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Dfreels yes your write they are ignored that is a problem. I am very upset to

find out the physician that is the Boy Scouts leader acts this way. See the

march is about HBOT therapy but other things will be acomplished as well.

There going to know we will be heard from now on. This is only the first step

for me. I plan on going all the way. There will be no more going in to a so

called hanicapp faclity and it not being hanicapped. I had a simular problem

in Florida last year when I went for Hyperbarics I went to a TGI Fridays to

eat with my child in a Wheelchair and they asked me to sit in the covered

patio because it would take up to much room. All hell broke loss. Needless to

say it will never happen again, they cator to use we are roaylty now at that

place. This is the kind of stuff that upsets me. We can give billions of

ollars to countrys for releif and to feed the people. We have the same issues

here and they ignore them, not anymore. Im telling you this will make a

difference where most issues die down in a couple of months we continue to

march for otther things for disabilitys. They will no they have caused this

to happen. We have that right. I see what you are saying I have been

there to people acting like Katy doesn't exsist. I never let them get by with

that anymore If i have to go as far as picking her up and sitting her in

there lap and telling them face to face this is real. As far as im concerned

if my child and Elvis were going down the street tommorow they would see her

instead of him because behind her is Dad yelling THIS IS MY BABY YES SHE IS


MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE. That is the new attitude I now carry. If im in a store

and people turn away. I walk around to them and tell them yes that is real

take a look it could be you. What we need is to also aproach the television

stations why do we not have real diabled people playing as actors on T.V. we

want to file discrimination. Pull the same kind of stunts others have pulled

over the years and have been sucessfull. It works. We are all supposed to be

treated equal in this country. However this is the most comunist country I

have ever seen. You only know what they tell you. You only hear what they

want you to hear. They cover only what they want to. Oh as for why our

children are being looked over take a look people ignore Jesus everyday

people don't want to hear his word. That should give us some comfort it is

telling us God has his hands on them. And people see it and are scared our

loved ones can see through them. There afraid they feel are loved ones that

are disabled can see right through them and see what there thinking or saying


As far as the email purposal I think that is a great Idea you let me know

and Im there with you anything we can do to start a chain of events to let

the world no disabled people are here they need.


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Wow!!! Interesting analysis!

[ ] Marching

> I believe Darin's idea is a good idea; however, to be honest, I am not


> what good it will do.


> I think brain-injured people are " invisible " in our society. Brain-injured

> people make un-brain-injured people uncomfortable to the point where most

> brain-injured people are simply ignored.


> While my son Jimmy has progressed enough to join a cub scout troop, most


> the cub scouts routinely ignore him. One of the troop leaders inevitably

> creates troop activities that Jimmy cannot physically participate in.


> Ironically, or perhaps most revealing, this particular troop leader is a

> physician. And while he's not a pediatric neurologist, he is a



> Our children and our loved ones are ignored by our society.


> If we gathered a million strong or two million or ten million, what

> difference would that make? Would it make a difference beyond a 20-second

> blip on the 6 o'clock news?


> I believe we are ignored because of an ignorance perpetuated by those

> people who are believed to be credentialed experts on the care of our

> children. Of course, they believe nothing can be done to change the lives

> of our children, and because they are the experts on our children, the


> (the ignorance) continues to be perpetuated and so we continue to be

> ignored.


> It's frustrating to say the least.


> What can we do?


> We can march--which I'm not disagreeable to, but I don't think it's



> One thing I've learned on our journey is that most people have no idea


> it's like to care for a brain-injured person until they have to deal with

> such a situation, such a circumstance, themselves. Then all of a sudden


> light goes on. " Ah-ha! " they say, " now I know what you mean. "


> It is only when somebody has to contend with hypoxia or the consequences


> hypoxia before they " get it " --the " it " being what it's like to live life


> a caregiver.


> So hypoxia gets attention.


> The second thing I've learned is that once somebody gets their

> brain-injured loved one in a hyperbaric chamber, the loved one sees the

> changes/improvements in the brain-injured at which time most loved ones

> immediately move from being just a loving caregiver to a nearly fanatical

> advocate of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.


> Examples? Me, e, Darin, Ed Nemeth, and 300+ other people on this



> I had a brief conversation or two at the Boca conference last year with a

> wise sage from Argentina who occasionally brandishes his wit and his


> on this list. He told me a south-of-the-equator group of hyperbaricists

> hired a PR agency a few years ago and their job was to follow the news and

> anytime a person of any reknown had an encounter with


> it was them or a loved one--the PR agency would contact that person or

> his/her family and educate them on the use of hyperbaric oxygen for

> brain-injury.


> Eventually, he said, a famous Mexican film actor tried HBOT for himself or

> a family member, saw the results, and immediately became the biggest and

> most visible advocate for the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for

> brain-injury.


> I think that is a brilliant strategy because what it does is take


> of a media culture that elevates celebrities and in so doing it leap-frogs

> the medical establishment and their control over medicine--particularly


> control of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.


> Using the South American strategy as a model, contact has been made with

> families and/or friends of a number of household names and provided them

> information on the use of hyperbaric oxygen for brain-injury.


> These people include--but are not limited to--a former US senator, a


> first lady, a sitting state governor, a well-known Hollywood movie star,

> the grandson of a 1950's teenage idol, the owner of an NFL football team,

> and perhaps a few others that I can't remember off the top of my head.


> Most of these contacts have resulted in the administration of HBOT, and

> I've learned that universally improvements have been noted; however, what

> has not happened yet is a willingness for the celebrity to step up and


> credit where credit is due.


> I don't know why.


> Maybe Darin's March would bring them out.


> Another thought: Let's create some hypoxia so as to help others understand

> what it's like when everything shuts down.


> An idea.


> A few months ago I obtained the email addresses of the staffers of a

> congressional committee and sent them all a note and attached a small pdf

> file. It turns out the congressional server software is old and obsolete


> most standards but it has not been upgraded. One of the flaws with it is

> that in the event someone sends out one email to say 15 people who are all

> *listed* in the " " column, the server keeps sending out the email until

> it's been delivered to each intended recipient. When I sent out my email 5

> or 6 of the addresses were bad--so the email wasn't completely delivered.


> The server software isn't capable of taking this into account and so it's

> instead designed to just automatically re-send the message I think 10

> times. This wouldn't be a problem except there was that pdf attachment.


> Compounding the problem is the staffers have a very small inbox of maybe 2

> MB so they have to frequently check their mail; however, because my email

> was automatically re-sent with the pdf attachment, the mailboxes became

> full very quickly--which resulted in a complete shut down of the email

> system for the staff of that congressional committee.


> Chaos ensued.


> Throughout, the congressional server kept re-sending the same email and

> kept filling up the mailboxes. Eventually the IT manager of that committee

> called me to find out what was going on.


> A couple of staffers also called because eventually my email kept shutting

> them down so they figured they might as well read it anyway.


> If it occurred during Darin's March, perhaps a duplicate (induced

> electronic hypoxia) email campaign might bring some attention to the

> problems of real live hypoxia.


> Just some thoughts.



> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> " Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your

heart. "

> [Psalm 37:4]


> Freels

> 2948 Windfield Circle

> Tucker, GA 30084-6714

> 770/491-6776 (phone and fax)

> 509/275-1618 (efax, sends fax as email attachment)

> mailto:dfreels@...


> http://www.freelanceforum.org/content/portfolio.asp?ID=195





> _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.

> Unrestricted downloads of 50+ pdf files on HBOT efficacy



> Download your state EPSDT program

http://www.hcfa.gov/medicaid/stateplan/Map.asp by doing a search on the word

" ameliorate " . State Medicaid websites

http://www.medi-cal.ca.gov/RelSites_Oth_States.asp . Medicaid waiver

programs: http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/1029/medicaid.html


> Find a hyperbaric clinic http://www.netnet.net/mums/hbolist.htm


> HBOT can save billions of dollars and millions of heartaches. Subscribe to

by sending a blank email to



> Unsubscribe? Click here mailto:medicaid-unsubscribe




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Dear ,

One of the keys to any sort of e-mail campaign is to rally help from those in

the constituency. Also the E-mail should be directed to the state

legislators and cabinet officials responsible for health.

The e-mail campaign in Texas did get a bill, HR 1676, passed, although I

thi;nk it was rendered useless by insurance companies, and all yhose,

including government health officials who would provide the reimbursements.

Has the Texas law provided reimbursement to the brain damaged. I continue to

read of efforts to find help.in Texas and elsewhere. In Virginia the answer

is no from Medicare. And I doubt if Medicare reimburses in any of the

states. Perhaps the Governor you refer to may have changed attitudes in that


The names of those receiving help include Secretary Lloyd Bensen who I was

told did benefit from the therapy. Did Lady Bird get HBOT? If so, did

it help?

It would help if the media and general public knew the names of leaders who

have benefitted. The stigma of brain damage would soon be erased if the

public could be told the names of leaders who have benefitted

The Discovery Health channel is scheduled to show the The Healing Chamber in

September 14th I blieve. I sent my check for a videotape about 6 weeks ago,

but still no tape. Manson.

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Mr Freels analysis is very thorough and interesting, I agree with the points

he makes and it certainly resonates with my experiences as a caregiver to my

brain injured son. A march on Washington may indeed only generate a few video

clips on the evening news and in this light can be viewed as only an opening

move in a more lengthy campaign.


On Sun, 18 Aug 2002 23:56:17 -0500 Sue Dropp <suedropp@...>


> Wow!!! Interesting analysis!

> [ ] Marching



> > I believe Darin's idea is a good idea;

> however, to be honest, I am not

> sure

> > what good it will do.

> >

> > I think brain-injured people are " invisible "

> in our society. Brain-injured

> > people make un-brain-injured people

> uncomfortable to the point where most

> > brain-injured people are simply ignored.

> >

> > While my son Jimmy has progressed enough to

> join a cub scout troop, most

> of

> > the cub scouts routinely ignore him. One of

> the troop leaders inevitably

> > creates troop activities that Jimmy cannot

> physically participate in.

> >

> > Ironically, or perhaps most revealing, this

> particular troop leader is a

> > physician. And while he's not a pediatric

> neurologist, he is a

> psychiatrist.

> >

> > Our children and our loved ones are ignored

> by our society.

> >

> > If we gathered a million strong or two

> million or ten million, what

> > difference would that make? Would it make a

> difference beyond a 20-second

> > blip on the 6 o'clock news?

> >

> > I believe we are ignored because of an

> ignorance perpetuated by those

> > people who are believed to be credentialed

> experts on the care of our

> > children. Of course, they believe nothing can

> be done to change the lives

> > of our children, and because they are the

> experts on our children, the

> myth

> > (the ignorance) continues to be perpetuated

> and so we continue to be

> > ignored.

> >

> > It's frustrating to say the least.

> >

> > What can we do?

> >

> > We can march--which I'm not disagreeable to,

> but I don't think it's

> enough.

> >

> > One thing I've learned on our journey is that

> most people have no idea

> what

> > it's like to care for a brain-injured person

> until they have to deal with

> > such a situation, such a circumstance,

> themselves. Then all of a sudden

> the

> > light goes on. " Ah-ha! " they say, " now I know

> what you mean. "

> >

> > It is only when somebody has to contend with

> hypoxia or the consequences

> of

> > hypoxia before they " get it " --the " it " being

> what it's like to live life

> as

> > a caregiver.

> >

> > So hypoxia gets attention.

> >

> > The second thing I've learned is that once

> somebody gets their

> > brain-injured loved one in a hyperbaric

> chamber, the loved one sees the

> > changes/improvements in the brain-injured at

> which time most loved ones

> > immediately move from being just a loving

> caregiver to a nearly fanatical

> > advocate of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

> >

> > Examples? Me, e, Darin, Ed Nemeth, and

> 300+ other people on this

> listserv.

> >

> > I had a brief conversation or two at the Boca

> conference last year with a

> > wise sage from Argentina who occasionally

> brandishes his wit and his

> wisdom

> > on this list. He told me a

> south-of-the-equator group of hyperbaricists

> > hired a PR agency a few years ago and their

> job was to follow the news and

> > anytime a person of any reknown had an

> encounter with

> brain-injury--whether

> > it was them or a loved one--the PR agency

> would contact that person or

> > his/her family and educate them on the use of

> hyperbaric oxygen for

> > brain-injury.

> >

> > Eventually, he said, a famous Mexican film

> actor tried HBOT for himself or

> > a family member, saw the results, and

> immediately became the biggest and

> > most visible advocate for the use of

> hyperbaric oxygen therapy for

> > brain-injury.

> >

> > I think that is a brilliant strategy because

> what it does is take

> advantage

> > of a media culture that elevates celebrities

> and in so doing it leap-frogs

> > the medical establishment and their control

> over medicine--particularly

> the

> > control of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

> >

> > Using the South American strategy as a model,

> contact has been made with

> > families and/or friends of a number of

> household names and provided them

> > information on the use of hyperbaric oxygen

> for brain-injury.

> >

> > These people include--but are not limited

> to--a former US senator, a

> former

> > first lady, a sitting state governor, a

> well-known Hollywood movie star,

> > the grandson of a 1950's teenage idol, the

> owner of an NFL football team,

> > and perhaps a few others that I can't

> remember off the top of my head.

> >

> > Most of these contacts have resulted in the

> administration of HBOT, and

> > I've learned that universally improvements

> have been noted; however, what

> > has not happened yet is a willingness for the

> celebrity to step up and

> give

> > credit where credit is due.

> >

> > I don't know why.

> >

> > Maybe Darin's March would bring them out.

> >

> > Another thought: Let's create some hypoxia so

> as to help others understand

> > what it's like when everything shuts down.

> >

> > An idea.

> >

> > A few months ago I obtained the email

> addresses of the staffers of a

> > congressional committee and sent them all a

> note and attached a small pdf

> > file. It turns out the congressional server

> software is old and obsolete

> by

> > most standards but it has not been upgraded.

> One of the flaws with it is

> > that in the event someone sends out one email

> to say 15 people who are all

> > *listed* in the " " column, the server

> keeps sending out the email until

> > it's been delivered to each intended

> recipient. When I sent out my email 5

> > or 6 of the addresses were bad--so the email

> wasn't completely delivered.

> >

> > The server software isn't capable of taking

> this into account and so it's

> > instead designed to just automatically

> re-send the message I think 10

> > times. This wouldn't be a problem except

> there was that pdf attachment.

> >

> > Compounding the problem is the staffers have

> a very small inbox of maybe 2

> > MB so they have to frequently check their

> mail; however, because my email

> > was automatically re-sent with the pdf

> attachment, the mailboxes became

> > full very quickly--which resulted in a

> complete shut down of the email

> > system for the staff of that congressional

> committee.

> >

> > Chaos ensued.

> >

> > Throughout, the congressional server kept

> re-sending the same email and

> > kept filling up the mailboxes. Eventually the

> IT manager of that committee

> > called me to find out what was going on.

> >

> > A couple of staffers also called because

> eventually my email kept shutting

> > them down so they figured they might as well

> read it anyway.

> >

> > If it occurred during Darin's March, perhaps

> a duplicate (induced

> > electronic hypoxia) email campaign might

> bring some attention to the

> > problems of real live hypoxia.

> >

> > Just some thoughts.

> >

> >

> >

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > " Delight yourself in the LORD and he will

> give you the desires of your

> heart. "

> >

> [Psalm 37:4]

> >

> > Freels

> > 2948 Windfield Circle

> > Tucker, GA 30084-6714

> > 770/491-6776 (phone and fax)

> > 509/275-1618 (efax, sends fax as email

> attachment)

> > mailto:dfreels@...

> >

> >

> http://www.freelanceforum.org/content/portfolio.asp?ID=195

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.

> > Unrestricted downloads of 50+ pdf files on

> HBOT efficacy

> medicaid/files/

> >

> > Download your state EPSDT program

> http://www.hcfa.gov/medicaid/stateplan/Map.asp

> by doing a search on the word

> " ameliorate " . State Medicaid websites

> http://www.medi-cal.ca.gov/RelSites_Oth_States.asp

> . Medicaid waiver

> programs:

> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/1029/medicaid.html

> >

> > Find a hyperbaric clinic

> http://www.netnet.net/mums/hbolist.htm

> >

> > HBOT can save billions of dollars and

> millions of heartaches. Subscribe to

> by sending a blank email to

> mailto:medicaid-subscribe

> >

> > Unsubscribe? Click here

> mailto:medicaid-unsubscribe

> .

> >

> >

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>I would have been happy to have created an HBOT-specific bill last

>session, had I been asked. Even though the obstacles were difficult for

>HB 1676, it will be even more difficult for an HBOT bill -- because of

>the medical necessity problem.


Nothing is more medically necessary than oxygen.

If you don't believe me, take a plastic bag and secure it around your head

so that you cannot breathe.

Wait ten minutes or so, pray throughout that someone nearby will remove the

plastic bag when you cannot. During your suffocation, chances are that you

will beg God to mercifully grant you some oxygen.

Since you're now somewhat educated on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, chances

are you'll also beg God to receive that oxygen under increased atmospheric

pressure so as to not only survive the anoxia but to also recover from it.

I'm not kidding Les. I encourage you to try it. Maybe the way to

demonstrate this is to bring in a bunch of hyperbaric chambers into the

floor of the Texas legislature and put all the HBOT advocates and their

chambers on one side and the naysayers on the other side, everybody put on

the plastic bags for 10 minutes, let the advocates have access to the

chambers, then see if there are enough survivors to have a quorum and then

put it up for a vote.

The problem now is that the so-called experts, particularly neurologists,

believe hyperbaria has no benefit for anoxia.

They're wrong Les.

Perhaps better legislation would be mandatory education of hyperbaric

oxygen therapy by all students attending Texas medical schools.

In our country, our system of government is supposed to be of the people,

by the people, and for the people. You can't say that happened with HB 1676.

>HBOT bill will

>have to circumvent medical necessity until the insurers are also

>convinced that HBOT is " established medicine. "

Les--the practice of medicine sans oxygen is no medicine. Nothing is more

established in medicine than the absolute necessity for oxygen.

No matter what the condition, illness, or disease, without oxygen, there is

no health, no healing, and no life.

>those of you that have much more experience than me.

Les, if you've ever breathed a breath you have enough experience to know

the value of oxygen.

>I hope this is helpful.




" Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. "

[Psalm 37:4]


2948 Windfield Circle

Tucker, GA 30084-6714

770/491-6776 (phone and fax)

509/275-1618 (efax, sends fax as email attachment)



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Dear Friends,

I just wanted to interject a couple of thoughts into the discussion.

First, HBOT and HB 1676.

HB 1676 is a new bill requiring health insurance companies regulated by

the state of Texas to reimburse for a wide variety of treatments needed

by persons who are survivors of acquired brain injuries. (Using the word

" acquired " was a compromise needed to get the bill through the Texas

House. At one point we had the bill cover all brain injuries.)

Texas law requires that reimburseable treatments be medically necessary

to the satisfaction of the patient, the prescribing physician, and the

insurance company. This is obviously a very thorny issue -- and HB 1676

did not change that. (First, we could have never passed a bill that

would have circumvented medical necessity. Second, we did not believe we

should. Medical necessity has a place, but like I said, it creates some

very thorny problems -- particularly for HBOT).

HB 1676 is a success in that for the first time a wide range of

treatments for survivors of acqired brain injuries are now reimburseable

in Texas. But the bad news is that HBOT, which is the interest of this

listserve, is not on firm ground. In Texas, like elsewhere, HBOT is

still proving itself medically. Here in Texas, for instance, the state

is paying for a variety of research that I am assuming will continue to

prove up HBOT's efficacy. Hopefully soon HBOT will be considered

" established medicine " and pass the medically necessary requirement and

join the other therapies that are now reimburseable under HB 1676.

My second point regards e-mail campaigns to legislators.

Although legislators are happy to hear from anybody and everybody on

any given subject, it is correspondence from their constituents that

drives them. So rather than broadly e-mail all legislators (which is

very easy to do with e-mail) you might want to consider having deeper

conversations with your own legislators. Also be sure to include your

name, address, and phone number on your e-mails, because many

legislators prefer to write back to you via snail mail. Additionally,

your address will also help the legislator to know that you are their


Anyway, I hope these points are helpful. Please feel free to contact me

at any time.



Les Breeding

Legislative Director

Office of Rep. Lon Burnam

P.O. Box 2910

Austin Texas 78768-2910



>>> FAMANSON@... 08/19/02 09:40AM >>>

Dear ,

One of the keys to any sort of e-mail campaign is to rally help from

those in

the constituency. Also the E-mail should be directed to the state

legislators and cabinet officials responsible for health.

The e-mail campaign in Texas did get a bill, HR 1676, passed, although


thi;nk it was rendered useless by insurance companies, and all yhose,

including government health officials who would provide the


Has the Texas law provided reimbursement to the brain damaged. I

continue to

read of efforts to find help.in Texas and elsewhere. In Virginia the


is no from Medicare. And I doubt if Medicare reimburses in any of the

states. Perhaps the Governor you refer to may have changed attitudes

in that


The names of those receiving help include Secretary Lloyd Bensen who I


told did benefit from the therapy. Did Lady Bird get HBOT? If

so, did

it help?

It would help if the media and general public knew the names of leaders


have benefitted. The stigma of brain damage would soon be erased if


public could be told the names of leaders who have benefitted

The Discovery Health channel is scheduled to show the The Healing

Chamber in

September 14th I blieve. I sent my check for a videotape about 6 weeks


but still no tape. Manson.

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Please clarify the statement that you made in this email:

" Here in Texas, for instance, the state is paying for a variety of research

that I am assuming will continue to prove up HBOT. "

Who is doing this research? What kind of HBOT study is being paid for by

state money?



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I disagree totally. This will cause more than just a few video clip's. It

will do what you intend for it to do if you stay with it. Most causes go and

march and then die off. this is only the start this march will never die off.

See this is not about me it is about my child your child the child across

town, a mother who had a stroke or a father that had a stroke anyone that

needs this. What people are failing to see here this is not about us it will

continue to grow and it will make a difference. What the problem here is most

people are afrid of change they get involed in a fight and the want to keep

fighting with no resolution they love the argueing. ITs not about that it is

about getting the Job done. Then keeping it done. Most people are afraid they

may have to do something or be called upon to stand in the heat. If your not

interested fine don't go as for me I will march I will be there for your

loved one as well as my own.


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Les I live in Texas Im a parent don't tell these people anything that is not

true. I have been through this and im still fighting it. Evedentually you

need to talk to those people because they are not saying the same things you

are. You talk like this is going to be a great thing in Texas. Sorry it is

not haening. You have no I dea what you are talking about when it comes to

this bill I Live it you don't I know what is taking place I talk to everyone

involed with this bill. Besides have talked to you several times and no two

conversations were the same they all chaged midstreem. If you don't have a

disabled member in your family and have tried to acsess HB1676 then step out

of the loop you had your chance when you all went before the implementation

commitee and failed to do what was asked to began with. Hyperbaric should

have been included then and we wouldn't need a March. So excuse me but don't

use big words you don't understand.

Best Regards

I continue to March anyone else that want's to step out ok. But remember they

had a shot at getting this in the implemetation of HB1676 did they even

bother NO.

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That sentence was not very precise. I understand 3 institutions

(Baylor, Galveston Medical Branch, and Univ of North Texas Health

Sciences Center) are doing HBOT research, two of the 3 are state

institutions. Baylor, of course, is private. It could be either state or

grant monies that is paying forthe studies. My point is that studies are

on-going right here in Texas.



>>> Acreacy@... 08/19/02 04:50PM >>>


Please clarify the statement that you made in this email:

" Here in Texas, for instance, the state is paying for a variety of


that I am assuming will continue to prove up HBOT. "

Who is doing this research? What kind of HBOT study is being paid for


state money?



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Dear Darin,

Sorry that my reply upset you.

Please remember that HB 1676 is not a HBOT-specific bill. It was never

envisioned to be. The group that worked on HB 1676 included health care

providers, survivors, and family members who had experience with a wide

variety of treatments.

I would have been happy to have created an HBOT-specific bill last

session, had I been asked. Even though the obstacles were difficult for

HB 1676, it will be even more difficult for an HBOT bill -- because of

the medical necessity problem. That does not mean it is not worth

trying though. Personally, I think that such an effort would be

worthwhile, but realistically one has to remember that an HBOT bill will

have to circumvent medical necessity until the insurers are also

convinced that HBOT is " established medicine. "

Please also remember that my expertise is in lawmaking -- my knowledge

of medicine is based on my reliance on my medical advisors (including

Dr. Harch) and those of you that have much more experience than me.

I also wanted to throw in a thought regarding your note about Rep.

Harryette Ehrhardt. I think the way you were treated by her staffer was

terrible and there is no excuse for it. But I also know that Harryette

is still a big supporter of HB 1676 and even more so for HBOT. This

issue is very personal to her because of her husband's brain injury. It

is unfortunate for us all that we are losing her talents in the

legislature ---- her district was decimated in redistricting last year.

I hope this is helpful.



Les Breeding

Legislative Director

Office of Rep. Lon Burnam

P.O. Box 2910

Austin Texas 78768-2910



>>> Bry8825@... 08/19/02 10:26PM >>>

Les I live in Texas Im a parent don't tell these people anything that

is not

true. I have been through this and im still fighting it. Evedentually


need to talk to those people because they are not saying the same

things you

are. You talk like this is going to be a great thing in Texas. Sorry it


not haening. You have no I dea what you are talking about when it comes


this bill I Live it you don't I know what is taking place I talk to


involed with this bill. Besides have talked to you several times and

no two

conversations were the same they all chaged midstreem. If you don't

have a

disabled member in your family and have tried to acsess HB1676 then

step out

of the loop you had your chance when you all went before the


commitee and failed to do what was asked to began with. Hyperbaric


have been included then and we wouldn't need a March. So excuse me but


use big words you don't understand.

Best Regards

I continue to March anyone else that want's to step out ok. But

remember they

had a shot at getting this in the implemetation of HB1676 did they even

bother NO.

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>In Virginia the answer

>is no from Medicare. And I doubt if Medicare reimburses in any of the



Medicare is a federal program while Medicaid is a joint state/federal

program where the states are free to administer their respective Medicaid

programs however they want--as long as they are in compliance with the

federal Medicaid law.

On the other hand, Medicare is administered equally to each and every

Medicare recipient regardless of their state of residence.

A suggestion.

Why don't you get your wife's doctor to write a prescription for her to

receive oxygen? That way your insurance will pay for it. What you don't

have to tell them is that you're going to administer the oxygen under

hyperbaric conditions. While this may not pay for all of her oxygen it may

pay for a good bit of it.

Just an idea.

Another thought. Since HCFA/CMS has the authority to regulate the use of

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy then it's reasonable to assume that Medicare will

reimburse for oxygen too--only thing is, just don't tell them you're going

to give it to her under increased atmospheric pressure.


" Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. "

[Psalm 37:4]


2948 Windfield Circle

Tucker, GA 30084-6714

770/491-6776 (phone and fax)

509/275-1618 (efax, sends fax as email attachment)



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Dear e,

Thanks for the update on the HBOT study situation. Obviously my info is


I think that is very troubling -- especially the Moody people thinking

that HB 1676 ended the need for studies -- that needs to be clarified to

them. It seems to me that it is worthwhile to try to get this back

on-track. I would value your thoughts on how to do this.

I have no problem with Ken's thoughts on efficacy. Of course, my

expertise is legislative and my medical opinions don't carry any weight.


>>> <Acreacy@...> 08/20/02 10:52AM >>>


I happen to be in contact weekly with the people at Baylor Hospital -


viewed their hyperbaric center before it was completed with our


Director and they are only treating the l3 approved indications. They

do not

have ANY studies going on. Maybe in the future, when and if they get


money. Galveston UTMB has stopped all studies for the time being.

They have

not had a study in almost a year. No grant money. The Moody

Foundation took

back their grant when HB l676 passed into law - stating that Texans

would now

be able to access hbot with insurance money. Dr. Bud Prather (a


friend of mine) of Ft. Worth Osteopathic Hospital and I talked last

week. He

thought that the ex-mayor of Ft. Worth, Kay Granger, would be helping


get grant money for a CP study last January - so far, nothing.

So, I guess no studies means no proving HBOT up.

Where does that leave all these Texans who are waiting for treatment?

At this moment, I will have to agree with Ken Locklear's post to you.


is NOT an unproven treatment. Oxygen has been used for years.


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A demonstration like the one described below on the floor of each of the State

Legislature's certainly might have an enlightening effect upon those still

bothered by the " medical necessity problem " . I would like to invite a few

Health Insurance executives to participate in this study as well.

On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 12:05:34 -0400 Freels <dfreels@...>


> >I would have been happy to have created an

> HBOT-specific bill last

> >session, had I been asked. Even though the

> obstacles were difficult for

> >HB 1676, it will be even more difficult for an

> HBOT bill -- because of

> >the medical necessity problem.



> Les,


> Nothing is more medically necessary than

> oxygen.


> If you don't believe me, take a plastic bag and

> secure it around your head

> so that you cannot breathe.


> Wait ten minutes or so, pray throughout that

> someone nearby will remove the

> plastic bag when you cannot. During your

> suffocation, chances are that you

> will beg God to mercifully grant you some

> oxygen.


> Since you're now somewhat educated on

> Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, chances

> are you'll also beg God to receive that oxygen

> under increased atmospheric

> pressure so as to not only survive the anoxia

> but to also recover from it.


> I'm not kidding Les. I encourage you to try it.

> Maybe the way to

> demonstrate this is to bring in a bunch of

> hyperbaric chambers into the

> floor of the Texas legislature and put all the

> HBOT advocates and their

> chambers on one side and the naysayers on the

> other side, everybody put on

> the plastic bags for 10 minutes, let the

> advocates have access to the

> chambers, then see if there are enough

> survivors to have a quorum and then

> put it up for a vote.


> The problem now is that the so-called experts,

> particularly neurologists,

> believe hyperbaria has no benefit for anoxia.


> They're wrong Les.


> Perhaps better legislation would be mandatory

> education of hyperbaric

> oxygen therapy by all students attending Texas

> medical schools.


> In our country, our system of government is

> supposed to be of the people,

> by the people, and for the people. You can't

> say that happened with HB 1676.



> >HBOT bill will

> >have to circumvent medical necessity until the

> insurers are also

> >convinced that HBOT is " established medicine. "


> Les--the practice of medicine sans oxygen is no

> medicine. Nothing is more

> established in medicine than the absolute

> necessity for oxygen.


> No matter what the condition, illness, or

> disease, without oxygen, there is

> no health, no healing, and no life.



> >those of you that have much more experience

> than me.


> Les, if you've ever breathed a breath you have

> enough experience to know

> the value of oxygen.



> >I hope this is helpful.

> >

> >Les





> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> " Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give

> you the desires of your heart. "


> [Psalm 37:4]


> Freels

> 2948 Windfield Circle

> Tucker, GA 30084-6714

> 770/491-6776 (phone and fax)

> 509/275-1618 (efax, sends fax as email

> attachment)

> mailto:dfreels@...


> http://www.freelanceforum.org/content/portfolio.asp?ID=195





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Combined " brain power " certainly more needs to be done to accomplish

this objective.

However, I have been part of this great work - to accomplish our mission

in obtaining medicaid / medical insurance to provide coverage for

Hyperbaric Neuroxygenative Medicine. The work that has been done to date

has been helpful - ground work has been done, meetings with law makers

have produced some very good results, but still we do not have national

medicaid coverage like we need and want.

Yes, research is going forward - more efforts and money needs to put

into research [thats always a given].

However, what is ultimately important is the final result - to provide /

obtain HBOT for Neurological conditions.

I believe what needs to be done in order to accomplish this objective is

that we all read off " the same page " . We must approach this entire

concept from a serious business, medical and legislative perspective.

This is the best way to move forward.

Les Breeding is right in that we must address this also from a *proper*

legislative perspective - because this must become a law in this nation.

We don't want to give the wrong impression - that we are storming the

capital. But still we need to show the urgency of the matter.

There are some very good people in politics {senators, congressmen,

legislators, etc} that can and have voiced their willingness to help

move this whole concept forward - everyone has their talents and their

work to do, let's get in here and get the job done. We need it now -


Health care providers have their hands tied because we cannot provide

the treatment that neurologically challenged children desperately need

if we are held back by misunderstandings about oxygen and slight

pressures {slight = less than the pressure in an airplane flying in the


It is however essential that Hyperbaric Neuroxygenative Medicine be

addressed specifically through the legislature and yes it must be done

in a politically correct way - otherwise, it get's thrown out before it

even has a chance to get started.

This is a great field of medicine to help progress forward. I do hope

that everyone will continue to do whatever they can - whatever they

need to, in order to accomplish this objective.

Here is a thought to keep you thinking about: You might not see every

detail in the hand of providence but this does not mean that things are

not getting done.

Things like this does take time and efforts, it takes money and hard

work - so if we want to see this objective accomplished then now is the

time to work as a united team effort. This does not mean we will all

agree with each other on every topic - just that we need to put away our

differences and pull together on this objective.

People who are willing to voice their desire of Medicaid for HBOT must

also be willing to put their name on a list and to work as a team to

show that when united - we stand together and we stand strong. Now

matter what the obstacle, no matter what the objective - we will work

together and accomplish what needs to be done for the children of


What will you do today for these people.



Please consider the gift of your signature and review our




Lane , PhD


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I have never laughed so har in my life. Now that was well said. I never

thought of putting out there like that. Do you think he understands now

. He may not. I do belive there has allready been a lack of Oxygen to

these people that is why they cannot understand. I can say you have a

way with words.


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It is good that you press on with Texas legislature. So far the Texas Bill

HR 1676 has been blocked by insurance companies, medicare and medicaid

inserting such words as acquired brain damage plus all manner of regulatory

blockages. As nearly as I can understand the Texas situation is still

standing at Zero with neither children nor adults being reimbursed for brain

damage. Is this correct>

Do you know if Lady Bird received HBOT and if so, did it help her.

Secretary Benson did receive 35 treatments I was told and benefitted from

them, but again nothing authentic and nothing in the media.

It appears to ;me that reimbursement for HBOT use for brain damage is just

where we started, nowhere. Hope I-m wrong. Manson

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Dear Les,

I thought the entire exercise for HB 1676 was to get the Texas legislature to

approve HBOT for brain damaged individuals. It was nothing lesss, northing

more until it ran into the twists and turns of the word merchants, and the

power structure which opposes pressurized oxygen for any sort of brain

damage, children or adults.

Les, you are a skilled and talented individual and your advice to all

that an HBOT specific bill would have tough going because of suffering

individuals or their relatives unable to prove " medical necessity " . It is

well established what pressurized oxygen does to help fight a number of

diseases. And it is well established world wide. It is what brought all

our efforts to encourage Texas lawmakers to be the first in the nation to

recognize this medical miracle in the U. S. and with the guts to do something

about it

HBOT for brain damage has been researched for 4 years and to my personal

knowledge and certainly a long time before that. Dr. Harch proved

beyond doubt that HBOT benefitted brain damage. And he was jeered, not

applauded by the Underseas Hyperbari c Medical Society UHMS UTMB to whom you

refer as one of the current and active researchers, conducted a study on

brain damage for strokes about 3 years ago, and found the patties were on

average about 20% improved. Countless research efforts have been conducted

in the U. S. and worldwide and in oone or two instances the studies were

rigged to prove that no significant help ;came from HBO We by grapevine that

one of the greatest Texans Lloyd Benson benefited from HBOT after his stroke.

Reports indicate he had 35 treatments and did benefit. Lady Bird 's

family has been soncidering HBO for this great lady and I haven't heard what

they did. They asked me to send all the material on my wife who has

benefitted. Which I did.

I think what you are saying is folks don't hold your breath until the Texas

Legislature approves HBOT for brain damage. Correct? Captain Manson

USN Ret.

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That is exactually what he was saying. He knows dang good and well he had no

intention of ever getting it passed to where we could benifit from it. See

they make you think they want it but they word or speak in around about way's

where the insurance is still the decider if your covered or not. It is like

this I'll make you happy, they take your bill you want passed they work on it

the whole time noing they will never word it to where it can be used by me or

you. Am I right Les you can Jump in here at any moment. They new when they

took this bill it would proably pass but we as individuals that would need to

acess it would never be able to. But in the process they made you belive they

worked there tail off for you. That is how our goverment works. They can care

less about you or I. They use us to get our votes the whole time making you

think they are working for you. Have you ever noticed at election time you

can get anyting you want promised to you but when there in office forget it.

it is a known fact.


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You are correct. Demonstrations on the floor of each legislature would have

some impact and they would not go unnoticed at the national level, either

legislative or executive. Now is the time to have influence on politicians

with the upcoming elections. Candidates sh;ould make this an issue.

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Les the bill was not a specifi bill for Hbot we all no that. It was adresses

that way to get it passed it was supposed to be implemented on the

implementation part. The part where e refers to as you shot us in the

foot. We are working to post that whole implemetation on the net for others

to read. I sorry If I offended you but you new how important this was. I read

the implemetation where you testified how do you think after reading that

that you did nothing wrong. You knew you were supposed to fight that for us.

You left us in the cold im sorry you want us to ask you to help us again. No

way for us to be shot down again. This will be done a different way. We have

allready contacted Austin and told them we will be there in October for this

March. We want ro do it before the election so we can get perry out of there

and someone in that will at least talk to us on this issue . Yes I have spoke

with well nevermind I have contacted several people and yes there willing to

help. If you wanna clear yourself or make it right do it without us asking

show us your willing ot help you start it show us you are willing to step to

the plate then email all of us. Untill then this is a dead issue with us. You

done what you set out to do for us fail.


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