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Re: Thinking about Blood Diets. . . .

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To find out your blood type, you may have to call your doctor and request

that she orders the lab test . . . the other route is to donate blood to the

American Red Cross and ask them to tell you what blood type you are. I know

someone who did that and they were happy to call her a few days after she

donated blood and tell her. I don't know if this was just the

thoughtfulness of one person or if they'll do it routinely. I found out by

contacting the doctor who delivered my babies. Her office keeps records of

maternal blood types. I think it's standard practice to determine a

pregnant woman's blood type? I'm not sure.

The book " Eat For Your Blood Type " is pretty provocative and makes a lot of

sense. However, I can't help but wonder if this is as silly as the

grapefruit diet or other fad of the moment (even though I AM eating this

way). One chapter of the dissertation I'm writing dips into the history of

American fat and diet fads!!! So I spent a while reading about the

evolution of our compulsion toward thinness and how different diets in the

late 19th and early twentieth centuries were said to cure all, slim all. I

know that we're still in this trend as a culture, so it's always difficult

for me to ascertain if something is legitimate science and will hold true

over the long haul, OR if it will belong to the archives of diet history, as

many do. Anybody have any thoughts on the blood type diet? ?

Re: Blood Type Diet


> How do you go about knowing what your blood type is without giving blood.


> have tried to get it done when I go for my thyroid blood test but the lab

> wont do it unless the Dr. orders it and they wont do it just to know your

> blood type. Can I go anywhere else? I even told the lab I would pay for


> myself. Dina

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