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Re: California AB 2763 is Dead; AB 1996 lives on

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Ed yes I will march before the meeting with you. And noone takes offense this

is what we need. We need a marcha t every state capitol before the march in

D.C. I didn't know if you new we moved the date of the march in D.C. to July

after Neubauers symposium. We wanted to let everyone at the symposium know as

well. We wanted to make sure we had enough people show up in D.C. we want

them to take us seriously. If we don't have enought o show up it will get

shot down. On with all you efforts and if there is anything I can do to help

let me know. I also have Katlyn's files here all of them showing she had 8

1/2 million dollars in medical care before HBOT. And she was going down hill

they didn't give her long to live because of frequent lung infections because

of aspiratin and other problems. After HBOT there has only been a hndful of

small bill's like check ups and stuff like that. I have all medical records

as wll if you think this may help you in anyway. Just let me know.


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Ed I thought you would like that Im sending you my home Number 972-427-8825.

In the event you need or want o call for this information. Im happy to share

to show that it work's. I have all discharge summary's as well as medical

bill's. Dr.s report's and Ed if you would like read Katlyns webpage. It is

www.katysplace.fullmoonwebs.com it has the full story on the homepage along

with Dr. Neubauers case summary of Katlyn. But Katlyn is not the only miracle

here I have alot of storys and case summarys that other parents have shared.

Katy's is mild compared to most. I have one of a child with spinal minagitas

that was in a body jacket and on a ventilator for 1 and a half years could

not support any of his body he was a orinary child before the minangitas no

illnesses at all. Not saying that wrong all of our children are ordinary

regardless just useing a statement to show the point. Could not smell at all.

I was in Florida with him when he was recieveing treatments and his father

took him back to the hotel after his 10th treatment and when the child went

in he told his mother mom your bakeing cookies I can smell them. It was

uphill from there they started takeing him off the ventilator slowly. he was

beganing to move his arms and legs. And just a few months ago they removed

the body Jacket totally. Now is that placebo if so so be it lets keep it up.

For a year and a half this child was dependent on a machine to live. That is

very expensive but our goverment would rather pay that cost than to admit

this is real. The problem here is the drug industry and the Dr.s pocket book

if our kid's don't reamain i'll they don't get rich and the goverment dont

get the large contributions from insurance to run for office. HERE THAT RICK

PERRY and LES yeah your one of them to. Rick the Govenor of Texas

recieved over 17 million dollars from the health insurance company's to run

for govenor again. Isn't that funny. Now he wont even talk to us about the

bill he helped get passed that we cannot access for HBOT HB1676. If you

call his office and talk to Ford she will tell you we can't make the

Texas Department of Insurance do anything we tried. He can only say what he

would like to see happen as he say's. This Lady is another Les. When I talked

to her before HB1676 was passed she say's we are working on it it. It will be

available soon. But when the insurance company's gave her boss RICK PERRY the

money to run for govenor 17 million dollars things changed in her eyes now

she is very short with us. And will never return my calls. HMMMMMMMMMMMM

sounds like brivary to me what do all of you think. And he wants to talk

about the other party running and say he has shady deals. I think that is

the pot calling the kettle black. As for Tony the guy running against

him the media and several others has said everything that Rick has said

about this man was a lie and they proved it. They even aired it on television

how Rick lied against Tony . But has recieved 17 million

dollars he has to do something with the insurance money he received to run

that could have paid for HBOT and other therapys our kid's needed. See

took money from our health care our kids, mothers, Fathers , Sisters,

brothers., that needed it to live to survive to get he health care they

needed to run for govenor. That is why we cannot get this passed. They need

the money to run for office. Now the truth is out what do we do about it.


Support Tony For Texas Govenor and you are saying, Yes we want better

Health care. He will make the difference. If you have a disabled child like

me, vote for Tony. Our kid's lives depend on it.

The Family Email address is Bry8825@...

Visit our Daughters website


Visit and please sign the guestbook.

We have also featured an HBO child of the month on the site, this is a child

receiveing Hyperbaric Oxyegen for some type of injury, these storys will

break your heart.

Darin age 32

Janie age32

Katlyn age 8

Or Just Click here

<A HREF= " http://www.katysplace.fullmoonwebs.com/ " >Katy's Place</A>

Janie is my lovely wife for fourteen years.

We were married on February 13, 1988.

Katy is My lovely Daughter Born on November 13, 1992. That was a miracle from

God read all about it in her website <A

HREF= " http://www.katysplace.fullmoonwebs.com/ " >Katy's Place</A> Just Click


We Live In Texas Yes the southern state.

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To everyone on the list:

California Bill AB 2763 is now dead for Fiscal Year 2002.

It remains alive within California Bill AB 1996 which requires a committee

to review the scientific and fiscal issues of this bill (and the others it

covers). But, that bill may, or may not go forward. Regardless, there is

nothing left we can do for AB 2763 for this rule making year.

Sorry. We tried very hard. The budget crisis has created many issues

beyond the obvious.

But, we did out HBOT on the radar screen for every HMO in California. We

did get the California UCP chapters to recognize, and support HBOT. And,

we did get the full support of the California Medical Association for HBOT

for brain injuries.

Finally, I believe we got good, accurate and valid scientific and medical

information to many people in this state.

I wish to thank everyone who assisted, especially those who worked so hard

to come to the Health Committee Hearing. There is no question that the

committee was impressed that on a day where approx. 15 bills were being

heard, the majority of citizens in that hearing room were there to support

of AB 2763.

I am currently working on a strategy for 2003 for re-introducing this bill

with a new author (Assemblyman Pescetti is not running for re-election). I

am open to contacts, ideas, support etc.

And, if anyone really wants to march on a state capitol... Sacramento in

March would be nice (just before the committees review is due).

And, so no one is discouraged, I am also working on the same thing in

DC. There are a few people on both sides of the isle who think this is


PS If anyone wishes to send a note of thanks to Assemblyman Pescetti, do

it through his Aide, Sprouse: sarah.Sprouse@...

I would be personally very grateful to anyone who recognizes his efforts

and unqualified support for our kids!


Best Wishes to all!

Ed Nemeth

> >_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.

> >Unrestricted downloads of 50+ pdf files on HBOT efficacy

> >medicaid/files/

> >

> >Download your state EPSDT program

> >http://www.hcfa.gov/medicaid/stateplan/Map.asp by doing a search on the

> >word " ameliorate " . State Medicaid websites

> >http://www.medi-cal.ca.gov/RelSites_Oth_States.asp . Medicaid waiver

> >programs: http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/1029/medicaid.html

> >

> >Find a hyperbaric clinic http://www.netnet.net/mums/hbolist.htm

> >

> >HBOT can save billions of dollars and millions of heartaches. Subscribe to

> > by sending a blank email to

> >mailto:medicaid-subscribe

> >

> >Unsubscribe? Click here mailto:medicaid-unsubscribe .

> >

> >

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My God Darin! If they cannot see the monetary savings on Katlyn..... as

opposed to HBOT!

It is like Dr. Marois siad at the July 2000 Symposium, " If this was simply

a placebo effect, then let's continue the therapy. This placebo works

better than all the other therapies! "

If HBOT is only a placebo for Katlyn, then let's do it. It is cheaper to

waste money on HBOT that to do the things the " really work " .


At 07:36 PM 8/22/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>Ed yes I will march before the meeting with you. And noone takes offense this

>is what we need. We need a marcha t every state capitol before the march in

>D.C. I didn't know if you new we moved the date of the march in D.C. to July

>after Neubauers symposium. We wanted to let everyone at the symposium know as

>well. We wanted to make sure we had enough people show up in D.C. we want

>them to take us seriously. If we don't have enought o show up it will get

>shot down. On with all you efforts and if there is anything I can do to help

>let me know. I also have Katlyn's files here all of them showing she had 8

>1/2 million dollars in medical care before HBOT. And she was going down hill

>they didn't give her long to live because of frequent lung infections because

>of aspiratin and other problems. After HBOT there has only been a hndful of

>small bill's like check ups and stuff like that. I have all medical records

>as wll if you think this may help you in anyway. Just let me know.






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Thank you Ed I have so much updateing to do to the site I've been so busy

working to get the HBOT a reality I haven't spent much time on it lately. Im

sending you a personal email to you regular email adress so you can see the

latest picture of her. She look's so well now it is unbelivable how HBOT has

helped her. It is nothing short of a miracle. She is my angel. Her and her

mother is what keep's me going Im blessed with a wonderfull wife. We have

known each other since kindergarten in school and now have been married four

15 years this comming February. My wife and daughter are my heart and lungs

without them I can't breathe. My wife is often the one who takes the back

seat on everything people see what I do and recognize me not realizing the

role she play's in our marriage. She is such the supporter in everything I do

i her eyes I do no wrong. We have been maried now 15 years I can't think of a

day when we were apart at all untill Katlyn was injured. What they say about

a wife and a mother is true my wife is a living example of it. She has the

backbone of 10 horses and never complains. I don't no why im writing this you

guy's have enough to deal with without hearing me babble. But I can't help

giving honor where honor is due. She will never read this but at least I know

in my heart I expressed my love for her to the world.Once again thank you for

visiting Katlyn's site and reading the story. It means alot to me. Im glad I

have this group as freinds because " Freinds are like quite angels who lift us

to our feet when our wings have trouble remebering how to fly " .


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I had been to Katlyn's website a couple of times before and enjoyed it. It

is a touching, painful story.

I will continue to visit the site to see all that it offers (it has so much


Warm Regards,


At 08:31 PM 8/22/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>Ed I thought you would like that Im sending you my home Number 972-427-8825.

>In the event you need or want o call for this information. Im happy to share

>to show that it work's. I have all discharge summary's as well as medical

>bill's. Dr.s report's and Ed if you would like read Katlyns webpage. It is

>www.katysplace.fullmoonwebs.com it has the full story on the homepage along

>with Dr. Neubauers case summary of Katlyn. But Katlyn is not the only miracle

>here I have alot of storys and case summarys that other parents have shared.

>Katy's is mild compared to most. I have one of a child with spinal minagitas

>that was in a body jacket and on a ventilator for 1 and a half years could

>not support any of his body he was a orinary child before the minangitas no

>illnesses at all. Not saying that wrong all of our children are ordinary

>regardless just useing a statement to show the point. Could not smell at all.

>I was in Florida with him when he was recieveing treatments and his father

>took him back to the hotel after his 10th treatment and when the child went

>in he told his mother mom your bakeing cookies I can smell them. It was

>uphill from there they started takeing him off the ventilator slowly. he was

>beganing to move his arms and legs. And just a few months ago they removed

>the body Jacket totally. Now is that placebo if so so be it lets keep it up.

>For a year and a half this child was dependent on a machine to live. That is

>very expensive but our goverment would rather pay that cost than to admit

>this is real. The problem here is the drug industry and the Dr.s pocket book

>if our kid's don't reamain i'll they don't get rich and the goverment dont

>get the large contributions from insurance to run for office. HERE THAT RICK

>PERRY and LES yeah your one of them to. Rick the Govenor of Texas

>recieved over 17 million dollars from the health insurance company's to run

>for govenor again. Isn't that funny. Now he wont even talk to us about the

>bill he helped get passed that we cannot access for HBOT HB1676. If you

>call his office and talk to Ford she will tell you we can't make the

>Texas Department of Insurance do anything we tried. He can only say what he

>would like to see happen as he say's. This Lady is another Les. When I talked

>to her before HB1676 was passed she say's we are working on it it. It will be

>available soon. But when the insurance company's gave her boss RICK PERRY the

>money to run for govenor 17 million dollars things changed in her eyes now

>she is very short with us. And will never return my calls. HMMMMMMMMMMMM

>sounds like brivary to me what do all of you think. And he wants to talk

>about the other party running and say he has shady deals. I think that is

>the pot calling the kettle black. As for Tony the guy running against

>him the media and several others has said everything that Rick has said

>about this man was a lie and they proved it. They even aired it on television

>how Rick lied against Tony . But has recieved 17 million

>dollars he has to do something with the insurance money he received to run

>that could have paid for HBOT and other therapys our kid's needed. See

>took money from our health care our kids, mothers, Fathers , Sisters,

>brothers., that needed it to live to survive to get he health care they

>needed to run for govenor. That is why we cannot get this passed. They need

>the money to run for office. Now the truth is out what do we do about it.



>Support Tony For Texas Govenor and you are saying, Yes we want better

>Health care. He will make the difference. If you have a disabled child like

>me, vote for Tony. Our kid's lives depend on it.


>The Family Email address is Bry8825@...

>Visit our Daughters website


>Visit and please sign the guestbook.

>We have also featured an HBO child of the month on the site, this is a child

>receiveing Hyperbaric Oxyegen for some type of injury, these storys will

>break your heart.


>Darin age 32

>Janie age32

>Katlyn age 8


>Or Just Click here

> <A HREF= " http://www.katysplace.fullmoonwebs.com/ " >Katy's Place</A>


>Janie is my lovely wife for fourteen years.

>We were married on February 13, 1988.


>Katy is My lovely Daughter Born on November 13, 1992. That was a miracle from

>God read all about it in her website <A

>HREF= " http://www.katysplace.fullmoonwebs.com/ " >Katy's Place</A> Just

>Click here.


>We Live In Texas Yes the southern state.

















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Do you have a copy of the exact language of California AB 2763? Also,

whatever you have for AB 1996.

I have been in communication with the most junior member of the Georgia

state legislature. She just graduated from college a couple of years ago

and is only 23 I think.

She's on several committees that deal with children's issues, particularly

special education. I intentionally looked for the youngest legislator

because I wanted somebody who hasn't yet lost their idealism.

I told her about your initiative in California, and I think we should all

undertake a similar process in every state.

Every state has a youngest legislator.

I found mine by doing an " advanced " search on Google by going to

http://www.google.com/advanced_search . I entered " Georgia " on the first

line and " youngest state legislator " on the second line.

Anybody can do this.


" Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own

understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your

paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun

evil. " [Prov. 3:5-7]


2948 Windfield Circle

Tucker, GA 30084-6714

770/491-6776 (phone and fax)

509/275-1618 (efax, sends fax as email attachment)



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Hi! I'd like to introduce myself. I am the President/Founder of the

Center(www.gregorycenter.org). I have been advocating heavily in the state

of Georgia and am now falling into the California arena. I am a

Partners-In-Policymaking graduate of the Georgia Council on Developmental

Disabilities. I am interested in your advocacy efforts on HBOT. I would be

interested in knowing what California has in place already for other

alternative therapies, such as neurodevelopmental re-mapping/patterning

programs. If there is nothing in place, I would be interested in advocating

the introduction of a bill to get such beneficial therapies paid for as well.

Please contact me to let me know the status of your advocacy efforts in the

disability arena in the state of California and who my contacts need to be.

Thank you!

Dr. Cheryl -Bruce, MD

The Center

For Exceptional Children and Families, Inc.

P.O. Box 1036

Stockbridge, GA 30281




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Dear Doctor,

Organizations such as your may be the answer to the " cat and mice " game being

played by the power establishment, big medicine, against t the handicapped,

especially those with brain damage, who are in the most need of hyperbaric

therapy as well as other therapies which most of us know improved the quality

of life for the handicapped.

But currently its the cat against the mice most of whom like myself, are

becoming weary and worn out, without comparable resources, and thus with

virtually no political support or interest we see our own man made; made

version of medical terrorism against ; our own handicapped.

The Texas effort on HB 1676 turned out to be a farce with the power team

lying back watching the handicapped expend all their efforts and then coming

in to polish off the good Texans as if they were play putty. Then the big

cat moved to California and apparently staged a repeat performance. despite

the valiant efforts of people like Ed Nemeth.

Georgia with the excellent Freels, may still be up for grabs and i

don't think the handicapped are down for the count in Georgia.

But elsewhere its a joke and the tragedy is the joke is being played against

the handicapped and their loved ones

If I sound cynical please understand I have been struggling for 4 years to

get HBO and sustain it for my paralyzed wife, who has continued to benefit

from the pressurized oxygen, He quality of life has reached the stage where

she is almost talking and she understands her environment and events playing

out on the national and international scene. Yesterday she recognized my

name, , under a comic strip and called it to our attention. Does my

wife deserve her betterment from HBO. She surely does and I appreciate more

than I can say each nuance of improvement. As do we all with handicapped

loved ones, children and adults everything CP to TBI and all the brain

damages, most of which can be improved

h is refusal to reimburse, this war against the handicapped is terrorism in

its worst form. Captain Manson USN Ret. CoAuthor Sea War in Korea

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