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Fw: [SPCAPV] Daily Mail-Is This Proof of a Link Between MMR Jabs and Autism?

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[sPCAPV] Daily Mail-Is This Proof of a Link Between MMR Jabs and



>Daily Mail

> England

> Monday, September 11, 2000

> by Wilkes (page 21)

> Professor Claims Controversial Vaccine Can Trigger Brain Disorder in

> Children

> Is This Proof of a Link Between MMR Jabs and Autism?


> The first scientific evidence that the MMR vaccine may cause autism has

> been established, a leading U.S. researcher claims.

> Professor Vijendra Singh has carried out laboratory tests which, he

> says, prove that the measles, mumps, and rubella jab can damage protein

> in the brain and trigger autism.

> His findings have been welcomed in the UK by campaigners fighting for

> Government-funded research into the causal link between the MMR jab and

> autism.

> The latest claims come two years after Professor Singh suggested that

> exposure to measles could trigger a response in some children which

> interfered with the development of the myelin sheath surrounding the

> nerves in the brain.

> If the myelin does not develop properly, nerve fibres fail to function

> correctly-something which could explain brain abnormalities associated

> with autism.

> At the weekend, he told the International Public Conference on

> vaccination, in Virginia, that he had proof the MMR vaccine could

> trigger an auto-immune reaction in some children.

> This, in turn, could cause antibodies in the blood to attack the brain.

> He argues that autism is caused by auto-immunity tp part of the

>brain-an abnormal reaction in which the immune system becomes primed to

>react against body organs.

> Professor Singh, from Utah State University, told the conference: " This

> study provides the first ever laboratory-based evidence for a causal

> relationship between MMR and autism.

> 'As I made scientific presentation of my initial findings, a

> vaccine-autism connection became even more apparent.

> 'The rapidly-accumulating evidence strongly implicates auto-immunity in

> autism which, in many cases, may result from a vaccine injury.'

> He analysed blood samples from 140 children, 80 of whom suffered from

> autism, and found antibodies associated with the MMR vaccine in 53 per

> cent of the autistic children.

> These antibodies were not found in the blood of any of the control

> group.

> About 2,000 families in Britain have taken legal action claiming their

> children have been damaged by the MMR jab. Many believe it has

>triggered autism.

> However, the Department of Health last night said that Prof. Singh's

> research would not alter the policy on MMR.

> A spokesman insisted that parents had nothing to fear from giving their

> babies the MMR jab. 'We have looked at the professor's claims, and we

>do not find them convincing,' she added.

> 'Other independent studies have shown there is no connection between

>the vaccine and autism. Our advice to parents is still for their

>children to have the triple vaccine.'

> Scares about its side effects have dented confidence in the MMR jab.

> On Friday, health chiefs warned a measles epidemic in children was

> inevitable if the trend away from vaccination continued.





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