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Re: LKS-a note so common seizure activity in autism

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i'm missing some kind of point here.

thats all very basic seizure related information ,

that anyone who has a seizure disorder, and their

families, most likely already know. if they dont,

about two minutes reading will update them pretty


with regard to " do not settle for partial

improvement..etc etc " , sometimes thats all youre going

to get, no matter what you do. people dont know enough

about the brain to have anything even close to 100%

control over disorders with it.

and what did i miss regarding autism?

--- Jim Blanco <kblanco@...> wrote:

> Things you should be told about seizures

> 1. Can become progressively worse, half of 50

> million people are not

> controlled and another third are impaired by drug

> side effects

> 2. Toxic effects of anti-seizure medications have

> serious implicatiions in

> regard to learning and behavior

> 3. Seizures that being in infancy are more likely to

> become uncontrollable

> 4. Abnormal seizures and activity can damage the

> brain

> 5. Almost 50% of children with infantile spasams

> become autistic and one

> third of all autistics develop epilepsy by

> adolescence. Physicians think

> the occurense is probably more frequent but

> undetected in autism

> 6. Seizure activity can spread and encompass other

> brain areas

> 7.Anticonvulsants/steroids/drugs/vitamins may not be

> able to control

> epilepsy. They however can have partial affect or a

> temporary effect. They

> may control the physical seizures while not

> affecting the underlying

> seizures/abnormal activity in the brain

> 8. Abnormal activity especially in children can

> cause abnormal growths and

> connections to form in the brain

> 9.Seizure activity can change cell chemistry and

> metabolism in the brain and

> all over the body.

> 10. Seizures may leave consciousness in tact, even

> a trained neurologist

> may not be able to see visually seizures. These

> only can be found on sleep

> deprived eeg's using Elavil and Amitriptyline or

> PETT and SPECT scans.

> 11.Cells around a seizure focus may become excited

> and actually teach the

> other cells surrounding it to spread activity

> (kindling). This is why with

> each seizure it becomes more likely that the next

> one will appear shortly

> within a closer interval of time

> 12. Some epileptics have seizures during sleep or

> when overtired or drowsy.

> 13. Not all eeg operators are board certified EEG

> specialists and would not

> recognize the LKS pattern as being significant

> unless it showed a constant

> pattern or seizure. (LANDAUE KLEFFNER)

> 14. No one should dismiss the idea of surgery

> becuase of age or the length

> of time the disorder has been established or becuase

> you have been told that

> the seizure is generalized in both hemispheres

> without first having a PETT

> or SPECT scan, computerized EEG with extended video

> taping, a Methahexitol

> suppression test and a Amytal test and possibly

> implantation of subdural

> electrodes if the situation warrants the use.

> 15. For seizures you should always initially see a

> neurologist, for poorly

> controlled seizures (more than 3 a year) you should

> see a neurologist that

> specializes in epilepsy preferably at an Epilepsy

> Center

> 16. if there is a change in seizure frequency, type,

> aura or if your child

> begins to exhibit behavior, eating or sleeping

> changes a re-evaluation is

> indicated. It should be more than a visual checkup,

> it should include

> drawing blood to check drug amounts and a repeat EEG

> 17. If 6 months after the initial treatment all

> seizures and all abnormal

> activity is not controlled then a re-evaluation at

> an epilepsy center is

> imperative. The same applies to controlled seizures

> with uncomfortable side

> effects. Do not wait months between drug trials,

> blood dras for drug levels

> and repeat EEG's without significant improvement.

> Do not settle for partial

> or temporary improvements.

> 18. Acquired childhood epileptic aphasia or AEA or

> Landau-Kleffner syndrome

> and variants require a more aggressive treatment

> plant than ordinary

> epilepsy

> 19. Although many LKS children out grow the disorder

> in their midteens,

> realize that brain damage may make it impossible for

> that child to speak or

> learn or behave normally. More importantly, years

> have been wasted out of

> the child's life socially and acedemically so that

> the child is usually

> unequipped to live a normal life.


> GREAT...........

> Things we aren't told when our children are autistic

> and not speaking and

> have some kind of seizure activity at night.....



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This was in relation to a condition called LKS, common in autistic children,

frankly, I feel it is caused by their vaccines containing thimersol, a

mercury preservative, which locks up the damage for years or forever for

that matter. We are considering personally (becuase I have two with autism

and one with a siezure disorder) doing chelating therapy to claw out the

heavy metals from his brain.


Re: [ ] LKS-a note so common seizure activity in autism

>i'm missing some kind of point here.

>thats all very basic seizure related information ,

>that anyone who has a seizure disorder, and their

>families, most likely already know. if they dont,

>about two minutes reading will update them pretty



>with regard to " do not settle for partial

>improvement..etc etc " , sometimes thats all youre going

>to get, no matter what you do. people dont know enough

>about the brain to have anything even close to 100%

>control over disorders with it.


>and what did i miss regarding autism?

>--- Jim Blanco <kblanco@...> wrote:

>> Things you should be told about seizures

>> 1. Can become progressively worse, half of 50

>> million people are not

>> controlled and another third are impaired by drug

>> side effects

>> 2. Toxic effects of anti-seizure medications have

>> serious implicatiions in

>> regard to learning and behavior

>> 3. Seizures that being in infancy are more likely to

>> become uncontrollable

>> 4. Abnormal seizures and activity can damage the

>> brain

>> 5. Almost 50% of children with infantile spasams

>> become autistic and one

>> third of all autistics develop epilepsy by

>> adolescence. Physicians think

>> the occurense is probably more frequent but

>> undetected in autism

>> 6. Seizure activity can spread and encompass other

>> brain areas

>> 7.Anticonvulsants/steroids/drugs/vitamins may not be

>> able to control

>> epilepsy. They however can have partial affect or a

>> temporary effect. They

>> may control the physical seizures while not

>> affecting the underlying

>> seizures/abnormal activity in the brain

>> 8. Abnormal activity especially in children can

>> cause abnormal growths and

>> connections to form in the brain

>> 9.Seizure activity can change cell chemistry and

>> metabolism in the brain and

>> all over the body.

>> 10. Seizures may leave consciousness in tact, even

>> a trained neurologist

>> may not be able to see visually seizures. These

>> only can be found on sleep

>> deprived eeg's using Elavil and Amitriptyline or

>> PETT and SPECT scans.

>> 11.Cells around a seizure focus may become excited

>> and actually teach the

>> other cells surrounding it to spread activity

>> (kindling). This is why with

>> each seizure it becomes more likely that the next

>> one will appear shortly

>> within a closer interval of time

>> 12. Some epileptics have seizures during sleep or

>> when overtired or drowsy.

>> 13. Not all eeg operators are board certified EEG

>> specialists and would not

>> recognize the LKS pattern as being significant

>> unless it showed a constant

>> pattern or seizure. (LANDAUE KLEFFNER)

>> 14. No one should dismiss the idea of surgery

>> becuase of age or the length

>> of time the disorder has been established or becuase

>> you have been told that

>> the seizure is generalized in both hemispheres

>> without first having a PETT

>> or SPECT scan, computerized EEG with extended video

>> taping, a Methahexitol

>> suppression test and a Amytal test and possibly

>> implantation of subdural

>> electrodes if the situation warrants the use.

>> 15. For seizures you should always initially see a

>> neurologist, for poorly

>> controlled seizures (more than 3 a year) you should

>> see a neurologist that

>> specializes in epilepsy preferably at an Epilepsy

>> Center

>> 16. if there is a change in seizure frequency, type,

>> aura or if your child

>> begins to exhibit behavior, eating or sleeping

>> changes a re-evaluation is

>> indicated. It should be more than a visual checkup,

>> it should include

>> drawing blood to check drug amounts and a repeat EEG

>> 17. If 6 months after the initial treatment all

>> seizures and all abnormal

>> activity is not controlled then a re-evaluation at

>> an epilepsy center is

>> imperative. The same applies to controlled seizures

>> with uncomfortable side

>> effects. Do not wait months between drug trials,

>> blood dras for drug levels

>> and repeat EEG's without significant improvement.

>> Do not settle for partial

>> or temporary improvements.

>> 18. Acquired childhood epileptic aphasia or AEA or

>> Landau-Kleffner syndrome

>> and variants require a more aggressive treatment

>> plant than ordinary

>> epilepsy

>> 19. Although many LKS children out grow the disorder

>> in their midteens,

>> realize that brain damage may make it impossible for

>> that child to speak or

>> learn or behave normally. More importantly, years

>> have been wasted out of

>> the child's life socially and acedemically so that

>> the child is usually

>> unequipped to live a normal life.


>> GREAT...........

>> Things we aren't told when our children are autistic

>> and not speaking and

>> have some kind of seizure activity at night.....



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>> 26_45002140 " ><IMG

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>> id=45002326_45002140 " ><IMG


>SRC= " http://supersig.com/images/sigmaker/button_getyours.gif "

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