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HYPERTHYROIDISM GROUP from L. BU007@... Feb. 23,1999


(Warning: Use this list with caution and get advice from your physician

before using these recommended supplements. The recommended amounts of these

nutrients are for experimental purposes only and the potential effects of

these nutrients on your health are unknown. You must be responsible for your

own health and for knowing the consequences of taking these recommended

supplements. I think these are reasonable amounts of these nutrients, but I

am not a physician and do not know your health situation. This list is only

my best guess about what might help these diseases. What has helped me or

another person may cause adverse reactions in you. Consult your own




Research studies show that animals fed low protein and/or low fat diets with

adequate calories will become hyperthyroidic. Low calorie diets with proper

ratios of protein and fat tend to make animals hypothyroidic. In other words,

a diet high in carbohydrates and low in protein and fats will cause an

increased production of thyroid hormones and a feeling of higher energy

levels. However, the increased energy levels and activity without adequate

protein and fat in the diet will cause the body to cannabolize the body's fat

and protein stores and may lead to hyperthyroidism.

Studies also seem to show that liver disease such as cirrhosis or hepatitis

and pancreatic disease such as pancreatitis interfere with protein and fat

digestion and may therefore lead to hyperthyroidism. As of Feb. 23, 1999, I

am studying this to determine how to restore the health of the liver and

pancreas. It appears that a high protein and high fat diet along with

digestive enzymes, PABA, and phosphatidylcholine (along with the other

recommended supplements) may be the best way to heal the liver and pancreas.

I have just begun this part of the investigation, so hopefully I'll know more


Sam Queen, author of the book, Chronic Mercury Toxicity, told me that

autoimmune diseases, such as Grave's disease, are caused by low protein intake

or inadequate protein digestion. I am looking for further information on this

theory also.


There is a possibility that toxic heavy metals play a causative role in

thyroid disease. Several of the group members who have had hair analyses done

have high levels of mercury, aluminum, and other metals and also low

sodium/potassium (Na/K) ratio. It appears that toxic metals may disrupt the

Na/K ratio and thereby interfere with cellular absorption of essential

nutrients. This hypothesis is also under investigation.

Sam Queen states that toxic metals are excreted from the body along with bile

which is produced in the liver. Sufficient dietary fat is essential for bile

production. He states that dairy fat works better than fat found in meat and

recommends the consumption of 2-4 ounces of butter a day. I think that 4-6

ounces of high fat cheese such as cheddar would be equivalent.


Thyroid conditions, especially hyperthyroidism, are characterized by serious

nutritional deficiencies. The following list of supplements helped me and

others to recover from hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism and are important to

correct the nutritional deficiencies which seem to cause these thyroid

conditions. All of these nutrients have been shown to be essential for human

life. While hypos may do well by selecting a good multiple vitamin/mineral

supplement and adding to it as necessary, hypers have found it necessary to

obtain these supplements singly so that the ratios can be changed as needed

and so that certain minerals like manganese and iodine can be avoided until

the body can once again tolerate these. This list is not intended as a

" buffet " from which you can pick and choose. I consider each nutrient listed

here important and possibly necessary for improving the thyroid diseases.



(Increases estrogen which suppresses thyroid function.)

HYPERS: 3-6 mg per day.

HYPOS: Probably don't need extra, unless estrogen is low.


(Regulates heart rate and builds bone.)

HYPERS: Take with magnesium, 1:1 ratio to suppress " thyroid

storms. HyperT interferes with calcium metabolism and

promotes osteoporosis, so take at least 1000 mg each of

calcium and magnesium.

HYPOS: Take cal/mag in a 2:1 ratio, as needed, perhaps 600/300 mg.


(Involved in glucose metabolism and insulin production.)

HYPERS: 200 mcg per day.

HYPOS: 400 mcg per day.


(Essential for monoamine oxidase production which degrades hormones after

they have fulfilled their function. Take on full stomach, since it may

produce nausea at first.)

HYPERS: 6-10 mg per day. Copper is the most important mineral

for hyperT, so take copper first.

HYPOS: 0-3 mg per day. Hypos may have excess copper which is

suppressing the thyroid.


(Kelp) (Most essential mineral for thyroid hormone production-

deficiency of iodine and selenium causes goiter, a swelling of the thyroid


HYPERS: Don't take iodine until copper is built up. Once copper

has been supplemented for awhile, test with one kelp tablet. If hyper

symptoms are not increased, gradually increase the kelp up to 6 tablets

per day.

HYPOS: Start with one table per day and build up slowly to 6

tablets per day.


(Works with copper to build hemoglobin, increases body temperature by

increasing cellular oxygen. The strength mineral.)

HYPERS: After copper has been supplemented for a few days, try a

small amount of iron. Gradually increase to 18-36 mg per day. Reduce to

18 mg per day once hyper symptoms subside to avoid iron overload.

HYPOS: Take 18-36 mg per day, then follow instructions above.


(Helps transport minerals and amino acids across cell membranes. Deficiency

may cause the mineral and amino acid deficiencies we see in hyperthyroidism.)

HYPERS: Under study (2-3-99). Avoid for now.

HYPOS: Avoid.


(Essential for thyroid function and appears deficient in both hypos and


(See instructions under calcium.)


(Assists iron metabolism and plays a role in the production of thyroid

hormone. Antagonist of copper and selenium.)

HYPERS: Avoid unless you know you are deficient. Try 5-10 mg to

see if it causes hyper symptoms once you are feeling better. Discontinue

if hyper symptoms are felt.

HYPOS: Take 5-10 mg per day.


(Assists copper utilization)

HYPERS: Take 250-500 mcg per day.

HYPOS: Unknown


(Increases cellular response to T3.)

HYPERS: Unknown

HYPOS: Eat high potassium foods like bananas and potatoes.


(The essential mineral component of 5'-deiodinase enzymes which

convert the prohormone T4 to the cellularly active hormone T3. Selenium

and/or iodine deficiencies cause goiter. Selenium is the most important

mineral to counter the toxic effects of heavy metals. Can be toxic at levels

of about 1000 mcg per day.)

HYPERS: Take 100-200 mcg per day. If you have a known high level of mercury

or other toxic metal, consider taking more.

HYPOS: Take 200-400 mcg of selenium per day. Mercury in silver

amalgam fillings uses up selenium for detoxification. High amounts of

amalgam fillings may require more selenium. Don't take over 600 mcg.

Toxicity has been reported with as low as 1000 mcg per day.


(Supplement known as silica, from the plant horsetail. Assists collagen

formation and seems to have thyroid function. Helps to antagonize aluminum

which may cause copper excretion and hyperthyroidism.)

HYPERS: Take 2 per day. One information source recommends taking rests from

this supplement, like 3 days on, then 2 days off. I've used it every day for

about a year with no negative symptoms.

HYPOS: Same as Hypers.


(Supplement known at MSM--methylsulfanylmethane. Works with copper in

many functions and may get depleted with copper supplementation. Deficiency

causes aches in joints and muscles.)

HYPERS: After copper and iron are built up, start MSM (or when

joints get sore.) Common supplement amounts are 1000-3000 mg.

HYPOS: Take 1000-3000 mg.


(Contains small amounts of all minerals. May be important in

supplying unknown necessary trace elements. Ionized form best, colloidal form

second best. Trace elements can also be obtained from seafoods.)

HYPERS: Supplement with recommended amount unless the iodine,

manganese, or zinc content increase hyper symptoms. If so, take

sporadically. If you can't tolerate this at all, take copper and molybdenum

until copper is built up and then re-try.

HYPOS: Take recommended amount.


(I am still researching this, but vanadium seems to be involved

in thyroid function. High vanadium levels have been found in the hair of

manic/depressives. This means it may be a thryoid stimulant. Available as a

supplement, vanadyl sulfate.)

HYPERS: Avoid. I am pretty sure hypers should never take vanadium.

Whenever I've used it I've had increased hyper symptoms.

HYPOS: Unknown. There are reports that a vanadium deficiency is a part of

diabetes and since many hypothyroidics have either diabetes or hypoglycemia,

it's possible that hypos are deficient. From my experience I feel vanadium

stimulates the thyroid, but I would be very careful with this until more is



(Works with copper, but also may increase thyroid function. This

mechanism is unknown, but zinc may spare selenium because it also detoxifies

heavy metals. May increase progesterone production, which stimulates thyroid

hormone production. The optimum zinc to copper ratio is about 8:1, but hypers

need a lower ratio and hypos a higher ratio. Take on full stomach since it

may cause nausea. Take in morning as it may keep you awake if taken at


HYPERS: After copper and iron are built up some, try a small

amount of zinc. If tolerated take one to five milligrams of zinc per

milligram of copper. If hyper symptoms increase, suspect zinc and reduce

amount taken. Premenopausal women may find it better to supplement zinc

during the first half of the month and use less or no zinc during the

second half.

HYPOS: Take 30-100 mg of zinc to increase thyroid production. If

rapid heart beat is felt at night or early morning, decrease zinc.


A and D

(From fish oil. Usual capsules contain 10,000 IU of A and 400 IU of D. There

is some evidence indicating that excessive amounts of vitamin D, possibly only

the synthetic form added to foods, may be a problem. A study on rats showed

that vitamin A deficiency causes hypothyroidism. Hypos have difficulty

converting beta carotene to vitamin A, so supplement with a preformed vitamin

A, such as from fish oil.)

HYPERS: Take 1 capsule per day. Get adequate amounts of sunshine. Several

hypers have reported benefits from carrot juice. Hypers have an increased

rate of conversion of beta carotene to vitamin A.

HYPOS: 1-3 capsules per day.


(Vitamins usually included in B-complex will be listed separately.

Some people may have to take individual B vitamins, while most may have to

supplement extra B vitamins to the B-complex. It appears that the best way to

get the B vitamins is to take a B-complex supplement (50 mg) with extra biotin

(up to 1000 mcg) and extra PABA (up to 500 mg).

HYPERS: Take one or two 50 mg B-complex per day.

HYPOS: Same as Hypers.

B-1 (Thiamine. Believed essential for copper and sulfur metabolism. Also

appears important for correcting eye involvement in Grave's. Many drugs

including alcohol and tobacco destroy B-1 and I believe this is the mechanism

by which these drugs increase the frequency of Grave's and eye involvement.)

HYPERS: Up to 200 mg or more.

HYPOS: Up to 100 mg or more or taken in B-complex.

B-2 (Riboflavin. Believed essential for copper metabolism. Feelings of eye

irritation or the sensation of grit under the eyelids indicates B-2


HYPERS: 100-200 mg.

HYPOS: 100 mg or taken in B-complex.

B-3 (Niacin. Niacinamide is in most multiples. Niacin is a serotonin

precursor, which

calms and counters the catecholamine hormones which produce feelings of fear

and anxiety. Niacin may be better than niacinamide but causes flushing and

requires adaptation. Take on a full stomach and start with 25 mg to keep

flushing at a minimum.)

HYPERS: Take 100-200 mg a day.

HYPOS: Unknown.

B-5 (Pantothenic Acid. May be involved in the thyroid. Important for adrenal


HYPERS: 100-300 mg.

HYPOS: 100-200 mg.

B-6 (Pyridoxine. Essential for zinc deficiency. If you feel pain in the

wrist--carpal tunnel syndrome--take extra B-6 and zinc.)

HYPERS: Take 50-100 mg only.

HYPOS: Take 100-200 mg.

B-12 (Contains cobalt. Facilitates iron metabolism and for treatment of

anemia. May deplete iron if taken without iron.)

HYPERS: Probably don't need extra B-12. Amount in B-complex is


HYPOS: May be deficient. Check levels and supplement if



(Essential for metabolism of branched chain amino acids.)

HYPERS: Take 500-1000 mcg per day. Amount in B-complex is inadequate.

HYPOS: Same as Hypers.


(May have thyroid functions.)

HYPERS: 400 mcg per day.

HYPOS: 400 mcg per day.


(Now under study, but appears to have very wide-ranging benefits for thyroid

diseases and for many diseases associated with thyroid diseases. Seems to be

a key vitamin that enables copper to be utilized properly. Reports state that

excessive amounts may cause nausea, diarrhea, or skin rash, but we don't know

if these symptoms will occur if PABA is taken with an adequate amount of

copper. So consider this in experimental phase and be careful.)

HYPERS: Take 200-500 mg per day. Take in proportion to the copper you are


HYPOS: Take 200 mg a day.


(Many endocrine functions.)

HYPERS: Take 500-1000 mg per day. Amounts over 2000 mg per day may

interfer with copper absorption.

HYPOS: 1000-3000 mg per day.


(See vitamin A.)


(Assists estrogen production, works with selenium, and has other thyroid

functions. If you've never taken E before, start with 100 IU and work up


HYPERS: 400 IU per day. Not more.

HYPOS: 400 IU per day.


(Works with boron to increase estrogen production. Made in the intestines.

Take yogurt occasionally to assist production.)


(Still researching. Works with copper.)



(Precursor to the thyroid hormones and the catecholamines.)

HYPERS: Don't supplement.

HYPOS: Take 500 mg per day.

PHENYLALANINE (Precursor to tyrosine.)

HYPERS: Don't supplement.

HYPOS: Still researching.


(Precursor to niacin and serotonin. Serotonin is the

inhibitory(calming) hormone which counters the catecholamines (stimulating


which produce anxiety and fear.) High intake reduces the uptake of tyrosine.

Unavailable except through a doctor's prescription.)

HYPERS: May be beneficial.

HYPOS: Probably not necessary.


(Leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Compete with tyrosine for absorption, so

increasing BCAAs may decrease tyrosine absorption and thereby decrease

production of the thyroid and catecholamine hormones.)

HYPERS: Beneficial, especially for exercise, sports, and body building.

Does not seem to cause hyper symptoms like other protein supplements.

HYPOS: Unknown.


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