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Re: Digest Number 1667

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In a message dated 5/15/01 11:18:47 PM, Vaccinations writes:

<< So after reading everyone's comments and suggestions, I looked a

little deeper for information on yeast and problems it can cause. It

looks like an over abundance of yeast could be the source for several

of my current health issues.

I can't seem to find the original post,

but was your infection or your baby's infection caused by antibiotics? I had

terrible problems with yeast when my dd was an infant due to antibiotics

after birth and then surgery three weeks later. Yeast attacked her. I finger

fed her adult acidopholus from the powdered capsules. I didn't give her

childrens acidopholus, there was too much sugar and corn syrup in it. I just

gave her the adult, it really helped what we thought to be 'colic'. For me, I

will be straight up, when I had yeast, I stuck the acidopholus capsules up

into my vagina, carefully. It worked after a few treatments. Good luck.

I have seen that book, The Yeast Connection. I think it is good, but kind of

stringent. Everybody is different. I think the book deals with chronic yeast

sufferers. I didn't have to cut out all sugar. But you would be amazed at the

things you eat that contain sugar. It is everywhere! Just try to get ahold of

natural sugar, unrefined, molasses, cane juice and fruit juice sweetened

products at your natural food store. And stay away from things that say

'natural flavors' at the top of the ingredients. That is a fancy word for

SUGAR!!! :)


Can anyone suggest some good books on

yeast? Yesterday, I saw one called " The Yeast Connection " . I think

that the author's name was Crook. Does anyone know if it is a good

book? Any good websites would also be appreciated.

I am also interested in books on cutting sugar out of my diet. Does

anyone know any good books on that subject? >>

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  • 1 month later...
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Herbal dosing...My liver team also frowns on all herbal meds except Milk

Thistle. Many herbs are actyally toxic to the liver.....in Europe the

supplements are all controlled by the government so theirs are safer.....you

know exactly what is in them and the strength. But...they are all for

coenzymes which are natural.and what our own bodys make....such as the CO

Q10 , also...things such as the antioxident and vitamins without iron...are

great..and the Tea tree Oil for the skin, ....Joanne C.

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  • 2 years later...
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Oops....accidentally hit the send button...

anyway, I belong to CFS and Bowel Cleanse groups. This group, by far, is the

most interesting.

Question: How do doctors (that actually treat and understand mold toxicity)

treat the condition, other than telling patients to rid houses of mold?

Are there any doctors that are knowledgeable in this area in Southern

California......Orange Couty or Los Angeles County area?

Has anyone tried any holistic remedies that have helped or lessened toxic

mold illnesses? If so, please tell me.

(Again, I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, asthma, Multiple Chemical

Sensitivity....all after taking a job for 2 years inside a building that has

mold and

rat droppings in the air conditioning.)

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Dear Ma Barker

I have all of the above and more. I am going to try a kinesiologist in a month or so. No one knows anything here in Maine. Or they do not believe.Here is my hell hole of eight years.

God Bless,


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