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Re: Latest Aspergillus versicolor research results

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Yes this is Janet again.


Yesterday, Dan Maglaras saw what happened to me after two appointments today in old moldy buildings. Even through the mask now. I am MUCH worse.He saw the harsh breathing, then the dazed look, the holding on to my chest and my brain get so fuzzy I cannot concentrate or talk right.

Merrill sat in front of me one day and said "but Janet, there is no medical evidence." And Jerry says" but Ms. s, the mold could have shown up last season." And Bob Short writes OWCP and says I am fine now(then) in the building I left in an ambulance.

I tell you, I think , Bob, Jerry , Jim Kautz and Mari Shults along with Don Susla should spend 8 or 9 hours a day IN that basement for EIGHT years. Wade through the moldy water when it rains, hit your head on the ripped piping so asbestos fill your sinuses and fall in your face while it is 105 degrees in temperature in there.. THEN tell me I am making this up. THEN try and get people to believe you and torture yourself to prove and let people lie about you and ignore you. MAYBE then, JUST maybe, you will understand where I am coming from. Why you would feel being forced to take disability would be a slap in the face?

I am so scared for my life hearing I might need United Kingdom medicine and OWCP allergist threatens to skin test me when last time I almost died. You guys need to get a clue, stop lying and stop covering up. If I died from this, do you realize that United States Dept. of Labor and The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard for negligence will be held esponsible? Guess my teenager could go to college then!

Why do you all fight me?

Mari, why do you lie to help me with 200 hours of leave?

Don, why do you treat me like a spoiled three year old.

Tom, why are you scared and take Maris word?

, why are YOU of all people in safety not up to bat for me?

WHY WHY? Why am I the suffering and sick bad guy?

Why does Mr. Gray get away with not adressing that report as I wouldnt have gotten this sick? Who can answer me THAT question?

There are direct questions, Don,like you tell me to do. And HOW can Workmens Comp get away with threatening and insulting ? Who can answer that too?

Janet s

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