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Hi Everyone!

This is a fairly long but interesting health history of a woman with

hyperthyroidism who is now living in Germany (military husband). I think it's

worth your reading and will be very instructive once she starts taking


Hi ,

I read both your e-mails with much interest. As I metioned before I have been

fighting health problems for quite some time. My story is a long one with the

use of many alternative methods of treatment each of them giving me a bit more

health, but never complete health. I think that you are most interest in the

hyperthyroid part of my situation so let me summarize the six years leading up

to my diagnoisis of Graves disease by highlighting some of the methods that I

have tried. Chiropractic, Accupuncture, Accupresser, Colonics, Massage,

Amalgam removal, food rotation, chelation, Live Cell Therapy, homeopathic,

naturpathic, iridology, vitamins, herbs, injections, spiritual healing, hair

analysis... This is by no means an exhaustive list merely an indication of

where I've been.

In June of 1994 having not had my period for two months I went to a doctor to

discover the reason for this since my periods had always been regular. Since

I had had two previous surgeries for endometriosis I figured that was where my

problem lie. The nurse practitioner could not find any reason for my problem

and was ready to send me on my way when I mentioned that I had been told that

I was low thyroid. Mind you all my previous blood test all came back as

normal thyroid function, but my Naturopath and Homeopath seemed to think that

I was low thyroid. Upon hearing this the nurse drew blood and the results

came back indicating hyperthyroid. Since she was a nurse practitioner and not

a doctor she could tell me nothing about hyperthyroid except that I should

talk to an endocronologist. Having had numerous unpleasant experiences with

traditional doctors and not knowing anything about hyperthyroid an

additionally being unemployed I ignored the test results.

Up to this point my only symptoms were profuse sweating, shaking, rapid heart

beat and trouble breathing up excertion. Sounds like a lot, but for someone

who had been dealing with my health issues I felt like I was in great shape.

My period returned to normal so I forgot about the whole thing until November.

In November I started out with flu type symptoms that never went away. I was

weak, had a sore throat, I had diarhea, the sweats, an incredible appetite,

brain fog, the shakes, crying spell, trouble climbing stairs and a racing

heart. I was in bed for nearly four weeks and final went to a doctor.

Naturally she didn't find anything wrong with me until I mentioned my thyroid

at which point she took my pulse and discovered that it was 140 plus beats per

minute resting! She then started piecing things together and even had her

nurse come in and touch my velvety skin (another sign of hyperthyroidism). I

was in big trouble! I was getting married in two weeks which the doctor

suggest that I cancel since I was so sick. I went ahead with the wedding

plans, but she insisted that I cancel the honeymoon fearing that I would go

into cardiac or respiratory arrest and I wouldn't get the care that I would

need in Costa Rica.

That was nearly four years ago and because my husband is in the military we

have moved three times since then which accounts for the ten doctors I've seen

for this condition. I must note that I've had to fight and struggle with each

and every one of them not to do the radio active uptake test or the radio

active iodine irradiation. Early on I was having a discussion with one doctor

about my immune system and autoimmune diseases when he told me that he could

give me AIDS and then I would have no immune system at all to worry about!

All that beacuse I wanted him to merely monitor my thyroid blood levels while

I tried some alternative methods. Needless to say I didn't pay that doctor


Now comes the part that I think you are interested in my methods of treatment.

I tried having a tooth chip in my gum removed that was sitting on my thyroid

meridian. I had the sockets of my once wisdom teeth opened and scraped, I had

chiropactic adjustments, I consulted a homeopath and here is the bonus I

started working on hair analysis. Mind you I didn't do all these at once and

none of the results were drastic. I do want to mention that over of the years

I have gone to health care practitioner after health care practitioner all who

have excellent reputations who believe that they can help me only to throw up

their hands and exclaim I've never had a case like you, I can't help you. I

started the hair analysis and continued for a year on that program. I

improved, but wasn't convinced that it was the regimine I was on. Yesterday I

dug up my reports, which I can make copies and mail to you and here are the

highlights. I showed high levels of aluminum which got higher as I

progressed. My calcium levels were off the scale with magnesium also high.

The following levels were all low, Sodium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese,

zinc, chromium, selenium, and phosphorus.

, I will try your recommended program and let you know of my results. I

am hopeful and skeptical at the same time. You claim that you can feel the

results in 48 hours and that seems overly optomistic. I'm sure you know the

rules of healing, reverse order, last to first, etc.. With all the

supplements that I have taken I can honestly say that I could never point to

one and say with any certainty that this supplement made me feel better. I'm

am not trying to be negative because I do believe that my answer is out there

and it is a simple one. I just want you to understand where I am coming from

so that we can work together. With all that said I look forward to hearing

from you.


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