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Re: Re: Newbie with questions (Ozone)

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First, What is O3, and How Does It Work with Air?

O3 is made several ways. One, when Ultra Violet Rays collide with a contaminant such as carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NO2 and N2O) in the presence of oxygen (O2). Two, {corona} high voltage discharge. Lightning is a perfect example of making an abundance of O3 to purify the earth's surface Nature's way. You have noticed the clean fresh smell after a thunderstorm or dried clothing hung on a clothes line in the hot sun.Cold plasma O3, a no heat process, is an electrical term that produces a refined O3, perhaps to the purity limits to call it medical grade O3.

High voltage {corona}, breaks apart the two atoms of oxygen. Quickly these single atoms hop to other oxygen molecules making three atoms. {O3}. Confused, these atoms do not like this arrangement and want desperately to undo this trio. When this O3 molecule floats around in the environments air, one of the atoms spots a contaminant to attach itself to breaking away from the other two atoms. To it's surprise, the attack on the contaminant created an explosion. Both the contaminant and the single atom are destroyed. This leaves the other two atoms behind. Pure oxygen {O2} without the presence of the contaminant. This explosion changed the contaminant into carbon dioxide and hydrogen which we can breathe. The same explosion happens when UV from the sun collide with a contaminant in ambient air.

Should the O3 molecule not find a contaminant in it's environment, it will attack itself to change it's configuration of O3 back to O2 in 20 to 30 minutes at room temperature.

This tells us FIVE important things about O3:

(1) We have only 20 to 30 minutes to use the O3 molecule for an attack on a contaminant.

(2) It is a suicide molecule. It looks for a contaminant to attack destroying itself...

(3) It has a ONE to ONE kill ratio with the attack.

(4) It is made of oxygen rearranged into concentrated oxygen for a short time.

(5) Refined O3 IS NOT THE OZONE AS YOU KNOW IT, nor is it the ozone that is referred to as being harmful. A recent study paid for by the U. S. EPA has changed the entire concept about ozone being poisonous, dangerous, and harmful to humans. The 1999 U. S. EPA Executive Summary Report refers to it as "atomic oxygen and oxygen radicals created by cold-plasma." The EPA states: "The principal application is hospital ventilation with secondary applications in office buildings, schools, and other facilities." EPA's 1999 Executive Summary Report

What is cold-plasma? The word ozone is portrayed to be poisonous and harmful to your health when in fact it is just the opposite. Other gases are manufactured in the process of making the O3 that are harmful, one being nitric oxide. Cold -plasma technology isolates the O3 molecule from all theses unwanted gases. In fact, there are numerous scientific studies to prove the results of medical use of O3. The cold-plasma technology is a process to produce refined ozone (extraction of O3 only) that may soon be recognized as the medical grade ozone that has been used in other countries for over 150 years.

Authority: Dr. Thorp, Ph. D., M.D. Acting Chairman, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Armour Research foundation, Illinois Institute of Technology. "Pure Ozone is non-toxic even in concentrations as great as 20 to 50 parts per million of air." Hill, a physician specializing in industrial hygiene states, "Pure ozone is not poisonous in any sense of the word as it breaks down in contact with the mucous membrane and only oxygen remains."

What is medical grade ozone? "The politics of AIDS and Ozone" by Levy, MD from "Extraordinary Science", Jul-Sep 1994 "When ozone is formed from ordinary air exposed to electrical discharge or ultraviolet light, other toxic gasses, such as nitrogen oxides, are formed as well. Ozone therapies use ozone generated from pure, medical-grade oxygen. The toxicity question, then, is a potential point of misunderstanding. However, stating ozone has no known medical uses is nothing short of sheer lunacy."

O3 was discovered in the mid 1800's and has been used for hundreds of applications since; Purifying drinking water, fire restoration, fish hatcheries, the tropical fish industry, manufacturing, and air quality, just to name a few. In the past century, Oxygen/Ozone Therapy has been used to treat just about all kinds of illnesses, including some forms of cancer, respiratory problems, gangrene, injuries, and now HIV. There are more than 500 Files on the medical grade O3 subject with constant additions by physicians and scientists from all over the world.

Even though medical-grade O3 is harmless to humans and pets, medical grade O3 is lethal to almost all viruses, bacteria, fungi, and cancer cells. Numerous articles in scientific literature prove this fact. Medical grade O3 also will eliminate Pollens that cause eye, nose, sinus infections and allergies; Carbon Monoxide that causes headache, nausea, shortness of breath and death; Formaldehyde that causes headache, nausea, shortness of breath and asthma; Chemical Gases that causes lung damage, headache, nausea and irritations; Benzene that causes brain damage, headache, nausea, irritations; Dust Mites that cause asthma attacks, allergies, infections, fatigue and depression; Mold & Mildew that causes allergies, fatigue, depression, sinus disorders and death; Cigarette Smoke that produces 4,600 chemical compounds, and much more to list. O3 is 5,000 times more powerful as a germicide than chlorine. When O3 is made by {corona } high voltage discharge and even by the cold-plasma process it produces negative ions as a byproduct. Negative Ions transport the O3 molecule to the air borne contaminant. Purifying on the attack, it also neutralizes the positive charged dust causing it to fall to the floor and be captured in the A/C filter.


Activated oxygen manufactured by cold plasma generator plates is a relatively new technology that uses only the O2 molecule and because of "a no heat process" it does not produce significantly any other off gasses such as nitric oxide or other poisonous gases. It is said that because of cold plasma, man has created the most purest O3 ever made out of ambient air, perhaps pure enough fot medical applications. Simply put, cold plasma breaks the O2 molecule into two single O's without using heat and forces the single O's out through a restricted space encouraging their escape through a crowded magnetic field reforming (bonding) them into O3's for a given time. Once made and thrown out into the environment, a little heat like 90 or so degrees, the (half life) of the O3 is drastically shortened. In the presence of colder air (60 degrees or less,) the half life is prolonged to an hour to an hour and a half. The same as placing any molecules in a refrigerator (below 45 degrees) to decrease its molecular activity, like milk.

The "cold" in cold plasma is meant as low electric current as opposed to "hot" a high electrical current which of course would cause an arcing. Arcing like a welding rod causes heat thus influencing other gasses to occur from ambient air.

A capacitor holds electricity and will severely arc on a discharge. Cold plasma generation works like like a capacitor (electrical holding tank) that has a regulated electrical leak allowing the high voltage to evenly bleed off constantly making very steady refined O3.

American Heritage Dictionary: " plasma; Physics. An electrically neutral, highly ionized gas composed of ions, electrons, and neutral particles. It is a phase of matter distinct from solids, liquids, and normal gases."


I am a user, not a salesman, and I prove to anyone in LA area, that my machine kills mold


----- Original Message -----

From: tigerpaw2c

Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 5:05 PM

Subject: [] Re: Newbie with questions (Ozone)

Dali,Are you a salesperson for Ecoquest? Because this link is basically a sales pitch for them. Alphine, Ecoquest and LivingAir are all the same company. This air purifiers emit ozone and has been proven to cause permanent lung damage and/or respiratory disorders.We have been through this discussion on this about a dozen times. The owner and myself have requested members to cease posting any claims of the "wonders" of ozone generators. If anyone is already dealing with respiratory distress I would not recommend anyone to use any of these machines, until proven otherwise. There is no sense on taking a chance on further damage.KC,Moderatorhttp://www.lungusa.org/pub/cleaners/air_clean_chap4.html"Problems with Ozone Generators Ozone is a potent lung irritant and exposure to elevated levels is a contributor to the exacerbation of lung disease; it is especially dangerous for persons with asthma and other chronic lung diseases, children, and the elderly. Residential indoor ozone is produced directly by ozone generators and indirectly by ion generators and some other electronic air cleaners. There is no difference, despite some manufacturers' claims, between outdoor ozone and ozone produced by these devices. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) took action in 1995 against two manufacturers of ozone generating devices. The FTC charged that they made unsubstantiated claims about the ability of their products to clean air of various indoor air pollutants and to prevent or relieve allergies, asthma and other conditions. Under the FTC's settlement, the manufacturers are prohibited from making marketing claims that ozone is effective in cleaning indoor air, that their products do not create harmful by-products, and that they prevent or provide relief from allergies, asthma, and other specified conditions, unless the claims are supported by reliable and adequate substantiation (FTC, 1995).Consumer Reports (1992), the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (Boeniger, 1995), and the U.S. EPA (1995) concluded that tabletop and room unit ozone generators are not effective in improving indoor air quality. Studies have found that while some indoor air pollutant concentrations decline in the presence of ozone, other pollutants increase. In fact, upon reaction with ozone, some previously undetected, toxic chemicals emerge in indoor air, including formaldehyde and other aldehydes (Boeniger, 1995). There is a lack of evidence in the scientific literature that would support the effectiveness of ozone at low concentrations in removing organic contaminants from indoor air (Boeniger, 1995). A recent study by the U.S. EPA demonstrates that ozone is not effective for killing airborne molds and fungi even at high concentrations (6-9 ppm) (U.S. EPA, 1995). At higher concentrations, especially above 0.08 ppm, ozone is a potent irritant that can bring about diminished lung function, cough, inflammation associated with biochemical changes, and increased responsiveness to allergens. (Horstman, et al., 1990). Current evidence of the health effects of ozone suggests that there is no "safe" threshold concentration for the onset of health responses due to exposure above background ozone concentrations (Burnett, et al., 1994; U.S. EPA CASAC letter, 1995). Also, simultaneous exposure to ozone and other compounds may produce additive or synergistic effects (Last, et al, 1984). In addition, persons with asthma have increased susceptibility to ozone and exposure to low concentrations results in increased symptoms, medications use and hospitalizations. The FDA has set a limit of 0.05 ppm of ozone for medical devices. A small percentage of air cleaners that claim a health benefit are listed by the FDA and these devices conform to FDA regulations. However, ozone generators, negative ion generators, and certain other electronic air cleaners that are not listed by the FDA, or cannot otherwise prove that their ozone emission levels are lower than 0.05 ppm, may produce levels of ozone recognized as unsafe for humans and are not recommended for use in occupied spaces because of the risk of generation of ozone. For similar reasons, the American Lung Association does not suggest the use of these products ". > > Hi There, So glad to find this group!> > > > I have two children aged 8 and 12 who have both attended the same > > school system. The oldest- girl- first attended kindergarten in an > > old, known to have poor air quality school. She developed a tic > with > > vocalizations.> > I am a Special Ed teacher who has suffered permanent damage to lungs > and brain, with hypersensitivities and sinusitus from toxic exposures > in several schools. I recommend homeschooling your children or > changing schools. Your school may have a serious mold or noxious > allergen problem. Yes, there are test kits - the mold-help.org site > will provide lots of info. Know this: many school districts are > completely ignorant of and defensive about the dangers of mold. This > ignorance can harm kids and teachers. You might try the homeschooling > and see if the symptoms decrease. Or observe during the summer. But > chances are there is something bothering them there at school. Could > be the carpeting, the building materials outgassing, the carpet > mastik, etc. You might have them see an allergist, too. You also > might insist on a room change with a doctor note.> > I used to live in the Brunswick area. I am familiar with the fact > that there may not be lots of choices.> > Please read this:> > http://www.mold-help.org/pages/submenus/mold_and_schools/index.htm> > > > > FAIR USE NOTICE:> > This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. > > >

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