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Re: Tort Reform that may affect you and your loved ones...

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While I agree that government and big business are using Tort Reform

as an issue to scare Americans, we need to be just as invetive. In

Massachusetts I have waged a 10 year battle against illegal Tort

Reform that the state used to grant pardons to government employees

that break the law. I'm sure most are aware that my families voice

has been the only one trying to stop these pardons. I have been

trying the same tactics in Washington again with only my families

voice speaking on this issue.

We must use all of the powers available to get out the message that

Tort Reform, as proposed by the government is bad and serves only

those that break the laws. We need a national media campaign that

will get this story out. By writing to a few politicans will

accomplish this only on the small scale while we need to get out our

messaqe on the large scale.

Remember that many of the politicians we ask for help receive

campaign contributions from insurance companies, real estate and

building groups. The media also gets large amounts of advertising

money from these same groups. None can afford to lose the money so

they pander to us by sounding sympathetic and do nothing to help.

If Americans are told why they face the problems for insurance, high

taxes and so on, they might see that the real issue is the corruption

by builders, realtors and government inspectors. We need to show that

they buy their political protection through campaign contributions to

politicians of both parties at the local, state and federal levels.

For many of us our problems arose due to bad and ilegal construction

by bad builders that were licensed by the local or state government.

This was compounded by the corrupt local and state governmnt building

inspectors that looked the other way or took bribes and payoffs to

pass substandard and illegal construction. In many cases, such as

ours, these illegal acts by government inspectors and builders lead

to Toxic Mold in our homes.

For those of us in this situation, homeowners insurane has no

liability due to the cause being government corruption. While I am

mad that this has happened to us, I understand the reasoning of the

insurance companies in cases like ours. Those that caused the

problems should be held liable and accountable. Sadly,the Government

protects themselves, such as in Massachuetts, by passing pardons

disguised as Tort Reform.

What we need to do is to take on the issues of Sovereign Immunity and

Public Duty Immunity that corrupt governments hide behind. We see in

some states that State Supreme Courts are removing the protections

when the issue is corruption. We need to also show that when a

Certificate of Occupancy is isued by a government, with the knowledge

that the contruction is illegal or violates cods and statndards, the

COO establishes a warrenty between the government and owner.

We need a Nationwide campaign to show America that we are not their

problem but the corruption of their government and its employees are

the real issue. I'm sure Massachusetts is not the only state where

the corruption can be traced by Public Record Documents that lead to

the heads of the State Government.

I think Melinda's idea is a good one but I thing we need to also look

at the broader corruption and construction issues and how to get more

attention for these issues. We need to demonstrate that if

construction is performed legally and acording to the law and

standards, many of our issues would not exist.

We need to show who the real villans are, the corrupt builders,

realtors, inspectors and government that profits from the corruption.

We need to put a face on the problem just as Bin Laden is the face

put on terrorism.

Ken Moulton

> Melinda Ballard has this issued nailed.


> If anyone in America wants to know how well tort reform has


> consumer protection without lowing rates for ANYTHING, review the

history of

> Tort Reform in Texas.


> It might help if you remember who is in the white house also.


> Tort reform is not the answer. It is the problem.


> Few could possibly understand how this would affect them. Until it


> to them.


> R. Cobarruvias

> Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings

> 14646 Cardinal Creek CT

> Houston, TX 77062

> 281-486-5203

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