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Re: Digest Number 1751

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TO ALL, It is difficult to find an attorney that will go by assignment,

especially these days, at least that was my experience & over 12 yrs

ago, but i was so angry I didn't care how much they charged. I felt

like I was about to loose eveything anyway. Then it was a 2 yr time

frame statute here. So to all the

ducks who have laughed and have taken our illness & our life so lightly,

even though the jury still thought ducks were gods, I saw him sweat,

cause he knew he did harm, he did wrong!


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Viktor Bouquette, MD

1201 Peachtree St.

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Atlanta, GA 30361



-----Original Message-----


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Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 10:16 AM

Subject: [] Digest Number 1751


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There are 20 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: " erik_johnson_96140 " <erikj6@...>

2. Fwd: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: Gingersnap1964@...

3. Re: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: Gingersnap1964@...

4. (no subject)

From: MLMJ75@...

5. Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

6. Re: (no subject)

From: Gingersnap1964@...

7. Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

8. Re: (no subject)

From: Gingersnap1964@...

9. Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

10. Molds, Mycotoxins, and Human Health- R. Gray

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

11. Re: (no subject)

From: Gingersnap1964@...

12. Re: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: Gingersnap1964@...

13. Re: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: Gingersnap1964@...

14. Re: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: Gingersnap1964@...

15. Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

16. - Congress & Funding

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

17. SARS- Sewage Pipe Leak

From: " bonniescomfortzone " <bonniescomfortzone@...>

18. SARS- Sewage Pipe Leak

From: " bonniescomfortzone " <bonniescomfortzone@...>

19. Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From: " erik_johnson_96140 " <erikj6@...>

20. Re: Ultra Aire APD anyone?

From: " grasshoppers53527 " <keng@...>



Message: 1

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:34:56 -0000

From: " erik_johnson_96140 " <erikj6@...>

Subject: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I'm a graduate of Truckee High School and a survivor of the 1985

Incline Village CFS epidemic described the book " Osler's Web " .

Dr Cheney told me that I was one of only 19 people that had been found

to be EBV negative so they used my blood to demonstrate that CFS was

not CEBV, so in effect, the parameters of CFS is in part based on me.

I never found any therapy that directly addressed my symptoms until I

came up with a strategy of extreme mycotoxin avoidance.

One of my first questions during the Incline Village epidemic was " Why

is mold killing me " but I was told that this was impossible so I

didn't pursue the " mycotoxin connection " until it became apparent that

no one was going research the role of mold in CFS or help me devise an

extreme avoidance protocol.

I proposed this concept when I was sick enough to be " at a point where

most people with CFS commit suicide " and was told that " mold avoidance

won't work and only Ampligen can help you " . I couldn't afford the

Ampligen and went ahead with my strategy of extreme avoidance. Within

six months I had resolved my MCS and CFS symptoms and celebrated my

recovery by climbing Mt Whitney.

I've been mountain climbing, backpacking and mountain biking ever

since with no relapses. I've told my story to hundreds of doctors,

researchers and people in support groups but so far, Dr Ritchie

Shoemaker is the only doctor who understands what I'm talking about.

I've even told my story on this list and had little to no interest.

I recently did a ten day backpacking trip up the Muir trail

camping at up to 12,000 ft altitude. Quite a difference from being

laid up in bed unable to move, and yet the only people who believe me

are those who were there when I proposed this concept and then used it

to recover.

I still don't know what causes CFS but I know that my strategy is the

only therapy that has allowed me to escape symptoms.

My experience is a spectacular demonstration of the mycotoxin

connection to CFS.




Message: 2

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 11:51:23 EDT

From: Gingersnap1964@...

Subject: Fwd: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I was diagnosed years ago with CFS. I was in that moldy government


at the time and didnt corrolate. I also had a miscarriage right there in




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Message: 3

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 12:53:54 EDT

From: Gingersnap1964@...

Subject: Re: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


You are wrong about this list. I have TOTAL interest in your story. I


the mold avoidance as well but seems to be a slow process. I have

started with a

kinesiologist I was impressed by and am taking her homeopathic medicine.


believe as I know someone she treated that was with chemicals, not mold.


says I have a huge toxicity to heavy metals as well.

Anyway, I take GREAT interest and am glad to hear you are so

successful at

beating this. Not all of us are alike, and many have families and deal


other things as well. I STILL fight the government. My work place has


to fire me so I will be on the street. Its hard to just focus on getting


with all this to deal with but I am trying and I read with great

interest and

admiration when I see your posts.


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Message: 4

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 12:57:31 EDT

From: MLMJ75@...

Subject: (no subject)

You can also go to www.mycotoxicosis.com

There are reference made to premature birth and exposure to mycotoxins.


research covers three mycotoxins. I don't remember which mycotoxin, but


through it.

Message: 1

   Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 02:07:24 -0000

   From: " majmja " <majmja@...>

Subject: Stachybotrys and Pregnancy - HELP

I everyone, I'm new here and I have a question.  Can anyone tell me

where I can find information on pregnancy and exposure to

stachybotrys?    I am unable to find anything that might back up a

friend who is in that position.  Any info you can give me would be

great!  Thanks!

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Message: 5

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 19:05:41 -0000

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

Subject: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Thank you . Did you send in your story to Congress?

I have my own theory of why people get sick from toxic mold so I

have been posting data which supports it. (Scientific data which

proves that toxic mold can cause: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Cancer,

MS, CFS..)

Reality is all sickness involves: toxic substance (environment),

genetics (DNA), and therefore the pineal gland which is right behind

your nose. So what happens when people are in a toxic mold

environment?? They get sick.

I do not know who Dr. Shoemaker is but if you would like to post a

website that would be great. I do know I had pages of abnormal blood

work (I did test positive for EBV), pages of abnormal neurological

work, also an abnormal MRI with a cyst in the quadrigeminal (sp?)


I was on cholystramine for a while and took myself off of it because

it was not getting me better. From there I did my own research and

applied my own theories and used alternative medicine to get better.

I have also found a new appreciation for the outdoors. I would love

to go to Yosemite with a camera and hiking shoes and have a ball.

Mold survivors unite for positive changes.



Message: 6

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:08:40 EDT

From: Gingersnap1964@...

Subject: Re: (no subject)

I lost a baby working in a moldy basement in a Federal building. Your


should stay out of that environment. The miscarriage happened right

there at



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Message: 7

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 19:11:59 -0000

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

Subject: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Janet did you send in your story to Congress?

What do you mean you will be out on the street? Are you able to

work? Do you have a resume put together so you can find another job?

There are plently of online organizations which have job ads and you

could mail out your resume without even leaving your house. If you

are interested I can look through my notes and post a couple

websites for you.



Message: 8

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:13:27 EDT

From: Gingersnap1964@...

Subject: Re: (no subject)

I lost a baby working in a moldy basement in a Federal building. Your


should stay out of that environment. The miscarriage happened right

there at



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Message: 9

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 19:18:46 -0000

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

Subject: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Dr. Gray in Arizona is a mold specialist and he would believe you.

He is an excellent doctor and quite thorough. I will post a copy of

his paper.



Message: 10

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 19:20:55 -0000

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

Subject: Molds, Mycotoxins, and Human Health- R. Gray

Molds, Mycotoxins, and Human Health

R. Gray, M. D., M. P. H., C. I. M. E.

There are two hundred thousand different molds and fungi. They have

been present on this planet for 3 billion years, and certainly, many

of us love our bleu cheese. Most molds are quite harmless, aside

from their tendency to induce allergies in those of us who are prone

to develop allergies in the first place.


There truly were good reasons why we are warned in Leviticus: that

if your house be contaminated with plagues, mold and Leprosy, you

should put the contents in the middle of it, and set it aflame. The

spores from Stachybotrys chartarum (a.k.a. atra), a mold capable of

producing some of the most toxic substances known to human-kind, can

survive temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as acid,

caustics, and bleach without being destroyed. Spores from molds

have been removed from 2,000,000-year-old sedimentary rock and grown

when placed on appropriate media. And, every nation that has

developed biological warfare capability, has harvested mycotoxins

from molds, some of which are so toxic that microgram quantities are

capable of killing within twenty-four hours, while being so

completely metabolized that they are undetectable at autopsy.

From 1987 through the present Dr. Gray has developed a reasonably

uniform database on 350 patients with exposures to a variety of

haptogenic (immunologically reactive), xenobiotic (toxic) compounds,

including 75 patients with confirmed exposure to toxigenic

structural molds. These patients have been evaluated in the context

of individual clinical encounters, with the workup including

standardized comprehensive Internal Medicine Database questionnaires

with an extensive Occupational History gathering component,

Environmental History gathering questionnaires, kindly provided by

Grace Ziem, M.D., Dr.P.H., direct interviews, physical examinations,

extensive laboratory testing including complete blood counts with

differentials (CBCs), comprehensive metabolic profiles (CMPs),

arthritis and thyroid profiles, lymphocyte phenotype studies

including total white cell counts, total lymphocyte counts, T-cell

and B-cell counts, T-cell subsets, T-cell activation levels using

both CD26 and HLA-DR markers, evaluation of natural killer cell

counts and functional status, audits for auto antibody production,

anti herpes viral titers, anti volatile organic compound (VOC)

antibody titers, evaluation of stimulated lymphocyte mitogen

response, and pulmonary function testing when indicated,

electrocardiograms and chest x-rays as indicated, neuropsychological

evaluations, quantitative electroencephalograms (QEEGs), and in the

cases in which excessive mold exposure was confirmed by

environmental hygiene evaluations with quantification and

identification of the specific molds present, appropriate audits

were conducted for specific anti mold antibody levels. Excel

spreadsheets were prepared including the laboratory data of the

confirmed mold exposed patients evaluated between 1994 and February

2001. This exercise revealed patterns of abnormalities consistent

with what has been reported in the literature in the last several

centuries relating to the adverse health effects of toxigenic molds

and fungi in man and other species. These include, but are not

limited to, Alimentary toxic aleukia, Dendrodochiotoxicosis, Kashin

Beck disease, 'Usov's disease,' Stachybotryotoxicosis, Cardiac

beriberi, Ergotism, Balkan nephropathy, Reye's syndrome,

hepatocellular carcinoma, Pink Rot, and Onyalai.

Specifically, Dr. Gray's clinical evidence confirmed the presence of

B-cell proliferation, excessive T-cell activation, inhibition of

suppressor cell complement receptor sites, suppression of Natural

Killer Cell populations which are centrally involved in cancer cell

surveillance and destruction, and excessive mitogen suppression,

confirmed by inhibition of stimulated lymphocyte mitosis in the

presence of extracts of pokeweed, concanavillin A (Con-A), and

phytohemagglutinin (PHA) implying the inhibition of immune cell

reproduction, generally considered necessary to mounting a competent

immune response. In short, the immune system is showing signs of

being excessively stimulated by the inhalation of respirable spores,

and simultaneously is being partially inhibited by the effects of

the mycotoxins released by those spores.

In addition, pulmonary function testing (PFTs) confirmed excessive

small airways obstruction, the hallmark of mold induced

hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and a review of the neuropsychological

evaluations, and QEEGs performed on the mold exposed individuals

confirmed the presence of central nervous system impairments

consistent with what is expected based on numerous animal and human

toxicological studies found in the many peer reviewed articles

readily available in the extensive world literature on the toxic

effects of mycotoxins.

Several types of mycotoxins, including trichothecenes, ochratoxins,

patulins, and aflatoxins induce human illnesses, which resemble

radiation sickness and result from the random effects of being

DNA " adduct formers. " Adduct formers are compounds whose molecular

size and configuration allow them to insert themselves randomly into

DNA, and RNA, thus resulting in the inhibition of protein synthesis,

bone marrow suppression, coagulation defects and bleeding disorders

resulting in nasal, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal hemorrhaging,

bleeding into the adrenal glands, uterus, vagina, and the brain.

In addition, many mycotoxins are potently neurotoxic, producing

central nervous system effects including behavioral and cognitive

changes, ataxia, and convulsions. This has been extensively

described in peer-reviewed literature in the early and mid twentieth

century-although this literature is not readily accessible on

computerized databases, such as the Medline, and Toxline search

systems, because these sources often do not include titles before

the 1960's. Nonetheless, mycotoxicosis has clearly been

demonstrated to have been the cause of several major human

epidemics, usually involving ingestion of foods prepared with mold

infested grains and cereals, or from the consumption of livestock

which had been fed mold infested feed. Inhalation and absorption

of mycotoxins have also been clearly demonstrated to be causative of

human illnesses.

Throughout the course of almost thirty years of medical practice,

Dr. Gray has treated hundreds of patient with mold-induced

diseases. Until 1994, most of those patients were people with mold-

related allergies and asthma, and cases of symptomatic

coccidiomycosis (valley fever). In 1994, he treated a group of

employees manifesting building related illnesses, which were

ultimately confirmed to have been caused by several molds, most

prominently Stachybotrys atra, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Chaetomium,

and several others, usually referred to as structural molds. He has

since seen several dozen patients with building-related mold

exposures resulting in a wide variety of illnesses.

The biological function of mycotoxins is to enhance the probability

of survival of the next generation of mold. The mycotoxins are

typically " packaged " in the spores with the DNA of the organism.

This process almost always takes place under adverse environmental

conditions: when nutrient substrates are becoming less available, or

when arid conditions prevail. We see this with regularity in the

Sonoran Desert climate experienced in Tucson. With every rain the

molds grow. Within less than a day, when the humidity returns to

the teens (10 to 20% being the norm in the desert), the ambient

environmental spore counts reported by our local meteorologists

dramatically increases: it is a common species-specific survival

mechanism. When spores are forming, mycotoxins are being produced.

The mycotoxins-many of which are antibiotics or antifungal agents-

provide an increased probability that any given spore will be likely

to survive in a very competitive environment with many micro

organisms competing for the same ecological " nitch. " Because many

of the molds also produce solvent carriers they are not only a

source of significant solvent exposure, but, whether the mycotoxins

do volatilize or not, the do aerosolize and become air born via

aerosol. In addition, the spores in which the mycotoxins often

reside do take flight as they are released from the hyphae, hair

like processes of the parent cell, and even the 7 by 4 micra

Stachybotrys atra spore must be considered respirable (able to

penetrate to the respiratory surfaces of the lung-the alveoli)

because these particles tend to orient themselves parallel to the

long dimension of the progressively smaller bronchi as they travel

down to the lungs tiny air sacs. While the kinetics associated with

spherical particles dictates that only particles between 5 and 0.005

micron are capable of penetrating to the alveoli, the size range of

mold spores is from 7 to 0.003 micron, and they are uniquely capable

of penetrating to the alveoli. Once having arrived in the alveoli,

they stimulate a dramatic immune response. This is also a site in

which they are able to release their mycotoxins, allowing them to be

absorbed into the blood flowing through the prolific capillary beds

found adjacent to the air sacs. The mycotoxins then circulate

throughout the body.

Just as psilicybin containing mushrooms and lysergic acid (LSD) are

capable of inducing hallucinations, and cognitive distortions, a

number of mycotoxins are capable of causing both transient, and

permanent neurotoxicity. Approximately 70% of the patients with

confirmed exposure to toxigenic structural mold have been

demonstrated to have significant neurotoxicity. Neurological

problems encountered among these patients have included optic

neuritis, multiple sclerosis, basal ganglion and midbrain based

movement disorders--developing in some cases within months of

occupancy of contaminated residences. In two female patients from

Phoenix, blindness was demonstrated in one or both eyes, and then

within several months of the onset of the optic neuritis, both were

diagnosed with MRI confirmed multiple sclerosis, first manifesting

in the spinal cord of one of them. Four of the patients in the same

group were confirmed to have serious movement disorders thought to

be arising from midbrain structures. Another patient was confirmed

to have developed occulomotor nerve palsy on three separate

occasions, each time in conjunction with documented exposure to

Stachybotrus, and other structural molds and their associated

mycotoxins. Others were diagnosed with variable toxic

encephalopathies by QEEG brain mapping, neuropsychological testing,

and specialized techniques measuring specific quantifiable

neurological parameters.

Toxic encephalopathy is a fluctuant neurological condition

manifested by cognitive impairments, which are the direct result of

the recurrent and paroxysmal activity of the immune system and the

central nervous system interacting with each other to cause episodic

cognitive and neurological dysfunction in the form of abnormal

brainwave activity and associated variable signs and symptoms of

cognitive dysfunction such as memory loss, dyslexia, word finding

difficulties and attention deficit disorders. These neurological

abnormalities, which are triggered by exposure to concentrations of

haptogenic, xenobiotic, volatile, organic compounds at sub-osmic

threshold levels, have been demonstrated, by the work of Iris Bell

M.D., Ph. D., at the University of Arizona, as well as other

researchers, to trigger abnormal brainwave activity that is

regionally specific, affecting the temporal lobes bilaterally, the

right parietal lobe and the frontal lobes of the brain. These three

central nervous system structures are involved in memory function,

spatial relations, and cognitive integrative functions

respectively. These effects are recurrent and can be demonstrated

through the use of multiple diagnostic modalities, including

electroencephalograms (EEGs), quantitative electroencephalograms

(QEEGs), PET scans, SPECT scans, and other objective

neurophysiologic modalities. When a patient is exposed to a

haptogenic (immunologically active), xenobiotic (toxic) trigger to

which they are historically reactive, abnormalities are observed on

electroencephalographic tracings within fifteen seconds of said

exposure, even when administered in a double blind fashion. It is

now becoming clear that this paroxysmal activity can, in fact, take

the form of complex partial seizures, and often leads to immediate,

transient cognitive impairment, followed by a " post-ictal "

condition, characterized by excessive fatigue.

Because the victim of these episodes does not lose consciousness, as

occurs in grand mal seizures, they are often unaware that these

episodes are occurring, but an astute observer watching the

individual would see what in essence is described in the literature

as an " absence seizure. " In many of the patients who suffer from

toxic encephalopathy that have been tested with 24-hour, ambulatory

electroencephalograms, multiple seizures per hour in some cases, and

certainly multiple seizures in a 24-hour period have been


Brain mapping, done by quantitative electroencephalographic

techniques (QEEG), also has demonstrated consistent abnormalities in

several types of brainwaves. This mode of analysis has become the

clinically relevant standard in the assessment of patients suffering

from toxic encephalopathy, and actually offers the potential for

therapeutic intervention using neurotherapy with QEEG-gated

biofeedback techniques. Neurotherapeutic intervention has been

shown to reduce the frequency and severity of these episodes, and

may improve cognitive function and memory.

A wealth of literature in the field of Occupational Medicine has

appeared over a more than a century confirming the significance of

molds in both residential and workplace environments. Molds have

long been known to lead to the development of a severe debilitating

lung disease known as hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Hypersensitivity

pneumonitis is an inflammatory condition which involves inflammation

in the smallest of the airways in the lungs, triggered by exposure

to commonly encountered volatile organic compounds of a chemical

nature, as well as several types of biological dusts, pollens, mold

spores and mycotoxins " packaged " within the spores. The ensuing

inflammation results in small airways spasms, and obstruction

occurring in regular and repetitive episodes. This condition which

causes shortness of breath, and often severe debilitating chest

pain, is generally treatable with medications commonly used for

asthma, and is only preventable by avoidance of exposure to the

triggering agents such as mold spores. Although the condition of

hypersensitivity pneumonitis was first described in association with

mold spore exposure in conditions varyingly described as reactive

airways disease, silo filler's disease, farmer's lung, bird

fancier's disease--which rarely occurs among individuals keeping a

single bird as a pet, but frequently is seen among those maintaining

pigeon coups with hundreds of birds present at a time--and

byssinosis or " Brown Lung Disease " in cotton mill workers. If not

treated aggressively, hypersensitivity pneumonitis will lead to the

progressive development of emphysema. In the case of structural

mold-exposed individuals, treatment with antifungal medication, such

as ketaconazole, itraconazole, and/or fluconazole-each produced or

derived from mold mycotoxins themselves-may be appropriate and


There is allegedly " disagreement within the scientific community as

to whether the relatively large size of Stachybotrys spores prevents

it from penetrating to the deepest areas of the lung. " However, this

controversy was resolved by the documented presence of Stachybotrys

spores in the alveoli and small airways of the lung of an infant

suffering and dying from mold-induced hemorrhagic pneumonitis a rare

lung disease, found to have occurred in a series of nine infants in

Cleveland, Ohio by Dr. Dorr Dearborn, who confirmed the presence of

Stachybotrys mold in each of the infants' homes. These cases were

reported by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in their 1998

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR). There has been some

controversy raised by some researchers claiming that they cultured

the organism from these homes, and were unable to detect mycotoxins

in the resultant cultures. The problem is that they are not

acknowledging that molds in general do not produce mycotoxins when

they are growing under " ideal " conditions, such as those that

usually obtain in laboratory settings. They generally produce their

toxins when austere living conditions bring about sporulation, for

example when nutrients are depleted, or when arid conditions


The clinical observations from the patients in Dr. Gray's practice

who presented between 1994 and the present with environmental

hygiene documentation of exposure to structurally-related molds in

their homes or workplaces provides clear evidence of the presence of

consistent abnormalities in the clinically relevant workup. These

abnormalities include, but are not limited to, the immunologic,

pulmonary, and neurological workup, that is clearly parallel to the

findings in both human and animal studies recorded in the local,

national, and international medical literature. Similar findings

were reported in the case of Ron -Melinda Ballard's husband-

who suffered debilitating memory loss, which, to a reasonable

medical certainty, was causally related to the confirmed and

relevant mold exposure in their home. The congruency of the findings

in these cases, collectively have confirmed the presence of

a " clinical fingerprint " that allows for the clinical diagnosis of

mycotoxicosis-within reasonable medical certainty. It is quite

clear, when the clinical fingerprint is evident, that " but for the

exposure to mixed toxigenic structural molds " these constellations

of illness would not be occurring. One Tucson based neurotherapist,

who has career long experience treating patients with blunt head

trauma, strokes, and toxin induced trauma, stated that never in his

experience has he seen entire families present demonstrating

cognitive deficits of such severity. The variety of abnormalities

reported is consistent with the random nature of the damage induced

by " adduct formers " discussed below. The random mutagenic events

encountered with mycotoxins is reminiscent of radiation induced

damage, and the same constellation of bone marrow suppression,

interference with protein synthesis resulting in failure to thrive,

weight loss and weakness, easy bruising, frequent nosebleeds, and

increased susceptibility to infections, skin lesions, and rashes is

clinically similar.

In reply to the assertions that the symptoms reported by the victims

of toxigenic structural mold exposure, sick building syndromes, or

chemical hyper-reactivity are psychosomatic, or somatoform

disorders, Ann off (l994) clearly demonstrated the absence of

any data supporting such hypotheses. In addition, rebutting

assertions of malingering by " litigenous " victims of exposure to

environmental toxins, powerful data has been filed with the Federal

Agency for Toxic Substances Disease Registry (ATSDR) in relation to

the sub-registry on the benzene exposed residents of the Three Lakes

Subdivision north of Houston, which clearly demonstrated that there

was no shift in the symptoms reported by this cohort of 1100

residents when they were surveyed both before and after litigation

was filed in that matter. Thus claims of somatoform origins of

patients complaints are seriously flawed, misleading, and biased,

and represent an unsubstantiated hypothesis which is at best without

merit, and at worst cruel, as it demeans patients who are suffering

from serious, organic, physiologic problems usually affecting

multiple organ systems.

Mycotoxins produced by structural molds-meaning molds imported into

the residences, workplaces, and public buildings on the paper

covering the drywall, and other wood based composite materials--

often represent some of the most toxic substances known to

humankind. The molds imported on building materials are not the

same as molds commonly encountered in outdoor environments. The

wood chips, and wood pulp imported from the Amazon rain forests

bring with them their own varieties of mold spores. The climate

of " deregulation " that has prevailed since the early eighties has

favored the proliferation of new construction in which building

codes requiring pretreatment of building materials with anti-fungal

agents have simply not been adequately enforced. This in turn has

led to circumstances, which when coupled with " corner-cutting "

structural defects, have led to the conditions which favor water

intrusion that has all to often allowed the appearance of truly

toxic levels of mold spores and mycotoxins, which are, in turn,

capable of inducing serious diseases resulting from the presence of

agents with the potential for damaging the human immune system,

inducing allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, skin disease,

neurological disease, endocrine disruption, birth defects, cancer,

pulmonary, renal, hepatic, and general metabolic disorders.

Treatment protocols for the problems seen must be individualized,

and carefully constructed, taken great care to avoid overuse of

antibiotics with infection mimicking inflammatory conditions. This

is particularly relevant, because inappropriate antibiotic use may

foster further mold and fungal growth in an already compromised


One of the most frustrating problems relating to dealing with

patients experiencing illness from exposure to structural molds, and

bioaerosols from gray water contamination is the inability to

mobilize a proactive response from public agencies. The issue is

like the " hot potato. " In the apartment complex alluded to above in

the Phoenix area, when tenants complained to the County Health

officials, they came to inspect without the instrumentation required

for the detection of moisture or mold. And when attempts were made

to report cases of illness to the State Health Department, after

being told by a Deputy Assistant Director that the problem would be

referred to the Director of the Division of Epidemiology and Chronic

Disease, no return call was forthcoming. Similarly, when Dr. Gray

raised the issue of structural mold, which resulted in the closure

of the Bella Vista Elementary School in Sierra Vista with the

Cochise County Board of Health--on which he served for six years--

the only physician member of the Board opined that " mold was not a

public health issue! " Clearly, education is the order of the day.

R. Gray, M.D., M.P.H., C.I.M.E.

Preventive Medicine and Occupational Medicine, Board Certified

Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Toxicology, Board


Certified Independent Medical Examiner, and

Commissioner, Medical Direction Commission, Arizona State Division

of Emergency Medical Services.


1. Andersson, M.A., M. Nikulin, U. Koljalg, M.C. Andersson, F.

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6. Dales, R., Burnett, Harry Zwanenburg and, A.

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7. Dales, R., Burnett, and Harry Zwanenburg. " Adverse

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8. off, A. " Psychogenic Origins of Multiple Chemical

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9. Dunn,a. et al. " Endotoxins Induced Activation of Cerebral

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10. Elidemir, O. " Isolation of Stachbotrys from the Lung of Child

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13. Flappan S, Jay Portnoy, " Infant

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14. Hendry,M. Cole, Eugene " A Review of Mycotoxins in Indoor Air "

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15. Jarvis Bruce, W.G. Sorenson, Eev- Hintikka, Marjo Nikulin,

Yihong, Zhou, Jian Jiang, Shengun Wang, Simon Hinkey, Ruth Etzel, D.

Dearborn " Study of toxin production by Isolates of Stachybotrys

chartarum and Memnoniella echinata Isolated during a Study of

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16. R.M. Karr M. R. , V. R. Anicetti, B.A. S. B. Lehrer, Ph.D

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17. Johanning E. Morey, Bruce Jarvis, Ray Biagini, DeLon

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18. Lappalainen S, Nikulin,M Berg,Seija,Paivi Parikka Eeva-Lissa

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19. Llicorish, Kenrick, Harold Novey, Kozak,

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20. M Mahmoudi, D.O and GershwinM.D. " Sick Building Syndrome.

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21. Nielsen K.F., M.O. Hansen, T.O. Larsen, U. Tharne " Production

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22. Nielsen, K.F., M.O. Hansen, T.O. Larsen, U.

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23. Nikulin, Marjo, Kari Reijula Bruce Jarvis, Pirjo Veijalainen,

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24. Ogawa, Kiyoshi. Masto Nakamura, Mitsuo Hayashi, Satoshi

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28. Rautiala, Sirpa, Tiina Reponen, Anne Hyvarinen,Aino

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31. Sakamotto, Kazutoshi, Eisku Tsuji, M. Miyauchi, Tomoko

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42. Velazco, V., G. Faifer and Godoy " Differential Effects of T-2

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Book References:

1. " Symposium On Mycotoxins In Human Health, " edited by J F.H.

Purchase Macmillan 1971

2. " Environmental Health Criteria II Mycotoxins, " W. H. O. 1979

3. " Toxicology Biochemistry and Pathology of Mycotoxins, " edited

by; Uraguchi and Yamazaki Halstead Press 1978

4. " Moulds Fungi and Bronchial Asthma, " P. J. Van Der Werff 1958

5. " Mycotoxins in Human and Animal Health, " 1977 Pathotox Press

6. " Clinical and Experimental Aspects of Fungal Poisoning, " 1977

Han Publishers

7. " Guide to Clinically Significant Fungi, " Deanna A. Sutton, A

Fothergill, M Rinaldi and Wilkins

8. " Mycotoxins, " V. Berina, Elsevier, 198I PCS Environmental

Health Criteria WHO 1990

9. " The Biosynthesis Of Mycotoxins A study In Secondary

Metabolism, " Editor: Pieter Steyn

10. " Molds, Mushrooms, And Mycotoxins, " By Christensen 1975

11. " Toxicology of Plant and Fungal Compounds, " edited by


12. " Mould Fungi and Bronchial Asthma, " P.J. Van Der Werff

[return to menu]

©2001 Mold-Help

I have a copy of his article but do not have a scanner. So I copied

and pasted this article from: http://www.mold-help.org/molds.htm



Message: 11

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:27:00 EDT

From: Gingersnap1964@...

Subject: Re: (no subject)

I lost a baby working in a moldy basement in a Federal building. Your


should stay out of that environment. The miscarriage happened right

there at



[This message contained attachments]



Message: 12

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 16:43:35 EDT

From: Gingersnap1964@...

Subject: Re: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Arizona is a long way from Maine....Jan

[This message contained attachments]



Message: 13

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 17:04:42 EDT

From: Gingersnap1964@...

Subject: Re: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Yes please. I will end up woth half my pay. There goes my home, there

goes my

car,there goes doctors..Its the Government. I guess they can do anything


want as far as lying, covering up and dumping.Im a tech info specialist


the same code fpr 16 years with high clearance. I dont know what to find

or look

for. I have fought and fought to work at home but they wantt me gone as

I am

trying to tell the world and the BRAC Commission coming up.


[This message contained attachments]



Message: 14

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 17:06:08 EDT

From: Gingersnap1964@...

Subject: Re: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I have been there since 16 years old. I dont know where to start a

resume. I

am pretty much housebound. Most buildings bother me as they are old.

[This message contained attachments]



Message: 15

Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 06:39:44 -0000

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

Subject: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

At the top of a resume is education. Below it is your work

experience. You can also put special skills. Leadership, computer

skills, etc. Bullet points and lots of white space looks


I just did an online search and here are a couple places I pulled up:




Also try a temp agency.



Message: 16

Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 06:44:45 -0000

From: " Bonnie s " <rainbowcarebearstitch@...>

Subject: - Congress & Funding


I already sent in my story. Can I e-mail Congress the scientific

data I found or what is the best way to handle this?

I am tired of seeing people homeless, belongingless, jobless, etc.

and would like to bombard them not only with stories but with data

to back it up.




Message: 17

Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 07:18:01 -0000

From: " bonniescomfortzone " <bonniescomfortzone@...>

Subject: SARS- Sewage Pipe Leak

SARS Can Live on Common Surfaces

Key to Its Spread Lies in Quantity

By Rob Stein

Washington Post Staff Writer

Sunday, May 4, 2003; Page A01

The SARS virus apparently can survive on common surfaces at room

temperature for hours or even days, which could explain how people

can catch the deadly lung infection without face-to-face contact

with a sick person, scientists have found.

New laboratory studies, being released today, have produced the

first scientific data on how long the SARS virus can live in various

places and conditions, demonstrating for the first time that the

microbe can linger outside an infected person's body.

One study showed the virus survived for at least 24 hours on a

plastic surface at room temperature, which suggests it might be

possible to become infected from touching a tabletop, doorknob or

other object. Another found the microbe remained viable for as long

as four days in human waste, a crucial finding that could clarify

how the virus can spread through apartment buildings, hospitals and

other facilities.

German scientists found a common detergent failed to kill the virus,

indicating that some efforts to sterilize contaminated areas may be

ineffective. An experiment conducted in Japan concluded that the

virus could live for extended periods in the cold, suggesting it

could survive the winter.

The long-awaited findings should be crucial for containing the

epidemic, and they could solve one of the most important mysteries

about the new disease: how the virus spreads without direct exposure

to infected individuals.

" It's the first time we have hard data on the survival of the virus.

Before, we were just speculating, " Klaus Stohr, the World Health

Organization's top SARS scientist, said yesterday. " There has been a

lot of speculation that the touching of objects could be involved.

This shows that transmission by contaminated hands or contaminated

objects in the environment can play a role. "

In addition, the findings will help researchers develop better tests

for the virus and possible treatments. Now that they know what

temperatures kill the virus, researchers can purify serum from sick

people for use in calibrating tests and possibly to give other

patients as a therapy. Serum contains antibodies that are measured

by tests. In addition, the antibodies could work as a treatment if

they can neutralize the virus.

The new data come as the number of cases continues to increase. An

additional 191 cases and 18 deaths were reported yesterday, bringing

the toll to 6,234 cases in 27 countries, and 435 deaths, according

to WHO. Outbreaks appeared to be under control in Hanoi, Hong Kong,

Singapore and Toronto, but the disease was still spreading in many

parts of China, and Taiwan has experienced a sharp jump in cases in

the past week.

U.S. health officials are investigating 54 probable cases in this

country, including three in Virginia, and are monitoring an

additional 237 suspected cases.

The results were produced by laboratories in Hong Kong, Japan,

Germany and Beijing that are part of a scientific network organized

by WHO to study the previously unknown virus. The findings were

compiled and analyzed over the past few days and were to be posted

on WHO's Web site today so public health workers around the world

can begin using them to keep the virus from spreading, said Stohr,

who described the findings in a telephone interview.

" These studies are very important for designing strategies for

cleaning and disinfecting, " Stohr said.

Stohr stressed that a key unknown is how much virus is necessary for

someone to become infected. So even though the virus can survive in

the environment, it remains unknown whether it can survive in

sufficient quantities to be dangerous, he said.

" What we're seeing is that this virus certainly has the capacity to

stay in the environment. What we don't know is the infectious dose, "

he said.

Stohr also emphasized that, by far, the primary mode of transmission

was through droplets that spray out when an infected person sneezes

or coughs.

But researchers had become increasingly suspicious that there were

alternative transmission routes because of incidents in which people

became infected without close personal contact with a sick person.

The most disturbing case involved a 33-story apartment tower in the

Amoy Gardens complex in Hong Kong. Hundreds of people living in the

building were infected, forcing authorities to evacuate the

residents to quarantine camps.

An intensive investigation concluded that the outbreak may have been

caused by a man who caught SARS, developed diarrhea and used his

brother's bathroom in the building. Investigators found a small

crack in a sewage pipe in the building and speculated that the virus

spread through the building in droplets that became airborne from

the leak.

" There has been a lot of speculation about how the Amoy Gardens got

infected. No one knew whether the hypothesis would hold. This would

support the theory that . . . sewage coming out from that crack

could have contaminated the air, " Stohr said.

In the new research, scientists in Hong Kong added the virus to

normal human adult feces and diarrhea, as well as to feces from a 6-

month-old baby. The virus survived in the baby's feces for three

hours, in normal feces for six hours and in diarrhea for four days.

The difference appears to be linked to acidity -- the virus survives

longer as the acidity decreases, Stohr said.

" This is important, because traces of stool could occur on surfaces

in hospitals. So this is very important to know in sterilizing those

environments, " Stohr said.

In another set of studies, scientists in Japan examined how well the

virus weathered extreme temperatures. The virus died at 98.6 degrees

Fahrenheit and above, started to deteriorate at 40 degrees but

seemed to remain viable indefinitely when temperatures dropped to 32

degrees. Scientists in Beijing produced similar results.

" This means that if the virus is being kept at lower temperatures,

we have to think about next winter, " Stohr said.

German researchers, meanwhile, placed the virus on a plastic surface

at room temperature and found it could survive as long as 24

hours. " It survived easily, " Stohr said. Another team in Hong Kong

produced similar results.

The German scientists also found that a commonly used detergent

appeared to have little effect on the virus. The U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency is planning a large-scale study to test a large

number of disinfectants against the virus, Stohr said.

Other teams in Singapore and Hong Kong have also been testing the

virus's ability to survive in various temperatures and levels of

humidity; in blood; and on metals, plastics, paper and cotton. Those

results could come within days, Stohr said.

" We're beginning to understand how this virus can survive in the

environment, " he said.

© 2003 The Washington Post Company



Message: 18

Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 07:18:38 -0000

From: " bonniescomfortzone " <bonniescomfortzone@...>

Subject: SARS- Sewage Pipe Leak

Sorry forgot the link:





Message: 19

Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 13:42:09 -0000

From: " erik_johnson_96140 " <erikj6@...>

Subject: Re: Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I told my story to Congressman Filner only to find that he personally

knows people in this situation. He is concerned but so far we don't

have the science to back up our experience so there doesn't seem to be

a lot that can be done.

Ritchie Shoemaker is doing a presentation on markers for mycotoxin

exposure. Hopefully he'll be able to quantify what we can perceive.





Message: 20

Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 14:01:27 -0000

From: " grasshoppers53527 " <keng@...>

Subject: Re: Ultra Aire APD anyone?

This type of equipment helps indoor air quality but requires a clean

non-water leaking building to start with. This unit keeps the inside

of a structure dry reducing the growth of biologicals that may

contaminat the space. It provides fresh air ventilation that purges

indoor polutants. It has high efficiency air filters that remove

particles from the air. It has an option activated carbon that

removes gasous polutants from the indoor air. This type of equipment

helps indoor air quality but requires a clean non-water leaking

building to start with. So in addition, you need source control of

pollutants and no water intrusion. Several thousand of these system

are in use in schools, light commerical and homes for several years.

I have a personal interest in this product. Check thermastor.com

> I am considering a whole house dehumidifier like Ultra Air APD

which also purifies air. I would appreciate any inputs from your



> mei



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Tom, I echo 's comment to drink LOTS of water. It helps me stay alert,

stop often, and helps combat travel-lag, easy to get when dehydrated at all. I

also notice that if I'm too warm I get sleepy. Safe travels! ita

Re. protocols & supps . . . I seem to recall Heidi saying on OTD (On The Diet

column @ www.dadamo.com) that most protocols were appropriate for 4-6 weeks (I

think all the protocols give time duration recommendations in the Encyclopedia)

and then should be set aside for a time before restarting.

My sense is that the O diet is awesome for O children. When I have my kidlings,

I'm going to get their secretor status tested asap, so I have that info as

well. There are lots of other good sources of calcium other than dairy and if

yours are secretors, there's still mozzarella a couple times a week. A mineral

supplement including calcium is pretty highly recommended for all O women by

Dr. D if I am remembering correctly, and I would be interested in what

calcium/mineral supp would be appropriate for O kids. If they still crave their

favorites, how about almond butter & jam sandwiches on Ezekial bread, homemade

mac & cheese with kamut pasta, butter, & mozzarella, pineapple juice, etc.


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PLEASE during this month, we are all working very hard to raise the

$2500 to support ChildFinders to be able gather tips from 100+ volunteer

Intuitives to send to the authorities so we can respond timely to the

30+ cases of missing-kids every month, one a day. Please visit

http://globallightworkers.com/childfinderscases to see the current

cases. PLEASE forward our fund-raising special for this month to as

many people who might be able to benefit from it. 100% of the proceeds

go to ChildFinders! *

*YOUR Personalized Astrology-Transits Monthly Calendar $11/month* at

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(covering career/self-pursuit, relationship/family, finance/flow,

health/well-being, spiritual/inner-self) and shares that with you in the

first 5 minutes of your appointment so you can verify that I am " picking

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, Assistant to ProPredict

GlobalLightWorkers: http://globallightworkers.com



100+ lightworkers and guest-speakers give 1+ hours a week to share their

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New Friends section).

*Bio of ProPredict (bios of other psychics and lightworkers in GLW that

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Years of predictions documentation:


Jeff has been a professional Intuitive Consultant and Intuitive Counsel

since 1986 with now approximately 18,000 hours (sessions) total for both

individuals and organizations. Jeff has been asked to speak at the

United Nations several times on parapsychology and predictions on world

events in addition to intuitive consulting for UN officials through the

Executive Staffing Council. Jeff was blessed with a chanupa from a

Sundance warrior Lakotah medicine man and a eagle feather from a

medicine woman for the gift of prophesy. Jeff was blessed to be with His

Holiness, The Dalai Lama, for a week when he won the Nobel Peace Prize

and Jeff's intuitive connection was certified by The Tibetan Foundation.

Jeff has studied with Ash'tiana, nne on, Barbara Brennan,

Louise Hays, Grandfather Halas, Grandmother Del-Kee-Shawa and several

Reiki Masters. Jeff is the founder of ChildFinders and developed the

process called Quantum Intuition of combining insight from many

different Intuitives for a more accurate overall consensus summary.

Jeff's intuitive consulting and counseling has been in both very

conventional areas with Doctors and financial traders and the very

spiritual areas with Rabbis, Elders, ministers, priests, nuns and monks.

For many years Jeff has predicted current events and markets for clients

and when he was in public/media presentations. Since November 2002, he

has been predicting current events and markets free weekly in 20 online

groups (MSN, , ICQ, Topica, AOL, Usenet, Lycos) so they can be

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everyone. Those are available free to anyone on

www.propredictions.com/subscribe.htm . 2003 accuracy is 90%+ weekly with

average returns in his stock funds (tracked on www.marketocracy.com ) of

36% and in his futures funds (tracked on www.mocktrading.com ) of 306%

(click here for documentation). For 18 years feedback from his intuitive

consulting shows an average accuracy rate of 92.5% with the average for

the last 90days of 96% (see epoll results below).

Free 5 minutes so you can verify my clarity/accuracy for you!

Intuitive Forecasts:


Life Questions:


*average call is about 2-5 mins of insight! after the first 2-3 mins

always free for " clarity-check " just from your/the name

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accurately enough to guide/predict,

otherwise you can end the call during the free 5 minutes!

Free 5 minutes so you can verify my clarity/accuracy for you!

Intuitive Forecasts:


Life Questions:


*average call is about 2-5 mins of insight! after the first 2-3 mins

always free for " clarity-check " just from your/the name

so you can verify by my specifics that I am " picking up " on you/them

accurately enough to guide/predict,

otherwise you can end the call during the free 5 minutes!

MarketSignals from ProPredictions

DJIA and Nasdaq Forecasts and Influencers (September 12th to 18th, 2004)


Dear Jeff,

Please forward these to anyone who can benefit from

them. As you share abundance more and more, it

magnifies your own. These forecasts can be

updated on Wednesday if the markets appear to be

volatile and changing direction. Blessings!

While the markets are barely up for the year, the

futures accounts at Mocktrading documented a return

of 88.29% for 2004Jan-Jun to now. See the

documentation at



in this issue








* ProForecasts and Quick Questions Available ($5+, free minutes)



ACCURACY LAST WEEK: 100% accurate on DJIA,

SP500, Nasdaq, 10yrNote; Top10News 100%;


(see funds results); ProFutures-Finance/Energy 65%;

ProFutures-Currencies 87.5%; ProFutures-Farm 50%;

ProFutures-totalaverage 67.5%; ProForex 50%;

Economic Reports 66.7%. Click on link below for

specifics and documentation.

RESULTS: Funds 38.85% annualized 23.31%; Futures

394.29% annualized 236.57%. Portfolio with 5%

futures 35.14%, with 10% futures 46.97%. Click on

link below for specifics and documentation.

COMPARISON: funds-2004: ave 4.39%, largest 0.65%,

most 14.6%; funds-2003: ave 9.68%, largest 12.9%,

most 64.2%; mkts-2004: DJIA -2.2, SP500 -03%,

Nasdaq -7%; mkts-2003: DJIA +25%, SP500 +26%,

Nasdaq +50%. Click on link below for specifics and


Daily Chat, radio-appearances, Daily-Subscription

Services for ProFutures, ProForex and ProStocks,

Intuitive Consultations and Services and Per Minute

ProForecasts and QuickQuestions are availale on the

link below.

Click here for Specifics, Documentation and Services... >>




DJIA: (10,313.07 9/10/04): UP1%;

ST (Sept04): 10,300+;

MT (Nov04): 10,600+;

LT (1stQtr05): 11,000+; SP500: (1,123.92 9/10/04):


ECONOMIC REPORTS: Retail Sales: Consensus -0.1 %,

as expected, slightly higher;

Retail Sales less autos: Consensus 0.2 %, as expected;

Industrial Production: Consensus 0.4 %, as expected,

slightly higher;

Capacity Utilization Rate: Consensus 77.4 %, as


Business Inventories: Consensus 0.8 %, as expected;

CPI Consensus 0.2 %, as expected;

CPI less food & energy Consensus 0.2 %, as expected;

Jobless Claims Consensus 340 K, as expected, slightly


Consumer Sentiment Consensus 97.0, as expected;

Click here for all Weekly ProPredictions... >>





(1,894.31 9/10/04): UP1%;

ST (Sept04): 1875+;

MT (Nov04): 1950+;

LT (1stQtr05): 2025+;


(100-20 9/3/04): flat0.5%

TOP-10 NEWS: ORCL est 0.90, as expected; BBY est

0.51, as expected, slightly more; GIS est 0.61, as


Appears no TERRORISM attacks this week in US or


Appears that BUSH's lead holds this week and KERRY

continues to refocus campaign on the defensive.

Hurricane IVAN hits around Mobile, Alabama on Tuesday

between 2-8pm as a category 4.

Click here for ProPredict's USA Today's NewsFutures from MIT... >>






(10301) up


(1123.60) up


(1418.00) up


(1120.90) s/up


(403.80) s/dn


(6.165) dn


(128.00) s


(42.81) s/dn

Heat Oil

(116.42) s/dn

Nat Gas

(45.70) dn



(333.50) up


(222.25) dn


(572.00) dn


(50.72) up


(85.02) s


(66.05) s/dn


(7.81) s/dn


(74.20) s/up


(14.57) dn

Click here for ProFutures weekly and daily forecasts... >>





(1.7965/1.7070) s/dn


(0.6950/0.6956) s/dn




(1.2265/1.2269) up


(1.5426/1.5432) s


(134.49/134.55) s/up


(109.62/109.67) dn


(1.5426/1.5432) s/dn


(1.2912/1.2918) dn

ProStocks, ProFutures, ProForex have daily updates

(free on Mondays) by 9am ET. Click on the link below

to subscribe.

Click here to subscribe to the daily ProSubscriptions (ProStocks,

ProFutures, ProForex) >> http://www.propredictions.com/prosubscriptions.htm



Jeff Sonnenburg schedules 25 personal, professional or

business Intuitive sessions once a month (1/day) and

12 investment-forecast sessions four times a month

(2/day). For every appointment, Jeff prepares one to

four pages of his intuitive notes which he shares in the

first five to ten minutes of the appointment to verify

that he is intuitively accurate enough on those aspects

to guide and predict (if not, you can end the

appointment at no charge or he will not guide/predict

on those aspects if you want him to continue). To

schedule an appt now, send $100 to

propredict@... at www.paypal.com and schedule

your appt at



At the following link, you can see the most recent

documentation of Jeff's intuitive abilities. Since 1986,

he has done about 1000 sessions a year and his clients

evaluate him on 13 different criteria to be 99%

accurate. You can see a letter from a lawyer where

Jeff's insight overturned a case, a letter from an Emmy-

Award winning entertainment exec where Jeff's insight

predicted negotiations, a letter from Executitve

Director of Humane Society where Jeff's insight helped

find embezzlementa and a letter from a TV exec about

Jeff's intuitive seminars at her company that improved

sales. To schedule an appt now, send $100 to

propredict@... at www.paypal.com and schedule

your appt at



Profile of ProPredict >> http://globallightworkers.com/profilepropredict

ProForecasts and Quick Questions Available ($5+, free minutes)


ProForecasts are available for 1-5min forecasts on

specifics (news, events, markets, investments, etc)

that are not typically in the free or subscription

predictions or that you want an update on before you

take action. Click on the link below to connect now.

QuickQuestions are available for a 1-5min insight to

clarity and support your own decision-making! Click on

the link below to connect now.

Click here for ProForecasts and QuickQuestions... >>



email: propredict@...

voice: 520-469-3051

web: http://www.propredictions.com


ProPredictions | 7635 N LaCholla Blvd | 119 | Tucson | AZ | 85741-4202

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  • 4 months later...

In a message dated 2/7/2005 5:28:20 AM Eastern Standard Time,




Alternatvie Epilepsy Treatments


...>>> Pepper

It's nice that you've started the website. When my kid is better, I will

send you all sorts of books, links, therapies.

I would enourage Zoe and Arnold to do so also, if you want our input.

HEG should be included in addition to neurofeedback. HEG trains the blood

flow, NF trains the electrical impulses.



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Just wanted to say that you have been on my mind today. I know it's been a long

week or so since you got that second mapping. I hope your new mapping will be

great and get you back on the road to hearing voices again and all the other

sounds that we all cherish. Good Luck!!!


Message: 3

Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 19:32:01 -0600

From: " Kozlik " <lisak70@...>

Subject: Re: Re: /Maps

<<You keep listening and thinking it is gonna' get better, and...Nothing!>>


That's *exactly* how I feel right now. I've been sitting here for 7 days

(well, not literally - LOL!) wondering whether it was the map, my brain

failing to kick in -- or perhaps both. <grin> One night I stayed up until 2

in the morning listening to the radio hoping that " something " would finally

click -- but it didn't. I woke up the next morning and still no change. I

think one of the most difficult things for a new CIer to determine is when a

map isn't working for you vs. when your brain just isn't making the


Hopefully I will have better news to report tomorrow! Guess which map I'll

be using first? <grin>

Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05


BTE hearing aid user 20 years

Severe-profound hearing loss 10 years

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Hi Deborah,

Thanks for thinking of me! I'm doing *much* much better today! <smile> I

asked my audi to place my older map back on my processor. Instead of setting

T and C levels again, she decided to work with my old map for now given the

lack of progress I've had over the past 7 days. This map feels like a

comfortable pair of shoes. :) I can discern pitch, rhythm and intonation

again -- and can even pick up certain elements of speech. Today I was able

to converse with my audi without an interpreter, so that was definitely a

plus! Tomorrow I plan to work on some listening exercises to gauge where my

speech discrimination is at this time. So far, so good!! <smile>

Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05


BTE hearing aid user 20 years

Severe-profound hearing loss 10 years

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Greetings! Thank you for email. Please note below the changes that have

occurred to our name and email address. All other information remains the same.

Kindly update your records to reflect these changes. Thank you!

Laurie Plooijer

Client Service Manager

(541)345-5669 (541)345-8004F (800)659-5669


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Guest guest

Greetings! Thank you for email. Please note below the changes that have

occurred to our name and email address. All other information remains the same.

Kindly update your records to reflect these changes. Thank you!

Laurie Plooijer

Client Service Manager

(541)345-5669 (541)345-8004F (800)659-5669


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Guest guest

Greetings! Thank you for email. Please note below the changes that have

occurred to our name and email address. All other information remains the same.

Kindly update your records to reflect these changes. Thank you!

Laurie Plooijer

Client Service Manager

(541)345-5669 (541)345-8004F (800)659-5669


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Guest guest

Greetings! Thank you for email. Please note below the changes that have

occurred to our name and email address. All other information remains the same.

Kindly update your records to reflect these changes. Thank you!

Laurie Plooijer

Client Service Manager

(541)345-5669 (541)345-8004F (800)659-5669


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Guest guest

If that woman doen.t leave this group.I.am going to leaver.Nobody protest

oinly me and tammie.GET RID OF THIS F.... BITCH,.

Re: Digest Number 1751

> Greetings! Thank you for email. Please note below the changes that have

> occurred to our name and email address. All other information remains the

> same. Kindly update your records to reflect these changes. Thank you!


> Laurie Plooijer

> Client Service Manager

> (541)345-5669 (541)345-8004F (800)659-5669

> laurie@...








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Guest guest

If that woman doen.t leave this group.I.am going to leaver.Nobody protest

oinly me and tammie.GET RID OF THIS F.... BITCH,.

Re: Digest Number 1751

> Greetings! Thank you for email. Please note below the changes that have

> occurred to our name and email address. All other information remains the

> same. Kindly update your records to reflect these changes. Thank you!


> Laurie Plooijer

> Client Service Manager

> (541)345-5669 (541)345-8004F (800)659-5669

> laurie@...








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Guest guest

If that woman doen.t leave this group.I.am going to leaver.Nobody protest

oinly me and tammie.GET RID OF THIS F.... BITCH,.

Re: Digest Number 1751

> Greetings! Thank you for email. Please note below the changes that have

> occurred to our name and email address. All other information remains the

> same. Kindly update your records to reflect these changes. Thank you!


> Laurie Plooijer

> Client Service Manager

> (541)345-5669 (541)345-8004F (800)659-5669

> laurie@...








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Guest guest

If that woman doen.t leave this group.I.am going to leaver.Nobody protest

oinly me and tammie.GET RID OF THIS F.... BITCH,.

Re: Digest Number 1751

> Greetings! Thank you for email. Please note below the changes that have

> occurred to our name and email address. All other information remains the

> same. Kindly update your records to reflect these changes. Thank you!


> Laurie Plooijer

> Client Service Manager

> (541)345-5669 (541)345-8004F (800)659-5669

> laurie@...








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Guest guest

Has anyone in the US tried to phone the number she gives out?

may be this woman doesn't exist and it's just a company - who knows!!

I can't stand those replies anymore!!


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Guest guest

Has anyone in the US tried to phone the number she gives out?

may be this woman doesn't exist and it's just a company - who knows!!

I can't stand those replies anymore!!


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Guest guest

Has anyone in the US tried to phone the number she gives out?

may be this woman doesn't exist and it's just a company - who knows!!

I can't stand those replies anymore!!


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Guest guest

Has anyone in the US tried to phone the number she gives out?

may be this woman doesn't exist and it's just a company - who knows!!

I can't stand those replies anymore!!


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