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Re: Fw: [cures for cancer] Update on Scrapie here in Vermont/New York

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Here is a new source of cancers too, read on and weep....

In addition, according to a report by the Medical Advisory Committee of the

Immune Deficiency Foundation published in 1992 (made possible by a grant

from the American Red Cross) " most immune deficiencies cannot be diagnosed

until a child is one year old. " And one of the most important

contraindications for childhood vaccines (a reason not to be vaccinated as

stated by the vaccine manufactures) is to not administer a vaccine to " a

child with impaired immune response. " Wait a second here. We have a

contradiction. By the time a child is one year old they have already

received a number of vaccines. Yet, we are told by the vaccine

manufacturers, that we should not vaccinate an immune deficient child. But

diagnosing an immune deficient child cannot be done until the child is one

year old. I don’t know if this is circular logic, a paradox, or a

" Catch-22. " What is clear is that it is irresponsible and a potentially

dangerous practice.

How often are children immune deficient? According to the Immune Deficiency


" The primary immonodeficiency diseases were originally thought to be quite

rare. In fact, however, some of the primary immunodeficiency diseases are

relatively common… because there are so many primary immunodeficiency

diseases when taken together as a group of disorders, they become a

significant health problem, occurring with a frequency comparable to

leukemia and lymphoma in children and four times as frequently as cystic

fibrosis. "

The Clinical Presentation of the Primary ImmunodeficiencyDiseases, A Primer

for Physicians, Produced by the Medical Advisory Committee of the Immune

Deficiency Foundation, Towson, land, 1992.

So what’s the answer to this " paradox " ? The answer is that every vaccination

is a game of roulette with your child’s life.

Scientists are learning that DNA is not a blueprint that is " carved in

stone " and locked away and untouchable. It turns out that DNA can be cut,

torn and spliced and pieces can be inserted, deleted, truncated, fused,

mutated and amplified. What kind of organism can change our DNA? Viruses. It

turns out that viruses and viral sequences (pieces of DNA from a virus) can

actually be inserted into our cells and into our own DNA. Researchers like

M.D., Ph.D. of the Center for Complex Infectious Diseases in

Rosemead, California, and Urnovitz Ph.D. of the Chronic Illness

Research Foundation in Berkeley, California are discovering that viruses

especially viruses in various combinations can invade our cells, change our

DNA and even hide from our immune system. Some of these changes include

turning on oncogenes (growth genes that can cause cancer). Remember that all

vaccines contain millions of viruses from the bacterium or virus itself, the

tissue it was grown in, or contaminants. These viruses may exchange

sequences, pick-up animal DNA or combine in other unknown ways. Once in the

body the range of damage they may reap is only now being recognized.

I am not suggesting that vaccination always leads to cancer. What I am

suggesting is that in the same way vaccination can lead to encephalitis

(damage of brain tissue) it can also, in some cases, lead to cancer. Why

does one child become autistic from the vaccine and another gets Crohn’s

disease? Why does one child get Guillian-Barre Syndrome from a vaccination

and another die of SIDS? Why does one child get reoccurring seizures and the

other cancer? How many other viruses is that child carrying? What other

latent or hidden infections do they have? How strong is their immune system?

How many vaccines can an infant handle before some invisible threshold has

been crossed and the body becomes sick? got 16 vaccinations from

the age of 2 months to 17 months old. My grandparents got one childhood

vaccine and they are both alive today. My parents, both born in 1937, got a

total of two vaccines up to 17 months old. According to my vaccination

booklet (my parents kept wonderful records) I was vaccinated only seven

times before I reached 17 months. In fact, my first vaccine came at the age

of 5 months, not two months like .

Every new childhood vaccine that is introduced means more profits for the

drug companies so there is a tremendous incentive to keep adding more and

more. got vaccinated against chicken-pox, a " disease " that kept

our generation at home from school for one week. Do we really need a vaccine

against chicken-pox? The drug companies will answer " yes. "

So I will ask the question again - How many vaccines can an infant handle

before some invisible threshold has been crossed and the body becomes sick?

This is not an easy question to answer but it should be asked! Sadly for all

the children who are about to be maimed and killed by the vaccines they will

soon receive, the answer to this question is only being pursued by a handful

of independent scientists (researchers who are not being financed by the

drug companies or the government). These scientists operate outside medical

orthodoxy on " shoe-string " budgets. Mainstream science, the " science " of the

drug companies and the government is not interested in the truth. They have

no interest in knowing the real answer. Why ask a question when the answer

can only hurt you?

Dr. B. Urnovitz possesses a degree in Microbiology and Immunology and

is the Scientific Director of the Chronic Illness Research Foundation. He

testified to the following in front of the Committee on Government Reform

and Oversight.

1. The human body retains a genetic memory of the foreign substances to

which it has been exposed, including viral and bacterial vaccines;

2. Each individual responds to foreign substances differently, based on his

or her own unique genetic background;

3. There appears to be a limit on how much foreign material to which the

human body can be exposed before some level of genetic damage occurs and a

chronic disease initiates.

Each generation gets more vaccinations. Each generation has more immune

related diseases. Where are all the new " auto-immune " diseases coming from?

(Such as Crohn’s disease, Guillian-Barre syndrome, asthma,

encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, chronic

neuropathy, stiff-man syndrome, retinopathy, primary biliary sclerosis,

pernicious anemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

etc.) And regardless of the self-serving pronouncements by the American

Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, cancer rates continue to


By giving each generation more and more vaccinations are we not creating

populations of genetically damaged mutants?

There are a lot of unknowns in respect to childhood vaccination. But as

parents, nobody ever waved them in front of us. Nobody ever said that there’

s over 50 years of evidence that vaccines can cause brain damage. Nobody

ever said that we don’t know if vaccines cause cancer because we never

tested it. Nobody told us that if was immune deficient he shouldn’

t get the vaccines. Nobody ever told us that ’s symptoms (before he

was diagnosed with cancer) of vomiting, " spasms " and eczema were signs that

this child could not endure the vaccinations. Nobody ever told us that

monkey viruses that have been found in vaccines are known to cause brain


What would happen if parents were provided with full disclosure or " informed

consent " as is legally required with any medical procedure? Some parents

might say " no thanks " to the vaccines. But then this could take a bite from

the billions of dollars earned by the vaccine manufacturers.

Between the greed of the drug companies and the impotence of our government,

parents and children have been forced into making a dangerous trade.

Assuming for a moment that vaccines actually work (after careful research we

believe they do not work but that would take another letter), assuming they

do, we have traded mumps for autism, polio for SIDS and whooping cough for

cancer. We are not suggesting that there exists a one to one relationship,

but we are suggesting that our government has traded one group of diseases

(relatively benign childhood diseases) for another group of diseases

(complex, permanent, disabling and deadly). That trade continues to be made

without our permission and without good science. For example, for years,

pediatricians and pediatric neurologists were finding that the pertussis

vaccine can cause neurological side effects - some temporary, others

permanent. However as late as the 1980’s some physicians were fighting fifty

years of clinical observations. They claimed that there was no link between

the pertussis vaccine and permanent and disabling brain damage. As it turns

out these doctors were employees of the drug companies that manufactured the


According to the book A Shot in the Dark: Why the P in DPT vaccination may

be hazardous to your childs health, by H.L. Coulter and B.L. Fisher, one of

these doctors, D. Cherry received money (nearly a half a million

dollars) from Lederle. Lederle manufactures vaccines including various

brands of DTP, Hib, influenza, and poliovirus. It also manufacturers

chemotherapy, and countless other drugs. Lederle is a division of American

Cyanamid the manufacturer of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and all the

other " wonderful chemicals " poisoning the earth, our food, water and air,

the animals, the plants and our bodies.

Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in March

1990, Cherry stated that it was a " myth " that pertussis caused encephalitis.

Such a statement is an insult to 50 years of dead or disabled children and

50 years of grieving parents. But if you investigate who Cherry is, his

position makes sense. He is a recipient of funds from one of the largest

manufacturer of vaccines. What’s the money for? Is it just a coincidence

that he has also testified in over 125 lawsuits on behalf of vaccine

manufacturers who were being sued by parents of vaccine damaged children.

But here’s the problem - as a doctor he is considered " independent " and

" credible. " His research, analysis and conclusions are considered

" objective. " He is a peer reviewer for JAMA which means that he has

influence as to what gets published and what doesn’t get published - what

gets communicated and what doesn’t get communicated to children’s doctors.

His articles in JAMA and other prominent medical journals are read by

thousands of doctors. When Dr. Cherry says encephalopathy from vaccines is a

" myth " those words are believed. Children are vaccinated. After

received his DTP vaccinations he had convulsions. We called his pediatrician

and the doctor told us that it was nothing to worry about because " sometimes

little children get excited. " The pediatrician didn’t consider

encephalopathy. Our pediatrician was probably aware that there was a

controversy regarding the pertussis vaccine but that no scientific consensus

had been reached. But the controversy is artificial. On one hand there was

50 years of maimed and dead children and pediatricians and pediatric

neurologists who knew encephalopathy when they saw it. On the other hand you

had prominent doctors like Cherry. The two sides seemed to have an equally

objective point of view. Doctors on either side of an important question,

rationally debating a medical issue where lives are at stake. But this

" controversy " is a fiction.

On one hand you have experience, observation and clinical skills. On the

other hand you have a drug company protecting its immense profits. People

like Cherry are not doctors if you define doctors as truly objective and

rational professionals who are seeking truth. People like Cherry are MD’s

for hire. Their positions and arguments are a direct result of who is paying

them. Sadly, there are many many Ph.D’s and MD’s like Cherry. People need to

be paid and some people want to be paid more than others. As mentioned

above, today there are two major employers of science - the drug companies

and the U.S. Government. Since he who pays the piper calls the tune, the

prevalent point of view throughout the medical literature is the position of

the drug companies and the government. In respect to vaccines, where one of

these entities stops and the other starts is hard to discern. The government

mandates the vaccines and corporations like Lederle produces them. Where is

the incentive for either of these two parties to admit that vaccination can

harm? To admit this would subject the government to severe criticism and

cause the drug companies to loose millions of dollars.

Another corruption of the scientific process is that " scientists " like

Cherry can help determine the frequency of adverse events that are reported.

How often does autism, SIDS, encephalitis, permanent neurological damage and

cancer result from vaccination? The vaccine manufacturers through their

pay-rolled scientists decide. Is an infant’s sudden death that takes place

twelve days after vaccination counted as vaccine related or does it have to

take place within seven days or three days or 24 hours? Who chooses the

number? If you scrutinize the data on the frequency of adverse reactions you

will find that the very corporations manufacturing the vaccine financed most

of those studies. In other words, the vaccine makers have chosen the number

for their own ends. They have chosen a number that will ensure that most

vaccine related deaths and injuries will not be counted as such. Your child

died seven days after the vaccinations? Sorry, she had to die within 24

hours for it to be linked to the vaccines. Therefore, cause of death is


The most powerful doctors in America are those affiliated with drug

companies. The influence of the drug companies is so complete and profound

that the agenda of the drug manufacturers has become the agenda of

mainstream medicine and the U.S. government.

Our son, was our life. At two years old was bilingual in

English and French. He was full of joy and laughter. He loved life. He loved

looking at the little ants in the earth. He would say, " Look Daddy they go

vite, vite, vite " (fast, fast, fast). He loved going to the beach, in

particular the tide pools looking for " gaga crabs " and " little tiny

animals. " When I asked my son, " you want to go rollerblading? He

used to give me a big smile and say: " Yeah, rollerblading with Mommy " and

run to the closet to get the rollerblades. We used to go fast on the bike

path along the beach. was in his special purple stroller holding

his apple juice bottle and Mommy would push. But Mommy will never push the

stroller again with her beautiful son who loved life.

I’m only left with his handsome pictures, his special smell in his little

clothes, his bag of special cars, memories of laughter and pain, a little

brown sandwich bag with his curly brown locks, his smiling face on the

videos and his beautiful innocent little voice which always said: " Mommy, I’

m happy, happy, happy. "

used to say: " Mommy, Daddy and , the Team! " Yes, my love

we will always be the team, but a family we are no more.

Yours Sincerely,

Raphaele Moreau-Horwin Horwin

’s Mommy ’s Daddy

MH Biomed@aolcom

Within 15 months my son received 16 vaccinations. But how many viruses? This

was the same time his brain cancer began to grow.

DTP 8/12/96; 10/10/96; 12/14/96; 11/7/97

IPV 8/12/96; 10/10/96

OPV 11/7/97

MMR 7/7/97

HbPV 8/12/96; 10/10/96; 12/14/96; 7/7/97

Tuberculin (Only checking for the antigen) 7/7/97

HEP B 12/14/96; 1/2/97; 3/7/97

VARIVAX (chickenpox) 7/7/97

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Inteventions that work, from the mouth of parents

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