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Re: Mold remediation question

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Yes, it is possible and recommended that chemicals not be used during

remediation process. The EPA suggests that the moldy material be

removed and can be washed with a mild detergent solution.

Oxine is a product manufactored by Bio-Cide International in Norman,

OK. Oxine is registered to be used in Ductwork and is NOT registered

to be used on non-porous materials like wood and drywall. The active

ingredient is Chorine Dioxide.

If the consultant is recommending using it, inform him of your

chemical sensitivity and the recommended uses for Oxine. For more

information on the product, you can call Trudy Spradlin or Jim Ringo

at Bio-Cide International at: 1-800-323-1398 or you can go to their

website at www.bio-cide.com

Hope this information helps!


--- In , " shainaraisa " <shanaraisa@a...>


> In remediation of mold, is it possible to do so without the use of

> chemical sanitizers or antimicrobials??? I have been told yes and


> have been told no. As I am VERY chemically sensitive, I prefer to


> have these products used, as I have been informed by a very

> knowledgeable source that by doing so, I run the risk that I will

> never be able to be in my home again. So, is it possible to

> remediate simply by removing moldy materials, and then washing off

> the mold off any hard wood with a nontoxic substance? Is it


> to remediate without fogging the space with chemicals?? And if


> what can anyone tell me about Oxine AD?? PLEASE

> HELP!...Jeri

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I would say that in the case of most mold, yes...you could use vinegar

and water or perhaps other mild methods of cleaning after removing the

badly affected parts. In the case of stachybotrys, I don't believe

that anything but removal and then incineration above 500 degrees will

kill the mold spores. What we need to find out is whether or not there

is another mold that will kill stachy with its mycotoxins.

I would never use any bleach or chorine dioxide substance because the

by-product of them is dioxin and, supposedly, mold can thrive on the

dioxin residue.


s> In remediation of mold, is it possible to do so without the use of

s> chemical sanitizers or antimicrobials???  I have been told yes and I

s> have been told no. As I am VERY chemically sensitive, I prefer to not

s> have these products used, as I have been informed by a very

s> knowledgeable source that by doing so, I run the risk that I will

s> never be able to be in my home again.  So, is it possible to

s> remediate simply by removing moldy materials, and then washing off

s> the mold off any hard wood with a nontoxic substance?  Is it possible

s> to remediate without fogging the space with chemicals??  And if not,

s> what can anyone tell me about Oxine AD?? PLEASE

s> HELP!...Jeri

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This machine will kill ALL mold. if you in Los Angeles area, I will prove it to you.

You know when you turn on your air in your car and you smell that mold? It will eliminate it

in 1 hour. It eliminated even my brothers WARTS!!!


----- Original Message -----

From: Patilla DaHun


Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 3:47 PM

Subject: Re: [] Mold remediation question

Jeri,I would say that in the case of most mold, yes...you could use vinegarand water or perhaps other mild methods of cleaning after removing thebadly affected parts. In the case of stachybotrys, I don't believethat anything but removal and then incineration above 500 degrees willkill the mold spores. What we need to find out is whether or not thereis another mold that will kill stachy with its mycotoxins.I would never use any bleach or chorine dioxide substance because theby-product of them is dioxin and, supposedly, mold can thrive on thedioxin residue.Pats> In remediation of mold, is it possible to do so without the use of s> chemical sanitizers or antimicrobials??? I have been told yes and I s> have been told no. As I am VERY chemically sensitive, I prefer to not s> have these products used, as I have been informed by a very s> knowledgeable source that by doing so, I run the risk that I will s> never be able to be in my home again. So, is it possible to s> remediate simply by removing moldy materials, and then washing off s> the mold off any hard wood with a nontoxic substance? Is it possible s> to remediate without fogging the space with chemicals?? And if not, s> what can anyone tell me about Oxine AD?? PLEASE s> HELP!...JeriFAIR USE NOTICE:This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

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Remediation without chemicals may not be adequate, depending on just what

is being remediated. Whatever is done, the most important step is to

eliminate the cause of the original mold problem- too much moisture.

Oxine is a dilute solution of chlorine dioxide gas dissolved in water. It

is usually used in a steamer, and as another writer mentioned, is

recommended for duct disinfection. As a gas, it can potentially penetrate

into places not reachable by hand cleaning alone. Afterward, it slowly

dissipates and/or decomposes. It has an odor similar to chlorine bleach, and

is even more irritating. Exposure must be limited, particularly for someone

whose lungs are already compromised. However, after sufficient ventilation,

oxine should leave no permanent residue, odor, or irritation potential.

Some rumors have circulated that oxine makes dioxin. This is highly

unlikely, because the concentration is far too low when in contact with

whatever it is reacting with. Dioxin has been linked far more with

manufacture of certain herbicides, such as the 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T used in

Weed-B-Gone and Agent Orange, and in antibacterials such as hexachlorophene.

It can be a by-product of incineration of chlorinated plastics, such as PVC,

a major reason most cities have abandoned incineration in favor of land

fills. It is also a by-product formed in the chlorine bleaching of paper.

This bleaching process is now done with sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide

to almost totally eliminate dioxin production.

Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2004 12:32:09 -0000

From: " shainaraisa " <shanaraisa@...>

Subject: Mold remediation question

In remediation of mold, is it possible to do so without the use of

chemical sanitizers or antimicrobials??? I have been told yes and I

have been told no. As I am VERY chemically sensitive, I prefer to not

have these products used, as I have been informed by a very

knowledgeable source that by doing so, I run the risk that I will

never be able to be in my home again. So, is it possible to

remediate simply by removing moldy materials, and then washing off

the mold off any hard wood with a nontoxic substance? Is it possible

to remediate without fogging the space with chemicals?? And if not,

what can anyone tell me about Oxine AD?? PLEASE



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