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Methotrexate cover up

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Dear ,

We just recently had an experience similiar to that with Kate. She's had

a very bad cold virus for almost 2 weeks and Friday morning woke up

screaming with her ear hurting. We took her to the dr. and her ear was

so bad the dr. said her eardrum was ready to burst! She never once

complained of any pain till then. Her dr. said it was probably due to

the fact that she's on high doses of Ibuprofen and it helped to " cut

down " on any pain she had until it was so intense. We were told if we

wouldn't have brought her in when we did then it would've burst sometime

over the weekend! There are so many side effects with these meds our

kids take that we need to watch out for-- but I know now ,like you do,

that these meds can mask symptoms of other things. Like her dr. said

" when in doubt just bring her in "

and Kate-7 severe poly and AVN

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Dear B.

I wrote once but my computer's been acting up and not sure if it posted.

We just had a similiar experience with Kate. She's had a very bad cold

virus for almost 2 weeks and Friday morning she woke up screaming that

her ear hurt. We got her to the doctor who said she had a very bad ear

infection and that her eardrum was ready to bust! She NEVER complained

once before then. Doctor said it probably was due to the fact that she's

on high doses of ibuprofen and that " masked " the early pain signs--until

it got so intense. She said if we would've waited her eardrum would've

ruptured over the weekend! (just another jra related instance that makes

you feel like a terrile mother!) She's now on high doses of antibiotics

and is doing much better. Her doctor was upset too as she said that not

only do you have to watch for the side effects of these meds--but

symptoms they may mask or hide of another problem.

and Kate--7--severe poly and AVN

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Thanks for the information - even Rob's prednisolone masked his ear

infection symptoms for so long that the infection is really progressed with

(heal - able) damage to the ear drum. No fever finally had pain that would go

away after his am prednisolone.


Rob's Mom (4,systemic)

In a message dated Sat, 9 Mar 2002 11:14:47 AM Eastern Standard Time, " kuzco9 "

<BUDDFAM4@...> writes:

> Hi group,

> I havent posted anything in a long time. My daughter is

> ten years old, she has systemic JRA since she was 5. For the past

> year she has been doing great, she is off all medications except

> Methotrexate. She still complains of aches and pains every once in a

> while, but nothing serious.

> About a week and a half ago she started having pain in the lower

> stomach area, under the belly button area. She would complain of a

> pressure on and off for a week. I was thinking her UTI was back. She

> had a bad kidney infection in January. I called the doctor and had an

> appointment for Monday. On Sunday (Her 10th birthday)the pain was

> much worse.

> I decieded to take her to the ER. They checked her urine first and

> it was normal. Next they did blood work, which showed a high white

> blood cell count. They said they had to do a cat scan on her lower

> stomach area.Poor thing had to drink 3 large glasses of that chalky

> white stuff. The cat scan showed a very inflamed appendix. They

> called the surgeon and with in a hour she was in surgery.

> The surgeon said someone with an appendix in that bad of shape

> should have been in servere pain. But she wasnt. He said that because

> she was on Methotrexate that it was covering up the pain, by keeping

> the inflamation under control. And I was lucky that I brought her in

> when I did or else the appendix would have bursted soon.

> She spent 2 days in the hospital, tomorrow will be aweek since this

> happened and she is back to her normal self. I just wanted to write

> and let everyone know if your child is on Methotrexate to be careful

> if your child gets sick, it could be worse than it seems and to get

> them checked out by a doctor. is on 2 different antibiotics

> now to prevent infection, and they took her off the Meth. for 2 weeks

> just to be on the safe side. Thanks for listening B.








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Methotrexate isn't the only drug that lures you into a false sense of security ...I again have had a bad kidney infection , following a round of prednisone. Not until I was off the prednisone for about a week did I realize something was majorly wrong. Doc said again ( this is the fifth time this has happened in this order) that pred nisone is masking the normal warning signals I should get from a UTI that then turns into a bladder infection and then left untreated because of being unaware of it , then becomes a major back ache right at the top of the pelvis. BINGO another kidney infection! We have now adopted a new premptive strike lol I get prednisone only if I have a urine test first. :):):)Tree:):):):) Re: Methotrexate cover up Dear ,We just recently had an experience similiar to that with Kate. She's hada very bad cold virus for almost 2 weeks and Friday morning woke upscreaming with her ear hurting. We took her to the dr. and her ear wasso bad the dr. said her eardrum was ready to burst! She never oncecomplained of any pain till then. Her dr. said it was probably due tothe fact that she's on high doses of Ibuprofen and it helped to "cutdown" on any pain she had until it was so intense. We were told if wewouldn't have brought her in when we did then it would've burst sometimeover the weekend! There are so many side effects with these meds ourkids take that we need to watch out for-- but I know now ,like you do,that these meds can mask symptoms of other things. Like her dr. said"when in doubt just bring her in" and Kate-7 severe poly and AVN

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Hi Georgina,

I was thinking the same thing - and even more so after talking with three of my

friends in the area whose children also have ear infections! I would wonder if

the weather had something to do with it were it not for the fact that I know

your weather is nothing like ours here on the east coast! (though we are having

a mild winter & it is supposed to be in high 60's today and in the 70's

tommorow!) Good luck with the appts! Rob's pediatrician wants to see him after

his meds too.



Rob's Mom(4,systemic)

In a message dated Tue, 12 Mar 2002 6:17:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

" Georgina " <gmckin@...> writes:










> Hi Val,


> Gentle hugs for Robbie. Strange, isn't it, how so

> many of our children have had recent ear infections? Josh is just about


> his 10 day course of antibiotics. Tomorrow. He sees his rheumatologist this

> Friday and his pediatrician wants to see him for a follow-up, too. This


> me ... I better call to schedule an appt.


> Aloha,

> Georgina


> Thanks for the information - even Rob's

> prednisolone masked his ear infection symptoms for so long that the


> is really progressed with (heal - able) damage to the ear drum. No fever

> finally had pain that would go away after his am prednisolone.



> Val

> Rob's Mom (4,systemic)




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I can't remember the parent that posted the info about her daughter and the appendix situation, but if any one still has the email could you please forward it to me at cubsmaniacs@...? My daughter is 4 and was dx with poly at age 2. Her previous pediatrician was so aware of her condition and wanted to see her even if she just had the sniffles. We have since moved and her new ped is not so aware and I wanted to print that email to show her and let her know my daughter is on those medications and to know the severity of the situation. (my daughter) has had the horrible cough so much this winter. 4 weeks at one time, then was better for 1 week and then got it again. I called her rheumy (2 hours away) and she wanted a chest x-ray done through the pediatrician. Well, I practically had to beg for one to be done at the ped office. did not have pneumonia, but did show bronchial irritation. That is the long and short of it. Thanks for any help!

, mom of

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Hello and welcome..(((hugs))) to !!!!!..

I know moving to a new place is hard and finding a pediatrician to cooperate

with the pediatric rheumatologist can sometimes be hard.

In my opinion, you should call around and find a new pediatrician(sp).

One that will work with you on everything. Maybe the rheumatologist can give

the pediatrician a call and explain the severity of poly jra and the

medications that your daughter takes..as well as, the side effects.

My daughter Tabitha who is now 17..was diagnosed with poly jra back in 89'.

She has had both knees and hips replaced, and also her right ankle fused(it

was going side ways). If you ever have any questions please feel free to


Good luck


From: Cubsmaniacs@...


Subject: Methotrexate cover up

Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:05:09 EST

I can't remember the parent that posted the info about her daughter and the

appendix situation, but if any one still has the email could you please

forward it to me at cubsmaniacs@...? My daughter is 4 and was dx with

poly at age 2. Her previous pediatrician was so aware of her condition and

wanted to see her even if she just had the sniffles. We have since moved


her new ped is not so aware and I wanted to print that email to show her and

let her know my daughter is on those medications and to know the severity of

the situation. (my daughter) has had the horrible cough so much

this winter. 4 weeks at one time, then was better for 1 week and then got


again. I called her rheumy (2 hours away) and she wanted a chest x-ray done

through the pediatrician. Well, I practically had to beg for one to be done

at the ped office. did not have pneumonia, but did show bronchial

irritation. That is the long and short of it. Thanks for any help!

, mom of


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Hi ,

I'm sorry I don't have that message still - but I was thinking that you should

ask your rheumy to give the pediatrician a call and educate him a little. My

pediatrician is so on the ball with this that she emailed me and told me to hold

off bringing Rob in for his recheck for a couple of weeks because they are

seeing so many flu patients that unless he developes a fever or symptoms again

with his ear to wait because she didn't want him exposed unneccesarily in the

waiting room.

I hope is feeling better soon!


Rob's Mom (4,systemic)

In a message dated Thu, 14 Mar 2002 3:06:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Cubsmaniacs@... writes:



> I can't remember the parent that posted the info about her daughter and the

appendix situation, but if any one still has the email could you please forward

it to me at cubsmaniacs@...? My daughter is 4 and was dx with poly at age 2.

Her previous pediatrician was so aware of her condition and wanted to see her

even if she just had the sniffles. We have since moved and her new ped is not so

aware and I wanted to print that email to show her and let her know my daughter

is on those medications and to know the severity of the situation. (my

daughter) has had the horrible cough so much this winter. 4 weeks at one time,

then was better for 1 week and then got it again. I called her rheumy (2 hours

away) and she wanted a chest x-ray done through the pediatrician. Well, I

practically had to beg for one to be done at the ped office. did not

have pneumonia, but did show bronchial irritation. That is the long and short of

it. Thanks for any help!




> , mom of




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