a new episode of lateral epicondylitis (pain

and tenderness in the lateral region of the elbow and no consultation

with symptoms in the same elbow during the preceding 12 months) during

November 1995 to December 1997. Exclusion criteria were a history of

inflammatory arthritis or gross structural abnormality of the elbow;

contraindications to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or local steroid

injection; and pregnancy or breast feeding. The trial was explained to

patients by their general practitioner, who gave participants an

information leaflet and faxed a registration form to the research

centre. Baseline assessments were performed by a study nurse (usually in

the patients' homes) within two working days of registration. Written

informed consent was obtained, and the study was approved by the local

research ethics committees of North Staffordshire and South Cheshire.


Treatment allocation was according to the study number given to the

patient at the baseline assessment. Numbers were issued in a

predetermined random sequence in blocks of six by general practice and

generated with a random number table. The number corresponded with that

on identical treatment packs kept in the general practitioners'


Treatment protocols

Patients returned to their general practitioner after the baseline

assessment to receive one of three treatments.

Injection groupPatients were given a local corticosteroid injection of

methylprednisolone 20 mg and 0.5 ml 1% lignocaine according to a

standard technique. The injection was performed with the patient's arm

resting flexed on a firm surface. The methylprednisolone and lignocaine

were drawn up in separate syringes. After the skin was cleaned,

lignocaine was injected deep into the subcutaneous tissues and muscles 1

cm distal to the lateral epicondyle and aiming towards the tender spot.

The syringes were then exchanged and methylprednisolone injected

radially. The needle was withdrawn cleanly and firm pressure applied.

Naproxen group Patients were prescribed enteric coated naproxen 500 mg

twice daily for two weeks. Standard advice was given to take the drug

with food and about potential side effects.

Placebo group Patients were give placebo tablets (unmarked vitamin C)

twice daily for two weeks. Standard advice was given as for the naproxen


Participants were provided with co-codamol for additional pain relief

and an information leaflet about " tennis elbow " based on the Arthritis

Research Campaign publication but omitting specific treatment


Outcome measures

Outcome assessments were performed by a blinded study nurse before

randomisation and at four weeks, six months, and 12 months. The baseline

assessment also included demographic variables, medical history, and

potential prognostic variables. Case notes were reviewed after

completion of follow up.

The primary outcome was patients' global assessment of change measured

on a 5 point scale (complete recovery, improved, no change, worse, much

worse) at four weeks. Secondary outcomes were pain severity (10 point

Likert scale); impairment of function (10 point Likert scale); severity

of " main complaint " (10 point Likert scale)8; disability (validated

tennis elbow disability questionnaire)9; pain free grip strength in

affected arm (average of two readings with hand held dynamometer); local

tenderness of lateral epicondyle (3 point scale: none, some, definite

with flinch); pain on resisted extension of middle finger and wrist with

arm extended (3 point scale: none, some, definite with flinch); number

and type of co-interventions (questionnaire and case note review); time

off paid employment; complications of treatment (post-intervention

exacerbation of pain (daily 10-point pain scale measured for five days),

local skin atrophy, gastrointestinal side effects).


Sample size calculations were based on publications which describe a 70%

recovery or improvement with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs after

four weeks (two tailed =0.05, =0.2).10 Overall success was defined a

priori as a 20% difference between treatment groups in the primary

outcome measure. A total sample size of 180 patients was required.

Intention to treat analysis was performed blind to treatment group. All

hypothesis tests were two tailed with =0.05. We compared groups with 2

test for nominal variables or Fisher's exact test where appropriate for

small samples. Ordinal variables were compared by Mann-Whitney U tests.

Area under the curve slopes were compared by the methods of s et

al.11 Analyses were carried out with SPSS version 8.0.


Thirty seven general practitioners from 23 practices registered 182

patients. Of these patients, 164 (78 women) were randomised: 53 to

receive local injection, 53 to naproxen, and 58 to placebo. Eleven

of the 37 general practitioners recruited six or more patients,

accounting for 94 (57%) of the 164 in the study population (overall

range recruited 1-17). Allocation of intervention and baseline patient

characteristics were similar in high recruiting and low recruiting

practices. The figure shows the progress of patients through the trial,

and table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of the study sample.

At four weeks, outcome in the injection group was significantly better

than in the naproxen and placebo groups (table 2). Naproxen showed no

advantage over placebo. Recovery or improvement was reported in 48

patients (92%) in the injection group, 30 patients (57%) in the naproxen

group, and 28 patients (50%) in the placebo group.

Table 3 shows median scores for the Likert scales for pain, function,

and " main complaint " at each follow up assessment. At four weeks,

injection showed a clear advantage over naproxen and placebo. There were

some small but significant differences in favour of naproxen or placebo

at 6 and 12 months.

The clinical interpretation of these differences was explored as

follows. Comparison between the Likert scores for pain and participants'

global assessment of change at four weeks showed that 89% of subjects

scoring 3 rated themselves as completely better or improved; none had

got worse. Based on this, outcome was dichotomised as " better " (pain

score 3) or " not better " (pain score 4). This allowed us to compare the

numbers of patients who had responded to treatment at each time point

(table 4). Overall, 84% of recruited patients were better at 12 months,

and this proportion was similar for each treatment group (injection 84%,

naproxen 85%, placebo 82%). Some subjects in the injection group,

however, had worsened at six months but improved again by 12 months.

Details of the self reported presence of elbow pain, the nurse's

examination findings, and disability scores are given on the BMJ's

website. Injection was superior to naproxen and placebo at four weeks;

the three groups were similar at 12 months with a relapse in some

patients in the injection group at six months.

The numbers of patients taking time off paid employment at four weeks

were five (14%) in the injection group, four (10%) in the naproxen

group, and eight (17%) in the placebo group; the numbers at 12 months

were five (14%), four (10%), and 10 (21%), respectively (P>0.05 for both

times). The numbers of patients taking painkillers in each group at four

weeks and six and 12 months were similar: 18 (35%), 22 (42%), and 29

(50%) at four weeks; 21 (40%), 19 (36%), 23 (40%) at six months, and 14

(26%), 14 (26%), and 16 (28%) at 12 months for injection, naproxen, and

placebo groups respectively.


Case notes were available for 160 participants; four had transferred

practices. In all, 155 records (50 injection, 52 naproxen, 53 placebo)

had information about the randomised treatment, and 151 records (49

injection, 50 naproxen, 52 placebo) had complete information concerning

patient treatment between the date of referral and follow up.

Numbers of co-interventions did not differ significantly between groups

during follow up (table 5). A second injection was received by seven

(14%) patients in the injection group; 17 (34%) patients in the naproxen

group and 15 (29%) in the placebo group also received an injection

during follow up. Fewer patients in the injection group reconsulted

their general practitioner within four weeks of the randomised

intervention, but observed consultation for tennis elbow pain was

similar in all three groups by 12 months.

Side effects

Local skin atrophy at the lateral epicondyle was observed in only two

patients at six months and one patient at 12 months. The three affected

patients were from the naproxen and placebo groups, and only one had

additionally received a local injection. Naproxen was discontinued in

four patients because of gastrointestinal side effects. One patient on

naproxen had an allergic reaction characterised by oedema. Pain diaries

recorded for five days after intervention showed a minor,

non-significant, increase in severity of pain after injection, lasting

one day only.


Our results have two important implications for the management of new

episodes of lateral epicondylitis in general practice. Firstly, a local

corticosteroid injection is an effective, safe initial treatment with a

clear clinical advantage four weeks later compared with a two week

course of naproxen. Naproxen had no advantage over simple analgesics and

a standard advice sheet alone. Secondly, by 12 months most patients

with lateral epicondylitis had improved irrespective of initial

treatment. Early effective treatment with local steroid injection

resulted in more rapid resolution of symptoms but did not influence long

term outcome.

A small proportion of patients failed to respond to the initial

injection, and some patients who had initially improved had worse

symptoms at six months. These may be patients whose primary disease lay

within the cervical spine or whose local injection was not accurately

placed. We did not give participants specific instructions about resting

or abstaining from work or sporting activities, and effective pain

relief might have led to a premature return to activity in the injection

group causing a temporary worsening of their symptoms. Studies of other

painful musculoskeletal syndromes, such as low back pain,12 have

observed similar lack of association between early response to treatment

and longer term outcomes. Further research is required to investigate

these issues.

Strengths and weaknesses

The main criticism of previous reviews of treatment for tennis elbow has

been the lack of methodologically rigorous trials. 4 5 Our pragmatic

study, carried out in a routine primary care setting, included a

relatively homogeneous population of patients and was sufficiently large

to detect clinically important differences between treatment groups.

Possible prognostic variables were equally distributed between the three

treatment groups at baseline. Although patients and doctors knew which

treatment was given, the nurse who assessed outcome remained unaware of

the treatment allocation throughout. Home based assessment minimised

loss to follow up, enabling us to perform a robust intention to treat


We recognise a number of limitations to our study. Firstly, although we

aimed to enrol all eligible patients consulting their general

practitioner with a new episode of tennis elbow during the recruitment

period, the variability in numbers of patients recruited by each general

practitioner suggests that some potential participants were lost at this

point. In some of the large group practices only one or two partners

participated. We do not, therefore, have an accurate knowledge of the

denominator population, making it difficult to use incidence of tennis

elbow in primary care1 to estimate the proportion of all eligible

subjects who were included in the study. However, there were no

differences in participants' baseline characteristics between high and

low recruiting practices, suggesting a lack of significant selection

bias. By contrast, results from hospital based studies are difficult to

generalise to primary care. 3 5 Patients recruited in secondary care

represent an unknown selection of all affected individuals seen by

general practitioners and probably have more severe, persistent

complaints. The median duration of disease in our patients (nine weeks)

was shorter than in hospital based studies. 4 11 This indicates that our

study population consisted mainly of patients with relatively short

duration of symptoms, characteristic of those seen in primary care.

Secondly, although standard treatment types and doses were used, our

results apply only to the specific injection and non-steroidal

anti-inflammatory regimens that we used. A two week course of a

non-steroidal drug was chosen by the general practitioners as being in

line with current prescribing practice for a self limiting condition and

is the regimen most commonly used in other studies of this condition.10

Thirdly, general practitioners taking part in this study all had

previous experience of injecting,13 and care was taken to standardise

the injection procedure. Practitioners less skilled in administering

soft tissue injections might not reproduce the positive results obtained

in this study. However, the general practitioners were not intensively

trained, their technique was not reviewed, and they were " service "

general practitioners not members of specialist rheumatology groups or

from designated research practices.

Time constraints in primary care make large scale trials like ours

difficult to perform in the context of every day practice. We involved

the general practitioners in designing the trial from an early stage to

maximise ownership and commitment.14 The protocol was easy to follow,

and use of a research nurse relieved general practitioners from as much

of the paperwork and data recording as possible. Results from the study

have been fed back to the general practitioners by post and in practice

based workshops. This network of general practitioners is currently

participating in further practice based intervention studies of common

musculoskeletal conditions.


We conclude that corticosteroid injections are the initial treatment of

choice for lateral epicondylitis in primary care if the objective of

treatment is to obtain optimal relief of symptoms during the early

weeks. Patients, however, can be reassured that regardless of their

treatment the probability is high that they will get better in the

longer term. Further research should determine why some patients do less

well after initial pain relief by injection.


Funding: Arthritis Research Campaign. Methylprednisolone injections were

provided by Up and enteric coated naproxen by Syntex. Competing

interests: None declared. website extra: A further table and members of

the the Community Musculoskeletal Research Group are given on the BMJ's

website www.bmj.com



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