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Re: Hypo friends-herbal remedy

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A man with hypothyroidism was told to take 3 parts mullein and 1 part

lobelia in a tea three times a day. I usually make a strong decoction that

lasts a few days, though I have been told your teas will be most effective

if made daily.

For a daily tea use 1 1/2 t. mullein and 1/2 t. lobelia. If you get

too sleepy from this mixture cut it in half and a half again if necessary.

I usually take a canning jar and break up the leaves into small pieces and

mix a whole jar of the mixture together and keep it in a dark place (light

draws out the medicinal value of a plant). This is supposed to be good if

you are hyper or hypo. Lobelia is called a " thinking plant " . God created

it in such a way that it will go to the organ that most needs help and do

what needs to be done. In thyroid immune problems the causitive agent is

the same but yields different results in our own bodies. This man took the

medicine for I believe 6 months and then went off his synthroid and takes

the mixture a few times a week as well as a blood cleanser Burdock or

dandelion (I've heard the combination of the two is the most powerful

antibacterial you can find. For some reasons organisms never build-up a

resistance to the herbs like they can antibiotics). You could make a tea of

all 4 of these and take for 6 months, then see what happens if you cut down

to 3/4 thryoid, 1/2, 1/4, every other day. Of course if you have no

thyroid, you will always need the thyroxine and this formula would heal

other glands (like adrenals and others that may contribute to the problem.

It also would kill any organisms that may be in your body that have caused

the problem in the first place. It is also loaded with vitamins and

minerals in a readily usable form for your body to take. You might not need

as much calcium, copper and magnesium if you take the burdock and dandelion.

Le Ann

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