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----- Original Message ----- From: <SSRI-Research >

<SSRI-Research >

Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 6:31 AM

Subject: [sSRI-Research] Digest Number 299

Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 11:45:57 -0400 From: JustSayNoSubject: Pounding the Weakspots on Big Pharma's WallFor every action there is an exact and opposite REACTION. Big Pharmarealizes this, and not wanting to galvanize the ranks of vitamin consumers,health food stores, and vitamin companies such that we will get organizedand fight back, the Cartel has come up with a strategy designed to burn usout. In the end, they hope to successfully take over the dietary supplementindustry via the following methods, which our side must fully understand inorder to counterattack successfully- and motivate our ranks to take action.Australians currently outnumber people from all nations signing on to theIAHF email distribution list, and the reason is simple: over 1300 vitaminproducts were recently removed from the shelves via the fraudulent TGArecall discussed in Ron Law's excellent article "Natural Justice?" (Seehttp://www.iahf.com third item down under "Whats New".Ron's well written article appeared recently in New Zealand's largestbusiness newspaper- the Independent, and in it he not only exposes the TGA'srecall against Pan Pharmaceutical's dietary supplements as an outrageousmove not backed by any evidence of contaminated dietary supplements andintended to fuel a media circus against the industry world wide, but he alsocatches New Zealand's health minister, Annette King, in a series of lies-showing up the TGA's action for what it really was: part of a preemptivestrike intended to foster global "harm"onization to Australia'spharmaceuticalized regulatory model for supplements.This move to "raise the hurdles" and bury supplement manufacturers under anavalanche of red tape is being pushed very hard by pharmaceuticallydominated vitamin trade associations world wide- most notably the CanadianHealth Food Association "CHFA".I am writing to you right now from a Comfort Inn in Seattle, while laid overwaiting to fly back to Virginia tomorrow. For the past month, I have been inBC Canada, monitoring the situation on America's northern flank.Canada is our northern flank in the Great Vitamin War by virtue of NAFTA andalso the FTAA (so called "Free Trade Area of the Americas") which is aneffort on the part of the Illuminati to create a carbon copy of the EUDictatorship in our hemisphere.In my article "Ripping Up the Railroad Tracks to Auschwitz"http://www.iahf.com/anh_lawsuit.html I have thoroughly documented the factthat the European Union has Nazi origins and that it is politicallydominated by Germany and France- two nations where consumer access todietary supplements is horribly, and unreasonably restricted.If you have no already done so, it is ESSENTIAL that you assist IAHF inpounding a major weakspot on the Cartel's wall by making a timely donationto our UK allies- The Alliance for Natural Health via their websitehttp://www.alliance-natural-health.org so that they can file the allimportant lawsuit to overturn the EU Food Supplement Directive by July.I do not care what country you live in. Whether you are in Australia, NewZealand, Canada, the USA, UK, or anywhere ELSE on this planet, if you'd liketo join me in throwing a spanner into the Cartel's works- you MUST send ANHa donation- here is why:The Cartel has set us up, and they've started knocking over the dominos-which are now falling in what amounts to be the rough equivalent of a slowmotion train wreck intended to catch us all napping and not payingattention.They are INTENTIONALLY moving with very DELIBERATE slowness in the hope ofnot arousing a backlash, but in Australia- they have just made a surgicalstrike that they're gambling the rest of the world won't pay close attentionto by virtue of "Oz's" geographical remoteness, (which makes Australia aperfect New World Odor "testing ground."As you'll see if you read my article http://www.iahf.com/anh_lawsuit.html,you will see that passage of the EU Food Supplements Directive threatens toforce a horribly restrictive Codex vitamin standard through to completionwhich would then impact all WTO member nations which can be forciblyharmonized to it by a corrupt international court: the World TradeOrganization's Dispute Settlement Body.This court does not follow US or British rules of evidence. It is a mickeymouse court designed to rubber stamp the greed driven agenda of themultinational corporate interests. Every decision they've made has goneagainst the environment, the public health, human rights, labor rights-against EVERY INTANGIBLE serving as the basis for any democratic nation toshape their laws at the LOCAL level (the ONLY level where laws SHOULD bemade.)If you are an American, and are reading all of this in DISBELIEF, and youthink we are protected here via DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health andEducation Act)- THINK AGAIN!!!(Do I hear you protest "but if this were true, surely I'd be hearing aboutit in the health food store were I buy my vitamins, and surely thesupplement manufacturers would be up in arms, but they're NOT!!! So how canI possibly believe that what you are saying is REAL???)Fair enough. Let me tell you how the Cartel have been pulling the wool overthe eyes of the health food stores, manufacturers and consumers- theirstrategy is very simple, and they're using a tried and true takeover methodthat they "field tested" successfully in Norway in the early 90s.The use the 5 Deadly Ds: Deny, Delay, Discredit, Divide and Conquer,Destroy. They also use "Problem- Reaction- "Solution" to herd us in thedirection they want us to go in. Assisting them as they move us to the cliffare plants, and controlled opposition groups.Heres how it "works": See http://iadsa-exposed.tripod.com for the expose onIADSA "International Alliance of Dietary Supplement Associations"First- the Cartel attacks the industry: they yank products off the shelvesunder false pretenses, bar them at the border, raid health food stores, andtry to strip the medical licenses of alternative practitioners.THUS- they create the "problem" in order to generate a desired publicreaction (fear), then, with help from a phony "health freedom group" thatonly PRETENDS to be "fighting back" (eg IADSA), they present the supposed"solution" (which invariably is only a TRAP- a calculated move intended toherd the GULLIBLE to the CLIFF.When accused of unreasonableness by our side, the first thing they alwaystry to do is DENY they're attacking us- they say they are "protecting usfrom snake oil" yada yada yada, and if we PERSIST in fighting back- theycreate a blue ribbon panel intended to CON our side into thinking that theproblem is being "properly addressed". (A perfect example is CANADA's"Natural Health Products Directorate" which is nothing more than a starchamber proceeding used by Health Canada to identify all the groupsinvolved, buying them time to figure out who the HARDLINERS are, so they caninitiate DISCREDITING tactics to try to ISOLATE people like me, TruemanTuck, Rowland, Tony Stephan, Ron Law, etc.They use controlled opposition groups such as IADSA, CHC, etc to misleadpeople and to generate confusion- to get us all divided up- then they movein for the kill very incrementally in the hope of not arousing a backlash.In Canada right now, the CHFA is actively attacking those who are attemptingto stop Canada from being harmonized to Australia. CHFA have attempted tovilify Tony Stephan of True Hope Inc (see his lawsuit against Health Canadaat http://www.truehope.com and Trueman Tuck of Friends of Freedomhttp://www.friendsoffreedom.orgThe vitamin consuming public, world wide, must come to the aid of thesecourageous people because in today's globalized world- we sink or swimtogether in our war against the cartel- but the singly most important thingany of us can do right now is donate to ANH to help them overturn the EUFood Supplements Directive due to the huge threat it poses at Codex if notoverturned.Via a finalized Codex vitamin standard, the whole planet is jeopardized.Trust me, I have been to several Codex meetings in Germany, and witnessedthis corrupt pharma shell game first hand, til the German governmentpermanently barred me from ever attending again for videotaping part of the'98 meeting in Berlin without authorization from Grossklaus. [see him forceme to shut my cam corder down- the video footage is in the media section athttp://www.iahf.comWe can stop this madness, but only if we continue to pound the weakspots onthe Cartel's wall. The best way to do that is to make a donation to ANH'slawsuit at http://www.alliance-natural-health.org and also make a donationto IAHF via paypal at http://www.iahf.comAs soon as I get back to Virginia tomorrow I will send out a detailed reporton what is happening in Canada, because it is our northern flank. The FDA isgoing to come out with illegal GMP regs this summer that will be even morestringent that pharmaceutical GMP. This is the same thing that is happeningin Canada. Both countries are being pushed towards harmonization withAustralia and the EU, and only IAHF is connecting the global dots so thatyou can see the big picture.Therefor please donate to IAHF and forward this massively. The life you savecould be your own. Although the time bomb is ticking, we CAN turn thisaround! Please do your part- make donations today to ANH and IAHF.In Your Corner, C. Hammell, PresidentIAHF- on the road in a Comfort Inn in Seattle Washington Near Sea TacAirportInternational Advocates for Health FreedomPOB 10632 Blacksburg VA 24062 USAhttp://www.iahf.com; http://iadsa-exposed.tripod.com800-333-2553 N.America540-961-0476 World

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