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Steroids (Was Re: reply to Jeanne)

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Georgina, I was so happy to read that Joshs Sed rate is down to

11. I really hopes this means that the worst is over and pray that it

never comes back up. I also hope decreasing the prednisone each month

goes smoothly.

was never on a dose higher than 15mgs. We are

down to 1mgs. a day right now and if all goes well, we will stop in 2

weeks. has been doing really well all around, her knee still

acts up once in a while, but no fevers or rash.

She had her 6 week check-up on Monday, and even the

doctor said how great she looked. She said we can go down to 2

Indocins a day instead of three. And she wanted to keep the

Methotrexate dose the same, and then when her blood work came back it

looked a little worse, her Sed rate went from 42 last month to 52

this month. And her CRP went up. Who figures after I thought she was

doing better. So she increased the metho. again we are up to 22.5mgs.

by injections. She said the maxium we can go is 25mgs.

So we will wait another 6 weeks and see how things go

than, I am just glad to be able to reduce the Indocin, and so far no

problems. Take Care, B

> >

> > Jane,

> >

> > I'm sorry, no she had them every 7 days for a month, then every

10 days for a

> > month

> > and a half, then every two weeks so it has been going on like

that for quite

> > a while.

> >

> > Sorry about that. What kind of withdraw symptoms are there. My

> > sister-in-law got bite by a bee and went the the medcare center

and they gave

> > her a shot of steroids,

> > she then had to take 5 pills for the next few days to go off

them, she was

> > running 3 miles during that and she couldn't believe the energy

she had while

> > she was on them and when she was done taking them, she had no

energy and her

> > knees and legs ached, it was from going off the steriods. I am


> > wondering how Jenna will feel after being on them for so

long? Any ideas

> > would be helpful. Thanks.

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Hi ,

It's great to hear that continues to do well enough to decrease

the prednisone so low. I hope it works out okay and you can follow the

current plan. Prednisone-free in two weeks! That's great.

I'm curious. When the dose of MTX was raised, did your daughter have any

noticeable reactions or side effects from it? And what about when you

lowered the indocin? Any extra pain? I hope her knee is bothering her

too much. Overall, it sounds like things are going pretty well. I'm glad


Take care,


PS ... Thanks for the kind words about Josh. I hope he can follow in

your daughter's footsteps and successfully lower the steroids, too.



> Georgina, I was so happy to read that Joshs Sed rate is down to

> 11. I really hopes this means that the worst is over and pray that it

> never comes back up. I also hope decreasing the prednisone each month

> goes smoothly.

> was never on a dose higher than 15mgs. We are

> down to 1mgs. a day right now and if all goes well, we will stop in 2

> weeks. has been doing really well all around, her knee still

> acts up once in a while, but no fevers or rash.

> She had her 6 week check-up on Monday, and even the

> doctor said how great she looked. She said we can go down to 2

> Indocins a day instead of three. And she wanted to keep the

> Methotrexate dose the same, and then when her blood work came back it

> looked a little worse, her Sed rate went from 42 last month to 52

> this month. And her CRP went up. Who figures after I thought she was

> doing better. So she increased the metho. again we are up to 22.5mgs.

> by injections. She said the maxium we can go is 25mgs.

> So we will wait another 6 weeks and see how things go

> than, I am just glad to be able to reduce the Indocin, and so far no

> problems. Take Care, B

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Hi Lynn,

Thanks for the words of encouragement, re: 's improving health. It

does make us very excited. We had waited a long time for this and were

never really certain that we would reach this point. He stills takes a

bunch of medicine everyday but it looks like it's controlling the JRA

better than ever before. Our patience and perseverence has payed off :)



Lynn Young wrote:


> Hi Georgina:

> You and Josh must be so happy! I'm really glad things are going so well

> right now, you sound like you're on a natural high from it! Rightly so.I

> hope the trend continues in this great direction!


> Lynn & Mickey

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