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Epidemic of Mental Illness in Doctors

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Epidemic of Mental Illness in Doctors


The emergence of Medically Unexplained Illnesses

has revealed an epidemic of behavioral problems and

personality disorders in doctors.

Patients expressing unfamiliar complaints to their physicians

often induce the " It's All In Your Head " (AIYH) or the " That's

Impossible " response in doctors suffering from these behavioral

problems and personality disorders.

Physicians who manifest the metaphysical belief system of " If we

don't know about it, then it doesn't exist " are suffering from a

mental defect or psychological condition known as " Doctors with

Unexplained Medical Beliefs " or D.U.M.B.

DUMB doctors are comprised of two categories that are

characterized by those who are feigning to be DUMB for

monetary gain: " Medicalingering " and those who are not in

possesion of sufficient information to render intelligent

diagnoses: " Factlessitious Disorder " .

Physicians who are predisposed to this condition place an

inordinate emphasis on theories of psychological causality for

virtually any unfamiliar complaints that are presented to them.

This somatiform obsession with psychological etiology,

" Psychosomatization Disorder " or " Psychologizing " is a

distinctive characteristic of the mental illness and should be

considered a warning sign that the individual is not rational and

may in fact be DUMB.

DUMB disorder may be concomitant but should not be confused

with Signs of Thoroughly Umistakable Physician Intelligence

Deficiency or " S.T.U.P.I.D. " since a STUPID physician is

uniformly incompetent while a DUMB doctor is only mentally

paralyzed into " psychologizing " by unfamiliar symptoms and


An immediate investigation is warranted to assess the

prevalence of DUMB and STUPID doctors and to determine the

impact that physicians suffering from these mental defects have

on the health care system and their patients.

- " The Devil made me do it " -

may be reposted


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> Epidemic of Mental Illness in Doctors

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



> The emergence of Medically Unexplained Illnesses

> has revealed an epidemic of behavioral problems and

> personality disorders in doctors.




> Patients expressing unfamiliar complaints to their physicians

> often induce the " It's All In Your Head " (AIYH) or the " That's

> Impossible " response in doctors suffering from these behavioral

> problems and personality disorders.


> Physicians who manifest the metaphysical belief system of " If we

> don't know about it, then it doesn't exist " are suffering from a

> mental defect or psychological condition known as " Doctors with

> Unexplained Medical Beliefs " or D.U.M.B.


> DUMB doctors are comprised of two categories that are

> characterized by those who are feigning to be DUMB for

> monetary gain: " Medicalingering " and those who are not in

> possesion of sufficient information to render intelligent

> diagnoses: " Factlessitious Disorder " .


> Physicians who are predisposed to this condition place an

> inordinate emphasis on theories of psychological causality for

> virtually any unfamiliar complaints that are presented to them.

> This somatiform obsession with psychological etiology,

> " Psychosomatization Disorder " or " Psychologizing " is a

> distinctive characteristic of the mental illness and should be

> considered a warning sign that the individual is not rational and

> may in fact be DUMB.


> DUMB disorder may be concomitant but should not be confused

> with Signs of Thoroughly Umistakable Physician Intelligence

> Deficiency or " S.T.U.P.I.D. " since a STUPID physician is

> uniformly incompetent while a DUMB doctor is only mentally

> paralyzed into " psychologizing " by unfamiliar symptoms and

> complaints.


> An immediate investigation is warranted to assess the

> prevalence of DUMB and STUPID doctors and to determine the

> impact that physicians suffering from these mental defects have

> on the health care system and their patients.




> - " The Devil made me do it " -






> may be reposted


> ~~~~~~~~~~

I did laugh but not too hard as I am still sick at the moment. My apartment

which I am

still paying rent on at the moment has made me ill for over a year. They had a


who came and told them to remediate everything and tear out the carpet etc.. or


was not a fit place to live. My landlords want me out as they think I am a

troublemaker. Doctors have written letters to them, but they dont care. It was


message board where I found out things my doctors had missed. I want to thank


of you for your contributions and caring. So many people tried to tell me my

symptoms were related to something else ( stress), even aging! Then they found


type of mold I was exposed to. This is the second time I have been exposed to


in two different apartments due to " slumlording " . That's my fault too I


I am scared I will end up homeless sometimes and wonder how I will find a safe


to live. I survived cancer against the odds- now can I survive toxic mold,

doctors and

a sysem that won't help?

Again, I wish to thank everyone who has not made me feel so alone.


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Thank you, . You are a saint, a scholar and a gentleman.

----- Original Message -----

From: erik_johnson_96140

Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 7:11 PM

Subject: [] Epidemic of Mental Illness in Doctors

Epidemic of Mental Illness in Doctors~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The emergence of Medically Unexplained Illnesseshas revealed an epidemic of behavioral problems andpersonality disorders in doctors.Patients expressing unfamiliar complaints to their physiciansoften induce the "It's All In Your Head" (AIYH) or the "That'sImpossible" response in doctors suffering from these behavioralproblems and personality disorders.Physicians who manifest the metaphysical belief system of "If wedon't know about it, then it doesn't exist" are suffering from amental defect or psychological condition known as "Doctors withUnexplained Medical Beliefs" or D.U.M.B.DUMB doctors are comprised of two categories that arecharacterized by those who are feigning to be DUMB formonetary gain: "Medicalingering" and those who are not inpossesion of sufficient information to render intelligentdiagnoses: "Factlessitious Disorder".Physicians who are predisposed to this condition place aninordinate emphasis on theories of psychological causality forvirtually any unfamiliar complaints that are presented to them.This somatiform obsession with psychological etiology,"Psychosomatization Disorder" or "Psychologizing" is adistinctive characteristic of the mental illness and should beconsidered a warning sign that the individual is not rational andmay in fact be DUMB.DUMB disorder may be concomitant but should not be confusedwith Signs of Thoroughly Umistakable Physician IntelligenceDeficiency or "S.T.U.P.I.D." since a STUPID physician isuniformly incompetent while a DUMB doctor is only mentallyparalyzed into "psychologizing" by unfamiliar symptoms andcomplaints.An immediate investigation is warranted to assess theprevalence of DUMB and STUPID doctors and to determine theimpact that physicians suffering from these mental defects haveon the health care system and their patients.- "The Devil made me do it" -may be reposted~~~~~~~~~~FAIR USE NOTICE:This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

REALLY good one, ! How bout this for an update?

NIH Research of DUMB Doctors May Help to Explain Mental Illness

The NIH is currently conducting clinical trials of doctors who qualify as

DUMB. This study is based on the hypothesis that DUMB doctors are experiencing

an environmental illness caused by inhalation of offgasing from dollar bills.

" The smell of money seems to play a significant part in the doctors becoming

Dumb " said SG Carmona. Dumb Doctors seems to be reaching epidemic

proportions in not only clinical settings throughout the US, but also in

research phd's

in many of our major universities.

" We are currently conducting a dose response study to determine just how

much money is necessary before this illness shows visible manifestations. We

have been able to make some direct correlation's, " Carmona went on to say.

" And we feel this is a real breakthrough in understanding how the cognitive

function of Dumb doctors work when they are exposed to money. These findings

could have broad implications on the scientific and medical communities for

generations to come. "

Scientists and clinicians involved in the study appear excited with the

preliminary results. Causation and dose response are sometimes difficult to


The researchers and subjects involved with the DUMB Doctors feel quite

confident that they will soon be able to establish a uniform scale of how much

money is required for DUMB doctors to respond. This scale can then be applied

and used on DUMB doctors throughout the US.

It should be noted that this NIH research project has been funded by grants

from the Insurance Institute, the National Association of Builders and the

Congressional Science Committee.

Epidemic of Mental Illness in Doctors


The emergence of Medically Unexplained Illnesses

has revealed an epidemic of behavioral problems and

personality disorders in doctors.

Patients expressing unfamiliar complaints to their physicians

often induce the " It's All In Your Head " (AIYH) or the " That's

Impossible " response in doctors suffering from these behavioral

problems and personality disorders.

Physicians who manifest the metaphysical belief system of " If we

don't know about it, then it doesn't exist " are suffering from a

mental defect or psychological condition known as " Doctors with

Unexplained Medical Beliefs " or D.U.M.B.

DUMB doctors are comprised of two categories that are

characterized by those who are feigning to be DUMB for

monetary gain: " Medicalingering " and those who are not in

possession of sufficient information to render intelligent

diagnoses: " Factlessitious Disorder " .

Physicians who are predisposed to this condition place an

inordinate emphasis on theories of psychological causality for

virtually any unfamiliar complaints that are presented to them.

This somatiform obsession with psychological etiology,

" Psychosomatization Disorder " or " Psychologizing " is a

distinctive characteristic of the mental illness and should be

considered a warning sign that the individual is not rational and

may in fact be DUMB.

DUMB disorder may be concomitant but should not be confused

with Signs of Thoroughly Umistakable Physician Intelligence

Deficiency or " S.T.U.P.I.D. " since a STUPID physician is

uniformly incompetent while a DUMB doctor is only mentally

paralyzed into " psychologizing " by unfamiliar symptoms and


An immediate investigation is warranted to ascertain the

prevalence of DUMB and STUPID doctors and assess the

impact that physicians suffering from these mental defects and

behavioral disorders have on the health care system and patients.


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Guest guest

ROFL Pat... wish I could print out things, would send

this to mine also. All of us should send a copy of

this to Drs. I have intimidated many a Dr. when they

have made a remark A.I.Y.H. He will probably

prescribe prozac, zoloft, lithium, and who knows what

else! Great post . :-)


-- Patilla DaHun <glypella@...> wrote:

> I'm sending this to my doctor. Do you think he'll

> try to poison me?


> Barth



> www.presenting.net/sbs/sbssurvey.html


> ---


> e> Epidemic of Mental Illness in Doctors

> e> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



> e> The emergence of Medically Unexplained Illnesses

> e> has revealed an epidemic of behavioral problems

> and

> e> personality disorders in doctors.




> e> Patients expressing unfamiliar complaints to

> their physicians

> e> often induce the " It's All In Your Head " (AIYH)

> or the " That's

> e> Impossible " response in doctors suffering from

> these behavioral

> e> problems and personality disorders.


> e> Physicians who manifest the metaphysical belief

> system of " If we

> e> don't know about it, then it doesn't exist " are

> suffering from a

> e> mental defect or psychological condition known as

> " Doctors with

> e> Unexplained Medical Beliefs " or D.U.M.B.


> e> DUMB doctors are comprised of two categories that

> are

> e> characterized by those who are feigning to be

> DUMB for

> e> monetary gain: " Medicalingering " and those who

> are not in

> e> possession of sufficient information to render

> intelligent

> e> diagnoses: " Factlessitious Disorder " .


> e> Physicians who are predisposed to this condition

> place an

> e> inordinate emphasis on theories of psychological

> causality for

> e> virtually any unfamiliar complaints that are

> presented to them.

> e> This somatiform obsession with psychological

> etiology,

> e> " Psychosomatization Disorder " or " Psychologizing "

> is a

> e> distinctive characteristic of the mental illness

> and should be

> e> considered a warning sign that the individual is

> not rational and

> e> may in fact be DUMB.


> e> DUMB disorder may be concomitant but should not

> be confused

> e> with Signs of Thoroughly Umistakable Physician

> Intelligence

> e> Deficiency or " S.T.U.P.I.D. " since a STUPID

> physician is

> e> uniformly incompetent while a DUMB doctor is only

> mentally

> e> paralyzed into " psychologizing " by unfamiliar

> symptoms and

> e> complaints.


> e> An immediate investigation is warranted to

> ascertain the

> e> prevalence of DUMB and STUPID doctors and assess

> the

> e> impact that physicians suffering from these

> mental defects and

> e> behavioral disorders have on the health care

> system and patients.




> e> -






> e> may be reposted


> e> ~~~~~~~~~~












> e>

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Guest guest


Very very funny.

When I saw the headline I thought it was true. It is so

believable. I thought it was arrogance but that doesn't account for

all problems which clearly include incompetence. I really don't

think doctors are brighter than average people. I think they just

had the time or money to get through 6 years of school. I also

don't think academic really measure intelligence. I think it just

measure someone's memory. If you remember what you read or what

professor said, you do well. I know many people who did well in

school, but can't use that knowledge to do anything, who haven't

developed any intellectual curiousity. Anyway, this explains what

arrogance doesn't explain and what I have known all along, many of

them are just aren't that bright.

> Epidemic of Mental Illness in Doctors

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



> The emergence of Medically Unexplained Illnesses

> has revealed an epidemic of behavioral problems and

> personality disorders in doctors.




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--- In , SERENA EDWARDS <pushcrash@y...>


> Of course, as with rocket scientists and lawyers, 50% of physicians

>graduated below the middle of their class...I'm still not sure what

>harder to understand rather than merely memorize; does that mean I

want >the guy at the bottom of the class, or do I want the guy who can

>remember what he was taught, or do I want the guy in the middle who

>tries to understand but has to really work for it?

I'll take the guy who has actually beeen sick with this. Dr. Ritch

Shoemaker has been there, and so has Dr. Joe Klein.

Otherwise, it's just too much of a stretch if you are in the

memorization/regurgitation methodology camp.


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I'm with you on that, ! But in the end, it matters far less to me how

they know than THAT they know what to do.

moldincolo <jonathan1@...> wrote:

I'll take the guy who has actually beeen sick with this. Dr. Ritch

Shoemaker has been there, and so has Dr. Joe Klein.

Otherwise, it's just too much of a stretch if you are in the

memorization/regurgitation methodology camp.






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