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bee pollen

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To all,

Below is a post from the graves_support list that caught my attention. The

woman who wrote the post has offered what I've judged as very reliable

information in the past, although I'm always leery of something without sources.

But I knew about bee pollen before reading this, so it caught my eye. Shortly

after this post appeared, the posts supporting bee pollen for TED showed up

which is hwat led me to giving it a shot. As always, read and come to your own



Bee pollen is considered one of nature's most completely nourishing foods.

It contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. 40% of it, is protein,

half of which are in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be sued

directly by the body. It's also rich in vitamins, including B-complex, and

folic acid, and is densely packed with live enzymes

It cannot be synthesized in a laboratory. When researchers take away a bee's

pollen-filled comb and feed her manmade pollen, the bee dies even though all

the known nutrients are present in the lab-produced synthesized food.

Bee pollen is more rich in proteins than any animal source. It contains more

amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese of equal weight. Bee pollen is a

complete food and contains many elements that products of animal origin do

not possess.

It is particularly concentrated in all elements necessary for life.

Bee-pollen is considered an energy and nutritive tonic in Chinese medicine.

Researchers at the Institute of Apiculture, Taranov, Russia, have reported:

" Honeybee pollen is the richest source of vitamins found in Nature in a

single food. Even if bee pollen had none of its other vital ingredients, its

content of rutin alone would justify taking at least a teaspoon daily, if

for no other reason than strengthening the capillaries. Pollen is extremely

rich in rutin and may have the highest content of any source, plus it

provides a high content of the nucleics RNA [ribonucleic acid] and DNA

[deoxyribonucleic acid]. "

Medical properties:

Experiments have shown bee pollen contains an antibiotic factor effective

against salmonella and some strains of bacteria.

Studies have shown that a regulatory effect on intestinal function can be

attributed to bee pollen. The presence of a high proportion of cellulose and

fiber in pollen, as well as the existence of antibiotic factors, all

contribute to an explanation for this efficacious effect.

Working with lab animals has demonstrated that the ingestion of bee pollen

has a good effect on the composition of blood. A considerable and

simultaneous increase of both white and red blood cells is observed. When

bee pollen is given to anemic patients, their levels of hemoglobin

[oxygen-carrying red blood cells] increase considerably.

It is reported that bee pollen in the diet acts to normalize cholesterol and

triglyceride levels in the blood: Upon the regular ingestion of bee pollen,

a reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides was observed. High-density

lipoproteins (HDL) increased, while low-density lipoproteins (LDL)

decreased. A normalization of blood serum cholesterol levels is also seen.

An article published on 1948 by of the Bureau of

Entomology, Agriculture Research Administration, U.S., entitled " Delay in

the Appearance of Palpable Mammary Tumors in C3H Mice Following the

Ingestion of PolIenized Food " , indicates how Dr. started with mice

that had been specially bred to develop and subsequently die from tumors. He

explains, " The age at which mice of this strain developed tumors ranged from

18 to 57 weeks, with an average appearance at 33 weeks. Tumor incidence was

100 percent. One group of mice was fed mice chow only; another group was fed

mice chow with the addition of bee pollen at a ratio of 1 part bee pollen to

10,000 parts food " .

" Particular attention was given to the weight of the treated animals, since

underweight can in itself bring about a delay in tumor development. No

decrease in weight occurred in the animals receiving the pollenized food.

Instead, a slight but fairly uniform increase was noted, possibly due to a

nutritional factor in pollen " .

Summary shows these results: " In the untreated mice [the mice not given bee

pollen], mammary tumors appeared as expected at an average of 31.3 weeks.

Tumor incidence was 100 percent. In the postponement series, [the mice given

bee pollen], the average [onset of tumors] was 41.1 weeks, a delay of 9.8

weeks being obtained. Seven mice in this series were still tumor-free at 56

to 62 weeks of age, when the tests were terminated. I would like to

emphasize that these mice were especially bred to die from cancerous tumors.

Without the protection of bee pollen in their food, the mice developed

tumors and died right on schedule " .

At the University of Vienna, Dr. Hernuss et al.conducted a study of

twenty-five women suffering from inoperable uterine cancer treated with

chemotherapy. The women given bee pollen with their food quickly exhibited a

higher concentration of cancer-fighting immune-system cells, increased

antibody production, and a markedly improved level of infection-fighting and

oxygen carrying red blood cells (hemoglobin).

These women suffered less from the awful side effects of chemotherapy as

well. Bee pollen lessened the terrible nausea that commonly accompanies the

treatment and helped keep hair loss to a minimum. The women also slept

better at night. The control group receiving a placebo did not experience

comparable relief.

A report from the Agronomic Institute, Faculty of Zootechnics, Romania,

showed the immune-strengthening effects of bee pollen. According to the

report, " Comparative Studies Concerning Biochemical Characteristics of

Beebread as Related to the Pollen Preserved in Honey " by Drs. E. Palos, Z.

Voiculescu, and C. Andrei, " An increase has been recorded in the level of

blood lymphocytes, gamma globulins, and proteins in those subjects given

pollen in comparison with control groups. The most significant difference

occurred in lymphocytes. These results thus signify a strengthening in the

resistance of the organic system. "

Bee-pollen stimulates ovarian function. The best results were obtained with

a pollen supplementation of 2 parts per 100 in the ration, and with the

substitution of animal proteins with pollen in a proportion of 5 parts per

100. The intensity of ovulation increased.

Parallel to this increase in ovulation, pollen also improves the ability of

eggs to withstand the incubation period. The best results were obtained with

a quantity of 4 parts per 100 of pollen added to the ration, resulting in an

increase in the percentage of eggs in respect to the control group. The

application of pollen is recommended whenever the end result is obtaining

eggs for reproduction.

Bee-pollen is also a remedy for allergies. However it must be taken at least

six weeks before the season begins and then continued throughout the season

if it going to work.

Bee pollen has been effectively used down through the ages to rid allergy

sufferers of their afflictions. This technique, called desensitization, was

developed at St. 's Hospital Medical School in London soon after the

turn of the century. The treatment consists of administering small amounts

of the allergen to stimulate the patient's own immune system to produce

antibodies that will eliminate the allergic reaction. It works rather like a

vaccination does against childhood diseases. Desensitization is based on the

premise that the administration of the allergen will cause the body to

produce antibodies that will cancel out the effects of the offending

substance when the patient is again exposed to it.

Leo Conway, M.D., of Denver Colorado, treated his patients with pollen. He

reported: " All patients who had taken the antigen [pollen] for three years

remained free from all allergy symptoms, no matter where they lived and

regardless of diet. Control has been achieved in 100 percent of my earlier

cases and the field is ever-expanding. Since oral feeding of pollen for this

use was first perfected in his laboratory, astounding results were obtained.

No ill consequences have resulted. Ninety-four percent of all his patients

were completely free from allergy symptoms. Of the other six percent, not

one followed directions, but even this small percentage were nonetheless

partially relieved " .

Relief of hay fever, pollen-induced asthma, with ever increasing control of

bronchitis, ulcers of the digestive tract, colitis, migraine headaches, and

urinary disorders were all totally successful.

The British Sports Council recorded increases in strength of as high as 40

to 50 percent in those taking bee pollen regularly. Even more astounding,

the British Royal Society has reported height increases in adults who take

pollen. Antii Lananaki, coach of the Finnish track team that swept the

Olympics in 1972, revealed, " Most of our athletes take pollen food

supplements. Our studies show it significantly improves their performance.

There have been no negative results since we have been supplying pollen to

our athletes. "

Woodly, then executive director of the prestigious Education Athletic

Club in Philadelphia, said, " Bee pollen works, and it works perfectly.

Pollen allows super-stars to increase their strength and stamina up to 25

percent. This increase in strength and endurance may be the key to the

secret regenerative power of bee pollen. Bee pollen causes a definite

decrease in pulse rate. The whole beauty of bee pollen is that it's as

natural as you can get. No chemicals. No steroids. "

Renowned German naturalist Francis Huber was a great proponent of this

miraculous food from the hive. Huber called bee pollen " the greatest body

builder on Earth. "

Bee pollen works wonders in a weight-control or weight-stabilization regimen

by correcting a possible chemical imbalance in body metabolism that may be

involved in either abnormal weight gain or loss. The normalizing and

stabilizing effects of this perfect food from the bees are phenomenal.

In weight-loss programs, bee pollen stimulates the metabolic processes. It

speeds caloric burn by lighting and stoking the metabolic fires. Honeybee

pollen is coming to be recognized as Nature's true weight-loss food. Bee

pollen is a low-calorie food. It contains only ninety calories per ounce.

(An ounce is about two heaping tablespoons.) It offers 15 percent lecithin

by volume. Lecithin is a substance that helps dissolve and flush fat from

the body. This is one reason why bee pollen lowers low-density lipoproteins

(LDL) surer and faster than any other food while helping increase the

helpful high-density lipoproteins (HDL), which science says protect against

cholesterol and heart disease.

By boosting the value of each nutrient present in the food you eat, bee

pollen also eliminates cravings. Its natural phenylalanine content acts as

an appetite suppressant. Phenylalanine is a natural amino acid that the body

requires. It acts on your appestat, the control center that signals fullness

and hunger. Mother Nature knows what she's about. You just plain won't want

to eat as much when you take bee pollen regularly. When you are overweight,

phenylalanine exerts a natural appetite suppressant effect. When you need to

gain weight, the phenylalanine in bee pollen works in reverse.

The chemical drug in over-the-counter weight-loss products is a manmade

cousin of phenylalanine called phenylpropanolamine, which chemically

depresses the appetite whether you are fat, thin, or just right. It can also

give you the jitters and leave you with a drug-induced " hangover " and can be

addictive. Phenylpropanolamine is a common ingredient in many decongestants,

explaining why one of the side effects of these products is loss of

appetite. Products that include phenylpropanolamine as an ingredient must by

law carry a warning that they should not be taken by persons with certain

conditions, including thyroid problems and high blood pressure.

Studies have shown that unhealthy or aging skin can be dramatically improved

by the consumption of honeybee pollen.

Dr. Lars- Essen, a dermatologist in Halsinborg, Sweden, pioneered the

use of bee products for skin conditions. He treated many of his patients

successfully for acne. Dr. Essen says, " Through transcutaneous nutrition,

bee pollen exerts a profound biological effect. It seems to prevent

premature aging of the cells and stimulates growth of new skin tissue. It

offers effective protection against dehydration and injects new life into

dry cells. It smooths away wrinkles and stimulates a life-giving blood

supply to all skin cells. The skin becomes younger looking, less vulnerable

to wrinkles, smoother, and healthier with the use of honeybee pollen, " Dr.

Essen says. " Taken internally or used externally, bee pollen exercises a

suppressive effect on facial acne. It is also an important skin rejuvenator,

primarily because it contains a high concentration of the nucleic acids RNA

and DNA as well as a natural antibiotic factor. "

The French, long noted for their preoccupation with all things beautiful,

have done a great deal of research on the use of bee pollen and other hive

products in cosmetic preparations. Dr. M. Esperrois of the French Institute

of Chemistry notes that honeybee pollen contains potent antibiotics that can

act to reverse the effects normal aging exerts on skin, correcting

darkening, wrinkles, and blemishes.

Professors N. Mankovsky and D. G. Chebotarev, two Russian scientists,

confirm honeybee pollen stimulates cell renewal. They say, " The rejuvenation

of skin and body cells can be encouraged by the administration of the

poly-vitamins, microelements, enzymes, hormones, and amino acids present m

bee pollen. These nutrients are needed by the body to form new tissue. "

These professors go on to praise the properties of bee pollen, calling them

" vital to a form of internal and external rejuvenation at the cellular


According to G. Liebold, a holistic physician and psychologist of Karlsruhe,

Germany, " Bee pollen is an excellent prophylaxis and therapeutic treatment

against all the precocious symptoms of old age. It should be considered a

universal geriatric treatment in the form of a natural remedy " .

" Bee pollen causes an increase in physical and mental abilities, especially

of concentration and memory ability, activates sluggish metabolic functions,

and strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This natural

nutriment from the bees removes the causes of cardiovascular symptoms, such

as arteriosclerosis, cerebral insufficiency, and other sequelae. It prevents

nutrient deficiency during old age, gravidity [pregnancy], and the lactation

[nursing] period. Bee pollen accelerates convalescence after serious illness

and/or an operation, increases the body's physical defensive powers of the

immune system stimulates mental and psychological resistance to stress, and

creates a harmonizing of vegetative and hormonal disorders. "

Dr. Nicolai Vasilievich Tsitsin, the USSR's chief biologist (and botanist)

and an acknowledged expert on geriatrics, spent quite a few years pursuing

the secrets of the many in what was the Soviet Union who live

extraordinarily long lives. Dr. Tsitsin was amazed to find more than 200

individuals over 125 years of age, all still working every day and

participating actively in village life. He set himself the task of finding

the common denominator.

He found the answer and concluded his report by saying, " Taken regularly and

in sufficient amounts, bee pollen will prolong the life span of man for many

years. "

Another Russian scientist, Naum Petrovich Ioyrish, chief of the Academy of

July 26, 1997 Vladivostok and author of Bees and People, agrees and in 1975

reported " Long lives are attained by bee pollen users. It is one of the

original treasure houses of nutrition and medicine. Each grain contains

every important substance necessary to life. "

*One teaspoon dose of pollen takes one bee working eight hours a day for one

month to gather. Each bee pollen pellet, contains over two million flower

pollen grains and one teaspoonful contains over 2.5 billion grains of flower



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