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I have had this group for several years Please join,


Studies, results and people seeking answers.

Chapter 1, HBOT, facts, fiction, etc.

>> _NeuroHBOT@grouNeuroH_ (mailto:NeuroHBOT ) ,

> _HDOTherapyforAutismHDOTherapyforHDO_

> (mailto:HDOTherapyforAutism )

>> Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 3:09 PM

>> I cannot seem to get away from hbot in my efforts to go into

>> retirement

>> with my wife, Judy. I am going to share my feelings along

>> with files I

>> have gathered over the years. It has been a long journey

>> and on one

>> hand it seems as though we have accomplished very little.


>> Some professionals will argue with me and say we have made

>> great

>> strides. In my opinion, the strides we have made have been

>> done by the

>> parents and caregivers in sharing their success with others

>> which have

>> kept our clinics full. This is a great stride because it

>> has made hbot

>> available to so many who would have never known about it.

>> We have seen

>> children and adults do wonderful things because of the

>> results of hbot.


>> In an effort to share as much with you as I can, I will

>> begin with

>> chapter one. So much to cover, so many unanswered

>> questions, including

>> the Canadian study, mild vs soft chambers, etc. It may be

>> years before

>> we have our questions answered but in the meantime, it is

>> so important

>> for all of us to swallow every ounce of pride, every ounce

>> of ego, every

>> ounce of " about me " , every ounce of " not

>> admitting I am, or was, wrong " ,

>> every ounce of everything. You see, it is not about you

>> or me or our

>> feelings or fame, it is about a baby 2 years from now born

>> with cerebral

>> palsy or autism, or a teenager involved in an auto accident

>> with

>> traumatic brain injury and in a coma, or a grandmother or a

>> daddy who

>> has a stroke and is unable to function as a normal adult

>> and possibly

>> warehoused in a nursing home to be forgotten. It is

>> about the moves

>> we make now to unite, to share, to research, to fight, to

>> pray, to do

>> everything possible to stop the inner fighting, the battles

>> for fame and

>> fortune, and all the other shortcomings we have in order to

>> work

>> together to make things different for the next wave of

>> newcomers to

>> these lists looking for answers, looking for help.



>> It is difficult to decide where to begin and in what order

>> to do it in.

>> I will need the help of other professionals and individuals

>> on this list

>> in trying to unravel the confusion of everything involved

>> in hbot. I

>> want a better understanding myself, the same as all of you

>> do. This

>> is not a matter of who is right and who is wrong, or the

>> mistakes we

>> have made, it is about our ability to unite and work

>> together. First,

>> let me make it clear to everyone that I am a born-again

>> Christian who

>> takes great pride and joy in knowing that I have a savior.

>> I have been

>> blessed in so many ways and God continues to shower me with

>> his

>> blessings. I am so thankful that I have learned how to

>> " put it in God's

>> hands " because that is what he wants us to do. When

>> I look back at the

>> person I was before my grandson, Garrett, was born with

>> Cerebral Palsy.

>> I will never forget the nurses coming into the hallway and

>> telling us he

>> is " not breathing " , his heart is " not

>> beating " , but they are working

>> with him. Judy and I along with a couple of others went

>> to the floor

>> right there in the hallway and on our knees called out to

>> God for his

>> help. We prayed to God for his heart to begin living,

>> beating. We

>> prayed our hearts out. 5 minutes later the nurse came out

>> and informed

>> us his heart had just taken its first beat but he was still

>> not

>> breathing. Once again we began praying, and we prayed.

>> The nurse

>> came out and informed us he had taken his first breath on

>> his own.

>> Thank you, Dearest God in Heaven. We knew where that

>> breath of life

>> came from.


>> Since that time we have also come to know that if there was

>> a hyperbaric

>> chamber in that hospital and they would have put Garrett in

>> it, he would

>> be walking today. He would be talking, eating normally,

>> laughing,

>> playing like other kids. Most of you know what I am

>> talking about.

>> That was 12 years ago. As a result, we have come to

>> understand that

>> Garrett was one of the biggest blessings we have ever

>> received. When a

>> special needs child enters your life, it takes your focus

>> away from

>> yourself. It changes the way you look at things and

>> people. It makes

>> you appreciate waking up to the Sun that God put in the sky

>> just the

>> right distance from Earth to keep you warm, to provide

>> energy, to make

>> God's plants grow in their beauty and abundance for us

>> to look at when

>> we arise. Oh, what a glorious and wonderful God we have.

>> Garrett may

>> never walk, he may never talk, and he may never take his

>> first bite, but

>> he can smile with a ray of sunshine that only God could

>> produce. He can

>> set in his wheelchair and understand every word I say and I

>> can

>> recognize his intelligence while strangers look at him in

>> pity, not

>> knowing the thanks we give to God for such a wonderful part

>> of our

>> life. Garrett has had over 300 sessions of hbot, it has

>> saved his

>> life. He is still very fragile but what a joy. I am not

>> going to

>> turn this into a religious forum but I want no

>> misunderstandings on what

>> my faith is or how proud I am for it, or how thankful I am

>> to God for

>> giving me something to believe in and for sending His Son

>> to die on the

>> cross for me. And I will continue to pray for those who

>> have never

>> experienced and may never experience the wonderful joyous

>> life I

>> experience as a result.


>> I know that many of you are thinking back to when your

>> child was born,

>> or when you got that first diagnosis of autism, or when

>> that accident

>> happened, or the events surrounding that stroke, or

>> whatever your

>> circumstances are that brought you to this list. I

>> remember when my

>> daughter, , came to me before Garrett was 2 years old

>> and asked me

>> if I had heard of HBOT. I had but I knew very little about

>> it except it

>> was expensive. She asked me if I would investigate it and

>> I agreed, but

>> I told her it was just another ploy to get money from

>> parents who were

>> desperate to help their child and would do anything at any

>> cost. As I

>> investigated further and called parents who had actually

>> done hbot. I

>> began to realize they were seeing results, some mild but

>> some were

>> amazing. So I decided that if they were spending this kind

>> of money and

>> not angry about it but trying to raise more money to do it

>> again, it had

>> to be working. We began fundraising and finally took

>> Garrett for

>> HBOT. Then we took him again. Miracles? None. Major

>> improvements?

>> What is a major improvement? For some it would be walking

>> and

>> talking. For me, it was seeing my grandson hold up his

>> head without

>> help for the first time. It was seeing him raise his hand

>> and wave with

>> a smile to me. It was seeing him sleep for over 2 hours

>> without waking

>> in pain from the spasticity of his muscles. He slept all

>> night for the

>> first time in his life. It was seeing the dark pockets

>> disappear from

>> under my daughters eyes. I knew that God had provided his

>> wonderful

>> creation of oxygen to Garrett and a way to deliver it to

>> those areas

>> which were doing without.


>> I only tell this story to very special people. So I guess

>> you are all

>> very special people as parents and caretakers and how you

>> view it is

>> entirely up to you. After Garrett's second round of

>> HBOT, I began to

>> think about what a great business this would be. $200 per

>> treatment for

>> a little oxygen. Wow. 2 per day, Wow! I began to

>> investigate

>> setting up a facility. But I found out how expensive it

>> was and how

>> difficult it was and that it was totally out out of my

>> reach. My

>> finances were very limited. In 1989, I became very sick,

>> and it was

>> thought I may have liver cancer or some other

>> possibilities. They all

>> proved negative and I was diagnosed with chronic fatique

>> syndrome. I

>> had broken my back on a four wheeler in 1985 and I had been

>> in some very

>> stressful management and consulting positions which all

>> added to the CFS

>> diagnosis. I became disabled and began to work my way

>> back to an

>> acceptable level of health. I was beginning to feel pretty

>> good and was

>> getting some of my capabilities back and broke my back

>> again in 1997.

>> By 1998, I was going bankrupt, owing $70,000 in credit card

>> debt

>> alone. I had some real estate but was going to have to

>> sell

>> everything. Once again, I went to God in Prayer and he

>> answered. He

>> made available to me some real estate and I bought it. No

>> money down,

>> credit going bad, etc. I told God I needed a dozer to

>> build roads,

>> gravel to put on the roads, etc. I had no cash. God

>> provided

>> everything. I built a development, held on to my other

>> real estate,

>> paid off my credit card debt and built a retirement

>> account. I had

>> promised God I would answer his call for whatever he had in

>> mind for me.


>> On Jan. 5, after deciding it would be impossible for me to

>> open up a

>> HBOT clinic and totally giving up the idea, I had a dream.

>> It was in

>> technicolor and so real I woke up with my heart racing.

>> Judy got up and

>> was leaving to go to help care for my grandson, Garrett.

>> As she was

>> leaving, I told her I was going to open a HBOT clinic.

>> She smiled,

>> knowing I had already tried and could not get it done.

>> My dream had

>> shown me a HBOT clinic next to my home with a multiplace

>> chamber. I

>> saw that chamber as clear as day. I went to the computer

>> and did an

>> internet search for a used hyperbaric chamber (which I had

>> done before

>> without success). I popped up on the screen as clear as

>> day, in

>> technicolor, the same chamber I had seen in my dream. In

>> 3 hours I had

>> it bought. A used 13 foot long chamber used by the coast

>> guard. It

>> was located in Chicago and I committed to it without giving

>> it a second

>> choice. In a little over 3 months, we began providing

>> hbot. We had

>> volunteers and prayer warriors helping us and we were on

>> the way. I

>> actually got phone calls from certain individuals,

>> including one doctor,

>> telling me if I did not raise my prices in line with

>> theres, I would be

>> closed down. I had inspectors come to my doors on several

>> occasions

>> saying I had been reported and they would leave telling me

>> everything

>> was in order. We continued to operate but I almost went

>> broke again in

>> my first year because I was giving away more than I had.

>> We turned

>> into a cooperative and began studying our budget and

>> treating barely

>> above costs so we could keep our doors open. I

>> originally began as a

>> registered non profit in NC but the bank told me I would

>> have to back it

>> and they would not loan money to a non profit unless it had

>> at least a 2

>> year track record. I had to borrow money to get it open

>> because I

>> used all the profits from the development along with my

>> retirement funds

>> and still had to do an equity loan on my home not knowing

>> if I would get

>> my doors open or not. But I did, because we put it in

>> God's hands. It

>> is still in God's hands and we have done over 16,000

>> treatments without

>> a single incident.


>> A parent made a comment when her child took his first steps

>> that it was

>> a Miracle in the mountains. We were then nicknamed

>> " Miracle Mountain " .


>> That's how that all came about and it should explain my

>> faith in the

>> Power of God.


>> Before I continue, I am going to begin sharing my files

>> with you in

>> Chapter 2. We are going to look at the Canadian study and

>> the

>> confusion behind it and I am going to ask others who have

>> info to help

>> me out. At one time the word among the professionals were

>> the

>> improvements were not the same a few months post trial and

>> that the 2

>> groups were not the same, the more serious were in the

>> group receiving

>> oxygen, etc. Help me trace down the source of this info.

>> I may have it

>> in the hundreds of files I have but it would much easier if

>> someone

>> could provide it for me.


>> I will conclude by saying I have never been against mild

>> chambers, but

>> the methods of marketing along with the unsafe use of

>> oxygen. I still

>> stand on that premise but it is time to get to the bottom

>> of a lot to

>> see if it is fact or myth, legend, etc.


>> Hartsoe


>> ------------


>> You can also learn more about HBOT by going to the manual

>> at www.hbotmanual. at

>> and you can find a list of providers at

>> www.hbotproviders. ww


>> Please join the HBOTech group, HBOTechnology located at

>> _http://groups.http://grohttp://groups_

> (HBOTech) and you can get

>> questions answered with no chit chat or bashing. Strictly

>> a Q & A forum with an archive for quick reference


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