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Fw: Re: Mala - Questons About Seizures

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Dear Mala,

You mentioned that this person had his 1st Seizure at approx. 18 years of age without any known cause. He went to a Neurosurgeon who put him on Medication and now he is 28 years old and the Doctor doesn't appear to show any signs of wanting to find a cure for his Seizures.

Finally, you wanted to know if his Epilepsy could be cured and if he could lead a normal married life.

Mala, I will try my best to answer your questions as best as I can, however please realize that I am not in the Medical Field and anything that I say is strictly my opinion based on my personal experience, people that I have known and those that I have read about.

Well Mala, first let me say that I personally have never known, nor have I ever heard, of a Neurologist or Neurosurgeon curing Epilepsy. I have read of operations where part of the Brain was removed to prevent Seizures, but most generally Neurologist's and Neurosurgeon's prescribe a Maintenance Medication for the control of Seizures.

This is unfortunate because there have been a Flock of People who have found through Exercise, Proper Diet, and Vitamin Supplements, Dr. Hulda , etc, that they were able to become Seizure Free.

I believe one of the Biggest Misconceptions concerning Epilepsy is that, "people with Epilepsy are not normal and that their thinking ain't what it should be." Well there are a lot of folks right here on this list who have/had Seizures and I think that almost everyone is impressed with their opinions and observations. Also, do the people on this list engage in some of the Outlandish behavior that exists on other lists? No. Not at all. Gee maybe they are Superior.

You also wanted to know if your friend could lead a normal married life. I have been married for over 30 years and I am sure that many folks on this list have been married longer.

What you must realize on the OnStart is that Epilepsy [Excluding those caused by injury] is a Symptom of a problem elsewhere in the body. That is what makes it rather difficult to pinpoint. For example 10 people may have Epilepsy and the cause for each one may be different. In order to find the problem you must do a great deal of research on your own. Study, Diet, Nutrition, and buy yourself Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible and become acquainted with the Vitamins that are associated with the Nervous System.

Also go through the Archives on this list and make a note of the things that have worked for other people.

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Things that you might consider:

1. Has his Metabolism become sluggish. Does he need to get on an Exercise Program.

2. Parasites in the Brain (Ascaris)

3. Deficiency in Vitamins

4. Has he developed an Intolerance for Alcohol, Tea, Coffee, Cola's or any beverage that works as a Diuretic. ( These flush the Vitamins that hold the Nervous System together).

5. Has he developed an Intolerance for Sugar or Sweetners.

Click on this Link to get a good foundation on Epilepsy:

Epilepsy - Seizures Homepage: http://curezone.com/diseases/epilepsy/

In closing Mala, I hope that if anyone else on the list has any suggestions that they will send them your way. I hope this helps and I wish you the very best.

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