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by Janine , investigative journalist.

They started with the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR). One of the first

speakers on it was Dr Arifa Khan from the top American government health and

safety organization, the Food and Drugs Agency (FDA), and what she had to report

was very troubling.

She commenced: 'Today I would like to present an update on the reverse

transcriptase [RT] activity that is present in chicken cell derived vaccines.'

My attention was immediately grabbed. I knew that the mumps and measles

components of the MMR vaccine are grown in fertilised chicken eggs, as are also

the Flu and Yellow Fever vaccines. The rubella virus for MMR is produced

differently - in artificially grown cells taken originally from an aborted human


Dr, Khan explained she was reporting the result of a just concluded and

little-known two-year investigation into the safety of MMR headed by the World

Health Organisation. She explained that this study was initiated in 1996 after

the discovery in MMR of RT. an enzyme linked to retroviruses as well as cells.

In the back corridors of virology this had immediately caused alarm as some

retroviruses were thought to cause cancers - as well as AIDS - for HIV is said

to be a retrovirus. WHO had then quietly organised MMR safety studies at various

laboratories to see 'whether this RT activity was associated with a retroviral

particle, and even more importantly, whether this retrovirus particle could

infect and replicate in human cells.'

What they then discovered confirmed their worse fears. Dr Khan continued: 'The

RT activity is found to be associated with retroviral particles of two distinct

avian endogenous retroviral families designated as EAV and ALV.' Now ALV stands

for Avian Leukosis Virus. It is associated with a cancer found in wild birds, so

definitely was not wanted in the vaccines. Khan added that they had found

another possible danger; 'There was a theoretical possibility that the virus

could . infect the [human] cell' thus integrating its genetic code 'into the

human DNA' and cause cancer. The only reassurance she could give was that her

team had watched vaccine cultures for a full '48 hours', and, in that time

period, no merger of viral and human DNA had been observed. I thought this far

too short a period to guarantee safety - but read on.

Dr Khan then warned; 'there is a possibility that there could also be

potentialpseudotypes (between) . the measles vaccine virus and the retroviral

sequences' - meaning there was a risk that bird viruses might combine with the

measles virus in the vaccine to create new dangerous mutant viruses, They had

not seen it happen, but it could happen.

She acknowledged much longer term studies were needed than 48 hours, but

acknowledged that such studies of measles vaccine cultures were very difficult:

'because the measles vaccine virus itself lyses [kills] the culture in about

three to four days.' This had prevented them from looking to see what might be

the consequences from longer-term contamination in the vaccinated.

So far, she added, they had only managed to analyse a small part of the

retrovirus contamination in the vaccines. 'Our ongoing studies are directed

towards doing similar analysis' of other retroviral genetic codes found in the

vaccine preparations.' It seemed they had found only part of these virus's

genetic codes. And she added that she had learnt, 'about 20 years ago similar RT

activity was reported' in the vaccine. Apparently at that time nothing had been

done about it, and the public were not told. She concluded by explaining what

the World Health Organisation (WHO) had decided to do about this chicken

leucosis virus (ALV) contamination. It would take the risk of quietly allowing

MMR vaccine production to continue in retrovirus contaminated eggs, because;

'You cannot get ALV free flocks in places where you are making yellow fever


Dr , head of the DNA Virus Laboratory in the Division of Viral

Products, then warned. 'All the egg-based vaccines are contaminated' including

'influenza, yellow fever and smallpox vaccines, as well as the vaccine for

horses against encephalomyelitis virus' for 'these fertilised chicken eggs were

susceptible to a wide variety of viruses.' .....

The latest information I could find about the retroviral contamination of the

MMR vaccine is in a 2001 scientific paper. This reported some 100 MMR recipients

were tested to see if they possessed antibodies against two types of

retroviruses identified by Dr Khan and others. When the selected antibody was

not found, this interpreted as meaning that these children had not been

infected. But the authors went on to say: 'The finding of RT activity in all

measles vaccine lots from different manufacturers tested suggests that this

occurrence is not sporadic and that vaccine recipients may be universally

exposed to these [chicken] retroviral particles'. (4,5,7,14). They then

concluded: 'Despite these reassuring data, the presence of avian retroviral

particles in chick embryo fibroblast-derived vaccines [like MMR] raises

questions about the suitability of primary chicken cell substrates for vaccine

production.' They thus recommended considering stopping production in

fertilized eggs, and growing the vaccine viruses instead on 'RT-negative cells

from different species, such as on immortalized [cancerous] or diploid

[laboratory grown] mammalian cells.' .....

All the largest public health institutions in the Western World were at this

workshop, including the World Health Organisation whose representative

co-chaired it. The UK government's vaccine safety organisations had a top-level

representative in Dr Philip Minor. No press apparently were present - but the

importance of the meeting meant that it was taped to ensure an accurate record.

Dr Bill Egan, the Acting Director of the Office of Vaccines at the Center for

Biologics opened the meeting thus.'I think we need to remind ourselves that

viruses can propagate only in live cells, and this of course holds true for

whole viral vaccines. They can only be produced in cells [substrates]. We have

only to think back to the finding of SV40 in poliovirus vaccines to realize the

extent of the risk that any cell substrate may pose, and there is still great

need for concern. we have been given the task of identifying these concerns.'

The scientists present then told of viral and DNA genetic code fragments, as

well as proteins,that contaminate the vaccines. They mentioned particularly

their worry that among these might be dangerous prions or oncogenes.

Other vaccines had been found contaminated with monkey viruses. Dr

of the FDA reported: 'humans were immunized with adenovirus vaccines that

contained adenovirus-SV40 hybrid viruses.' In other words, a brand-new

monkey-human mutant virus had been created in the vaccine. Dr. Ben Berkhout

exclaimed at hearing this: 'That's the one I would like to focus on today, Is

[there a danger of] the potential reversion of an attenuated vaccine strain to a

virus variant that can replicate fast and can potentially cause AIDS?'

This was a startling question. Could the viruses in our most common childhood

vaccines be so affected by contaminating DNA that the vaccines would give our

children AIDS? Were such mutation events rare? Apparently they were not.

Another doctor stated. 'Recombination among a variety of viruses and cells

co-infected in tissue culture is not uncommon. This is an issue that certainly

will need further consideration.' In other words, vaccine incubators cause virus

mutation. The next speaker dealt with the 'foreign cellular DNA' they had found

to contaminate our childhood vaccines. Dr of the CDER and FDA

worried that this might well include 'viral oncogenes' - in other words, it

might cause cancer.

but none of this was to be made public, and until now it has remained secret...!

some references....

VIC (Vaccine Injury Coalition)

Autism is 1 in 67 children today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic!

Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!

For more information visit www.vacinfo.org or call 800-939-8227

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Thank you for posting chapter 7 of the book " Fear of the Invisible "

Now I won't waste my money on all that unintelligible mumbo jumbo.



From: VIC <VIC@...>


Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 11:12:07 AM


http://www.sparks- of-light. org

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by Janine , investigative journalist.

They started with the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR). One of the first

speakers on it was Dr Arifa Khan from the top American government health and

safety organization, the Food and Drugs Agency (FDA), and what she had to report

was very troubling.

She commenced: 'Today I would like to present an update on the reverse

transcriptase [RT] activity that is present in chicken cell derived vaccines.'

My attention was immediately grabbed. I knew that the mumps and measles

components of the MMR vaccine are grown in fertilised chicken eggs, as are also

the Flu and Yellow Fever vaccines. The rubella virus for MMR is produced

differently - in artificially grown cells taken originally from an aborted human


Dr, Khan explained she was reporting the result of a just concluded and

little-known two-year investigation into the safety of MMR headed by the World

Health Organisation. She explained that this study was initiated in 1996 after

the discovery in MMR of RT. an enzyme linked to retroviruses as well as cells.

In the back corridors of virology this had immediately caused alarm as some

retroviruses were thought to cause cancers - as well as AIDS - for HIV is said

to be a retrovirus. WHO had then quietly organised MMR safety studies at various

laboratories to see 'whether this RT activity was associated with a retroviral

particle, and even more importantly, whether this retrovirus particle could

infect and replicate in human cells.'

What they then discovered confirmed their worse fears. Dr Khan continued: 'The

RT activity is found to be associated with retroviral particles of two distinct

avian endogenous retroviral families designated as EAV and ALV.' Now ALV stands

for Avian Leukosis Virus. It is associated with a cancer found in wild birds, so

definitely was not wanted in the vaccines. Khan added that they had found

another possible danger; 'There was a theoretical possibility that the virus

could . infect the [human] cell' thus integrating its genetic code 'into the

human DNA' and cause cancer. The only reassurance she could give was that her

team had watched vaccine cultures for a full '48 hours', and, in that time

period, no merger of viral and human DNA had been observed. I thought this far

too short a period to guarantee safety - but read on.

Dr Khan then warned; 'there is a possibility that there could also be

potentialpseudotype s (between) . the measles vaccine virus and the retroviral

sequences' - meaning there was a risk that bird viruses might combine with the

measles virus in the vaccine to create new dangerous mutant viruses, They had

not seen it happen, but it could happen.

She acknowledged much longer term studies were needed than 48 hours, but

acknowledged that such studies of measles vaccine cultures were very difficult:

'because the measles vaccine virus itself lyses [kills] the culture in about

three to four days.' This had prevented them from looking to see what might be

the consequences from longer-term contamination in the vaccinated.

So far, she added, they had only managed to analyse a small part of the

retrovirus contamination in the vaccines. 'Our ongoing studies are directed

towards doing similar analysis' of other retroviral genetic codes found in the

vaccine preparations. ' It seemed they had found only part of these virus's

genetic codes. And she added that she had learnt, 'about 20 years ago similar RT

activity was reported' in the vaccine. Apparently at that time nothing had been

done about it, and the public were not told. She concluded by explaining what

the World Health Organisation (WHO) had decided to do about this chicken

leucosis virus (ALV) contamination. It would take the risk of quietly allowing

MMR vaccine production to continue in retrovirus contaminated eggs, because;

'You cannot get ALV free flocks in places where you are making yellow fever


Dr , head of the DNA Virus Laboratory in the Division of Viral

Products, then warned. 'All the egg-based vaccines are contaminated' including

'influenza, yellow fever and smallpox vaccines, as well as the vaccine for

horses against encephalomyelitis virus' for 'these fertilised chicken eggs were

susceptible to a wide variety of viruses.' .....

The latest information I could find about the retroviral contamination of the

MMR vaccine is in a 2001 scientific paper. This reported some 100 MMR recipients

were tested to see if they possessed antibodies against two types of

retroviruses identified by Dr Khan and others. When the selected antibody was

not found, this interpreted as meaning that these children had not been

infected. But the authors went on to say: 'The finding of RT activity in all

measles vaccine lots from different manufacturers tested suggests that this

occurrence is not sporadic and that vaccine recipients may be universally

exposed to these [chicken] retroviral particles'. (4,5,7,14). They then

concluded: 'Despite these reassuring data, the presence of avian retroviral

particles in chick embryo fibroblast-derived vaccines [like MMR] raises

questions about the suitability of primary chicken cell substrates for vaccine

production.' They thus recommended considering stopping

production in fertilized eggs, and growing the vaccine viruses instead on

'RT-negative cells from different species, such as on immortalized [cancerous]

or diploid [laboratory grown] mammalian cells.' .....

All the largest public health institutions in the Western World were at this

workshop, including the World Health Organisation whose representative

co-chaired it. The UK government's vaccine safety organisations had a top-level

representative in Dr Philip Minor. No press apparently were present - but the

importance of the meeting meant that it was taped to ensure an accurate record.

Dr Bill Egan, the Acting Director of the Office of Vaccines at the Center for

Biologics opened the meeting thus.'I think we need to remind ourselves that

viruses can propagate only in live cells, and this of course holds true for

whole viral vaccines. They can only be produced in cells [substrates] . We have

only to think back to the finding of SV40 in poliovirus vaccines to realize the

extent of the risk that any cell substrate may pose, and there is still great

need for concern. we have been given the task of identifying these concerns.'

The scientists present then told of viral and DNA genetic code fragments, as

well as proteins,that contaminate the vaccines. They mentioned particularly

their worry that among these might be dangerous prions or oncogenes.

Other vaccines had been found contaminated with monkey viruses. Dr

of the FDA reported: 'humans were immunized with adenovirus vaccines that

contained adenovirus-SV40 hybrid viruses.' In other words, a brand-new

monkey-human mutant virus had been created in the vaccine. Dr. Ben Berkhout

exclaimed at hearing this: 'That's the one I would like to focus on today, Is

[there a danger of] the potential reversion of an attenuated vaccine strain to a

virus variant that can replicate fast and can potentially cause AIDS?'

This was a startling question. Could the viruses in our most common childhood

vaccines be so affected by contaminating DNA that the vaccines would give our

children AIDS? Were such mutation events rare? Apparently they were not. Another

doctor stated. 'Recombination among a variety of viruses and cells co-infected

in tissue culture is not uncommon. This is an issue that certainly will need

further consideration. ' In other words, vaccine incubators cause virus

mutation. The next speaker dealt with the 'foreign cellular DNA' they had found

to contaminate our childhood vaccines. Dr of the CDER and FDA

worried that this might well include 'viral oncogenes' - in other words, it

might cause cancer.

but none of this was to be made public, and until now it has remained secret...!

some references.. ..

VIC (Vaccine Injury Coalition)

Autism is 1 in 67 children today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic!

Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!

For more information visit www.vacinfo. org or call 800-939-8227

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