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Re: Re: Dr.'s practicing medicine

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Very well put, Bryce. The Americam medical _and_ dental community are causing so many catastrophic health problems and death and yet nobody steps forward to protest the godless carnage and utter rape of the life savings of the elderly and disabled and American public at large. Conventional medical doctors and pharmaceuticals are the leading cause of death by a generous margin. If you were to combine deaths from combat, drunk driving and cigarette smoking in any given decade, the "health care" system in this country has killed easily four times as many people during the same said decade. Want me to predict what comes next? The big pharmaceutical companies are developing drugs to treat (NOT CURE) the upcoming epidemic of toxic mold exposure. THEN, they'll let doctors in on it. Then, watch out! It will be another multibillion dollar fiasco foisted on the victims.....er.....patients. Well, I better get off my soap box before I go off on a tear.


Bryce wrote:

I am astounded by all the "rip-offs" that Doctors get away with!!!

Our automobile gets better treatment!!!

If they do not fix it properly we have recourse to seek action for

results and further repairs.

A Doctor will tell you..."Medicine is an inexact science" No guarantee !!!

i/e Doctors "practice medicine" !

I could never get away with that if I said that to a customer!

We have been suckered into the belief that the AMA and FDA and more are

all truthful and have our best interests at heart. That all went with the first

politician we elected!!!

Doctors are now facing law suits...so they raise the cost of treatment....to pay the


Malpractice ... needs to be defined!!!! Any Doctor who is not offering treatment

had better be clear why!

Personally I would laugh right back at the Doctor in the attached message! I would

say no treatment no pay!!! In all we do we try to provide value for value!!! When the

value of a Doctors "advice or lack of" is worthless....it has no value!!!!

A patients rights should be madatory and adhered to!

My dollar should have the same value as that Doctors dollar!!!! Inflated bills for services

are adding to the costs beyond a reasonable "value".

I would love to see more Doctors realize that they are pricing the patient right out of the

office! The insurance companies are in this "Hate" letter also...!

My spouse was refused coverage after we moved and had to change carriers due to lack

of local coverage. Not even the high priced ones would issue coverage!!

All because she was truthful and said she was using an inhalor.

PYA is what most of these Doctors and insurance co's do!!!

Well they are in for a big surprise from us.....because we cannot pay them !!!

We went in good faith to find adaquate treatment and received no positive assistance.

The ER room was fast to give shots....quick to run expensive tests and even quicker to

create $3500 for 6 hours of no treatment!!! (Patient heal thyself!!!).

Asthma/allergy specialists are not any better....they don't get deep enough to know the real

allergic reactions. But the bill is high because they are "specialists"....HA!

Guess we have one recourse.....seek help from each other and natural solutions!!!!

But we can also get a strong organization to back us!!!

Maybe the American Legion or VFW or if we twist a few arms the AARP. :-)

We do need to get justice and proper treatment and "respect"!!!

Oh I did not forget...the drug mfg's also are guilty!!!! Not just of price gorgeing..but of

untruthful statements and claims and lack of concern of humans who use the products

expecting a healthy healing. And instead find they have endangered their life or actually died

from reactions. My feeling is that they need to be held responsible for any addition treatment

they cause. Again they are responsible for all of the Doctor RX that result from prescribing

these medications according to the info they provide. The risks are not satisfactory for many

drugs.....and the reactions from blended medications are untested!!!!!!

I had to react to this ...Bryce

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Good Morning Betsy and everyone!

Given the number of people who are ill with the multitude of CFS/MCS and

related allergic

asthma(s) and more we never hear of.....what is to prevent us from

creating a strong stand

of fighting back ? I know we are all broke and broken so we approach from

a weak situation.

But we do have ways to fight back....i/e demand proper treatment or no

pay for lack of

We are supporting an industry that does not provide what it professes to

do. We are given

RX that are tested under controlled circumstances...not in the real use

it is RX for.

We are expected to pay for research while that same drug Mfgr sell its

products to other

countries at a big discount!!!! Then our own government says " No " we

cannot buy it from

Canada or Mexico etc. Are we such whimps that we cannot find justice ?

Why do we need

to see elaborate TV ads for drugs that are RX ? " Ask your Doctor to give

you.............. "

That amounts to the drug company saying to you that you need a rubber

stamp from a Dr.!

To get relief from their drug......which is over rated or ineffective and

expensive!!! If not

dangerous to your health to boot!!!!

Are you a veteran ? Call the VA to see if they have your RX on their

list.....its an eye opener!!!

Our Lord Jesus did not use medicines..his touch, mud, water, spit....and

no bill for his care!

He " cured " and did not " treat " ..


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